Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3)

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Love Led By the Spirit (Restore My Soul Book 3) Page 19

by Pat Simmons

  “What are you smiling at?” Jet’s voice broke his concentration.

  “My artistic ability.” He met her stare.

  “Let me see.” She was about to stand.

  “No. We can compare our talents at the end of class,” he said as the instructor came and looked over his shoulder. He hoped she wouldn’t give him away.

  “Interesting,” she said, studying it. She moved to the next couple.

  Jet laughed. “Umm-hmm. Do I need to come over and show you how to paint?” she teased, then dismissed him to continue her project.

  He examined his interpretation of God’s masterpiece on his canvas. The only thing left was her hair. It truly was her crowning glory. Should he paint swirls to depict her mass of silky curls, or use long strokes to represent her mane, hanging down her back? He gnawed on his lips. Decisions, decisions. He glanced up and admired her hair swept up in a ball on top of her head. It was a style that even Dori had started to copy.

  Rossi wasn’t an artist by any means, but looking at his handiwork was proof that his mind had created the image, and he still had it when it came to sketching.

  “Let’s finish up so you can mingle a few minutes and show off your artwork to your date and others,” the instructor told the couples.

  He stood from straddling a stool and walked around to the other side. Looking over Jet’s shoulder, Rossi couldn’t contain his snickers. “Stick to your other God-given talents.”

  She stuck out her tongue. “Which are?”

  “Among others, making me happy just being you, your ability to love hard, and…”

  She’s My prayer warrior, the Lord Jesus whispered.

  “God has given you a spirit to pray,” he said softly. “A prayer warrior.”

  Her eyes misted. “Thank you.”

  I love you, he mouthed, keeping their moment private. After assisting her from her stool, he guided her around to his easel. She gasped and drew the attention of others in class. Covering her mouth, she glanced back at him, then peered closer.

  “That’s how I see you,” he said close to her ear, causing her to shiver.

  Her hands shook and her eyes watered. Jet’s lips puckered, but words were slow in coming. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Just like you.” He squeezed her shoulders.

  Their private moment was shattered when others crowded around them.

  “Jason, why didn’t you paint a portrait of me?” one woman demanded of her date.

  “Hey, I followed the chick’s instructions,” a tall dude defended himself then mumbled, “You made us brothers look bad, man.”

  “Can I have it?” Jet asked with such reverence in her voice.

  Rossi was torn. When he created his masterpiece, he hadn’t thought about it being a gift, and when he finished, he imagined it on a wall in his house or in his office, but his way of thinking was changing. If Jet wanted anything, he wouldn’t deny her. “Yes. We’ll swap.” Besides, Jet’s image was already ingrained in his mind.

  She pouted. “Mine isn’t as good as yours. You’re holding back on your talents, Minister Rossi. “Painting you was easy.” He leaned closer. “I started with your lips and went from there.”

  He was so close to her mouth, his heart begged for a kiss. Then he recalled Romans 6:12: Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Kissing her wasn’t a sin, but it wouldn’t aid in taming the temptations many men yielded to. Refocusing on Jet’s picture instead of her mouth, he took her canvas and examined her artistic ability. “I don’t care if it was stick people, it was created by the woman I love. To me, it’s invaluable.” That earned him a smile from her and applause from others.


  When Jet returned home, she hung Rossi’s artwork on the living room wall and stared at it before taking it to her bedroom and admiring it as if it was the first time she ever laid eyes on it. Finally, Jet snapped a picture and texted it to Layla since it was too late to call her.

  The night was more romantic than a candlelight dinner. Rossi had taken her breath away. Besides the gift from his heart, her mind replayed his sweet words—a prayer warrior. Was she that? “I hope so, Lord.”

  Rossi didn’t know behind closed doors, she had prayed for strength to love Levi, strength to let go of Diane, strength to be the woman Rossi thought he saw in her, and to tear down the wall she had boxed Karyn in.

