Angel on my Shoulder

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Angel on my Shoulder Page 26

by Carl Leckey

  Despite myself I find I need to hear news of my Mother.

  Casually I agree the estate is nice and enquire. “Oh! So you met the women eh?” He replies. “No I never really met them. I only saw them when they came to collect their horses at the stables dressed in their fancy riding gear. Bloody hell I don’t mind saying I could do them a bit of good given the chance.” I retort. “I see you are still a randy sod Bill I take it you haven’t got a girl friend then?” I find his description of my Mother as tasty slightly embarrassing. I wonder what would be his reaction if I were to disclose one of the ladies Angelique is my Mother. Flustered I urge him to continue. I have my eye on the clock there are urgent goods to collect at the docks by a certain time. He continues. “No, I had a couple of dates but it never worked out. The daft English girls, all they wanted to do was hold bloody hands even though I spent a fortune on chocolates and pictures for the scheming sods. I’ll tell you something though.” He winks. “I think a little visit to the house of pleasure we used to visit in the war is in order after I have had a good kip. Jolly Roger needs to bury his treasure. Know what I mean Scouse is it still open to visitors?” I respond hastily. “I have no idea Bill I am a married man now. Eh! Bill, do me a favour. You won’t mention my visit to the knocking shop to my wife will you?” Billy looks hurt. “Do you think I’m daft Scouse I will be the soul of discretion. Anyway enough of that, I was telling you what happened to me. Toot put me up for a couple of nights because I couldn’t get passage on the cross channel ferries. To cut a long story short. The coach driver Tom sent me to that place on the river called Sandwich. He told me to look out for a boat called Brenda. I was lucky on the second day the boat came in. I met these couple of fishermen they agreed to take me across the channel on their boat. Do you know the tight buggers charged me two quid they wanted a fiver until I told them I know you? I think they have quite a business running people across to France and back by what I overheard them saying. I don’t think the lazy sod Jack Crosse does much fishing. He was pissed all the time frightened the shit out of me when we hit fog on the way across. I asked him if he knew where he was and he showed me a rum bottle and said it’s all in here.

  Daft drunken sod, his mate is not so bad. They are pals of yours I believe?”

  “Yes I do know them they did me a favour when I needed it.

  Did you have any trouble getting out of the docks?” “Not trouble exactly, it cost me another quid though. I came out on the fish truck, Jack arranged it all.” “I take it you haven’t got a French identity card Bill?” “What’s that for?” He asks. Glancing at the clock again I inform him.

  “We shall have to get you fixed up with one.

  Look Bill. I don’t want to rush you but we will have to get going. There is a load of freight on the docks we have to pick up. I want you to meet my wife tell you what. You come over to our place tomorrow, that’s if you insist on stopping in the depot billet tonight. I suppose you must be knackered anyway. We can have supper and a couple of beers I have a lot to tell you.” We leave the café, fortunately our trucks are well known passing in and out of the docks and we have no problems. We shift the loads between us and it is none stop until dusk when we arrive back at the depot. As Billy has opted to stay in the billet with the rest of the lads I leave him in their hands and head home.

  The next night Billy comes home with me after I give him time to have a wash and brush up and dress into his best clothes. Denise has prepared an excellent meal washed down by a couple of bottles of wine and some beer to follow. Bill is a big hit with Denise and Jean to such an extent that Jean asks him to share the stable flat with him. Denise disappears into the kitchen. Billy declines Jeans invitation to move into the stable block with him, making a vague excuse about snoring at night. He explains later when we are alone looking at the coaches after supper. “It would cramp my style a bit Scouse, know what I mean? If I come in late pissed she might go off me, your misses I mean. The lads have told me the knocking shop is reopening soon. I’ll have to give that a try unless something else turns up. I wonder what happened to that horny Russian bird I used to screw.” We both laugh he continues. “No if you don’t mind I’ll stay with the lads at the depot until something else comes along. They are a great bunch even the Froggies are good for a laugh. Hey Scouse he points at Jean who is missing all conversation. “Explain it to the Froggie lad mate I don’t want to upset him.” I rebuke him. “Look Bill you will have to stop calling the natives Froggies. You are in their country now and it will upset them especially Denise.” “I am sorry mate. Eh! By the way you smart bugger I notice you parlez the old Francais pretty good now.” I explain. “It’s a lot easier to learn it when you live alongside French people, it kind of rubs off without you noticing it Bill.” He asks. “I wonder will I pick it up as quickly as you did.” Billy apologises again about his referral to Jean. “And I will try to remember not to call the locals Frogs as long as they don’t call me Tommy.” Secretly I am quite proud of my progress in speaking and understanding French. I do believe I could nearly be classed as multi lingual. Billy enquires. “Do you know Alec is sending me on a long run tomorrow?

