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Hearts Under Construction

Page 19

by Hunt, Diann

  He pulled her into a warm embrace once again. The strains of “Kumbayah” fringed the edges of her mind, then grew stronger as she snuggled into Cole as if he were a warm blanket. She decided she liked that song after all. The question of whether she had marshmallows popped into her mind, but she pushed it aside.

  For now, the tune of the familiar song and the feel of Cole’s strong arms around her was enough.

  Dear Reader,

  Ellie Williams struggled with change, and Cole Preston dug his heels in at the thought of commitment, but both learned to deal with life’s changes in a positive way.

  Some changes we welcome, some we wish would never find us. However, we have a God who remains constant in our ever-changing world. Malachi 3:6 tells us, “I the Lord do not change.” His love and mercy never fails. He remains faithful. I know this is true because I asked Him to change my life in 1974 and He has been, and continues to be, my stronghold.

  So take heart. If you have experienced turmoil in your life through marriage, divorce, children, grandchildren, career moves, illness or even the death of a loved one, God is there for you and stands ready to meet your needs.

  Whether you greet change with open arms, or you run from it, go to God and ask Him to change your life, if you haven’t already. This is one change you’ll be glad you made. After all, He sent His Son that we might receive a change of heart….

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0344-0


  Copyright © 2005 by Diann Hunt

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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