Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3)

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Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3) Page 15

by Pat Simmons

  Once the server brought their drinks and salads, Octavia reached for their hands to bless the food. “Jesus, we thank You for being our Savior and the fellowship with new friends.”

  Jet smiled, liking the sound of that. Layla gave her hand a quick squeeze, so her thoughts might be aligned with hers.

  “Please remove all impurities and sanctify our food, in Jesus’ name.”

  All three of them said, “Amen.”

  Octavia took a deep breath, tapped her fingers on the table, and stared into Jet’s eyes. “If you love Rossi, say yes.”

  Layla agreed with a high five with Octavia.

  “Didn’t see that coming. You don’t waste any time.” Stirring the straw in her glass of water, Jet shrugged. “Blood is thicker than water, and I guess that’s what I am to Levi—water.” That hurt to admit.

  “Levi’s happy. Why shouldn’t you be?” Layla asked.

  Jet eyed her college friend. “I’m not about drama.”

  Octavia released a melodious laugh and twisted the hoop on her earring. “My husband has four children by three women and one son by his only wife.”

  Layla’s jaw dropped, and it had nothing to do with the big burger placed in front of her. Once the shock seemed to wear off, she closed her mouth. “And you married him anyway? You get woman of the year. I couldn’t do that.”

  Jet had thought the same thing, but withheld her opinion when they first met.

  “I’m striving to be a godly woman. Landon had a past I couldn’t change. Once he returned to the Lord and I found myself in love with him wholeheartedly, I had to ask God to help me with the children who had no say-so about their birth. You see, Rossi was part of the ‘delegation of sorts—’” she made quotes with her fingers—“who traveled with Landon to Boston to bear witness of Landon beginning the steps to restore his relationship with the children and their mothers.” She raised her hand. “So now, it’s my turn to report for duty. I’m a praying woman, and I’m a witness that God changes hearts.”

  Layla nudged Jet and grinned. “I like this girlfriend. I’m on board. So what are you suggesting?”

  “Fight for Rossi, not only against Levi’s opposition, but against demons that rise up against him and you.” She nodded at Jet.

  It was as if Octavia was breathing strength into Jet’s body with every word. “Are you quoting a scripture?” She was ready to take notes.

  “Well…” Octavia paused and sampled her burger, chewed, then wiped her mouth. “I kind of tweaked 2 Corinthians 10:5, which talks about bringing thoughts under subjections, but I believe the same principle holds true for evil spirits. ‘Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.’”

  Jet made a mental note to reread the scripture later as they took time out to enjoy their meals. Soon, Octavia’s phone whistled, alerting her of a text. She grinned and read it, then looked at the others. “My husband says hi, and to enjoy our lunch.”

  “Aw, that’s sweet.” It was hard to believe the wonderful man she had met last week had such an ugly past.

  “Landon wanted me to know he picked up our son from daycare and to take my time,” Octavia finished as Jet’s phone tinged with a text. Reaching inside her purse, she read a message from Rossi.

  Let me know when the movers will be at your place. I’m coming over to help. Miss you.

  Hearing Octavia’s testimony made Jet want to fight for their happiness. She texted back,Miss you too. Love you. Enjoying lunch with Octavia and Layla.

  Then you’re in good company. Love you more.

  Layla cleared her throat and glanced around the restaurant. “Where’s my phone call? I wish a hunk would text me.” Jet blushed as she put her phone back in her purse and chuckled with Octavia.

  “Like I said, Jet, you should fight for Rossi and maybe Karyn can do the same for her husband,” Octavia picked up the conversation.

  “That would mean we would have to join forces. We’ve talked—sort of. Karyn called to check up on me after the shooting.” Jet shrugged. “I have to admit, she’s not as bad as I pictured her to be.” Still, that didn’t mean she wanted to welcome her into her circle of girlfriends. Still, if Octavia could deal with Landon’s children’s mothers, Jet could ask for favors. “Okay.”

  “Great.” Octavia signaled for their check, then grabbed her purse. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  “Whoa. Go where?” Jet swallowed.

  “Yeah?” Layla lifted a brow.