  Paul the Frog er French driver is coming with me.

  I’m really looking forward to it.

  I have studied the maps and reckon we should make it there and back in one day. I am carrying spare petrol just in case I can’t find any. Look Scouse or should I call you Adam now? I am going to head off now. I have to be up early in the morning. I’ll just say tarra to your Misses and Jean.” We go to the bottom of the stairs and he shouts his goodbyes to Denise and Jean. Afterwards we walk to the gate together and shake hands. “I’m glad you’re here Bill I’ll see you tomorrow.” We part and I make my way up to the flat. He returns late next day the run is a success and he does plenty more over the next few days building up the long distance work. One week becomes two Alec reveals we are making heaps of money and we agree to pay the lads a bonus. We are still two drivers short but the applicants we have interviewed are not suitable. After getting our fingers burnt with the other French driver we will only employ men known by ourselves or the other lads. I get Billy an identity card from the same source as mine making his stay in France legal. Late one afternoon I am in the office with Alec going through the books. He reveals details about the banker taking possession of Oscar’s house. “It all happened so quickly. I was having a meeting with the banker fellow and let him know we were worried about Oscar who had gone missing. Next day he told me he wanted to take possession of the house. He wasn’t nasty but he let me there was no debating the decision. As I knew he owned the place I couldn’t argue with him anyway. His men arrived first thing in the morning helped my lads shift Oscars gear into the coach house then they changed the locks. The wall was built next week across the yard. I had the gas run out to the coach house just before they started work and had all those gas lamps installed. “What are they doing with the place Alec? Billy reckons the lads told him they are reopening the knocking shop again?”

  Alec shrugs his shoulders. “To my knowledge there is only a watchman in there he drops any mail for us at the depot.” “So they haven’t opened it as a knocking shop yet eh I wonder what the holdup is? Not that it is any business of mine you understand?” Alec smiles knowingly. Jean arrives to examine the wheels we have had refurbished. I had arranged to deliver them to the coach house this evening. As we chat I hear the sound of a strange engine as it pulls into the depot. I look at Alec he looks at me and together we say. “Pompey Lill!” As we recognise her unique sound.

  I rush out into the yard to witness the charabanc coming to a halt with Louise at the wheel. I have a strange emotional feeling when I see the old charabanc. It has been such a large part of my life especially as she had carried me safely through to the end of the war.

  Louise climbs down and we hug each other as if we have been parted for years.

  I have just released her and begin to ask her questions when I hear Hazel’s voice calling
“Surprise!” I now have two good looking women in my embrace. The trucks begin pulling into the yard accompanied by whistles and hoots on the horns. I introduce them to Alec and the drivers one after another as they park their vehicles up for the night. The girls are bowled over by all the attention the lads give them.

