G'baena's Pirates [Sequel to Tee-ani's Pirates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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G'baena's Pirates [Sequel to Tee-ani's Pirates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 13

by Rachel Clark

  Devlin wrapped his fist around Kam’s hard cock, pumping up and down, squeezing the engorged shaft roughly, touching Kam the way Devlin himself liked to be touched.

  “On the ledge,” he ordered, urging his soon-to-be lover out of the fluid without releasing his cock. Devlin knelt in the fluid, his elbows resting on Kam’s thighs as he dipped his head to taste the bulbous top of Kam’s erection.

  Kam groaned, twisting his fingers into Devlin’s hair, caressing his scalp, urging him closer. Devlin hummed around the tumescent flesh, licking the thick vein as he squeezed the base in his grasp. Kam bucked, lifting his hips, his reactions jittery, his breathing ragged.

  “Dev,” he gasped as Devlin used his weight to hold him in place and sucked harder. He could taste the pre-cum, the salty essence mixing with the scent of his man and their mutual growing need. The harder Kam tried to move, the tighter Devlin held him and the more excited they both became.

  Cum burst from Kam’s cock, coating Devlin’s tongue, filling his mouth. He licked and sucked until Kam groaned, his erection spent, his energy gone. Devlin licked the softening flesh a moment longer and then slapped Kam’s thigh hard.

  “Up,” he ordered, lifting Kam’s legs and spreading him wide. He hooked Kam’s legs over his own arms, ordering him with a touch and a stern look not to move. Kam complied wordlessly, leaning back a little and giving Devlin a perfect view of that tight ass. The pucker of Kam’s hole lay exposed, clenching spasmodically, begging for Devlin’s attention.

  Devlin touched the pink skin, rubbing the slippery, fluid-like substance over the quivering flesh. He pressed a single finger against the muscle, marveling at the resistance he felt until he pushed past the tight ring and into Kam’s heat.

  Devlin pressed back and forth, caressing, stretching, determined to do this right so that they could both remember their first time together as perfect.

  “Please,” Kam begged as Devlin slowly pushed a second finger and then a third in and out of his anus.

  “Soon, love. Very soon.”

  He replaced his fingers with his cock, groaning as he slid slowly into Kam’s tight passage. Devlin held still, balls deep, and watched the emotions that played across Kam’s face. He moaned and squirmed from the sensations but didn’t seem to be in pain.

  Carefully, Devlin pulled out, easing back in just a little faster. Again and again, he slid into Kam’s body and eased out, each time with just a little more speed than the last. Steadily, the rhythm changed, the tempo growing faster, the motions getting stronger. Devlin slammed into Kam’s ass, grasping his thighs and pulling the man closer, pushing deeper, possessing him completely. Every muscle screamed with tension as he pounded hard and fast into his lover’s body.

  “D…Dev. L…love you,” Kam cried as he came again, his cum splattering over his chest and abdomen. The sight inflamed Devlin, and he slammed harder, crying out as his cock exploded deep in Kam’s ass. He rocked their bodies together as his orgasm went on and on, exhaustion eventually seeping through his veins as he tried to assimilate all the amazing emotions he was feeling.

  He pressed his forehead against Kam’s, both of them gasping for air as they tried to recover. “I love you, too,” Devlin finally managed to say, his words still choppy, his breathing uneven.

  “I love you both.”

  The quiet feminine voice startled Devlin so much that he almost launched across the tub, but Kam held him tightly, soothing the panic that filled him for a moment.

  “How long were you there?” Devlin asked, feeling his face fill with color.

  “I’ve been able to feel your emotions since you got back, Dev, but I only just came into the room a few moments ago.”

  “So, long enough,” he said, feeling a smile curl his mouth despite his mild embarrassment. “Wait,” he said with a groan, “you could feel us? What about your mother? Your sisters?”

  G’baena shook her head as she stepped up to the tub and then kissed him quite thoroughly. “I am attuned to you both,” she assured Devlin, “so I feel your emotions much stronger than anyone else’s. I am certain my mother and sisters were unaware.”

