Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

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Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) Page 4

by Jo Penn

  “Xavier’s a bit worried about you, so we’re going to take you directly to him, okay? There’s nothing to worry about. You’re completely safe and my brother is very much looking forward to meeting you.”

  “Thanks, that’s very nice of you…Dominic, is it?”

  “Dominic Sanchez, yes.”

  “I’m just wondering about a couple of points, if you don’t mind explaining them?”

  All tension in the tiger shifters seemed to have dropped off. Meanwhile, the wizards had stiffened and Mason winced.


  “Not to worry, honey, I just need to ask a few things first, if it isn’t a bother to Dominic and his shifters?” Keeley asked, his voice soft, eyes dreamy.

  Mason rolled his eyes and waved a hand as if to say “go ahead.” Dominic was now eyeing them a little suspiciously.

  “Ask what you like, Keeley, but we need to go as soon as possible. Your mates are waiting and worried.”

  Keeley gave a soft smile. “Thank you. See, you said ‘mates,’ as in more than one. Yet, I’ve been told that I already have a mate. Though for just a human I may not have yet grasped that concept fully, so I am unsure why you say mates.”

  Laurence, a young wizard, one of the Armstrongs and a cousin or uncle or some relation to Xavier, grimaced and looked at Dominic. “Careful, Dominic, you don’t want to cause a rift before the mateship begins.”

  Keeley shot young Laurie a look, and if he were able, the man would be a pile of ash. Then he smiled at Dominic, who wasn’t smiling. “I see. Let’s get this out in the open, then. You’re mated to Xavier, he claimed you. I see the mating claim marks on your throat, Keeley. That’s one piece of proof to any creature—vampire, human, shifter, any of us. Only a mate can leave a mating claim mark, which is different from just plain bite marks. Two, you smell like Xavier. Three, cat shifters often have more than one mate, as do bears and sometimes birds. You’re Xavier’s mate, and my brother Drake’s. So that law you wanted to know about? Mateships trump it.”

  “I see. And your brother, Drake, he knows I am his mate? And how?” Inside, Keeley was quaking, but he was good at not showing others his fears, for a short time anyway. After that, he pretty much crumbled or threw a hissy fit, whichever worked.

  “Smelled your scent on Xavier and in your house. I’m sure you’re aware that is one of the ways shifters and vampires know their mates. Anything else?”

  Keeley glanced at Mason. “Are you or they going to let me go on my merry way?”

  “No, Keeley.”

  “I see.” He turned to the sheriff. “And you, Sheriff. If I say no, where do you stand?”

  “You go with the Sanchezes to join your mates.”

  “Honestly, that doesn’t seem fair. What about shifters if they refuse?” Keeley was genuinely curious over that. Were humans’ rights different from paranormals’?

  He glanced around. Where was Xavier? Usually his mate would sense when Keeley was upset and track him down. Was Xav too far away to feel him? Keeley may be blocking, but Xav would still feel him a bit, right? Keeley was beginning to feel a little threatened and vulnerable now, even with a few of Xavier’s cousins here whom he knew pretty well. They were paranormals, after all. How safe was Keeley without his mate’s protection?

  “Same thing, most of the time. Just cause has to be shown why not.”

  “Huh, so no one can refuse a mate claim? Can you tell if it is a real mate claim?” Keeley actually was pretty interested in all this. Possibly to find his loophole.

  “Geez, Keeley.” Laurie shook his head. “You never accept anything without proof in black and white. Dominic already told you, that mate mark on your throat and being able to feel Xavier’s emotions and his thoughts—”

  “Sorry, I don’t feel his emotions and hear his thoughts. Human, remember?”

  “You don’t?” The sheriff seemed surprised. “That’s unusual.”

  “That’s because the human blocks Xavier. Anyway, why don’t I drive Keeley out to your compound, Dominic?”

  “Thank you, Mason, but we are fine with him. May I?” Dominic reached out as though to take Keeley from Mason.

  So Keeley locked eyes with Dominic and spoke clearly and quietly. “I reject Prince Drake Sanchez’s mate claim.”

