Angel on my Shoulder

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Angel on my Shoulder Page 32

by Carl Leckey

  I interrupt him at this point. “There’s a coincidence I served with a Colonel Sanders I wonder are they related? He is a fine officer very much like the one you are describing. “ “Might be the same man?” Alec chips in. “He could have been promoted. Anyway come on Harry let’s hear the end of the story?”

  “Well Major Sanders was one of those rare breed of senior officers that had to be in the front line with his men. We were moving from one trench system to another checking on the conditions the men were living under when the Boche artillery began a terrific bombardment. To cut a long story short the trench collapsed on us we were buried in a bunker for three days. Thank goodness a couple of the NCOs didn’t give up they searched for us after we had been given up for dead you see. Everyone assumed we had been blown to bits in the bombardment. When they found us and the stretcher bearers dug us out under fire the wound in my leg had become infected and they had to amputate.

  While I was on sick leave I found out, you will find this hard to believe, My Father, My caring Father had placed a big insurance premium on me.

  I suppose he was disappointed, because despite the Boche I didn’t die.”

  I must have looked appalled because Harry added. “Don’t worry Adam he did collect so much you see? There was a payment for loss of limbs included in the policy. I had to go to hospital for further treatment. Major Sanders was running the place they tried to kick him out of the army he had some kind of breakdown. He fought the decisions, they kept him on I believe he went back to France later to run dressing stations. Anyway what was good for him was good for me, he took up my case and I was posted to Le Havre with movement control the rest is history except for this.” Harry reaches into the desk drawer and pulls out an envelope. He takes a cheque out of the envelope and waves it about.

  “This is his blood money. I received it two days ago. My sister must have disclosed where I was hiding I thought I was safe over here.” He is about to rip the cheque to shreds when Alec grabs his hand. “Hold it Harry I don’t care what you call it, you are entitled to the money. If you don’t want it yourself, pay the bugger into a charity God knows there are plenty of just causes but charity begins at home so they say. Why let the insurance off the hook?”

  Harry thinks for a moment then folds the cheque and places it back in the drawer. “Ok Alec that’s good advice I like it. If you get the hotel and still want to get rid of your house will you give me first refusal on your place? Get it valued by someone independent and I will see if I can match the asking price.” Alec agrees but warns him. “It’s a big house you know for a single fellow?” Harry smiles “If my plans go right I won’t be a bachelor for much longer.” Bloody hell is there something in the air here in Le Havre? First Yvette and Jean, then I hear Billy is looking at engagement rings, now Harry and I assume Hazel are getting together. I make a request. “Alec I wouldn’t mind seeing the hotel myself. I have the little girl Daisy coming down the weekend with Louise. I fancy a run out to the seaside with Denise and her, I’m sure she will love it on the beach. I could bring Harry as well. Do you mind if we have a look?” “I was hoping you would say that.” Alec replies. Harry hesitantly says. “If you don’t mind Adam I will come on my own, well not exactly on my own I would like to bring Hazel if she agrees. Maybe we could come on Sunday if that’s convenient? Both Alec and I agree. I suggest. “Ok let’s all meet up there Sunday morning. You give us the directions Alec we can have lunch somewhere around there? By the way I have just remembered, you mentioned a while back you knew where to get some horses? Jean is ready for at least one he has the smallest coach ready.” “Hmm that was months ago I think all the army horses will be disposed of now.” He thinks for a moment then snaps his fingers. “Tell you what though?

  I believe they sell horses at the Saturday market, tell him to get over there, he will be able to pick his own. I’m no judge of horseflesh any way although I think we ate enough of it during the war. Ha! The lads still serve it on the menu in the café. It’s a delicacy over here.” With that parting piece of information Alec leaves to rejoin Marguerite on the coast, leaving us wondering if the steaks we ate last night were indeed horse meat. I inform Harry. “Put the word around but don’t say anything about Alec leaving. See if any of the lads in the fitters shop are looking for promotion. I know they won’t consider it while Alec is here. For the purpose of the exercise, let’s pretend we are creating a new post and see what the reaction is eh? I have been thinking for a while we have to get this company set up a bit more formally. I owe Alec so much, without him the company would not exist and now he is talking of leaving.

  Well I can tell you this he is not going without a substantial reward. Harry this is what I want you to do. Find out how much that hotel is valued at and we will make Alec a severance payment to cover it. I can’t let him leave us and immediately have financial problems.” Harry explains. “There won’t be an asking price Adam, when it is a bank repossession it will go to the highest bidder. They usually accept bids in sealed envelopes that have to be in by a certain date.”

  I reveal. “Without Alec, OSCADA wouldn’t even exist. This is what I intend doing. I will find out how much Alec is bidding. You put in a lower bid so do I and I will ask Louise and a few others to do the same.” “I don’t know if that’s legal Adam?” Harry advises thoughtfully. After thinking it over I reply. “Ok. Then this is plan B, I will bid higher than Alec that will be legal surely?” He laughs. “You are a devious bugger Adam I can’t argue with that. Let’s hope an outsider doesn’t out bid you all.”