  She snuck another peek at her portrait, then opened the Bible. “Lord, guide me through Your Word.” She flipped through the pages until she stopped at Proverbs 31. Her heart seemed to open. Is this what she would be to Rossi? When she married, she planned to be a good wife and mother, but verses eleven and twelve made her reread them: She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeks wool, and flax, and works willingly with her hands.

  Jet was ready to be Mrs. Rossi Tolliver. She wanted to give her heart completely to him. Now she had to wait on him to propose—again.

  As she was about to prepare for bed, her phone chimed Layla’s ringtone. “Girl, if you don’t say yes to that man, I’ll steal him.” She laughed. “He’s setting the standard for my future hubby.”

  “I’m ready to become a Mrs., and no other man could be my husband but Rossi.” She stared at her reflection. “Don’t let me have to ask him to marry me.”

  Chapter 25

  Weeks after Jet started working at APA, Rossi added pool dates with her to their outings. He didn’t realize she was so competitive. He withheld his amusement at her serious expression while trying to break the set of balls. She was horrible at getting the cue ball to make any pocket shots.

  “Hey, if Jeanette Lee can do this, so can I,” she said, referring to the spokeswoman for APA who had won more than thirty international and national pool titles. To Rossi’s amazement, Jeanette was ranked number one as an American pool player.

  It was as if Jet was trying to emulate the Black Widow’s techniques. His lady had a long way to go. He would chuckle at her frustration, but in the end, the beauty was learning the sport together.

  Soon, more Tollivers joined them until it became a weekly family affair. He was surprised his brother Chaz was as good as he boasted. Rossi laughed at Levi’s expression when Karyn beat him—even Dori did better.

  “We can blame the Black Widow for their competitive nature,” he told his cousin.

  One night as he was driving to Bible class, he asked Jet about her company’s franchise opportunities. “That might be a good investment.”

  “Really?” Her eyes widened. “My boss told me about one employee who went part-time after buying a franchise, then she quit to focus on growing her business.”

  “I wouldn’t want to manage it, but I would be willing to be a silent partner.”

  When it came to money and business, Rossi earnestly petitioned the Lord for guidance. He did later that night. When a name came to mind, Rossi wasn’t sure if it was definitely a yes from God, but he had a strong feeling that this person would be affected in some kind of way.

  The next morning, Rossi made a pit stop at Crowning Glory before going to the office. He waved at familiar faces. Bypassing the salon section, he headed to the barber chairs.

  “What’s up?” Halo the head barber asked, glancing up for a second before finishing up a trim on a customer’s mustache. “What brings you in, Minister?”

  “You, my friend.”

  “Let me finish up with Gary here, then you can have a seat in my chair.” Halo tilted his head in the direction of the waiting lounge.

  “Nah, this is a different type of business call.” Rossi lowered his voice so the three other barbers couldn’t hear.

  Halo paused and straightened slowly, then lifted his brow. “Yeah?” He turned down his lips, thinking. “Everything okay?”

  Before Rossi could answer, Buttercup waved at him. Her hands were wrapped in plastic gloves. “Hey, Rossi,” she said, her voice muffled behind a surgical mask covering her mouth and nose. The couple ha
d recently announced their pregnancy, and it appeared Halo and Buttercup were taking every precaution to ensure a healthy baby. She wiggled her fingers. “Perm.”

  He nodded and took a seat to wait. When he and Halo were behind closed doors in the break room, Rossi presented his proposal. “I have a business opportunity that I think you would like. I’ll back you financially the first year.”

  “Whew.” Halo shook his head. His eyes watered, and he used his hand to shield his emotions in front of Rossi. Before Christ saved him, the six-five and two hundred fifty-something bulky Latino was considered a threat to society. His criminal activity landed him in prison after being charged with countless felonies. Now, his goal was to witness to others about the consequences of being involved in gangs. Halo was a true ambassador for Christ ninety-nine percent of the time.

