Golden Scorpio
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Vanti: Guardian for the Savanti of the Sacred Pool of Baptism on the River Zelph of far Aphrasöe.
Varkwa the Open-Handed: Spirit of generosity called upon in Vallia.
Vel’alar: One of the Hills of Vondium. The villa of the Stromnate of Valka is situated on this hill.
Veliadrin: Large island high kovnate to the east of Vallia whose name was changed from Can-thirda in remembrance.
Velyan techniques: Mystic martial disciplines of the Martial Monks of Djanduin.
vener: Collective name for the vens and venas of the Canals.
Vennar: Kovnate province of Vallia between the Black Mountains and Falinur.
ver: Title of pledge of loyalty of Kroveres of Iztar similar to the pur of the Krozairs.
Vessler, Barty, Strom of Calimbrev: Amiable, chivalrous, brave young man befriended by Prescot. Desperately in love with the Princess Dayra. (CPS GOS)
Vetal: Island Stromnate to the east of the Czarin Sea.
Vikatu: The Old Sweat, The Dodger, the archetypal old soldier of Paz on Kregen, paragon of the military vices, legendary figure of myth and romance loved and sworn on by the swods.
Vinnur’s Garden: Rich area in loop of Great River between Falinur and Vindelka whose ownership is contested by both.
volmen: Volim, crewmen of fliers.
Volodu the Lungs: Prescot’s trumpeter in the choice band who followed him in the time of Troubles in Vallia. (GOS)
Vend: Imperial province to the west of Vondium.
Vondium Khanders: Political party of Vallia who looked to the business community for combined strength.
voswod: Aerial soldier of the vollers.
Voxyri: Complex of Drinnik, Gate and Bridge over two canals providing the easiest entrance to Vondium.
vydra tea: An excellent brew of the famed Kregen tea.
Walls of Larghos Risslaca: Inner defensive wall of the imperial deren Vondium.
wallpitix: Furry, bright-eyed household scavengers living in nest in hidden places of villas and houses.
Wellon, Nankwi, High Kov of Sakwara: A prickly kov who took the lead in Hawkwa after the disappearance of Trylon Udo and who was confirmed in his position by Prescot. (GOS)
“When the Fluttrell Flirts His Wing”: A song of Hamal detailing the misadventures of an inexperienced fluttrell flyer.
Whiptail: Slang term for a Kataki.
Yasi, Ranjal, Stromich of Morcray: Twin brother of Rosil Yasi, Strom of Morcray, in the pay of Phu-si-Yantong and bitter foe to Prescot.
yasticum: An expensive and rare delicacy spread on the superb Kregan bread.
Yellow-tuskers: Slang term for Chulik.
Ystilbur: An ancient nation of the Dawn Lands of Havilfar.
Zankov: Use-name of Hawkwa determined to overthrow empire, origins secret but subject to many rumors; slender, brittle; the man who slew the Emperor of Vallia. The Princess Dayra’s name is coupled with his in unsavory ways. Zankov, the Tenth Duke, is almost a meaningless name.
Zarado: A Krozair of Zy who through some peccadillo wandered from the inner sea and hired out as a Paktun to assist Prescot in the defense of Therminsax. (GOS)
zim-korf: Bird of Valka with rose-red feathers whose quality is equal or superior to the blue fletchings of the king korf of Erthyrdrin.
Zunder: Krzy with the same history as Zarado with whom he is always in arguments.
[i] Tikshim. The form of address used by the higher to the lower orders. The higher consider it neutral. As it probably equates with “my man” or even “my good man” the lower orders are almost invariably provoked by its use although quite unable to articulate their reaction or to explain it. Prescot has used the word rarely, but here it fits perfectly. A.B.A.
About the author
Alan Burt Akers was a pen name of the prolific British author Kenneth Bulmer, who died in December 2005 aged eighty-four.