  “I’ve visited Crowning Glory a few times. Since we’re your prayer warriors, we have your back.” She faced Layla for confirmation.

  Jet withheld her grin. Layla was a churchgoer, not necessarily a prayer warrior, but maybe this was what her best friend needed to take her salvation a step beyond “confess with my mouth and believe in my heart” part.

  Layla grabbed her purse and was the first to stand. “Don’t know about the prayer part, but I’m definitely a warrior when it comes to my girl.”

  “Excellent!” Octavia got to her feet and headed for the door. “Let’s go. I’ll lead the way.”

  As Jet and Layla followed, Jet wondered how this was going to play out.

  Chapter 18

  Everything was alright in Karyn’s world until her husband showed up midday at the salon to deliver a bombshell.

  “What do you mean you and Rossi are selling the company?” She couldn’t believe it. Instead of recognizing her handsome, confident, well-dressed husband sitting before her, Karyn saw a man who looked weary, shoulders slumped, and a tie missing from his suit.

  When she and the children left home this morning, there was no hints there were problems at the office. She exchanged looks with her younger sister who was visiting the shop after recently returning from an overseas trip. Nalani frowned as Karyn asked, “Honey, why?”

  Closing his eyes, Levi fell back on the sofa as if he were exhausted. As far as she knew, they both had enjoyed a good night’s sleep. The office was so quiet, and they could hear their son snoring in his playpen across the room. “Because my chief financial officer has lost his mind.”

  “Rossi? Is he okay?” Nalani gasped, then lowered her voice when Karyn hushed her not to wake Little Levi. The alarm in her voice made her husband open one eye. Nalani and Rossi had dated off and on for months. Karyn thought Nalani’s constant traveling led to their drifting apart because from what she saw, they both were smitten. Now that Nalani’s travel was down to once every quarter, they could rekindle their relationship. But it wasn’t her business to pry. If her sister didn’t share, Karyn respected that.

  “Hi, Daddy.” Dori busted through the door and raced toward him. Levi perked up right away, leaving her and Nalani on the edge of their seats.

  He welcomed his daughter’s hug and rocked Dori in his arms as if he was trying to gather strength from her. Now, Karyn was more worried. She wanted to send Dori back in the shop, but she never denied father-daughter time.

  Karyn and Nalani had to be patient as Dori told him about her day and the “customers” she serviced, which most times were her dolls and mannequin heads. Once she ran out of breath, she disappeared back into the shop under the watchful eye of Buttercup and her husband, Halo, who ruled the salon with an iron hand. They also spoiled Dori and Little Levi as if they were their own. Halo was the enforcer to make sure nobody looked at Karyn’s kids the wrong way.

  Nalani repeated her question as Little Levi woke and saw his father. Scrambling to his feet, he tried to climb out of his playpen. Karyn saved him the trouble and picked him up.

  The boy stretched out his arms for Levi who stood and took him. “Hey, Buddy.” He hugged him and smacked a kiss on his head. “Did you take care of your mommy and sister today?”

  The boy nodded and rubbed his ear.

  “Hey, don’t I count?” Nalani faked a pout.

  Little Levi shook his head and all three laughed.

nough stalling.” Nalani folded her arms. “Talk, brother-in-law.”

  Levi sat with son bouncing on his legs. “Rossi’s delusional, thinking he’s in love with Jet.”

  The shock on Nalani’s face was frozen in time until it slipped, and she laughed as if catching the joke. “That is unstable. I thought he was in love with me, too, and it wore off. But of all women, Jet? Did she drug his drink or something?”

  Karyn was slow to speak as she processed the news. Every woman she knew had puppy love for her cousin-in-law. Rossi probably didn’t even realize it, nor did he encourage their affections. His conviction was winning souls for Christ. There was more to the story. Karyn could see it on her husband’s face.

  “He plans to marry her.” Levi shook his head.

  “He’s lost his mind. That woman has nothing on me.” Nalani performed a catwalk across the room, then posed like a model. “There is no comparison in looks, education, and whatever.”