  Louise explains Hazel and her have shared the drive from the chateau. They have brought a load of goods on a trial basis to be sold in the Saturday market tomorrow. Alec has an idea “You’ll be staying overnight then girls?” Louise agrees stating. “We must find somewhere to sleep before it gets too late.” “That is no problem. You must stop with Denise and I of course.” Alec intercedes, “Look Adam I know you have no room at your place they will be lucky to get a bed at short notice for the night before market day we will put the girls up. There is plenty of room at my place. What do you say we make a night of it eh?” “Are you sure you can put them up, you already have Yvette living with you?” He replies. “Our place was a boarding house before the war. We plan to get it going again when things settle down and the visitors start coming again?” Satisfied I propose. “Ok let’s do that then I tell you what! We can announce the bonus for the lads and pay the tab at the café it will be our treat for them.” “ Good idea Adam. Let me fix it up with my mates and we’ll meet over there for a meal tonight ok? I’ll bring my Misses and the girls, you bring Jean and Denise.” Louise puts forward another idea. “Do me another favour will you, don’t say anything to my sisters. Tell me where the café is, we will clean up and change here if that’s alright. We have to sort things out for the market anyway. May we park the vehicle inside the depot for the night?” “Of course you can no problem.” I consent immediately. “Then we will all meet up later it will be a great surprise for my sisters.” We agree to meet at seven o’clock I jokingly warn the girls to be careful of the drivers as they are lecherous beasts Hazel retorts. “We should be so lucky.” “That reminds me Hazel I knew there was something missing where is your little side kick Daisy? The last time I saw you she was attached to your leg?” Hazel smiles and informs me. “Don’t you worry about her Adam she is now a well adjusted normal girl. Daisy is the life and soul of our little band of kids. She has adopted the hens on the farm and won’t leave them.” “That’s good I like that kid. Oh yes Alec I nearly forgot in the excitement. What about Billy and his mate?” I enquire. “No problem, he has a key to the gate and I will leave a note on his bunk.” Satisfied with the arrangements Jean and I load the coach wheels into a truck and head home. When I arrive I rush upstairs to find Denise preparing the evening meal. “Forget that.” I tell her.

  “We are going out for dinner. Get your best clothes on I have a nice surprise for you.” Denise is excited as she pleads with me to disclose the reason for the outing but I refuse to reveal anything. I have had my bath and am sitting on the bed about to dress when she enters the bed room freshly bathed and smelling delicious. How can I resist this beautiful woman? I take her in my arms the towels drop away her naked body presses hard against me. I kiss her passionately and whisper words of love in her ear. I am about to fall on the bed together to culminate our love making when she surprises me by requesting. “Adam may we try it this way?” She kneels on the end of the bed and wriggles her bottom invitingly. For a moment I am quite shocked that she should choose a position to make love without my guidance. But the sight of her perfectly formed bottom soon dispels my concern. I locate my rigid member in her moist crease then gripping her thighs tightly with an almost savage thrust I enter her from the rear. She gasps nearly collapsing as my full length penetrates her in one motion. There is no finesse in my love making on this occasion I continue thrusting and withdrawing in a rapid frenzy. This is the first time I have made love to Denise in this manner, I like it. I have personally experienced the position with Peggy but it was not as good as this. Over excited by the situation I come quickly deep into her, selfishly I have no idea whether Denis climaxed. Afterwards when we are lying on the bed together I enquire. “Denise my love that was wonderful for me but did you enjoy it?” “Yes it was alright.” She replies hesitantly then adds. “No to be honest I didn’t. I feel like I have been kicked in my wow, wow by a mule. That way of making love well, it was a bit too rough for me. Anyway I like to face you with our bodies close together. I also like to be kissed while we make love and.” She blushes. “I like us to have a thrill together.” “You’re what by a mule?” I enquire stifling a laugh. She replies by asking a question I can’t possible answer. “It’s my wow, wow that’s what we always called it, has it got another name?” “Where did you get that name from?” I ask intrigued I could imagine the remarks from my army mates if I told them about a her wow,wow. “My sisters told me the name of my thingy, they said when we are having a baby it goes wow, wow, is that not right?” It is getting very hard to hold a serious conversation with her I am nearly choking holding back the laughter. Denise reaches over and handles my flaccid penis. “Well what do you call this thing?” She enquires. “What would your sisters call it is more to the point?”

  I counter her question with one of my own. She replies thoughtfully. “I don’t think my sisters have ever seen one so they wouldn’t have a name for it. “Tell me what you call it?” I reply using the first name that comes into my head without being rude. “Denise it has a hundred names but I like to refer to mine as Jolly Roger.

  That’s the flag the pirates put up when they are going into action” “Hmm that’s nice I like that name and that story is appropriate to describe this naughty boy. Oh look? Jolly Roger is ready for action he wants to play, but not that other way again. I want a thrill this time. Be gentle don’t forget my poor wow, wow has been punished once today.”