  Devlin moved slightly, and both men groaned as his softened flesh slipped from Kam’s passage. “Have you eaten?” G’baena asked breathlessly, her gaze riveted to the place where Devlin and Kam had been joined.

  “Yes,” Devlin answered, glancing over to see Kam nod.

  “Bed?” she suggested.

  Devlin couldn’t think of anything more perfect than holding both his lovers as the three of them slept.

  * * * *

  “Goddess, just one more day. Is it too much to ask for just one more fucking day?” The anger came from her fear. They had planned to leave the planet tomorrow, but now they were being rushed into action in the middle of the night, by the kings, no less. Just the thought of moving her mother sent G’baena into panic mode. She was still in great pain, and one harsh jolt could cause even more dangerous injuries.

  “G’baena, we are truly sorry that we cannot give you more time, but to stay on the planet any longer puts us all at risk.” One of the kings carefully lifted Flynn from her bed and carried her down the long hallway and out to the transport. There were no servants in sight. “In the past two days, we have been approached by several influential citizens demanding explanation for your fathers’ disappearance,” one of the kings whispered hurriedly. “Today they released what little information they know through the news networks. The resulting speculation will cause severe political upheaval if not dealt with quickly.” He ran an agitated hand through his thinning hair. “I am sorry, but even a royal family cannot act without repercussions.”

  “Where are Kam and Devlin?” she demanded, placing herself between the king carrying her mother and the open door of the transport.

  “They are coming,” the man growled as he tried to push past her.

  “Bae, it’s okay. Let him through.” Her knees wobbled with relief when she heard Kam’s deep voice. Within seconds, she was engulfed in his reassuring hug. “We need to go,” he said, as he lifted her into the transport and turned to help her sisters. The small craft lifted into the air almost immediately. Only then did she realize Trey was the pilot.

  She sat by her mother, holding her sisters close as they sped through the air, staying much lower to the ground than she’d expected. “Where are—” She hesitated, briefly worried that her words weren’t shielded. Kam nodded and lifted his hand, showing her the small device Devlin used to soundproof their discussions.

  “Devlin and Ben are getting the ship ready for launch. We’ll be home in a couple of weeks.”

  “Weeks?” Panic stole her voice, the word a mere squeak.

  Kam leaned forward to touch her face as he nodded. “Trust me,” he whispered and then moved back to his seat and sat toward the front of the craft. He had a stun rifle draped over his shoulder, another smaller version clipped to his belt. Clearly, he was prepared for trouble. G’baena hoped it was just a precaution.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Fuck,” Devlin swore, as he found yet another problem. This tin can of a spaceship could turn out to be their coffin.

  “Is she spaceworthy?” Ben asked, sounding more worried than Devlin had ever heard him.

  “Barely,” Devlin replied, as he started yet another diagnostic test on the ship’s critical systems. “There’s a problem with life support, so we won’t be able to use the three living quarters on the outer ring. I think the other two are okay, but with eight of us, it’s going to be cramped.”

  “Is there enough air for me to go in and empty out the rooms? I’d like to clear out the bedding and other supplies if we can.”

  Devlin nodded. “The oxygen should remain at least until we enter the planet’s upper atmosphere. Be out of there before then. I don’t fancy explaining to Trey how his brother ended up a frozen prince-icle.”

  Ben laughed as he left the room, but Devlin was quickly distracted by yet another problem, this time with the
inertial modifiers. Fucking tin can of a spacecraft! Without the inertial modifiers online, they wouldn’t be able to go much faster than a few hundred kilometers an hour, and then only if everyone was strapped into place. He didn’t even want to imagine the agony it would cause someone with broken ribs. Double fuck! They couldn’t take off until he had the damn things online.

  “Ben,” he called, hoping the man was still in hearing range. “What’s Trey’s ETA?”

  “About half an hour, give or take,” Ben said, as he came back into the helm of the small craft. “What’s wrong?”