  Actually, there was, but Karyn wasn’t about to fuel the fire. The Wallace women were petite, averaging between five-one and five-five. Growing up, Karyn was envious of the tall girls, and Jet carried her five-ten height with a confidence that made one take notice. She had a healthy shape—she guessed size fourteen or sixteen—exotic facial features, and silky long hair or naturally wavy without the flat iron to complete the physical package. As far as education, Karyn thought Jet had an MBA. Karyn could see why any man, including Rossi would fall to her charm. But was it just charm or really love?

  “Will you two stop it? I’m still trying to connect the dots. What does Rossi’s feelings have to do with selling the company?” Karyn scolded.

  Levi immediately looked away. That wasn’t a good sign. She loved her husband, and he loved his family hard, sometimes, ridiculously overbearingly so. She sensed words had been exchanged between the cousins based on Levi’s guilty expression. He swallowed and glanced at Nalani, then her. “I voiced my opinion that I didn’t think she was a good choice. She stirs mischief wherever she goes.”

  Karyn understood her husband’s indifference to his sister-in-law when they dated and first married, but she didn’t understand his behavior now that Jet walked in the same light of God as them.

  Nalani nodded and lifted her hand for a high five, but lowered it when Karyn cut her eyes toward her. “Levi Thomas, Senior, should I remind you that our heart picks our mates, not other people? Jet has always had a special place in Rossi’s heart. I thought it was because of Diane. I didn’t see how special.”

  “She doesn’t deserve a man like Rossi.” Nalani jutted her chin. Karyn recognized the “I’m right on this one” look. Anyone who came up against her sister better be armed with book sense, common sense, and case studies because Nalani was serious when it came to winning an argument, and seeing Jet as her opponent would give fuel to Nalani’s fire.

  “My words exactly, and she kinda walked in when Rossi and I were arguing about it. She left first and before Rossi went after her, he taunted he would consult with our attorneys about me buying his shares to the company. Humph. I told him we can sell it.”

  Karyn flopped next to her husband on the sofa. “God is not the author of confusion, so why are you letting the devil write this chapter?”

  Mimicking their daughter, Levi said, “I duh know.”

  She sighed, then closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. “Lord, help us. You and Rossi need to work this out—” He opened his mouth, but she held up her hand. “Wait, I’m not finished. If for no one else, you owe your daughter’s aunt an apology. You have no right to make a judgment call—either of you.” She frowned at Levi and Nalani.

  “Baby,” Levi said, standing and putting their son on the floor. Little Levi raced back to his toys in the play area. “Businesses dissolve all the time, and I think it’s time we both find other interests. Who knows, I might open a non-alcoholic sports bar.”

  His mind seemed made up when he kissed her on the lips, Nalani on her cheek, then strolled out of her office lacking the confident swagger to which she had grown accustom. Not good. She felt sick to her stomach. It was either nerves or nausea, and she doubted their lovemaking the previous night would make her that queasy.

  Karyn had to get out of the office and get some fresh air. She turned to Nalani who seemed to be in her own thoughts. “How about a pedicure on the house?”

  Nalani hesitated. “Maybe another time. I’ve got a conference call later, so I’m heading home, but I’ll be over for dinner this weekend.” She gave her a smile, but it barely curled her lips.

  Late afternoon, Karyn was relieving the front receptionist for her break when two familiar faces entered Crowning Glory. Although it had been a while, Octavia’s was a friendly face. Jet’s expression was tortured. The dark beauty with them had the body language she had seen many times with Buttercup. She had Jet’s back.

  Uh-oh. What now? Karyn needed this day to end, but then she would have to go home to a sulky man or a repenting husband. God, can I put in a request for the latter?

  The three ladies split up. Octavia opened her arms. Jet made a beeline to Dori’s play station area while the other woman seemed to be admiring her salon—always a good sign.

  “How are you?” Octavia asked, exchanging an embrace. After asking about the children, they were quiet.

  “Is this a social or business call?” Karyn asked, watching Dori chat away with her aunt.

  “Spiritual. You and Jet need to talk while Jet’s friend Layla and I see what service we can get.” She grinned, and her eyes sparkled.

