More Than This

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More Than This Page 22

by Shannyn Schroeder

  “Only a couple?” Ryan asked. “Are you slowing down in your old age?”

  Colin had inched his way closer to Quinn, effectively blocking her from Ryan’s reach.

  He whispered something only Quinn could hear, and she laughed.

  Ryan quickly stood. “I need to go check in with Mary. See you guys later.” He left his glass on the table and glanced over his shoulder to see Colin shake his head and shrug.

  Colin knew. He had to know Quinn was off limits. Yet there he was moving in. What if she fell for him? Shit. Could he be her summer romance? Colin would walk away. It was something he was good at.

  He suddenly had a thirst for something much stronger than water. He waved to Mary and pointed to the bar to let her know where he was headed. His hand ran along the cool, smooth mahogany before he signaled for Michael to pour him a bourbon. His fingers continued to stroke the wood as he pushed images of Colin groping Quinn from his mind.

  A group of young guys stood at the bar. Something in their conversation snagged his attention. He picked up his glass and shifted over to eavesdrop.

  “She’s hot. Especially for an older woman.”

  “Tell me about it. I’ve been wanting to tap that since I was a teenager.”

  Uh-oh. Quinn would keel over if she heard this conversation. Ryan leaned back to get a view of the one speaking. Sure enough, he still wore his name tag. Joe actually thought he had a shot with Quinn.

  He saw Mary coming from the dance floor. She spied the men he stood near and stopped to chat first. “Hey, guys. How did it go tonight? Everyone have a good time?”

  They nodded at Mary and elbowed each other. She swung her attention back to Ryan. “I told you this was a good idea. The event is over and we still have a full bar on a Tuesday night.”

  He tilted his glass in her direction. “You were right. It seems like most people had fun. These guys are a little young.”

  Mary blushed. “I actually had a couple of women request I invite younger men. You know, the whole cougar craze.”

  He’d have to share that one with Quinn. She wouldn’t appreciate being lumped with cougars. He bit the inside of his cheek. She’d probably hit him if he told her. Joe and his friends were on the move. They walked as a group back to the dance area. Joe shifted, obviously looking for Quinn. Ryan slammed the rest of his drink. He followed the young guys, not wanting to miss Joe being shut down.

  Ryan reached the archway that led to the dance floor. Mary already had tables moved and music playing from the jukebox. He leaned against the wall.

  Quinn looked safely insulated, sandwiched between Colin and Griffin, with Indy across from her. Ryan doubted Joe would approach. His group sat at a table, two down from Quinn’s. She hadn’t noticed them.

  Her smile was only slightly warmer than the one she offered the speed daters. Colin must’ve been wearing on her. She nodded politely and slid from her seat. Purse in hand, she headed for the bathroom. Joe saw his opening.

  Ryan straightened from the wall. Joe quickly caught up with Quinn and touched her arm. She turned, saw who it was, and her face went blank. Whatever he said, she wasn’t buying. She shook her head and stepped back. He stepped forward and reached for her hand.

  Ryan left his spot but pulled up short. Quinn didn’t need his help. She squared her shoulders and stared Joe down. Her words had minimal effect on the cocky look Joe had, but he stepped away from Quinn. He shrugged and nodded. She tilted her head and lifted an eyebrow. Her parting words were final. He retreated to his friends and she turned into the hall.

  Ryan followed. By the time he reached the spot where Joe had approached her, she had already disappeared into the bathroom.


  In the dimly lit hall, Quinn eyed the door to Ryan’s office. She’d find refuge there. Her body urged her to knock, but her mind pushed her toward the bathroom.

  She entered a stall and sat on the lidded toilet. She needed solitude. The night’s events replayed in her mind. What should’ve been a fun outing turned out pretty disastrous.

  Meeting Colin was worth it, though. He and Ryan had the same charm that made a woman want to hang around. He was bigger than Ryan and his hair longer, but their faces were so similar, they could still pass for twins. Colin gave her insight into Ryan she’d ignored. Colin was the playboy. Even as he hit on her, one eye roved to find something better.

