The Codex Lacrimae

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The Codex Lacrimae Page 41

by A. J. Carlisle

  Clarinda paused, not knowing what to believe anymore.

  “Grimnir, too?” she asked.

  “No. Besides you, I truly think that Grimnir’s probably the only other ally Santini has.”


  “Ah. For reasons that no one can imagine because of the rules of the game being played. You can try to get the information from Mimir and the Norns, but I don’t think even they realize how outfoxed they are.”

  “Reasons like what?”

  “To repeat, for reasons I can’t tell you.”


  “No, my friend, I literally can’t tell you. I’m bound by ancient covenants where Grimnir’s concerned, and I would disintegrate the moment I started to speak those truths. Truly, Clare, I’d be torn asunder, from fur to skeleton to all the blood flowing in between…,” he paused, and nibbled at his tail. “There, see? Was that a flea or is it starting already? Oh, why do I bother with any of you? Nidhogg’s more fun on a bad day —”

  “I’m not going to kill him, Ratatosk,” Clarinda said positively. “I don’t care what anyone says.”

  “Clarinda! He just slew about two dozen birds without realizing it because he got irritated with you, O Urd-Yet-To-Be!”

  “What did you say?” She spun and looked at him, the agonized accusation of Skuld echoing his words in her memory: O, Sister-To-Be! Hah! Rather, I name you Fool’s Daughter!

  “Come on, Clarinda,” Ratatosk said, his voice initially sarcastic, and then softening as he realized how much pain she was in. “Come on. We’ve known each other long enough for me to be frank with you. Do you really need prophetic powers to see how this is going to end? Not well. What do you think’s going to happen if he learns how to use the Codex Lacrimae and really gets angry at somebody?”

  Clarinda bit her lower lip, unable to answer, but believing that there had to be another way. For all the nightmares that Urd’s visions imparted, there were still the wonderful moments with Aurelius that couldn’t be forgotten.

  There was a friendship beginning between them that had grown through adventures from the forests of Alfheim to Hela’s Citadel and into the wastelands of Niflheim — even when irritated, Aurelius had always made her safety the highest of priorities, and she knew that he felt a genuine relief in sharing these moments with someone from their Italian homelands. Then there were moments when she’d felt the first hints of love — the relief and joy he’d shown when seeing her in Niflheim after the battle, the lingering of his hold when they’d finished their baths in the springs, and the comfort he showed when talking with their friends before falling asleep with her.

  She was falling in love with him, she realized, and that gave her the strength to remain silent in the face of Ratatosk’s doubts. There was enough despair and darkness in the world to fill an ocean, but she’d put her belief in Aurelius — and, just as importantly, the trust she had in herself — against the uncertainties of any approaching tempest.

  “I think I’m falling in…,” she cleared her throat, then said firmly. “I don’t think I can kill him, Ratatosk.”

  Angst-ridden, she gazed at the top of the hill. Was that it? Was that the only choice here — to love him or to kill him?

  She closed her eyes, voicing the rest of her thoughts for Ratatosk: “I just had a vision — a long and brutal dream that seems to follow what you’re saying, what you think I should do. There are so many nightmares and dark times coming if he stays alive, if he fully awakens the Codex. War and death, and Hela’s Wilde Jagd running loose upon Earth. I know the stakes, and the only thing I can tell you is that I’ll do whatever it takes to prevent those thousands from dying.”

  “Even if it means falling in line with Mimir and the Norns to slay Santini?” Ratatosk cocked his head and gave her a curious look. “That is what you were starting to say about ‘falling,’ wasn’t it?”

  “That’s all I can say,” she replied, closing herself off from any more questions. She stared at the powerful guardian of the World Tree. “Is that enough for you, or do we part ways now?”

  “Clare,” Ratatosk said simply, leaping onto her shoulder and curling around her neck, “I’m still here, aren’t I? Follow your Hospitaller, but if things go very wrong, don’t expect me not to tell you I told you so. I can’t protect you against him.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything different, my friend,” she murmured, and turned one last time to look at the waterside by Andvari’s cottage.

  But, even the sound of waves crashing against the jetty offered no solace to the mariner’s daughter’s troubled heart. The birds no longer sang near the subterranean sea.