  Karyn liked to give family and close friends discounts, but there was no sense in arguing with Octavia about anything on the house. The few times the woman had frequented her salon, she paid and tipped her staff well. “Thanks.”

  Heading toward Dori’s play area, Karyn gave herself a pep talk. She was no longer Jet’s enemy, but more than anything, she wanted her friendship. She waited for Jet to acknowledge her before speaking. “It’s nice to see you,” she said and stood on her tippy toes to give Jet a hug. She returned it loosely. Karyn faced Dori. “Watch your brother while your aunt and I chat in my office.”

  “Okay, Mommy, but I wanted to paint Auntie’s nails.” Dori frowned.

  “You will, sweetie,” Jet assured her as Layla joined them.

  “I can’t believe this is your niece. Wow, she looks just like you!” Layla wore an awed expression.

  Jet’s face glowed with the compliment. “Yes, this is Dori.”

  Stepping forward. Karyn introduced herself. “Welcome to Crowning Glory. Please look around, talk to our staff, and see what services you would like.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice. I’m Layla Keyes, Jet’s best friend from Nashville,” she emphasized.

  “Miss Layla, I can do your nails for free.” Dori’s eyes widened in excitement as she licked her lips in anticipation.

  Karyn was amused. She was so glad Levi had come into her life and given her a second chance at being a mother. She would always be thankful and proud to be Dori Lovanne Tolliver’s mommy.

  Layla shook her head and chuckled. “No, I’ll pay you.”

  Dori looked to Karyn for the okay. When she nodded, Dori began to straighten her mini station and adjust her client chair for Layla’s long legs.

  “She’s happy,” Jet whispered.

  “Yes, she is,” Karyn agreed. “Come on back to my office.” She felt like a midget next to Jet. Her heels clicked with each step, trying to keep up with Jet. “By the way, you look stylish. I always wanted to be tall.”

  Jet chuckled. “Not when you’re in grade school and you’re taller than the boys by half a foot, but thanks. I had an interview.”

  “I hope and pray you get it,” she said and opened her office door.

  “Wow.” Jet stepped in and looked around. “If you’d want to run away from home, this would be a hide-out.”

  “I know. Have a seat.” Karyn offered the sofa and sat on the ottoman in front of Jet.

nbsp; After taking a deep breath, Jet met Karyn’s eyes. “I don’t know if you know why I’m here.”

  Karyn swallowed and felt her heart pound with uncertainty on what would be Jet’s version. “I’m guessing it’s because of Rossi and Levi.”

  She nodded and bowed her head before meeting Jet’s determined expression.

  “I can’t help but feel like I’m the cause of their discord,” she began. “I love Rossi.” Jet paused, then shrugged and lowered her voice. “I guess I always have, but I can’t be happy if he’s not. I need you…”

  Karyn blinked and her heart raced. Did she hear right? Jet actually asked something of her. Lord, thank You!

  Jet swallowed as she struggled to speak, so Karyn reached out and patted her hand. “And I need you too,” she repeated, reminding her of an old, but still popular Hezekiah Walker song, “I Need You to Survive.”

  Releasing a soft hmphed, Jet shook her head. “I never imagined us having this conversation.”

  “We’re in the body of Christ. Because you and I are both sincere about our salvation and walk with Jesus, it was a matter of time before the hip bone would connect with the leg bone, so to speak.” Jet was quiet, hopefully reflecting on what Karyn had just said. “I love my husband. I do understand loss, and I’m been praying for complete restoration, even for you, but we have to be on a unified spiritual front to achieve that.”

  Her eyes watered. “So how do we bring two stubborn men back together?”

  Joining in prayer, she heard the Lord speak to her spirit. “Connecting our prayers. Since stubbornness is not a spirit that pleases God, it’s time to activate Matthew 17:21.”

  “I don’t know that scripture.” Jet looked defeated.

  “But you will when we get the victory. Mark 9:29 says the same thing, but Matthew seven, beginning at verse nineteen explains it more. Basically, some situations aren’t resolved or people delivered without much fasting and praying. You game?”

  “It’s a good thing I just had a good lunch.” Jet grinned and patted her stomach. “I’m on this.”


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