  When Ryan spoke to her, all his attention focused on her.

  She’d told Colin that Ryan was a friend. Something lit in his eyes. It was like he was determined to win her over somehow. She pondered the impact of that while she took in her surroundings. She’d never paid much attention to the décor in the bathroom. She was usually a get in and out quickly person.

  The bathroom looked like any other with its deep green industrial stall partitions and black-and-white mosaic tile floor. But she noticed a sign on the stall door. She stood to read it. It was full of statistics about rape. Creepy.

  She exited the stall and washed her hands. While refreshing her makeup, she actually read the sign above the sink. She’d always assumed it was a DRINK RESPONSIBLY sign or EMPLOYEES MUST WASH T HEIR HANDS BEFORE RETURNING TO WORK. The kinds of signs every bar patron ignores.


  Hmm. It gave pause for thought. Quinn considered the neighborhood. She’d never felt uneasy going to and from her car. She’d never had any problems. How many women did in order to warrant these warnings and an invitation for help?

  The door swung open and Indy entered. “Are you all right? You’ve been gone a long time.”

  “I’m fine. I needed a break.”

  Indy reapplied lipstick and touched up the rest of her makeup. Quinn watched with the same fascination she had when they were teenagers. Indy was an artist with makeup.

  Quinn picked up her purse. “I think I’m going home. Will you be okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll finish my beer and head out.”

  “Will you tell Griffin and Colin I said good-bye?”

  Indy turned, her eyebrows drawn together. “That’s not like you. What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want to run into Joe again. He caught me on the way in here and wanted to buy me a drink. He didn’t want to hear no. I had to go into bitch mode for him to get it.”

  “I’ll ask Griffin or Colin to walk you out.”

  “No, there’s a back door right out here.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’ve used it before. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Indy gave her a quick hug and swung back out the door. Quinn followed.

  In the hall, she looked at Ryan’s office door again. She plowed forward and knocked quickly. If he didn’t answer, she’d slip out the back door.

  “Come in.”

  She opened the door and took a hesitant step in. Ryan was lying on the couch with his eyes closed. As soon as she took a small step, his eyes popped open.

  “Hey, sorry to interrupt.”

  He sat quickly. “You can see I was hard at work.”

  Her hand still gripped the doorknob. She didn’t know what she was doing here, hadn’t thought about it. She wanted to see him before she left. “I’m going home. I wanted to say good night.”

  One eyebrow lifted. “Colin not entertaining enough?”

  She chuckled. “He’s plenty entertaining. I’m going into work again tomorrow, so I need some sleep.”

  His gaze swept across her body and she remembered his hands touching her everywhere. She barely withheld a shiver. She spoke quietly. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to use the back door to leave.”

  He shot off the couch, concern etched on his face. “What happened?”

  She blinked. “Nothing. I don’t want to run into Joe again. I don’t know how else to turn him down.”

��So you’re going to sneak out the back?”

  “Yeah, I’m tired. I’m done.”

  “I won’t let some pissant make you sneak out of my bar. Again. Come on.” He slung his arm over her shoulder and switched off the light.

  “It’s not just Joe. Colin will want to talk, and although I told Indy I was leaving, if I go out front, someone will stop me.” She tried not to pull closer to him to enjoy his warmth. She patted his chest. “Thanks for the offer.”

  She meant to step away and head down the hall to the exit, but she looked into his eyes. Her feet forgot how to move.

  “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  “Why don’t you follow me in your car?” She whispered so quietly she wasn’t sure if he’d heard. It was the closest thing to an invitation she knew how to offer.

  “You sure?”

  She nodded and walked to the door. She immediately missed the warmth of his body, but she felt his eyes on her as she walked. Excitement stirred her blood. It took a lot of restraint not to bolt out the door and run to her car. The sudden urgency to be alone and naked with Ryan overwhelmed her. She didn’t care. It had been a crappy day.