  Here ends the beginning of The Artifacts of Destiny series, The Codex Lacrimae, Part I, The Mariner’s Daughter and Doomed Knight.

  Part II, The Book of Tears, continues the tale of Clarinda Trevisan and Servius Aurelius Santini, and tells of the youths’ struggles against both an awakening Codex Lacrimae and the allied evils that would make the Dark Book their own.

  Index of Names

  Adelbert Master of the Stores at the Krak des Chevaliers, in charge of provisions & chambers

  Aesir younger group of family of Norse gods; led by Odin, who defeated the Vanir in Elder Days; both families reside in Asgard

  Aimery of Lusignan younger brother of Guy of Lusignan

  Al-Adil (Hamzah al-Adil) younger brother of Saladin; vizier of Egypt for his brother and primary advisor, friend

  Alexander Stratioticus eldest son of the noble Stratioticus family, brother of Genevieve, and expert swordsman whose skills and leadership abilities make him the youngest hoplitarch (military commander) in the history of the Imperial Guard

  Alexios Greek heir to Byzantine throne and childhood friend of Servius Aurelius Santini

  Alfheim Land of the Light Elves

  Andvari dwarf; Arch-Mage of Nidaveller; married to Traeg

  Angelo (Angelo Trevisan) father of Clarinda Trevisan; Venetian sea-merchant with fleet of five ships

  Annen Verden mysterious otherworld whose access was lost when Surtur was exiled and Veröld Martröđ banished by Taliesin the Druid at Battle of the Fields of Burning Night

  Arcadian Castellan (also known as Grand Master or Preceptor) of the Hospitaller Order in command of the Krak des Chevaliers; senior member of the order in this bailiwick of Syria

  Aqib son of the caravan leader (Gannen); among pilgrims seeking shelter at Krak

  Asgard Golden Realm of the Norse gods, a citadel guarded by Heimdall and labyrinthine fjords

  Austri dwarf assistant to the Arch-Mage, Andvari

  Baba Yaga ancient enemy of Skade the Huntress, and one of three leaders of Hela’s Wilde Jagd

  Blod Betaling "blood payment" required for passage into the lands of Hel; collected by Hela’s skeletal servant, Modgud

  Brother Tomas Benedictine monk who trained Servius Aurelius Santini for four months a year at Calabrian monastery in southern Italy

  Damian Hospitaller, third-in-command to the Grand Master, Arcadian, at Krak des Chevaliers

  Delling cook and dwarf assistant to the Arch-Mage, Andvari

  Devrone di Magglia sea-captain & swordmaster on Santini family ships who trained Servius Aurelius Santini for four months a year in Calabrian Mountains of southern Italy

  Dietrich the Mad Arch-Mage of the Elder Days, obsessed with collecting Sampos; defeated and exiled by Taliesin the Codex Wielder at Battle of the Fields of Burning Night

  Død Bueskytteres the "Death Archers" of Hela’s Wilde Jagd

  Døkk River the “Dark River,” central conduit of the Underjordisk Elv in Nidaveller

  Eric troubadour in employ of Evremar of Choques

  Evremar of Choques Templar Grandmaster of Caesarea; arranged deal for delivery of two caskets by Angelo Trevisan (Clarinda’s father)

  Fafnir dragon in Norse mythology, slain by Sigurd with sword of the Volsungs

  Farbauti Huntsman created by Surt, the ruler of the Fire-World of Muspelheim

ima daughter of Ibn Khaldun; wife of Khalil; sister to Thaqib and Marcus

  Fenris son of Loki and the frost-giantess Angrboda; changeling who can turn into a wolf

  Fossegrim water elemental, one of the 27 Nøkken who rule the oceans, lakes, and rivers of the world; commands the strömkarlen and nixies

  Freki grey wolf companion to Grimnir the Wanderer

  Frett musician partner of Eric the Troubadour, in employ of Evremar of Choques

  Gangloti and Ganglot — male and female demon-servants of Hela

  Gȧtefull Runer the Enigmatic Runes that Mimir distributes to those who pay his price; Odin learned them all by being crucified for nine days and losing an eye; rumored that there are more than the 27 that Mimir knows

  Genevieve (Genie) Stratioticus Greek childhood friend of Clarinda Trevisan; younger sister of Alexander Stratioticus

