Sunrise in Bali - Across the Pond Trilogy (Book 1)

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Sunrise in Bali - Across the Pond Trilogy (Book 1) Page 6

by L. A. Shorter

  In the distance she saw Henry, unclothed bar a pair boxer shorts. They were tight to his skin, showing off his powerful thighs, the white color showcasing his deep tan. A pulse of longing, of impurity, raced up Jenny's body like an electric shock. She continued to watch as he emerged from his hut, the doorway framing his Greek statue body as he aimed his gaze down the valley to the source of the noise. He turned his head to the right, noticing the journal that still sat positioned where Jenny had found it the previous night. He leaned to pick it up, pausing for a moment to examine it. “Perhaps he's concerned about dew,” Jenny thought. After a few seconds he seemed content, and turned around to return to the hut. He never seemed to notice Jenny the entire time, or at least he didn't show that he did.

  Jenny spent the next hour or so reading on her bed, although her progress was stunted. Somehow the love adventures of Thomas and Charlotte didn't seem quite so interesting when she was embroiled in her own mini drama. After a while of reading the same page over and over, she got up and ventured out into the now bright morning light. Sarah was still sprawled across her bed, seemingly in the throes of some kind of dream, so Jenny left her to it.

  She wandered towards the table where they had enjoyed dinner to find Andy and Andrew laughing over a large bowl of fresh fruit. She'd heard that the Australians and Irish had a similar sense of humor, and so it would seem as they continued to crack their sides as she approached. “Jen my love, how're you going this beautiful morning?” went Andy's traditional morning greeting.

  “Oh great, enjoyed the wake up call a little earlier!” She said it sarcastically, but was being quite serious.

  “I know, I know...shoulda warned you guys about that I guess. Ah well, who doesn't like a nice surprise!”

  “No, it's great....anything that's different from New York is just FINE by me! You know, new experiences and all that, variety is the spice of life....” She rattled off a few more common phrases of similar ilk before shutting up.

  “She's a wise one for her years, our Jennifer,” said Andrew with a chuckle, wrapping his arm over her shoulder. “Alright Andy, what's the score for today then...?”

  Andy started briefing the two of them over what to expect for the rest of the day, but was forced to repeat himself continually as more of the group joined them at the table. By the time they had all come together, Sarah the last to appear, Andy had decided to whittle down his speech to the bite-sized version. It seemed the day would be spent on the move once more, exploring a few local areas before heading off to the village of Senaru for the night.

  It was a more jovial day than the last, most of the group seemingly more upbeat than they had been during their tour of the area yesterday. That is, except Sarah, who appeared a little more downtrodden than her usual vivacious self. Jenny's attempts to extract any telling information as to the cause were unsuccessful. According to Sarah, she was “just tired”, but it seemed like more than that. Jenny suspected it probably had something to do with Mark, although he seemed fine, joking and laughing as usual with Todd and Henry.

  Jenny also noticed that Emily had begun to spark up a friendship with Miley. They were both quiet, and Emily hadn't exactly ingratiated herself to Jenny and Sarah thus far, even though their similar ages made it likely that they'd have a few more things in common. Everyone loved Miley though, she was the motherly kind, always finding out if people were OK and quietly getting along in the background.

  Towards the end of the day the group were back in the van, rumbling along the dirt roads towards their next overnight destination. Soon they found themselves in the small village of Senaru, a quaint place nestled in between the might of Mt Rinjani and the tangled Lombok jungle. Jenny continued to be stunned by the tranquil beauty of the place: sweeping vistas across towering valleys, deep green jungles, crashing waterfalls and peaceful rice paddies; and all without sight or sound of another tourist the entire time.

  Unfortunately, it was all to be over too soon for Jenny. The next morning they were to move on down to the coast and take the short boat trip over to the Gili Islands, a group of three small islands a few miles off the coast of Lombok. Although she loved islands and beaches, she felt she hadn't quite soaked in the serene ambiance of Lombok quite yet. Andy assured her that they'd be returning in a couple of days for another afternoon and evening on Lombok, but Jenny suspected it would only be a fleeting visit, concerned more with travel than exploration.

  With a feeling of disappointment filling her veins, her head turned back to Henry. She still hadn't spoken to him properly since that night in Kuta, save a few passing comments here and there, and their relationship was becoming increasingly strained, as if both of them wanted more but neither was willing to take a leap. In fact, it was getting to the point of being awkward, with them purposefully avoiding each other when sitting for lunch or dinner, or when finding a seat in the van to take them to their next destination. Both of their inexperience was telling, a circumstance that would be unlikely to occur with someone a little older. The self assured and confident Henry suddenly seemed sheepish and edgy around her, turning to talk to someone else or peering into his book whenever they found themselves too close to each other.

