poetry about, 146, 151
press and, 83, 121, 124
probability of, 322–23
recognition of, 100
significance of, 12–13, 131, 187–88, 201–2, 312–16
Sisler’s record and, 219–20
statistically safe, 266
teammates and, 184
tension and, 176–77, 185, 206–7, 210
what-ifs of, 312
hitting streaks
analysis of, 86–91, 187–97, 321–43
Bayesian analysis of, 337
Bernoulli trials, 336–38
choking under pressure, 90–91
conditional probability and, 337
difficulty of, 12–13, 187–88, 190–94, 192, 248–49
game theory and, 337
luck and, 138
noticing, 83, 85–86
pitchers and, 189–90
probabilities of, 322–25, 327–33
as random occurrences, 327–33
records, 12
relief pitchers and, 189
self-consciousness and, 342
streak averages, 328
subconscious mind and, 86–91
superstitions and, 193, 295
talent and, 190–91
team behavior and, 194–97
tension of, 192–94
thinking about, 85–91
Yankee players, 116, 118
Hitting Streaks Don’t Obey Your Rules (McCotter), 340
Hoag, Myril, 103, 145
hockey records, 12
Hodges, Gil, 196
Hollywood Stars, 294
Holmes, Tommy, 187, 191, 256, 257, 259, 260, 263
Homer, Ben, 239
home runs, strikeouts per, 342n
Hoover, J. Edgar, 104
Horner, Bob, 264–65
Hornsby, Rogers, 146, 149, 167
batting average, 147
Hospital and Home for Crippled Children, Newark, 49–50, 105, 127
hotel lobbies, 212
“hot hand” studies, 324
“hot” streaks, 323–27
House of Fear, The, 157
Hubbell, Carl (“Old Long Pants”), 66, 80
Hudler, Rex, 11
Hudson, Sid, 69, 214, 221
Huffington Post, 318
Huggins, Miller, 24, 134, 279
I Am An American Day, 24–26, 29
Ickes, Harold, 25
In the Navy, 105
“in the zone,” 88
isolationists, 65
Italian-Americans, 41–50
ball players, 41–42
deportation of, 42
internment of, 290
Mussolini and, 43
non-citizen, 42, 42n
prejudice against, 41–44
Roosevelt’s note on, 149
sabotage trial, 114
Mussolini and, 43
World War II and, 44–45, 60, 61
Jackson Heights, 198–202, 224
Jackson Heights Hornets, 36, 37, 106–7, 111, 198–99, 202
James, Bill, 325, 338, 341
Jefferson Hospital, 210
Jennings, Hughie, 230
Jeter, Derek, 188, 319
Jews, 66, 82, 169–70
Joe DiMaggio Night, Seals Stadium, 294
Joe DiMaggio’s Grotto, 46, 144, 149, 159, 160, 216–17, 275
Johnson, Bob, 206, 209, 280
Johnson, Hiram, 220–21
Johnson, Walter, 36, 68–69, 108, 215
Jolly Knights of North Beach, 294
Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio, 239, 299, 317
Journal American, 61, 132, 231
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 321
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 321
Journey to Baseball’s Alternate Universe, A (Strogatz), 333
Judnich, Walt, 289
Kahneman, Daniel, 324
Keeler, Emma, 229
Keeler, Wee Willie, 138, 146, 191, 243, 258, 263, 267, 339, 340
baseball career, 228–31
hitting streak, 226, 228
playing style, 230
as a “scientific hitter,” 230
two-season streak, 263n
“Keep the Home Fires Burning,” 28, 29
Keller, Charlie (“King Kong”), 27, 31, 32, 33, 35, 41, 70, 98, 99, 107–8, 117, 122, 124, 146, 148, 174, 183, 209, 219, 223, 280, 284, 285
Keltner, Ken, 74, 101, 303–4, 305, 308
Kemeny, John G., 266
Kennedy, Bob, 299