  Damn empaths. Devlin was doing a great job of hiding his agitation in a physical sense, but he couldn’t hope to fool Ben’s empathic senses.

  “I have a problem with the inertial dampeners and the environmental systems. Drag everything you can into this area, especially food, bedding, and clothing. We’ll have to make do with this space for now. Maybe I can fix the environmental controls on route, but the inertial modifiers need priority, or we’ll be one very slow moving target.”

  Ben nodded, moving quickly to gather as many supplies as they could cram into the small space. Devlin barely noticed Ben’s hurried movements as he concentrated on identifying and fixing the ship’s problems. He breathed a little easier when he found propulsion and navigation working correctly.

  Just two issues to deal with.

  * * * *

  G’baena could feel Kam’s agitation. So could her sisters. She pulled the girls closer together, grateful at least that her mother was sleeping. Whatever painkiller the medical assistant had given her for the night was working brilliantly. Thank the goddess for small favors.

  “Please state your purpose for flying in this area,” an official sounding voice boomed through the ship’s comms. G’baena’s fear threatened to overwhelm her, but she wrestled the emotion back under control, needing to have a clear head if she was required to defend her family.

  Kam looked calm. He wasn’t, but he’d managed to control his body language so that he looked it, exactly the way Devlin did under stress. G’baena shook her head at the strange observations she made under stress.

  “This is transport seven-seven-niner.” Trey’s voice was steady, but he spoke with an accent, rolling his consonants as he spoke. “I have a couple of passengers I am hoping you could help me with. I think they enjoyed their business meeting just a little too much, and both look ready to regurgitate their dinner.” He paused a moment and then said dramatically, “Aww, shit, make that have regurgitated their dinner. Oh, goddess, that stinks. I would mighty appreciate you taking them off my hands.”

  “Negative,” came the quick reply.

  “Aww, shit, they just yakked again, and they already gave me the wrong address twice. Can you escort them home or somethin’?”

  “Negative. If they cannot remember where they live, drop them at the nearest Jjedere Station.”

  The Jjedere vehicle moved away from them without contacting them again. G’baena breathed a quick sigh of relief and shook her head at Trey’s ingenuity. Maybe they’d get off the planet without incident.

  * * * *

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Devlin mumbled under his breath. He was so frustrated he wanted to kick something, preferably this hunk of worthless metal laughably called a spaceship. Every time he fixed one problem, it caused another, and he scrambled to fix them all in time. He stopped, though, when he noticed his hands were shaking. He couldn’t afford to let his family down. He’d finally found them and had every intention of keeping it that way. He took a deep breath, finding that iron calm that had helped him through many crises, and went back to work.

  * * * *

  “Kam,” Trey said calmly. “We have several more problems heading our way. I’m guessing our fugitive status already hit the news. Make sure the women are wearing the safety harnesses. Things are about to get bumpy.”

  Kam moved immediately to help G’baena, G’darlee, and G’deece into the emergency harnesses. Flynn cried out but mercifully stayed asleep as he maneuvered her into a sitting position and secured the straps tightly. He hoped that the snug fit might hold her still enough to protect her ribs.

  He checked his weapons and then moved to the cockpit to check Trey’s. He barely managed to control the urge to tap his fingers agitatedly against his thigh as he watched the approaching blips on the radar screen.

  This wasn’t good.

  * * * *

  “Dev, they’re coming in hot.” Ben didn’t sound worried, but they’d both been pirates long enough to know that “hot” was not good.

  “Do we know how many?” Devlin asked, as he continued to work with the ship’s systems to get inertial modifiers online. Ben sat at the ship’s radar console, flicking through various scans and images before finding the one they needed.

  “Six,” he said, with just a hint of worry.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  * * * *

  “Bae, do you remember the basic weapons training Dev gave you?”

  She nodded, equal amounts of determination and panic clashing in her gut. Kam took a small stun pistol from inside his jacket and handed her the weapon.

  “Safety is already unlocked. All you have to do is point and shoot.”