  So she didn’t climax and didn’t like that kneeling position. Pity I enjoyed it maybe next time I will take it easier?

  I find myself asking in a puzzled way, “Then Denise my love why did you ask me to make love in such a manner?” She blushes even more deeply as she explains the reason for requesting that position. “Marguerite advised me that position is the best way to get pregnant. I am to hold your baby seed inside me as long as possible like this.” She indicates her crossed legs.

  So in a way it is my own doing. I had asked Marguerite to have a word with Denise about the facts of life and she had done so. The sooner my wife is pregnant the better before she wears me to a shadow of my former self. What a life?

  Dressed in our best togs Jean, Denise and I set of to walk to the café. We are the first to arrive. The place has been closed to casual customers and reserved for Alec and his private party. As we are sipping an aperitif Alec his wife and Yvette arrive and take their places. It is noticeable that Yvette takes a seat well away from Jean who appears most uncomfortable when she ignores him. Next to arrive are the drivers spruced up and looking very handsome, a couple have their girl friends with them. The chatter is intense as the drinks are circulated until the doors swing open. As Hazel and Louise enter there is a hush. They look stunning framed in the doorway they are without a doubt a really beautiful pair of women. All of the men, and that includes the café waiters, appreciate what they are seeing. Louise has let her hair loose something I have not seen before it cascades down over her shoulders. Hazels red hair fairly shimmers in the light of the gas mantle. I hear one of the drivers smack his lips in appreciation. Denise and Yvette leap to their feet with a squeal of delight when they recognise their sister. They rush to her wrapping her in their arms crying with delight. Hazel appears slightly out of it but not for long. Two of the drivers are about to get to their feet but Jean beats them. He swoops in greets her in a smooth manner by kissing her hand and escorts her to a seat alongside himself. Denise and her sisters head towards the table. Each of the drivers clears a place by themselves hoping to be the one next to them. With smiles they decline and sit beside Denise and I near to Alec and Marguerite. I do notice Yvette giving Jean a furious glare as he sits close to Hazel in deep conversation. We have ordered our meals. The
starters have arrived when the door opens Billy enters still dressed in his shabby work clothes.

  He stops just inside the door surveys the assembled diners dressed in their finery and exits in a hurry without a word. I race after him catching up with him just outside.

  I can see he is very angry as he pulls on a cigarette. “Where are you going Bill didn’t you get Alec’s note about the party?” I ask. “I didn’t know it was a formal occasion I thought it was just the lads having a piss up. Do you think I would have come dressed in this shit gear? Who the hell are those two gorgeous women seated by you and Jean anyway?” I try some persuasion. “Bill come back in, everyone knows you have just come from work they won’t mind. The women are from the chateau. The dark one is Louise, Denise’s older sister. Yvette the one sitting by Alec’s wife is her other younger sister. I forgot you haven’t met her. The one with the red hair is Hazel someone I met a few weeks back. Didn’t you notice Pompey Lill in the depot?” He nods and replies. “I wondered about that.” “Well they brought her in loaded with stuff for the Saturday market.” I inform him. “Are they married or attached Scouse?” He asks. “No.” I reply. “They are all three free as birds.” He answers. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be back.” “Where’s Paul is he coming?” I enquire. “He’s got the shits and gone home.” He replies and races off towards the depot his anger forgotten. I am back in the café enjoying another drink when someone bangs on the door. Thinking its Billy I stand up to greet him. Instead of my mate it turns out to be that miserable looking Gendarme Sergeant I last saw on the docks. “Cartes.” he orders. We all know the routine and produce our identity cards for his perusal. He quickly flips through most of them except for the women’s, he scrutinises those in detail. As he examines them he takes note of the particulars. The inspection complete he leaves without a word. Billy returns in twenty minutes dressed to the nines shaved and with his hair slicked back. I express my concern to Marguerite at the manner the Gendarme conducted the inspection especially regarding the women’s cards. She assures me it is only routine he was checking to see if they are registered prostitutes. She appears to know what she is talking about and I accept her reassurances.


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