  The evening was non-eventful, and everyone retired to their beds fairly early. It seemed that Jenny wasn't the only one woken up by the morning players, and with another early start beckoning the general consensus was to get an early night. Todd was the most vociferous in his desire to get to the Gili Islands, especially after hearing word that one of the three was known for its full moon beach parties and hedonistic nightlife. “Come on boys, a piss-up on the up for it?” he had said to Mark and Henry, before Andy issued the disappointing fact that they'd actually be staying on the central island of the three, Gili Meno, which was far more peaceful and laid back that its bigger neighbor.

  Jenny didn't care. In fact, she wasn't looking for another night out, especially after the last one. Back in their room she and Sarah talked for a while before hitting the lights. Sarah had continued to be quieter than her normal self throughout the day, and it was becoming ever more apparent that Mark was the reason.

  “I dunno Jen, I really like him, but I don't think he gives a shit.” Sarah did have a knack of falling quickly for guys, and hard.

  “What do you mean he doesn't give a shit? Didn't you make out last night?

  “Yeah...but he was a real prick about it. I was telling him I liked him and then he just kinda shut off, like he didn't care, you know. He just suddenly became all cold and...I don't know...disinterested. Then he just left me out there and walked back to this room. I don't know, maybe I was too full on....”

  Jenny knew Sarah all too well, and she'd seen this many times. Her habit was to find a cute guy, fall madly in love when them within a few days, and then blurt it all out after a few drinks. I guess guys didn't wanna hear that so early, but the way she spoke made Mark sound like a total douche. “I guess those guys aren't as nice as we thought they were,” Jenny said consolingly.

  “I guess not.”

  Chapter 9

  The next morning was a bit of a rush. Having been alerted to the need to use earplugs by the previous mornings prayer, several of the group missed their alarms.

  “Wake up, wake up,” Andy had proclaimed while banging on each hut door, “we've got 15 minutes until we need to be on the road.”

  A flurry of activity ensued, everyone hastily packing their bags and getting whatever morsels of food they could down their necks for breakfast. Soon enough, though, they were back in the van, navigating their way down to Bangsal Harbor on the eastern coast where they'd catch a small public boat over to Gili Meno, the central of the three small islands.

  After about 90 minutes of jungle tracks and rocky roads, their route opened onto the coast, and they ambled their way down towards the harbor. It was simple: a series of basic wooden boats lining the shore, and Jenny noticed a few more westerners loitering about with their bags, preparing to make the short j
ourney out to the islands. They all hoped onto the boat, Miley a little tentative as she went, and sat down on long benches facing each other. To Jenny, it looked as though it could seat about twenty or so people, ten on each side.

  Within no time the boat was chopping its way smoothly through the waves. The atmosphere among the group was subdued, but with an underlying current of excitement, especially among the boys. The idea of more snorkeling and water based activities seemed to liven Henry up significantly.

  After about 30 minutes on the water the boat began to approach Gili Meno, slowly cruising up to the shoreline where a few other boats were moored. Jenny could see a cluster of sunbathers enjoying the mid-morning sun along the white sandy beach, a couple of whom were savoring the authoritative press of a local masseuse to their skin. The island was small, only about a mile long and half a mile wide, and was framed by a beautiful beach that encircled the flat expanse within. According to Andy, about 500 people lived on the island, making their money from tourism and fishing, and most were situated right in the center. Dotted along the beach, however, were dozens of huts and cabins, each looking out eastwards towards Lombok, the towering Mt Rinjani visible in the distance, and Gili Air settled in between, a stones throw from the surf.

  The group disembarked and soon found themselves being led to a series of basic huts along the beach. Jenny and Sarah dropped off their bags and tested out their beds, as had become their custom on the trip. They were reasonably comfortable, they thought, and surrounded by mosquito nets for extra protection against the critters that had recently been causing some members of the group a few problems. Eno, unfortunately, appeared to be their juiciest target. Sarah seemed to be in better spirits this morning, the change of scenery doing her some good, and the girls soon made their way off down to the beach to explore. There were no structured activities planned for the day, so everyone was given a free pass to enjoy the island at their leisure.

  While setting down her towel on the hot white sand, Jenny noticed Henry already bounding towards the water. He was wearing long board shorts that hung down around his hips, elongating his ripped torso, and was carrying a snorkel, mask, and flippers in his hands. He plunged straight into the sea, put on his equipment, and disappeared under the surface. According to Andy, there was a beautiful reef barely 50 meters off the beach, so it was no surprise that Henry wanted to be the first to explore it. Not far behind were Mark and Todd, who both paddled in more sedately before joining Henry under the gentle waves.

  Jenny and Sarah were soon joined by Andrew, who split his time between the sand and the surf, periodically joining the boys in the water. Eno, meanwhile, had found himself a nice spot nearby, nestled tightly into a hammock strung up between two palm trees with a book, like something out of a classic postcard. Miley and Emily continued to bond, choosing to start the day with a relaxing massage on the beach, while Andy had apparently gone off to catch up with a couple of friends who lived on the other side of the island.