  “Oh, no, you did not just do that, Keeley!” Mason exclaimed warily. “Do you understand what you just did? And how that affects Xavier, also? Where in this world did you even learn about that?”

  “Considering I live with a paranormal, one who knows every fucking law and is on the High Council, I felt it would serve me best to learn everything I could about them. I just took a peek at Xavier’s law books.” Keeley jerked his arm away from Mason and faced the sheriff. “So, Sheriff Starters, you weren’t going to tell me about that law?”

  The sheriff closed his eyes briefly, shaking his head. “No, I wasn’t, because that’s something that causes a whole lot of shit.”

  “Hmm, but done now.”

  “Take it back.” Dominic growled, a lethal sound. “Take. It. Back.”

  Keeley looked the shifter dead in the eye. “No, I won’t. And Sheriff, I want to—”

  A hand over his mouth effectively cut him off from claiming sanctuary from the Armstrong Witches and Wizards’ Coven and the Sanchez clan. The shifters’ body heat ran higher than that of a vamp or human, Keeley found as he was held against Dominic’s front while another stepped in front of him, caught his hands, and slapped cuffs on his wrists. Eyes wide now, he wondered if they’d do something to him, like tear out his throat or beat him.

  “I, Prince Dominic of the Sanchez pride, take Keeley Tate into protection to be given over to his mate, Lord Xavier Armstrong Dalton at the Sanchez compound.” Dominic removed his hand. “We cool here, Urian?”

  “Yes. Best to your parents. Good luck to Drake.” The sheriff grinned. “He’s a lucky bastard. That vampire of his is fucking hot and sharp as a whip. And his human’s a cutie, too.”

  “I refused him! You can’t just let them take me away, Sheriff, that’s not right! Mason!” Keeley half-yelled, half-implored the Sheriff, now being pulled along to three waiting Range Rovers.

  “Actually, by law, Dominic is escorting you under protection to your mate. That is more than allowed.”

  “Screw it! If I was a rich and powerful human they couldn’t do this.”

  “Mates take precedent, actually.” Dominic put Keeley into the back of the second Range Rover.

  “Wait, Dominic, here. Take this.” Mason held out a chain with some sort of medallion on it. “Drake may need this to get Keeley to withdraw his refusal.”

  Dominic took the chain. “Magic. What does it do?”

  Keeley didn’t hear the rest as the shifter slammed the door, hard. He winced and hung his head. This had not gone how he’d wanted. Sometimes he wondered if humans even stood a chance against the paranormals. Then again, from his experience, humans could be just as controlling and harsh.

  Well, he was getting out of town, just not the way he’d planned.

  Xavier was going to be so peeved at him. Keeley winced at the thought of his stunning vampire and how snooty and hurt Xavier could get.

  Chapter Three

  Xavier Dalton

  The drive from Milson Valley to the Sanchez compound five miles away was tedious and painful at times. Xavier was worrying over Keeley and a bombardment of emotions.

  It seemed to take a while before the big shifter relaxed a bit and talked. He had a wicked sense of humor that Xavier appreciated, and the creature was so hot he spent half his time trying to cool his arousal.

  Cat shifters like this one had a heat mating reaction, an insatiable, fiery need to claim and bond as soon as they found their mate. From a young age, shifters of this type were taught restraint and control over their own needs, just as they had been taught how to shift and follow their instincts.

  After all, not all mates appreciated being jumped on and claimed without an introduction first, let a
lone a few dates.

  Of course, they were also taught to claim and grab quickly, which most paranormals were also taught. It was acceptable amongst the wider population. And in doing so, a part of what drove a creature to fully claim and mark their mate was appeased, and the rest could be controlled until both parties accepted.

  Drake had laid his claim on Xavier, providing a tentative bond between them, one both could feel that eased their need to mate and bond fully. Xavier had not yet claimed his mate or marked him in the vampire way, which was very much similar to that of a shifter, but fortunately by Drake claiming Xavier, his own need to claim his mate was eased marginally.

  Halfway to the Sanchez compound, Drake seemed to have gotten the message that Xavier was desperate for Keeley and kept him updated on the progress of tracking his mate.