Knickerbocker, Billy, 298
knuckleballs, 219
Kramer. Jack, 178
Kuhel, Joe, 117
Kuhn, Bowie, 261, 314
Laabs, Chet, 30
Lackritz, Jim, 338
La Guardia, Fiorello, 24, 25, 81, 279
Lajoie, Nap, 146, 230
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 208
Lanier, Max, 66
Lansford, Carney, 12
Lazzeri, Tony, 4, 41, 50, 212
League Park, Cleveland, 302
Leak, Kelly, 339n
Lee, Cliff, 318
Lee, Thornton, 35, 102, 289
Lend-Lease Act, 61, 63
Leonard, Dutch, 214, 218–19
Lewis, Buddy, 62, 101, 221
Licata, James, 127
Lieber, Jon, 193
Lieberson, Stanley, 323
Life magazine, 46, 141
Lindbergh, Charles, 65, 277
Lodigiani, Dairo, 50, 100, 101
Logan, Pop, 118
Log Cabin restaurant, Armonk, 239
Lomax, Stan, 238
Lombardi, Ernie, 50
Long, Dale, 190
Los Angeles Angels, 326
Los Angeles Times, 318
Louis, Joe, 83, 105, 282
Conn/Louis fight, 124–29
prejudice against, 126
Louisville Slugger, 232–33, 299
Lowell, Mike, 195
Lucadello, Johnny, 29
Lugosi, Bela, 157
Lyons, Ted, 289, 311
Mack, Connie, 45, 50, 204, 207, 235, 279
Mack, Ray, 74, 304, 306
Major League Baseball, 314
Mancuso, Gus, 63–64, 66
Manhattan Merry-Go-Round, 155
Maniscalco, Paul, 56, 142
Manning, Rick, 195
Mantle, Mickey, 315
Marino, Dan, 12
Maris, Roger, 12, 342
Martin, Bob, 257
Mays, Willie, 246–47, 314, 315, 315n, 342
McCarthy, Joe, 4, 26, 28, 41, 69, 70, 75, 76, 78–81, 98–99, 102, 103, 113, 117–18, 123, 129, 148, 173, 174, 177, 181, 183, 209, 214, 219, 223, 237, 258, 268, 279, 280, 306, 307
on 45th hit, 243
benchings by, 28
managerial record, 19
practical joking and, 289
Yankee slump and, 19–21
McCormick, Frank, 285
McCotter, Trent, 340
McCoy, Benny, 206, 207–8
McCullough, Clyde, 66
McDonald, Arch, 216
McGill, Ben, 329–30, 330n
McGowan, Bill, 222
McGraw, John J., 230
McKain, Archie, 51
McLelland, Mike, 318
McLemore, Ivy, 136–37
McNair, Eric, 31
McQuinn, George, 181–82
McWilliams, Larry, 263–64, 265–66
DiMaggio and, 145, 172, 275, 276–78, 292, 308, 312
game coverage, 241
hitting streak and, 83, 121, 124
interviews, 240
Keeler’s record and, 226–27
Rose, Pete, and, 257, 261, 265–66, 266n
Sisler’s record and, 218, 220, 228
Yankees’ treatment of, 133
Medwick, Ducky, 39
memory-retrieval tests, conscious brain and, 89
Metheny, Bud, 216
midbrain, 87
; military draft, 82, 277, 306
deferrals, 28–29, 101, 208
drafting of ball players for, 62
extension of term of service, 290
Jackson Heights and, 200
Millar, Kevin, 195
Millman, Mort, 154, 157
Milnar, Al, 75, 119, 302
Milwaukee Brewers, 195–96
Mize, Johnny, 36, 38, 40, 281
Mlodinow, Leonard, 337n
Modeling Social Processes: Some Lessons for Sports (Lieberson), 323
Molitor, Paul, 138, 191, 194
hitting streak, 187, 195–96
Monroe, Lucy, 28, 29
Monroe, Marilyn, 13, 185, 253, 313
Moore, Jo-Jo, 66
Mooty, Jake, 66
Morgan, Joe, 249, 255
Morganna, 261
Morrell, Petey, 199
Moses, Edwin, 318
Moskowitz, Gimpy, 37, 39
Mrs. Robinson, 313
Mulcahy, Hugh, 33, 62
Muncrief, Bob, 98, 175–76, 312
attempt to stop DiMaggio’s streak, 177–78
childhood, 177
Municipal Stadium, Cleveland, 74–75, 301–9
Murphy, Johnny, 78, 307
Muser, Tony, 195