  Emotions contained, Halo met Rossi’s eyes. “Thanks, man,” he finally choked out and looked up. Exhaling, he rested his hands on his thighs. “If you’re willing to back me, I know I’ve got the favor of God, so what is it?” He grinned.

  “Jet works for—”

  Halo frowned and gritted his teeth. “Not her…I mean,” he hurried to say, “I know you two got a thing going on, but I’m not going for a repeat with her. When she turned down our business loan for Crowning Glory, I thought Karyn, Buttercup, and my second chances were over. My honey was crushed until Nalani showed up and put Jet in her place. If she’s involved, all hope is gone.”

  Rossi tried to keep a poker face until Halo finished bad-mouthing his almost fiancée. “Bro, we all have a past, including you, me, and Jesetta. She’s part of the Body of Christ now, so she’s a perfect fit.” He waited to give Halo time to consider what he said, before adding, “And for the record, you would protect Buttercup until your last breath. The same goes for me with Jesetta. I love her and will marry her.”

  “Enough said.” Halo folded his hands. “So tell me about this opportunity.”

  “Now, it has nothing to do with Jet anyway. It’s the company she works for—American Poolplayers Association. They’re one of the top companies when it comes to investing in a small franchise. I prayed and God sent me to you. You would build your business by forming leagues wherever there’s a pool table and players. I don’t know all the details, but I’m sure Jet can get you a packet. Are you in?”

  He stood, and Rossi did the same. “Definitely.” A smile spread across his face until he was as giddy as a kid with his first bicycle. “With the baby on the way, it’ll feel good to have something I own—after I pay you back your investment, of course.”

  “Of course.” Rossi chuckled. “I’d better head to work. Talk it over with Buttercup and see what she says.”

  At the office, Rossi shared his plan with Levi after they concluded a conference call. “Halo was real excited.” He paused. “Crowning Glory is about giving back to other felons, but with this franchise, he will be able to build a business.”

  His cousin pushed back from the table and rested his ankle across his knee. Adjusting his glasses, Levi twisted his mouth in thought. “Instead of Halo going on the hunt to find pool players, why not bring them to him to form leagues?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We have that vacant space in the Tolliver Town II development. I’m thinking a recreational center would be a great attraction for sports entertainment. We can call it Halo’s Hall and construct, let’s say, ten bowling lanes, four to six pool tables, and a game room…”

  Levi’s suggestion got Rossi thinking. “Besides the pool tables, maybe we have a rock climbing area.”

  “This is a game changer for Buttercup and Halo. I guess everyone will get their happy ending, including you.” Levi nodded.

  “You know it.”

  Chapter 26

  Late one Saturday after a day of hanging out with Dori, Jet was dropping off her niece when she noticed Rossi’s car in front of Levi’s house. Karyn met her at the door. “You’re back sooner than I expected with only a couple of bags.” She chuckled.

  “Yeah.” Jet laughed. It felt good to interact with Karyn without any reservations about her intentions. God had washed both their sins away. “Can you imagine I couldn’t get Dori to spend my money? So I bought her more books and sweaters for school.”

  The two exchanged genuine warm hugs before Karyn invited her in, then loud voices from their backyard beckoned Jet to the kitchen.

  “Girl, the Tollivers are talking smack about who’s the better three-point shooter. They’re taking it too seriously.”

  Jet smirked. “I should go out there just for laughs. With my height, I played in high school.”

  “But, Auntie, you have on heels and a short skirt,” Dori reminded her. They were dressed alike in black skirts and red short-sleeved sweaters.

  Although she had been teasing, it sounded like a plan. “Heels are a woman’s best friend, honey,” Jet said. “If you’re going to wear them, then you have to be able to strut, run, and jump rope. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  “This is when I wish I was tall.” Karyn led the way. After checking on her son who was napping, she returned and led the way outside.

  Jet stood at the top of the deck stairs and put her hands on her hips like she was a superhero as she overlooked the patio. Rossi dropped the ball and his jaw. Levi took advantage of his distraction and grabbed the ball for a layup.