  Geri grey wolf companion to Grimnir the Wanderer

  Ghannen caravan leader of pilgrims and merchants heading to Jerusalem

  Grimnir mysterious wanderer in the Nine Worlds; gift-giver who travels with two grey wolves (Geri and Freki) as companions

  Guy of Lusignan ousted regent of Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem; husband of Sibylla, sister of Baldwin IV, the Leper King

  Hel Norse Underworld ruled by Hela

  Hela daughter of Loki and the frost-giantess Angrboda; upper part of body is a cadaver and lower is a serpent; ruler of the underworlds of Hel and Niflheim; sister of Jormungand and Fenris; commands legions of the dead, orcs, and goblins, as well as the Wilde Jagd

  Hugin one of the two ravens of Odin that sends through Nine Worlds to gather information for the All-Father

  Ibn-Khaldun (Khajen ibn-Khaldun) Islamic ‘alim (religious teacher and scholar), Keeper of the Rolls (master librarian in the scriptorium) of the Krak des Chevaliers, and close friend of his apprentice, Rig; father of Thaqib, Fatima, and Marcus

  Jacob twelve-year-old Jewish boy; son of Rebecca

  Jeremiah elder scholar who runs the scriptorium of Krak des Chevaliers with Ibn-Khaldun’s

  Jormungand son of Loki and frost-giantess Angrboda; also called the Midgard Serpent

  Jotunheim Land of the Frost Giants; filled with mountain ranges that surround Mount Glittertind

  Kenezki a Black Sea pirate based in Constantinople with connections in Constantinople and the Levant (Holy Land)

  Loki the ‘god of fire’ in Norse mythology; known for his practical jokes and tricks on the gods of Asgard, but also useful to them at times; currently bound beneath Mount Glittertind in Norway for his role in slaying Balder, the ‘god of light’; son of frost-giant Laufey, husband to both Angrboda and Sigyn; also known as Lopt, the Mischievous One, the Trickster, the Sly One, Changeling, Dark One, and Son of Jotunheim

  Marcus adopted son of Ibn Khaldun; best friend of Rig at Krak des Chevaliers

  Mercedier brother of Grand Master Arcadian, and second-in-command; friend of Rig at Krak des Chevaliers

  Midgard “Middle World’ of the Nine Worlds where mortals dwell; currently 1185 A.D.

  Mimir a Vanir turned Asgardian who was gifted with the Sight and sent to broker peace between the Aesir and Vanir when they were at war in the First Age; beheaded by the Vanir because of perceived betrayal, Mimir was saved by Odin to become guardian of the Well of Knowledge; resides in the deepest part of Yggdrasil, the cosmic ash-tree that encompasses the Nine Worlds; assisted in his task of guarding the Well by the three Norns

  Modgud skeleton female guardian of Giöll, the crystal bridge that leads to Hel

  Morpeth Huntsman created by Surt, the ruler of the Fire-World of Muspelheim

  Mount Glittertind one of the central weirds ( wyrds ) binding the Nine Worlds together

  Munin one of the two ravens of Odin that sends through Nine Worlds to gather information

  Naglfar the great ship constructed of dead peoples’ fingernails; in dry-dock on the Sea of Niflheim and guarded by armies of the dead, goblins, frost-giants, and orcs

  Nicolo Venetian son of the Doge and childhood friend of Servius Aurelius Santini

  Niđafjöll dwarvish capital of the Kingdom of Nidaveller

  Nidaveller World of the Dwarves; heart of kingdom in Mount Glittertind

  Nidhogg the Dragon serpent who dwells at the base of Yggdrassil, the World Tree, trying to sever roots to begin Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods

  Niflheim the World of Ice that adjoins Hel

  Norđri dwarf assistant to the Arch-Mage, Andvari

  Norns the three goddesses of Destiny : Urd (“Fate”), Verdandi (“Present”), and Skuld (“Future”); believed to control the destinies of all beings in the Nine Worlds; live with Mimir in grottoes beneath Mount Glittertind near the Well of Knowledge

  Old Nick malicious demon who roams the Nine Worlds (see also, Satan)

  Paolo Santini older brother of Servius Aurelius Santini; Sicilian broker whom Clarinda meets in Constantinople in company of Kenezki and Radulf of Thuringia

