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Hot, Wild & Crazy [Loving in Silver 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 12

by Lynn Stark

  When Maggie became nearly delirious with the fiery sensations running through her body, she knew that these men desired her as she was. Strong fingers stroked through the slick folds, finding her clit and teasing it until her hips began to buck. Moans left her lips as her head rocked back and forth on the blanket. Ethan was sucking one nipple while rolling the other between his fingers. Max was on his knees now between her spread legs, his hand stroking her swollen flesh. Her legs lifted to wrap around his waist as he pressed between her leg, the head of his cock stretching the opening of her cream-filled channel and pushing in.

  Maggie’s eyelids slid closed for a moment, imagining where their bodies were joining. “I love the way you feel inside of me,” she told Max in a husky voice.

  “No more than I love the way I feel inside of you.” Warm lips touched her mouth, then each eyelid.

  The sensation of being so full caused Maggie to tremble and moan once more. Her long lashes lifted. She looked up at time to see Max and Ethan kiss above her, before Ethan pulled back and Max thrust forward into her pussy, his throbbing cock feeling as though it would split her in half. All three men were very nicely endowed. What was even better, they each knew how to use their cocks and were more than ready to see that she found her pleasure before they did so.

  Maggie met every one of Max’s powerful thrusts. She giggled when he smiled and winked at her. Shifting her legs, she entwined them with his. She loved the texture of the hair against her sensitive skin. It was rubbing against her from breasts to toes. Even the powerful arms Max slid under her had enough hair on them to please her.

  Grasping his broad shoulders with her hands, she held on tight as the tension began to build in her body. First her toes curled, followed by tightening in her calves and thighs. Her pussy began aching, the muscles clenching around Max’s thick cock, as her back arched and her hips left the blanket. She screamed as an orgasm tore through her. Her body froze for a moment, her eyes pressed tight, as she gasped for air. Warm, firm lips kissed her eyelids. Maggie’s body suddenly released the coiled tension and she collapsed to the ground, feeling boneless and pleasantly sated. Her pussy continued to throb around Max’s cock. She held him tight as he began thrusting over her. She could feel the tension in his body as he came seconds later, his cock thickening and hardening within the swollen walls of her vagina.

  When Maggie heard a loud, tortured groan she looked up to see Ethan standing over them, his legs braced apart. His cock was in his hand. His head was thrown back as he stroked his cock vigorously. A second later he was coming, pearly ropes of cum splattering over both her and Max, the erotic act pushing Maggie over the edge for a second time.

  The three of them cuddled on the blanket as they recovered. Maggie loved the fact that there was never any rush afterward. She had heard tales of men rolling over and falling asleep. It hadn’t happened so far. Maybe it was because it was still new for all of them.

  Knowing she had to get back down to the house, Maggie got up and dressed. Once she had her shoes tied, she straightened and watched as Max pushed his big feet down into his boots. He didn’t seem to have any more energy than she did. Ethan, however, was dressed and waiting for them before they were halfway dressed.

  They walked back down the hill with their arms wrapped around one another. Both Ethan and Max bent to kiss her from time to time. It was nice, which meant a lot to her. It was often the little things that made up the glue holding a relationship together.

  When they walked through the house, they found Sean in the living room with Brant. There was a ball game on TV and the pair was watching it. There was a bowl of chips on the coffee table and two half-filled glasses of orange juice. Both turned to look at them as they settled in the chairs around the room.

  “Don’t be mad at Sean, Mama,” Brant pleaded earnestly. “My arm was hurting. He made it feel better.” She saw that Brant’s arm was elevated. She nodded and smiled reassuringly. “He takes good care of me.”

  Maggie smiled and nodded. Guilt niggled at her. She should have been here for her son. She shouldn’t have been out scratching the damn itch, no matter how much they all had enjoyed it. Though she didn’t put herself in the bad parent category, she knew she wouldn’t be pushing her responsibilities off on anyone again.

  Sean must have seen what was on her face, because his own expression turned to sadness and regret. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Maggie. Brant was okay here with me.”