Musial, Stan, 255, 314, 315, 316
Mussolini, Benito, 42, 43, 45, 101
Mutual Broadcasting System, 281–82
My Prison Without Bars (Rose), 245
Nathan, Joe, 190
National League
All-Star Game, 280, 281–89, 303
batting averages, 190
statistics, 36, 37
control of Europe by, 57–66
persecution of Jews by, 169–70
NBC, 157
Ness, Jack, 294
Newark, 47–48, 62
Newark Bears, 49
Newhouser, Hal, 167
Newsom, Bobo (Buck), 147–48, 295
Newsome, Heber, 240–42
newsreels, 201–2
New York Daily News, 132, 193
New York Giants, 36, 46, 80, 126
New York Mets, 196, 259–61
New York Post, 167, 316
New York Sun, 135
New York Times, The, 44, 122, 240, 312, 333
New York World-Telegram, 44, 118, 121, 132–33, 146, 292
Nichols, Joseph, 44
Nicholson, Bill, 63
Niekro, Phil, 188, 263, 264
night games, 67–69
Nixon, Richard, 314
Nolan, Joe, 265
North Beach, San Francisco, 50, 159–62
’N Sync, 318
O’Dea, June, 174. See also Gomez, June
O’Doul, Lefty, 144–45, 275
Okeh Records, 299
Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway), 313
Oliver, Darren, 190
Olson, Clara, 156
Olson, Dorothy Arnoldine. See also DiMaggio, Dorothy
Olson, Irene, 161
Olson, Joyce, 158, 164
Olson, Victor Arnold, 156, 161
O’Malley, Shawn, 318
Osborne, Jim, 279
Ott, Mel, 36, 37, 66, 80
batting stance, 110
Owen, Walter, 148
Ozark, Danny, 258
Pacific Coast League, 36–37, 70, 100, 110, 143, 151, 292, 293–96, 341
ballplayers moving to major leagues, 295
DiMaggio’s hitting streak with, 292, 293–96
San Francisco Seals, 52, 144–45, 172, 205, 279
Paige, Satchel, 314
Painter, Doc, 236, 240
Panza, Al, 198
Paramount, 156
Parolin, Father, 160
Passarella, Art, 181
Passeau, Claude, 283, 284–85
I Am An American Day, 24–26
Italians and, 44–45
Peckinpaugh, Roger, 116–17, 119, 134, 302–3, 305
Peek, Steve, 69
Pegler, Westbrook, 44, 50
Perez, Tony, 262
Phantom Creeps, The, 157–58, 159
Philadelphia Athletics, 50, 203–9, 278, 279, 280
Philadelphia Phillies, 147, 257, 258
Pine, Virginia, 164, 232
Pipgras, George, 102
pitchers, hitting streak and, 303
curveballs, 75, 219, 234–35, 304
fastballs, 75, 219
hitting streaks and, 189–90
knuckleballs, 219
screwballs, 234
slideball (sailer), 205
variety in, 304
Pittsburgh Pirates, 52n
Pittsburgh Steelers, 246
Plain Dealer, 318
Polanco, Placido, 328
Polo Grounds, 37, 66, 125–29
Powell, Jake, 51
Powers, Jimmy, 238
practical joking, 288–89
Priddy, Jerry, 26, 122, 204
Bernoulli trials, 336–38
conditional, 337
of DiMaggio-like streaks, 335
factors influencing, 335–36
of hitting streaks, 322–25, 327–33
predictions and player performance, 340–41
tests, 331–33
uncertainty and, 338
Pujols, Albert, 316
Purcell, Edward M., 321, 343
Queens, New York
Italians in, 45–46, 50
Roosevelt’s fireside chats heard in, 64
Rachel Alexandra, 318
Raft, George, 164, 232
Raines, Tim, 194–95
Rankin, John, 82
Reed, Ron, 257
Reiser, Pete, 281
relief pitchers, 189
Remez, Robert, 336
Restelli, Dino, 162
Richie the Boot, 48–49, 50, 278
Rickey, Branch, 215
Rigney, Bill, 110, 122, 124
Rigney, Johnny, 24, 100, 122, 298–99
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