  On the short drive home, she tried to come up with reasons why this was a bad idea. Everything she thought paled in comparison to going out with Joe or calling Nick. She and Ryan had already had sex. Really, really good sex. What harm could this do?

  She shoved the gear lever into Park and stood outside her car while Ryan parked. He joined her but didn’t say anything. He took her hand as she led the way into the building.

  They took the stairs up, with Quinn carrying her sandals. Ryan was fascinated by the fuchsia on her toenails. She often opted for vibrant or deep-colored polish. Her fingernails rarely sported color, but having sexy feet was her thing. It was akin to women who wore silk and lace under everything.

  Ryan seemed to appreciate it.

  In the loft she felt a little lost. They hadn’t spoken or shared any touch other than holding hands since they left the bar. Ryan slid the bolt home on her lock.

  When he turned, she pressed him against the door with the length of her body. Without even the small heels of her sandals, she felt diminutive, her eyes level with his chest. She poised on tiptoe and kissed his lips.

  She had to be sure last time hadn’t been a fluke. Closing her eyes, she parted her lips. His arms wrapped around her back. His hard-on rubbed her abdomen, and the pull of desire tugged at her center. She melted with a kiss. This didn’t happen to her. It was insane. Her brain fogged.

  Ryan moved and she walked backward, not caring where he was leading her.

  The room was dark except for the table lamp she’d left on. She hated coming home to a dark house. She was especially grateful for the glow as Ryan maneuvered them through the living room.

  He broke the kiss, but not their bodily contact, to ask, “Upstairs?”

  “Yes.” The husky whisper sounded foreign. Was that me? What the hell happened to my voice?

  She reached up to kiss him again but felt his lips curve into a smile. “We can’t go up like this. We’ll fall.”

  Leave it to him to suddenly become practical. He stepped back and spun her by her shoulders. She jogged up the stairs only to reach the top and find Ryan hadn’t followed. “Where did you go?”

  “I’m getting some water.” His voice floated up the stairs.

  Quinn went to the bathroom to freshen up. When she came out, Ryan was standing shirtless and barefoot beside the bed. She had debated whether or not to strip down in the bathroom. Now she was glad she didn’t. It would be awkward to stroll past a mostly clothed man.

  She ran her hands up his torso and back down to his jeans. She tugged at the buttons. Whoever invented button-fly had not been thinking. “We won’t be needing these.”

  His hard cock strained against his boxer briefs. She stepped back and began to gather her dress when Ryan’s hands closed over hers.

  He stepped closer and whispered, “Let me.”

  She released the flimsy rayon blend of her skirt.

  He kissed her neck, then her shoulder. He nibbled at her collarbone. This time she didn’t even try to suppress the shiver.

  “Are you wearing anything under this?”

  “Why don’t you check?”

  His hands slid up her outer thighs. When he found no underwear, he groaned and kneaded her ass. She felt herself getting wet and his hands couldn’t move fast enough. They traveled up and the pads of his thumbs rasped across her nipples. Her dress was bunched around his forearms. She lifted her arms above her head for him to remove the garment.

  He inched it up, following with kisses and licks. The dress was at her neck and she attempted to pull her arms loose to touch him, but he tightened his grasp on the material, holding her in place. He nibbled her collarbone some more and sucked her nipples to hard points. She clenched her thighs together, sure she would come any minute.

  Ryan slipped the dress off, flinging it across the room, and pushed her on the bed. The room was dark except for the night-light glow coming from the bathroom. He was a shadow hovering above her. She reached past the waistband of his underwear and stroked him.

  His tip was moist and he was rigid with want. He slid from her grasp, bit her earlobe, and said, “I want to taste you.”

  He moved lower, trailing his warm, wet lips. Nudging her thighs wide, he lowered his head. His tongue swirled and lapped, sucked and nibbled, until her legs wrapped around his shoulders, pinning him in place. Her hips bucked as he slid fingers into her while he licked.