  Pasquale second-in-command of Trevisan sailing fleet; best friend of Angelo Trevisan and like an uncle to Clarinda

  Pellion castle page and protégé of Ibn-Khaldun; close friend of Aurelius and Marcus

  Perdieu (Brother Bernard Perdieu) Commander of Knights at the Krak, and Burgundian baron who led companions to the Holy Land to join Hospitaller Order because of deeds of Servius Aurelius Santini’s uncle and the Battle of Mecina – took Rig as a page upon arriving at castle, and the youth has earned his way to the status of squire

  Radulf of Thuringia German trader consigned to transport Trevisan goods from Constantinople to North Sea

  Ratatosk the Squirrel lore-wise, magical creature who runs through the Nine Worlds via the branches and Yggdrassil, the cosmic World Tree — daily interactions with the eagle, rooster, and dragon that live in Yggdrassil

  Rebecca mother of Jacob, stricken with severe case of pneumonia

  Runeporten ( Rune-Gates) magical portals between the Nine Worlds, navigable only by those skilled enough to see, create, or direct them

  Rudyick a Dark Elf; son of Volund

  Saladin (Salah al-Din Yusuf) ruler of Egypt and successor of Nur al-Din, the 12 th -century Islamic military leader who began the jihad against the Crusaders in Palestine, the Holy Land, and Syria; Saladin currently attempting to unite all Muslims in region and drive the Crusaders and their principalities into the Mediterranean Sea; brother of Hamzah al-Adil

  Satan the Ancient Enemy, the Great Adversary, Abbadon, Old Nick

  Sibylla ousted regent of Kingdom of Jerusalem; elder sister of Baldwin IV, the Leper King

  Skade Huntress in Norse mythology who skies and wanders through the frozen wastes of Jotunheim, Niflheim, and other icy lands with a reputation for destruction; married to Fenris

  Skuld a Norn; also called Sister of “Future”

  Suđri dwarf assistant to the Arch-Mage, Andvari

  Surt Fire-giant who rules Muspelheim; prophecies foretell that his blazing sword will set the Nine Worlds afire at Ragnarok

  Svartalfheim the Land of the Dark Elves

  Thaqib eldest son of Ibn Khaldun; best friend of Khalil and second-in-command of their bedouin tribe; brother of Fatima and Marcus

  Urd the original Norn, whose subterranean lake beneath Mount Glittertind was the only place powerful enough to contain Mimir; called Sister of “Fate”

  Vanir elder group of family of Norse gods; defeated by Odin and the Aesir (the younger branch of the family) in the First Age; both families reside near Fjords of Asgard

  Veröld Martröđ Nightmare Lord, exiled to Annen Verden at Battle of Fields of Burning Night

  Vestri dwarf assistant to the Arch-Mage, Andvari

  Verdandi a Norn; also called Sister of “Happening” or “Present”

  Verrocchio Trevisan elder brother and business partner of Angelo Trevisan; uncle of Clarinda

  Vinduene Illevarslende the “Windows Portentous” in Hela’s Citadel — the Death Queen’s personal runeporten to all parts of reality, space,
and time

  Vdofnir rooster who lives in branches of Yggdrassil, the World Tree, and spars daily with Ratatosk the Squirrel

  Ville Folk wild people who often join Wilde Jagd when Hela summons them for raids

  Volund a Dark Elf who was part of the group of elves that helped create Codex Lacrimae; supposedly died in Svartalfheim in battle against the dragon Nidhogg; father of Rudyick

  Wilde Jagd the “Wild Hunt,” or vanguard of Hela’s armies; based in Niflheim

  Copyright © 2012 by A. J. Carlisle

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Pinder Lane and Garon-Brooke Associates, Ltd., 159 W. 53rd St., New York, NY 10019

  eISBN 9780786752898


  Front & Back Cover Design

  by Adriana, Sophia, & A. J. Carlisle

  Author Picture:

  Pupil of the Eye Photography

  Illustrations (Front Cover & Spine) :

  with permission & license, Shutterstock LLC

  This book is a work of fiction. All the characters, events, locations, and entities portrayed in this novel are fictional. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.

  Distributed by Argo Navis Author Services




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