In Montmartre: Picasso, Matisse and the Birth of Modernist Art

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In Montmartre: Picasso, Matisse and the Birth of Modernist Art Page 36

by Sue Roe

  ‘you think you are witty …’: ibid., p. 143

  ‘like a pauper …’: ibid.

  ‘pimps … clowns, acrobats …’: ibid., p. 145

  ‘like characters from a Carco novel’: Olivier, Picasso and His Friends, p. 172

  ‘Strange, disturbing figures …’: ibid., p. 171

  ‘hymn the man at the wheel’: F.T. Marinetti, ‘The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism, 1909’, in Umbro Apollonio (ed.), Futurist Manifestos, p. 21

  ‘No work without an aggressive character …’: ibid.

  ‘We will destroy the museums …’: ibid., p. 22

  ‘the renovation of painting’: ibid., p. 27

  ‘ the dynamic sensation itself’: ibid.

  ‘persistent symbols of universal vibration’: ibid., p. 28

  ‘put the spectator in the centre …’: ibid.

  ‘If one plane wasn’t enough …’: Alex Danchev, Georges Braque: A Life, p. 69

  ‘And we judged everything like that …’: Hélène Parmelin, Picasso Says …, p. 39

  ‘eternal and futile worship of the past’: Marinetti, ‘The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism, 1909’, in Apollonio (ed.), Futurist Manifestos, p. 23

  ‘ can be nothing but violence …’: ibid.

  ‘Bakst’s emphasis on bold, bright … ’: Shari Greenberg, ‘Léon Bakst and Scheherazade’, in Mariinsky Ballet, 50th Anniversary Season (London: Royal Opera House, 25 July–13 August, 2011), p. 25

  ‘Painting should inspire like this …’: Georges Hilaire, Derain, p. 23

  ‘a roaring car …’: Marinetti, ‘The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism, 1909’, in Apollonio (ed.), Futurist Manifestos, p. 21

  ‘looked as though they had just escaped …’: Gold and Fizdale, Misia, p. 140

  ‘the southern regions of Europe …’: Noel Alexandre, The Unknown Modigliani: Drawings from the Collection of Paul Alexandre, p. 99

  ‘We can report …’: ibid.

  ‘Carissimo …’: ibid.

  ‘At the summit of the Butte Montmartre …’: ibid.

  ‘Choose what is suitable, Madame … a state of mind …’: White, Poiret, p. 41

  ‘modern men trying to find a pictorial language …’: Roger Fry, ‘The French Post-Impressionists’ (1912), in Roger Fry, Vision and Design, p. 167

  ‘The difficulty [in the paintings’ reception] springs …’: ibid.

  ‘The painter aims to construct not an anecdote … Braque, in Jeanine Warnod, Washboat Days: Montmartre, Picasso and the Artists’ Revolution, p. 140

  ‘a purely abstract language …’: Roger Fry, Vision and Design, p. 167.

  ‘by the continuity and flow …’: ibid., p. 168

  ‘here attempting to do something quite different’: ibid.

  ‘the great originator …’: ibid.

  ‘And that … twentieth century’: Gertrude Stein, Paris France, p. 17

  ‘their tradition kept them from changing …’: ibid.

  ‘finally broke loose …’: Lawrence Gowing, Matisse, p. 111

  ‘they have the advantage of being animated by touch’: Richardson, A Life of Picasso, Volume II, p. 150

  ‘closer to Havana than to Madrid’: ibid., p. 154

  ‘We are paying a hundred francs …’: ibid., p. 156

  ‘stranded in little heaps …’: ibid., p. 157

  ‘navicular structure …’: ibid.

  ‘doubled power of our sight’: Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carra, Luigi Russolo, Giacomo Balla, Gino Severini, ‘Futurist Paintings: Technical Manifesto, 1910’, in Apollonio (ed.), Futurist Manifestos, p. 28

  ‘swallowed safety pins …’: Richardson, A Life of Picasso, Volume II, p. 158

  ‘And difficult!’…: ibid., p. 164

  ‘communion of souls’: ibid.

  ‘Rich and poor, young and old …’: ibid.

  ‘At the risk of offending the Pichots …’: ibid., p. 165

  ‘lyricism of the banlieusard’: Hilaire, Derain, p. 53 (quoting Jean Cassou: ‘cet élan de lyricisme banlieusard’)

  ‘What was wrong in our attitude …’: André Derain, in Denys Sutton, André Derain, p. 21

  ‘Where there is temperament …’: ibid.

  ‘esthétisme hasardeux’: Hilaire, Derain, p. 53

  ‘Un tableau ne commence pas …’: ibid., p. 117

  ‘façon directe de sentir des choses’: ibid., p. 36

  ‘Mais la Peinture, c’est autre chose’: Maurice Genevoix, Vlaminck, p. 19

  ‘the classicism of cubism [opposing] the romanticism of the Fauves’: Jean Cocteau, The Journals of Jean Cocteau, p. 48

  ‘If you can’t paint the entire person … to one side’: Francis Carco, Promenades pittoresques à Montmartre, p. 14

  ‘He was painting from his wife’: Cocteau, The Journals of Jean Cocteau, p. 49

  ‘From the moment that someone else could do the same thing …’: Georges Braque, quoted in Warnod, Washboat Days, p. 140

  ‘I realized that a painter could not make himself known …’: ibid.

  ‘the youngest of the cubists’: Stein, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, p. 121

  ‘How he drifted in …’: ibid.

  ‘as one would join a religious faith’: Warnod, Washboat Days, p. 169

  ‘reducing the architecture’: ibid.

  ‘visiting Poles …’: Richardson, A Life of Picasso, Volume II, pp. 179–80

  ‘primitive, diabolical, barbaric …’: Spurling, Matisse, p. 199

  ‘We have been to the Salon d’Automne …’: Maurice Sembat, quoted in Warnod, Washboat Days, p. 143

  ‘probably remaining’: Toklas, What is Remembered, p. 61

  ‘And with that I moved …’: ibid., p. 62

  ‘an intimate friend of two …’: ibid., p. 63

  ‘infant prodigies of the social world’: ibid.

  ‘considered herself a Greek scholar …’: ibid.

  ‘ghostly pallor and elegant, etiolated figures’: Spurling, Matisse, p. 204

  ‘a miracle of suppleness and rhythm’: ibid., p. 208

  ‘monstrous images’: ibid., p. 213

  ‘frightful Spanish Woman …’: ibid.

  ‘very joyously …’: Parmelin, Picasso Says …, p. 96

  ‘Each of us had to see …’: Danchev, Georges Braque, p. 111

  ‘bumped into’: Richardson, A Life of Picasso, Volume II, p. 186

  acquisition … of eleven works by Matisse: Jean-Paul Crespelle, La Vie quotidienne à Montmartre au temps de Picasso, 1900–1910, pp. 123–4

  ‘a little French Evelyn Thaw …’: Stein, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, p. 122

  ‘Is Picasso leaving Fernande …?’: Toklas, What is Remembered, p. 66

  ‘ma jolie’ … ‘Fernande is certainly not …’: Stein, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, p. 122

  ‘the true source … of all creative search’: Spurling, Matisse, p. 234


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