  Brant had been taken care of by Sean. That wasn’t the point. She forced a smile to her lips. “Of course he was okay with you. It’s just that I should have been here.”

  Her son scooted off the couch and hurried over to her. “You worry too much, Mama. Me and Sean had a good time. I love baseball. And I got to stay up late. Em and Sam didn’t,” he added with a delighted giggle. “Can I go to bed now?”

  Maggie had to smile. She bent and kissed the top of his head. “Sure you can. I’ll be in in a moment. I just want to say good night to the guys.”

  As Brant ran from the living room after saying good night to the men, Maggie turned to Max, Sean, and Ethan. “Thanks for coming over. You couldn’t have timed it any better.”

  Max stepped forward, sliding his thickly muscled arms around her. She couldn’t help the shiver of pleasure that raced over her body, or the way her nipples poked him. “We’re always here for you, Maggie. You have to remember that. I know you’re having some difficulty in deciding how we’ll fit in your lives, but we can do it. We’ll give you, time, too. There’s no rush.” Lowering his head, he captured her lips, kissing her deeply before letting her go.

  Ethan stepped up next, a smile on his lips. “If you ever need anything, just give us a call. We’ll drop what we’re doing and come to help.” His kiss, always so full of enthusiasm, curled her toes. Maggie moaned as her tongue was rubbed by his.

  Sean peeled Ethan off of her and pushed his way in between them. Maggie giggled. The guys made her laugh as much as they made her moan. His hands settled low on her waist, but didn’t go below. He was as aware as she was that a child could pop out of a bedroom at any time. She was grateful for his restraint.

  “I was wondering if you would like to go out to supper Tuesday night,” Sean asked, his blue eyes filled with hope, and something she wasn’t yet willing to identify.

  It was too soon, wasn’t it? Maggie knew what she was beginning to feel for all three of the men, but fear kept her from naming it just yet. She didn’t need that kind of pressure. She still needed to make big decisions. She couldn’t rush into anything where her children were concerned. Ethan, Sean, and Max needed time, too.

  Maggie blinked, bringing her thoughts to where they should be at the moment. Supper Tuesday evening. Sean had asked her out. Tuesday was a few days away. She would feel better about leaving Brant by then. She nodded and felt the tension draining out of his huge body. Sean was so tall and muscular that he again made her feel dainty.

  “Yes, if all is well with Brant,” she said with a smile. “Supper would be nice. What time?”

  Her breath caught in her throat as she saw the pleasure spread over Sean’s handsome face.

  “Is five o’clock too early? We could go to a movie afterward, or dancing. Or we could just sit in the park and stare at each other.” Sean bent and dropped a quick kiss on her mouth. “Call me, if anything changes. Max and Ethan can watch the kids, if that’s okay with you.”

  “It’ll give us a chance to get to know them better,” Ethan said eagerly. “And vice versa.”

  Max nodded. “We’ll make supper and maybe put in a DVD or something. We have plenty of nieces and nephews, so we’re not completely clueless.”

  Obviously they had given their plan considerable thought.

  Maggie took a deep breath and smiled. They were determined to prove themselves. She had to give them a chance, and give herself one as well.

  Chapter Nine

  “What the hell is wrong with you guys?” Steve Jensen, Max’s fathe
r, demanded as he came to stand beneath the wide branches of the tree, where they were stretched out on the grass.

  “Woman problems,” Max told his father as he lifted the arm from over his eyes. “We’re trying to figure out how to convince Maggie that we’re the guys for her.”

  Max sat up and pulled his knees to his chest as he stared at his father. The man was smart. He and Max’s uncle shared three wives. They seemed to all be in love and they got along great, for the most part, unless two certain individuals forgot and tracked mud through the house. Max cringed as he recalled the times he’d had to scrub all the floors, when he had forgotten and run into the house with muddy boots on. His mothers hated dirt, and there was plenty of it, living on a ranch.