  Jet caught her breath too. It wasn’t often she could admire Rossi’s athletic build. She had grown accustomed to his polo and slacks or suits. Not today. His wife-beater was drenching with sweat from his exertion. Brown shorts matched his brown and orange tennis shoes. Her man was built solid. His sculptured biceps and muscular legs made her blush.

  For Dori’s sake, she put on her game face as she strutted toward the cousins. “Gentlemen.” She nodded at Levi, then Rossi. Snatching the ball from her unsuspecting brother-in-law, she dribbled and took her a shot. “All net.” That surprised her, but she kept her game face on. “I’ve still got it.”

  “How’d she do that?” Levi huffed as he walked in circles.

  “Yay, Auntie.” Dori clapped.

  Retrieving the ball, Rossi tucked it under his arm and walked toward her. His approach was more like a predator calculating his steps to his prey. He was breathing heavy. They were within inches of each other. Her stilettos made her almost eye level with him. “Jesetta,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes, “yeah, how did you do that?” He lowered his eyes and scanned her from head to toe.

  She shivered at his scrutiny before grabbing the ball and dribbling it to the basket.

  “I got this,” he yelled at Levi as he scrambled to block her.

  “I don’t think so.” She elbowed him, moved to the left, then right as Levi called a foul and traveling, but she didn’t stop. She was having too much fun. By this time, Karyn and Dori were reciting cheers.

  Could she do it again? She leaped to shoot. Rossi jumped higher and blocked her. Then in a surprising moved, he wrapped his arm around her waist so she wouldn’t stumble. His strength and gentleness was attractive.

  “Like I said, I’ve got you.”

  Her heart pounded as his nostrils flared. His eyes left hers and focused on her lips.

  “Kiss my auntie, Cousin Rossi,” Dori screamed.

  Forgetting they had an audience, Jet struggled to be set free as Rossi released her. She exhaled as he dropped the ball and turned from her. His fists were jammed on his waist. Walking in circles, he mumbled to himself, loud enough for her to hear, “Lord, this woman You gave me is torturing me.”

  It would have been funny if he didn’t look so flustered. She glanced at the other Tollivers who were also watching him. After a few seconds, she called his name. “Rossi?”

  He turned around and walked to her. His expression was unreadable. “Babe.” His husky voice was soft.

  “Yes?” She batted her eyes, flirting with him.

  “I’ll pick up you up for dinner at seven.”

  Dinner? That was
all he had to say? Before she could question him, he lifted her hand, kissed it, and swaggered away. Now who was flirting?

  “Play with me, Auntie!” Dori ran down the deck stairs, picked up the ball, and began to dribble.

  When her niece missed a third time, Jet did her best to lift Dori in the air to help her make a basket, but the girl wasn’t a light-weight anymore. They repeated the stunt four more times at Dori’s insistence—because Jet was counting—before she could call it quits. “Whew. You gave me a workout.” She winked. Plus, she had to get home and find something to wear. She wanted to dazzle Rossi.

  Chapter 27

  Rossi slipped behind the wheel of his SUV and drove home, trying to take control of his senses and get his hormones under control. He couldn’t get the image of Jet out of his mind. He came dressed for some one-on-one with Levi while Jet was out with Dori. He had no idea she would return early and woo him in her get-up.

  She was tall, but wore heels as if she was born with them. Legs were his weakness, and she had them. Instead of her hair up, she and Dori had theirs brushed to the side in one braid. His woman was adorable, youthful, and seductive at the same time.

  How did a simple game of one-on-one with her turn into a moment where he had to walk away and repent? He jammed his fist on the steering wheel. “This stops now.”

  His phone rang through his car Bluetooth. “Hello.”

  “Hey, bro. You were on my mind,” Landon, Octavia’s husband, greeted him. “What are you and Jet doing tonight? We have a sitter. Want to double date for a movie or dinner?”


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