  “Oh, God. Yes!” she screamed. She moaned. Even as the sounds echoed, she didn’t recognize her own voice.

  Her entire body tingled and vibrated. She tried loosening her thigh muscles, afraid Ryan would suffocate, but he kept at her until her legs spasmed and trembled.

  He knelt above her spent body and wiped his chin. His underwear was gone and he reached across her for a condom. She was still panting, her muscles lax, but as soon as he rubbed against her, her senses jumped. He eased into her torturously slowly.

  She pulled his face to hers and kissed him hard, tasting herself and his sweat. Her tongue battled with his as her hips thrust upward. She wanted him deep and hard. Her body collided with his and she began building again.

  Her hands reached lower and clawed at his ass, pulling him deeper, while he sucked at the pulse on her neck.

  No words passed between them. Their bodies spoke and responded until they were a crumpled heap of relaxation.

  Quinn lay on top of Ryan. His heart pounded beneath her palm. Their bodies were slick with sweat and sticky from sex. She wanted to shower but couldn’t move. Her muscles refused to cooperate.

  “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Huh?” She tried to look up at him, but it required too much effort.

  “I think my heart rate is in heart attack range.”

  She laughed. This was not the effect she had on men. She turned her head and bit his nipple. “Maybe we should refrain from doing this. I don’t want to be responsible for your untimely death.”

  “Like hell. I’ll take my chances.”

  The words hung over her like a heavy curtain. Those were the same words he’d used in the elevator. She had said she wouldn’t take a chance on him. Yet here she was drawn to him over and over. And not only for the great sex.

  His hand skimmed over her hair. “Something wrong?”

  “I was trying to convince my body to go to the shower.”

  “Hmm. How’s that working for you?”

  “It’s not.” She sighed and closed her eyes to enjoy the moment.

  When Ryan’s heart was a steady and calm thump, she sat. She thought he fell asleep, but his hand snaked out to her hips to pull her close again. She grabbed the water he’d had the foresight to bring up and chugged half a bottle. When she pulled it from her lips, a few drops fell onto Ryan’s chest, the cold startling him.

  “Sorry.” She wiped his chest. “I’m goi
ng to the shower.”

  She turned the corner and quietly closed the door. In the mirror above the sink, her reflection showed a well-satisfied woman, albeit an exhausted one. It was getting late, she still hadn’t eaten a proper meal, and she had to get up early for school.

  Steam billowed from the shower, letting her know the water was ready. As she stood under the spray, she catalogued the food she had in the fridge.

  Ryan lay in the bed, every bit as sweaty as Quinn, and debated following her. She was struggling with something. Maybe the same thing he was—the donor issue. Listening to his gut, he went to the bathroom and opened the door without knocking. He left the door ajar to allow the clouds of steam to escape. “Can I come in?”

  She froze. Her silhouette behind the frosted glass paused with a shampoo bottle in hand.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Her voice hesitated, but she stuck her head out the door with a smile. “I can’t carry you out of here if you drop dead.”

  He slid the door all the way open and stepped in. “I promise not to keel over.”

  He actually wasn’t looking for a second round. He wanted to be with her. Taking the shampoo from her hand, he filled his palm and lathered her hair.

  Her eyes narrowed at his movements. He massaged her head and allowed the scent to swirl around him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m helping you wash.” He tilted her head toward the spray and she closed her eyes. “I love the feel of your hair.”

  The hot water turned her pale skin bright pink. Her body responded to his nearness, his touch. The water sluiced over her head and down her back. Her lips parted and she arched forward.

  Although he hadn’t joined her with the intention of having sex, his dick had its own idea about what was happening. She turned slightly and her side flicked against his bobbing cock. Her eyes sprung open and she grasped him hard.

  “You have a death wish, don’t you? I don’t know if your feeble heart can handle more.”

  He pushed her against the wall and stroked her. “I’ll make sure I add cardio to my workout regimen.”

  “I’m cold. You’re pushing me out of the water.”


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