Bulmer wrote over 160 novels and countless short stories, predominantly science fiction, both under his real name and numerous pseudonyms, including Alan Burt Akers, Frank Brandon, Rupert Clinton, Ernest Corley, Peter Green, Adam Hardy, Philip Kent, Bruno Krauss, Karl Maras, Manning Norvil, Chesman Scot, Nelson Sherwood, Richard Silver, H. Philip Stratford, and Tully Zetford. Kenneth Johns was a collective pseudonym used for a collaboration with author John Newman. Some of Bulmer’s works were published along with the works of other authors under "house names" (collective pseudonyms) such as Ken Blake (for a series of tie-ins with the 1970s television programme The Professionals), Arthur Frazier, Neil Langholm, Charles R. Pike, and Andrew Quiller.
Bulmer was also active in science fiction fandom, and in the 1970s he edited nine issues of the New Writings in Science Fiction anthology series in succession to John Carnell, who originated the series.
More details about the author, and current links to other sources of information, can be found at, and at
The Dray Prescot Series
The Delian Cycle:
1. Transit to Scorpio
2. The Suns of Scorpio
3. Warrior of Scorpio
4. Swordships of Scorpio
5. Prince of Scorpio
Havilfar Cycle:
6. Manhounds of Antares
7. Arena of Antares
8. Fliers of Antares
9. Bladesman of Antares
10. Avenger of Antares
11. Armada of Antares
The Krozair Cycle:
12. The Tides of Kregen
13. Renegade of Kregen
14. Krozair of Kregen
Vallian cycle:
15. Secret Scorpio
16. Savage Scorpio
17. Captive Scorpio
18. Golden Scorpio
Jikaida cycle:
19. A Life for Kregen
20. A Sword for Kregen
21. A Fortune for Kregen
22. A Victory for Kregen
Spikatur cycle:
23. Beasts of Antares
24. Rebel of Antares
25. Legions of Antares
26. Allies of Antares
Pandahem cycle:
27. Mazes of Scorpio
28. Delia of Vallia
29. Fires of Scorpio
30. Talons of Scorpio
31. Masks of Scorpio
32. Seg the Bowman
Witch War cycle:
33. Werewolves of Kregen
34. Witches of Kregen
35. Storm over Vallia
36. Omens of Kregen
37. Warlord of Antares
Lohvian cycle:
38. Scorpio Reborn
39. Scorpio Assassin
40. Scorpio Invasion
41. Scorpio Ablaze
42. Scorpio Drums
43. Scorpio Triumph
Balintol cycle:
44. Intrigue of Antares
45. Gangs of Antares
46. Demons of Antares
47. Scourge of Antares
48. Challenge of Antares
49. Wrath of Antares
50. Shadows over Kregen
Phantom cycle:
51. Murder on Kregen
52. Turmoil on Kregen
Copyright © 1978, Kenneth Bulmer
Alan Burt Akers has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, to be identified as the Author of this work.
First published by Daw Books, Inc. in 1978.
This Edition published in 2007 by Mushroom eBooks, an imprint of Mushroom Publishing, Bath, BA1 4EB, United Kingdom
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.
ISBN 1843195801
Dray Prescot
One – Dragons in the Fire
Two – The Folly of Empire
Three – Delia Looses an Opinion at the Star Lords
Four – Jak the Drang Encounters the Iron Riders
Five – Of a Rout After Breakfast
Six – Of the Scorpion and the Ring of Destiny
Seven – In the Camp of the Iron Riders
Eight – Korero
Nine – Bird of Ill Omen
Ten – “Give me your sword, jen, and you would see!”
Eleven – Sport for Flutsmen
Twelve – We Shut the Gates
Thirteen – The Raid Against the Radvakkas
Fourteen – News of Pur Zeg, Krzy and Pur Jaidur, Krzy
Fifteen – Firebrands
Sixteen – In Crimson and Bronze the Brumbytes Form
Seventeen – The Battle of Therminsax
Eighteen – Nath Nazabhan
Nineteen – In the Name of Jak the Drang
Twenty – Fire Over Vallia
Twenty-one – Vision at Voxyri
A Glossary to the Vallian Cycle of the Saga of Dray Prescot
About the author
The Dray Prescot Series