  Keeley knew how to stay under the radar when he wanted. He had managed to get away from Xavier twice before, and his grandmother had suggested placing a locating charm on Keeley—who tended to occasionally have flights of fancy, or just went off in a snit when he didn’t like something—but Xavier refused.

  Now he felt like a fool. He knew this would happen when Drake claimed him, and of course Drake didn’t give a flying fuck because, for one, he had Xavier locked up tight, and two, he didn’t have a clue what Keeley was like.

  And trying to explain that to the big, thick-headed shifter was a waste of breath. Drake didn’t care. He’d get Keeley, but only because Xavier was so worked up about it and Drake’s cat knew they were mates. Xavier guessed he understood in some ways. Drake didn’t know Keeley, so he didn’t have that attachment to him, but the shifter was a bit too flippant for Xavier’s liking on the whole matter and he told him so numerous times, which just got him an eye roll, a quirked brow, and then exasperated looks.

  Xavier couldn’t breathe without Keeley, couldn’t be without him close, without him within his protection and care. For Xavier, the sun rose and shone with Keeley Tate, and having a cat shifter mate would never change that. Keeley was the very air he breathed.

  The first glimpse he’d received of the Sanchez compound was that it was vast. The driveway was more a road with others branching off it, and in the distance he could see individual homes with trimmed gardens, a little village with shops, and even a kindergarten and medical clinic, by the looks of it. He had excellent heightened eyesight, so he could see this all at a great distance. As they turned up a slight incline, he shifted forward and saw a massive building looming in front of them.

  It was a damn palace. The tigers lived in a massive palace.

  “How many tigers live here?” he asked curiously.

  “Nearly three hundred. Most are spread out over the Sanchez lands. They have their own homes. There are a few farms for self-sufficiency, the village you saw, and another a few miles further past that, as well as a forest for everyone to roam. It’s not only tigers. We have smaller cats and a few big ones without clan protection that have been granted rights to live and be part of the clan here. Plus, we’ve let other paranormals into the pride in recent years. We live at the palace along with my parents, two sisters and three brothers, a few cousins, and adopted relations.” Drake said all this with the confidence of a knowledgeable leader.

  He wasn’t prideful, not boasting but simply stating truth and facts. The tone of his voice and expression of his face clearly expressed how much Drake loved this compound and the creatures in it. Fiercely. They were his to care for, protect, and guide.

  Yes, Xavier could clearly see the fierce, sharp leader, the crown prince of the Sanchez Pride, in his new mate. Having read reports and seen photographs of the Sanchez crown prince and met his brothers and cousins, Xavier had known how deep Drake took his duties, how he’d lay down his life to protect. And he did a lot more than just lead and protect. He provided opportunities, created something from nothing, and gave everything to help and make sure every member, and others he collected along the way and gave homes to, had every chance to do what they desired.

  A phone rang as Xavier mused. Drake answered it.

  “What have you heard?”

  Xavier edged closer so he could hear.

  “Mason Armstrong rang me to let us know Keeley called him a few minutes ago. Mason explained the situation and offered himself or me to collect your other mate. Unfortunately, they were disconnected.”

  Xavier hissed. “Not disconnected. Keeley hung up, didn’t he, Dominic?”

  Drake placed a large hand over Xavier’s and squeezed gently. “That true, Dom?”

  “Mason didn’t want to say, but I got the gist. I’d say the human is confused. We haven’t seen him, but we caught your human’s scent a short while ago and followed it to a few houses over up the hill. He was gone by the time we got there.”

  “Probably saw shifters at the house and bolted. That’s smart, calling Mason, considering he doesn’t know us Though why he didn’t call Xavier…maybe he is confused.”

  Drake seemed very calm about it all while Xavier just wished to claw the shifter’s eyes out. Unusual for him, as he was always known as the calm, rational vampire, the one others came to for reason and insight. When it came to Keeley, though, Xavier went with his baser instincts.

  “This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t forced me to leave.” Xavier kicked the door of the limousine open, and when it sprung back toward him, he caught it, tore it from the side of the car, and tossed it. “If he is harmed in any way, I will blame you, cat.”

  Drake climbed out, glancing at the door dismissively before fixing cat eyes on Xavier.