  She nodded again, anger replacing her fear. All she was doing was trying to protect her family, and she’d stun as many Jjedere as she needed to make sure her mother and sisters were safe.

  G’baena held her breath, her heart pounding wildly, as the transport craft lurched drunkenly.

  “Ben,” she heard Trey say into the communicator. “We’re not going to be able to outrun them. Is the ship ready?”

  “Negative, but Dev has a plan. We’ll meet you at these coordinates.”

  Kam didn’t move a muscle, but she felt his worry when he glanced at the coordinates. G’baena had no idea what the numbers meant, but judging by the emotions coming from Kam and Trey, it wasn’t good.

  * * * *

  “Have you ever done this before?”

  Dev shook his head, denying the fear that beat at the back of his brain. His calculations needed to be perfect. Everyone he loved was on that transport, and he refused to let them down. He ran the diagnostic again, satisfied that the ship’s systems could withstand his desperate plan.

  “Go,” he said to Ben, as he continued his work to get the inertial dampeners online.

  He felt every movement as the ship lifted off the ground and hovered momentarily. Devlin glanced at the pile of supplies that Ben had dragged in earlier and hoped to hell that the fucking things didn’t shift and bury him when the ship moved at speed.

  “I’ve got the cloaking technology running for the moment. The reflection of G’trobia’s twin suns should make us invisible physically as well as on radar, but I don’t know if my patch job will hold for long. Don’t waste a moment.”

  Devlin braced himself as Trey set the course to the rendezvous point and engaged the engines. Everything that wasn’t held down slid toward the back of the room, but thankfully, Devlin managed to keep his footing and avoid the clutter.

  “Ben, ETA two minutes,” Trey reported.

  “We’ll be there.”

  * * * *

  Kam trusted Devlin with his life, with his heart, and with his and G’baena’s future. He knew that the man he loved wouldn’t take unnecessary risks. If Devlin believed that intercepting their small transport craft midair was the safest way to rescue them from the authorities who pursued them, Kam trusted him to do it.

  A soft calm stole through him as he watched the radar screen. Two other Jjedere vehicles joined the pursuit, making eight in total. They were only a few hundred meters from the coordinates Devlin had sent them.

  “Now.” Ben’s voice sounded so confident that even Trey seemed to relax just a little as he cut all power. Kam felt the ship begin to freefall. Their forward momentum and the aerodynamic design of the vehicle meant they fell in a wide arc toward the ground, but they were definitely falling, and thanks t
o the fact that Ben had needed to disable the emergency systems so that he could cut all power, they had no hope of getting the transport running again.

  If Devlin’s plan failed...

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Cargo hold doors are open, and the cloak is still functioning,” Ben said, as Devlin took the ship’s controls and matched their speed and trajectory to the falling transport. He knew they didn’t have much time, seconds at most. As the smaller vehicle fell, it picked up speed. The more speed, the heavier the landing would be, and the greater the chance of the transport punching through the ship’s cargo hold and killing them all.

  “Got them,” he said, glancing at the screen showing the inside of the cargo bay to confirm visually. The small craft seemed to hover in the large area but was still falling, the illusion created by the fact that this ship followed the same downward path. Devlin carefully adjusted the heading, bringing the transport into physical contact with the cargo bay floor. He continued to adjust their speed and trajectory gradually until the transport was no longer falling. Only then did he chance a smile.

  Sweat trickled down Devlin’s spine. The whole maneuver had taken less than twenty seconds but had felt much, much longer.

  “The Jjedere vehicles have abandoned pursuit,” Ben reported happily. “Apparently, a transport disappearing before their eyes has caused some confusion.”

  Devlin smiled, relief making his laugh just a little louder than he’d intended.

  “Apparently,” he agreed. “But let’s get out of here before the cloak fails.”

  Ben nodded and took back helm control.

  * * * *

  “What?” G’baena demanded when she saw the relief on Kam’s face. They were being chased by goddess only knew how many Jjedere, and the man was happy.


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