  As the day wore on, Jenny chose to participate in a couple of slightly more adventurous activities, largely on the back of Andrews teasing. “I can't see you getting up there Jen,” he'd taunted jokingly, gesturing to a man parasailing along the skyline. An hour later it was her being given the thrill of a lifetime, gliding through the air about 50 meters above the waves, incredible views of the neighboring Gili Islands and the imposing body of Lombok in the distance. With that done, the thought of jetskiing, something she'd never tried before, felt far less scary. She jumped on with Sarah and bounced along the flat surface of the water all around the island, each of them taking their turn behind the wheel.

  By the end of the afternoon some of the group had retreated to a small local beach bar near their huts for some well earned refreshment. Jenny could see Todd gesticulating excitedly to Mark and Henry, Andy looking on smiling and sipping on a bottle of beer. Sarah, who had gone over to fetch a couple of cocktails for the two of them, relayed why Todd has been in such an animated state:

  “Apparently they're going over to Gili Trawangan for the night. It's that one that's known for its nightlife and beach parties.”

  “Oh, really. I thought that wasn't possible from here?” Jenny queried, trying to sound disinterested.

  “Well, it looks like you can get taxi's, like boat taxi's, that will take you over to the island for the night. Andy says he doesn't mind people going over there because tomorrow's another chilled day on the island, so no early morning traveling or anything like that.” She sounded hopeful, trying to inject some excitement into the idea. “What do you think....shall we go as well?”

  “Ummm, I don't know Sarah...I didn't really enjoy the last time we all went out together. Who else is going then? I assume Mark, Todd, and Henry are dead certs?”

  “Yep, all the boys are going, I don't know about Andrew, he's back in his room, but I reckon he'll be up for it. Oh, and Emily wants to go again...”

  Jenny felt a wave of jealousy. “Yeah, I'm sure she wants to go again, had fun the last time.” She couldn't prevent the bitterness in her voice.

  “Come on babe, it'll be fun...better than last time, I promise. You can't come here and not try a beach party, can you?”

  Jenny could sense that Sarah was still interested in trying it on with Mark, despite what had happened a couple of nights ago. “Oh fine...but let's make sure Andrew goes as well.” Andrew had become like an older brother to the two of them, especially Jenny, and she felt much more comfortable when he was around.

  “Sure, I'll bet he wants to go anyway, but if not we'll persuade him.”

  A few minutes later Jenny and Sarah emerged from Andrews hut, Sarah with a beaming smile on her face. “Great...I'll go find out what time we're leaving from the guys and then we can get ready.” She bolted off towards the bar down the beach where Todd, Mark and Henry were laughing and joking around over a few drinks. Jenny watched from the front of her hut as Sarah relayed the news. Todd, always a 'the more the merrier' type of guy, gave her a high five, while Mark smiled and downed his drink. Jenny sensed this wasn't the result he wanted, although Sarah seemed oblivious to it. Henry, meanwhile, smiled quietly, passing his gaze towards Jenny in the distance. They locked eyes for a couple of moments before he turned back to the action.

  Sarah came bouncing back down the beach towards Jenny a minute later, two colorful cocktails in hand. “Just to warm us up while we get ready!” she said, passing Jenny a drink. Over the next 45 minutes they got showered, put on the best outfits they had stuffed in their travel bags, and listened to Rihanna over Jenny's phone. When they emerged the sun was beginning to set on the other side of the island, casting a warm orange glow on the skyline. They stepped out and onto the top of the beach, noticing that the boys were still busily joking away as they approached. The table was littered with empty beer bottles and shot glasses, and Todd, in particular, already seemed a bit tipsy.

  “Girls, might I say that you are looking scrumptious this evening,” he offered in his cockney accent.

  Mark, slightly lubricated by alcohol, voiced his agreement, giving Sarah a kiss on the cheek as he did. The show of affection, while clearly eased by beer, was well received. “OK guys, i've got a taxi waiting just down there on the water to take us over,” he said. “We're just waiting for Em and then we'll be off.”

  After a couple more minutes Emily appeared, looking annoyingly pretty. Her tan had been building over the last few days and her blonde hair was beginning to get even brighter under the sun. Jenny could easily see why Henry might find her more attractive than herself.

  “Right team....lets get back on it!” announced Mark to the group, before leading them off down the beach towards the water taxi. Within moments it was speeding around the side of the island, steering its course towards the backpacking mecca of Gili Trawangan. As they approached, the sun was on its last legs, dipping down below the island and silhouetting the palm trees and beach bars against the darkening sky. The noise became immediately apparent the closer t
hey got: the sound of dance music and drunken chatter echoing through the air. Bright multi-colored lights exploded from the beach like sparkles in the night sky, showing intermittent flashes of partygoers sprawled across the sand. Jenny looked over the scene with an element of trepidation, but was determined to enjoy the night more than she had the last.

  When they reached the shore it became even harder to believe that the two islands were so close together. Gili Meno had been so relaxed and chilled, a wonderful place to watch the world go by. Here, however, it was manic: groups of young revelers were darting this way and that, loud music shot out from all along the coast, and bright flashing lights illuminated the night sky. “Now THIS is what I'm talking about!” shouted Todd as he turned to the group. “Where to first Marky Mark?”


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