  “Dom or your cousin will find our mate. Hello, Mom, Dad, you’ll have to excuse my mate. He’s a bit anxious as our other mate has not yet been located.”

  Xavier was prey. He could see that clearly, and running wouldn’t be a good idea. Then again, Xavier wasn’t one to run, preferring to meet any challenge head-on. He turned and bowed.

  “King Diego, Queen Lisette, apologies for your limousine door.”

  “Think nothing of it, darling. You must not worry about your other mate if you can, Xavier. Dominic, Jax, and I know your grandmother’s coven is very good at tracking.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. Unfortunately, Keeley is very good at evading when he wishes.”

  Drake’s phone rang again, the shifter looking irritated while Xavier hissed at him.

  “Take the call.”

  “I am. Yes, Dominic?”

  Xavier moved closer to hear and was grabbed by the back of the neck and held still. Much more of that handling and the tiger would learn just how strong Xavier was when he put the damn creature in his place.

  “Just letting you know Keeley Tate walked into the Milson Valley police station and then took off. Uri will chase him down. Not many, and certainly not a human, can outrun him. We’re on our way there now, I’ll let you know.”

  “Good. I’d like to claim my vampire without him tearing me up with his lethal talons because he’s anxious about this fucking stupid human that has somehow managed to evade everyone so long!” Drake snapped the disconnect call button and glared at Xavier. “You want the human, you’ll get the human, but right now my tiger has hit his limit—”

  “Keeley is not stupid. He’s mine, and if I lose him because you dragged me here without him, I’ll do more than tear you up, shifter.” Xavier got in Drake’s face, furious with the creature. “Keeley is my world. He is the very air I breathe. Without him, I want nothing. Do you understand, Your Highness?”

  “I hear you loud and clear, my mate. Inside, before the whole damn compound hears you.”

  Dragged inside the magnificent palace with a hand at the back of his neck, Xavier managed only a quick glimpse of his surroundings as the cat shifter moved quickly.

  “Can your cat wait?” he asked quietly.

  Truth be told, he was finding it extremely difficult to keep his hands off his mate, despite the issues with Keeley and possibly blaming Drake for them. It was not entirely Drake’s fault, no.
Possibly three quarters of the blame should land at Keeley’s feet, but Xavier knew his mate and understood Keeley’s issues even better than Keeley did. If it had been possible, the situation should have been handled an entirely different way.

  “Yes,” Drake growled. “Tiger’s been riding me to my breaking point for the last fifteen minutes, but I’ll cool down in the shower. You just need to stay real close and let me paw you a bit.”

  “Fine. I’m your mate, I provide, but we both need to calm down for five minutes first or our claiming will not be what we want to remember.” Xavier sighed. “Drake, slow down.”

  Instantly, Drake did, his eyes very catlike now.

  “You’ll provide?” Drake backed Xavier into a wall, crowding him, pressing hard against him and showing how overheated and throbbing he was.

  Shifters tended to need the claiming on an accelerated time schedule. Vampires needed, yes, but they could wait just a bit longer and not get as strung out. Shifters would revert to basic instincts and that could turn ugly fast. While Drake had bitten Xavier, claiming him, it was a tentative first step, the bond a thin thread between them. To fully bond, they needed to bite and exchange blood, opening to one another. With Keeley taking off, Drake’s cat was heating up with the need to hunt down and claim, while Xavier was tense and needed to find Keeley and reclaim him, making sure his mate was fine and protected.

  Xavier reached up with both hands and tugged Drake down by his white-blond locks.

  “Yes, I want and need you.” He dropped his voice, his lips hovering above Drake’s, their eyes meeting. “Don’t ever tie or chain me up unless it’s in bed and I agree—which I will, as long as there’s no nasty kink, my mate.”

  Drake purred, rubbing his body against Xavier’s. “Yes, want that, pleasure only. I’ll give you so much, my stunning vampire—fucking phone!”

  Xavier slipped his hand into Drake’s pocket, snagged the phone, hit the receive button, and pressed it against his mate’s ear.

  “What now?”

  “We have Keeley and are on our way back,” Dominic snapped.


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