  “I thought things were progressing nicely,” his dad said, obviously as puzzled as they were. “She brought the kids over for the picnic last week.”

  There had been a huge family picnic, where almost three hundred people had shown up dressed in their Sunday best and carrying baskets of food. Maggie had brought Brant, Emily, and Samuel. He, Ethan, and Sean had thought it would be a good way for her to get to know their family, though she likely already knew many of them.

  She had opened the door to the SUV, turning the kids loose. They had disappeared into the large group of children, spending hours running around and playing games. While she had talked with them, watching her children as she did so, they had watched her.

  Maggie was simply gorgeous with her creamy freckled skin, glorious mass of auburn curls, and wearing a navy blue, polka dot halter dress that showed off her best features. Max didn’t think Maggie knew how beautiful she was. While some might have considered her fat, or chubby, her voluptuous curves were perfect. The halter dress accentuated her breasts, her small waist, and flared hips. Even as he had admired her in it, Max had wanted to strip her out of it so he could lick and suck at the tender skin. When Maggie had caught him looking, an arched auburn brow had lifted. The expression in her green eyes told him that she knew exactly what was going through his mind.

  “They had a great time,” Sean said. “That’s the thing. Just when we think we can go the next step, which is asking her to marry us, she pulls back.”

  “We probably shouldn’t have let her get to know us so well,” Ethan grumbled.

  They had each taken Maggie out on dates, letting her get to know them individually. It wasn’t all about sex. They had agreed that they shouldn’t take Maggie to bed during their dates. They wanted her to see that there was more to them than hormones that were in overdrive every time they were around her. Max knew that they had spent hours talking. It had all felt so right. Ethan and Sean had said the same thing about their dates. Everything had gone well. They had had fun with her. She had shared a lot with them, too, going into more detail about her brief encounter with the father of her children and the subsequent legal battle with Rick’s family, which was now settled. A large part of Rick’s estate would go to his children. They knew Maggie was relieved that it was now over.

  Max bumped shoulders with Ethan. “We probably shouldn’t have let her be alone with you,” he teased, chuckling as E’s face soured.

  His dad cleared his throat, after laughing with the rest of them. Everyone loved to tease Ethan. He was the sweetest guy, but he was also an easy target. “Maggie has a lot of responsibility. She’s an independent woman who has taken care of three kids on her own. While she might like to have someone to share that responsibility with full time, it’s probably hard for her to think about giving up control. That and trusting others with the health and happiness of her children. If I were to pick a reason why she’s holding back, it’s that right there.”

  “But we’re great guys!” Sean said with a little more emotion than he usually allowed others to see. He sounded angry, slightly offended, and he looked it.

  Steve shook his head. “It’s not about you personally, I’m sure. It’s the idea of it. Here are these three precious children. They are everything to her. Their well-being, their happiness, comes before anything she wants or needs for herself.” He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, something Max knew his dad did whenever he was thinking about what he was about to say. “On the other hand, Maggie wants to be sure that you are the right men to guide them.”

  Max nodded his head in agreement. “We understand all that. It’s just getting frustrating.”

  “What should we do?” Sean asked with less frustration in his voice. “Keep dating?”

  Steve nodded. “That’s what I’d do. Give her all the time she needs. I doubt it will be as much as you might think. Don’t push her because she just might push back. You’ve only been seeing one another for a few months. I really don’t believe Maggie’s taking too much time. She has everything riding on her making the right choice.” He stood up and turned toward the house. “Come on in now for supper, boys. I thought we might play some cards afterward.”

  A night in with the family did a lot to ease their stress and get their thinking straightened around. Max began looking at their situation more from Maggie’s point of view, rather than his own. Brant, Samuel, and Emily were Maggie’s world, and had been since before they were born. Though she had family and friends, she provided the most for them, from unconditional love to the socks on their small feet. It wouldn’t do to pressure her. She might make a decision that they wouldn’t like, mainly dumping them.

  By the time they left the house and headed for their own, they were in agreement that they would give Maggie all the time she needed, because she was worth waiting for.

  They were satisfied with their decision, until they saw Maggie at the feed mill the next day, standing way too close to a man. It wasn’t just any man. It was Donny Bakersfield, uncle to her children. He looked a lot like his brother Rick. She was standing too close, with her head tipped back to look up at Donny. She was laughing at something he had said. Obviously she found him entertaining.

  Max exchanged a glance with Sean and E as they got out of their truck. They walked with purpose toward the chatting pair. He didn’t quite like the jealousy he was feeling. It was unpleasant and he couldn’t remember the last time he had experienced it. Okay, he did. While in high school Ethan had smiled at the quarterback a little too often before he, Max, and Sean had begun dating. He hadn’t wanted Ethan to look at anyone but them like that. It had been the first clue that he might feel more than friendship for the guy.

  Maggie turned to them as they walked up. She smiled brightly, but her hand reached out to touch Donny on the arm. “You guys remember Donny, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, we remember.” Max’s gaze slid to the man beside her. “How’s it going, Bakersfield?”

  Donny nodded. “Good. I’ve got two weeks’ leave. I’ve a lot of catching up to do.” His gaze went to Maggie, dropping to her cleavage. Max resisted the urge to knock the guy’s eyeballs out of his head. “Maggie and I were just talking about me meeting my niece and nephews. I didn’t get a chance the last time I was home to see my family.”

  “You definitely should meet them,” Sean agreed. “They’re great kids.”

  “How could they be anything else with Maggie raising them?” Donny asked, grinning.

  Max was glad he was wearing boots. The shit was starting to rise. There weren’t many secrets in Silver. The grapevine was both thorough and surprisingly reliable. Everyone knew that Donny’s parents had tried to get custody of the triplets. They had refused to give up any of Rick’s assets to the children, despite the fact that he had already begun making arrangements for support payments at the time of his death. His parents had put a stop to all of it and had fought to keep the money and get Emily, Brant, and Samuel. Thankfully, that had failed.

  Now here was Donny, flirting with Maggie, being something he definitely wasn’t. The guy had been a rat bastard when they were teenagers. Rick hadn’t been much better, but Max’s opinion of him had changed when he learned that he had been trying to do the right thing for his children before he had

  “They couldn’t be. Maggie is a terrific mother,” Ethan told him. Maggie smiled at E. Max turned to look at his partner and saw how Ethan almost turned into a pile of mush.

  They had fallen in love with the woman. There was no mistaking it. Perhaps they should tell her? Though he didn’t believe she would fall for Donny’s slick pretense, Max figured it was time that she knew just how they felt about her. It might be what she needed to know. If she was aware that they loved her, then she had everything she needed to make a decision. And that had nothing to do with Mr. Bakersfield.

  It was all Max could do to hide his smirk, when Donny moved closer to Maggie and she told him it was nice seeing him, and then moved away in a flawlessly smooth manner. She closed the distance between her, Max, Ethan, and Sean. “So, what are you guys up to?”

  “Oh, we just came in for a new feed for our brood mares. What are you doing in town?” he asked, his gut clenching when she reached out to stroke his arm. Her touch had the ability to set his blood on fire. It also said that same blood rushing to his groin. He bit back a moan as his cock began to fill and push against his zipper.

  Maggie’s green eyes were sparkling with mischief and more. The woman knew what effect she had on them. “I just dropped the kiddos off at daycare. I have to go back home to finally meet the architect and the contractor in about an hour. They’ll be pouring the foundation for the addition at the end of this week.” She grinned. “No more being squeezed into eight hundred square feet. The house was the perfect size for my grandfather. And it wasn’t bad when the triplets were little. But now we’re bumping into each other every time we turn around.”

  Maggie had told them about the significant changes she was having made to the house. It would more than triple its size. Since their relationship with her hadn’t progressed far enough, they hadn’t brought up the subject of where they would live if and when they married. It still wasn’t to that point, though it was getting close. Soon they would know whether they would have the woman of their dreams in their lives forever.


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