  I continue. “While we are on about deals and business I have been considering your position. I want you to be financially involved in the company I don’t want you just as an employee. This is what I propose. We shall agree a substantial pay rise for you but part of it will used to buy shares in the company. I haven’t much experience on this kind of thing and I am relying on you to set it up. I want the rest of the lads to be on the same basis. Every employee will have a financial stake in the company that way we will all benefit from our success. To be mercenary it will be an incentive to succeed. I have been reading about a system adopted by the Basques I think this is the road I want to go down.

  Have a look at it Harry, I found some books about it in Oscar’s library myself.”

  “There’s a stack of books in the coach house I haven’t had time to sort through them yet.”

  Harry laughs “For someone without experience in this kind of thing, you have some controversial ideas, but I like them. Off the top of my head this is what I advise. You set up a board, of course as the major shareholder and owner you will be Chairman. I suggest you have Alec on the board, when he leaves the company we will still have his expertise to call on. If we should have to choose between Louise and Billy my choice would definitely be Louise. She has the business brain and she would represent the long distant part of the company.

  I would serve as financial director if that is acceptable. Maybe you should make Denise a director that is only a suggestion of course.

  You might not agree to this idea? I would include Marcel the new man. We should not underestimate him we have had long talks and he will be a great asset. Wait until you see the plans he is drawing up for this place.”

  I have had enough and plead. “Harry no more please. Put it together and we will have another meeting specifically for that item. When you have drawn up the details and I have had a chance to look it over if it is agreeable to me we will get everyone together and put it to them.

  The priority is Alec at the moment. I have had my belly full of office work for one day. I’m going now I have a truck waiting to get to work.” As I leave he remarks with a laugh.

  “Chairmen of huge companies do not drive trucks.”

  Over my shoulder I counter. “Well this one does cos he likes to.”

  I do a couple of runs with the truck then take the Rolls home with the modified peddles. The lads have made clip on extensions allowing Denise’s feet to reach t
he controls without awkward stretching

  Friday Denise is impatiently waiting for the arrival of Louise and Daisy she refuses to ride with me in case they arrive early. What a girl. I have a run to the docks for a pick up from my old friend Captain Bob Hawkins ship Portia. I park clear of the quay and climb aboard then knock on the door of his cabin. He opens the door peers at me through sleepy eyes. “Yes! What do you want? I have just got my head down why didn’t you see the mate?” “I’m sorry Captain.” I apologise and begin to walk away. He looks puzzled suddenly he recognises me then greets me warmly.” Eh where you going you daft bugger? Come in, come in, no let’s go into the Mess room I could do with a drink.” He shakes my hand. “Adam isn’t it? I haven’t seen you for a while. Sorry I was grumpy I had a rough crossing bad weather all the way.” When we are seated he lifts a whisky bottle and two glasses down out of a rack and begins to pour. I cover one of the glasses with my hand. “Not for me thank you Bob. It’s too early in the day for me and I am driving I couldn’t handle that.” “Ok please yourself.” The hatch slides back the smiling face of Jesus beams through. Without being asked he presents me with a cup of coffee. Bob enquires. “How are things going anyway? You were just about getting your company off the ground last time I saw you?” “Yes Bob the companies doing well. The day we met was a bit traumatic as I remember. I didn’t know it but I was being used to smuggle fellows in and out of the docks.” Bob looks shocked as I continue relating what occurred on that occasion. “That’s not all, one of the buggers tried to rob my truck at gun point.” Bob looks most embarrasses. “I am sorry about that Adam I had nothing to do with that part of it. I honestly thought you were in on it. I just brought the poor buggers into France. They were German POW’s just wanting to get home. I felt sorry for the guys and I needed the money. I was up to my eyes in debt I had just bought the ship you see? Those Cockney bastards kidded me.” “I understand that, but tell me you didn’t take those deserters home?” He looks puzzled. “What deserters? I took no one out of France I assure you.” “Ok Bob. Tell me about your ship she is looking a bit battered since I saw her last.” “Aye, the old girl is getting knackered. I shall have to think about getting a new one when the ships yards can handle the orders. I have been to Germany twice since I saw you last. They are building some great ships in Hamburg.

  They’re good workers are the Boche you know? I want one of those ships with a diesel engine. I have had enough of these coal eating steamers.”

  Bob appears to be thinking aloud as he muses. “I could cut down on the crew and get rid of these trouble making firemen. The buggers are always getting pissed and fighting. I could save bunkering time as well as all the shit that goes with it. The Germans are using the surplus engines they built for their U Boats you know? Good idea eh? It’s all a matter of finance though. Isn’t it always?”

  “I don’t know much about ships Bob. I’ll take your word for it.”

  Suddenly I remember what Harry advised me about spreading my investment. An idea comes to me I make an instant decision.

  “Hey Bob how long are you in the docks for?” He answers. “Let’s see, the weekend is coming up, they won’t discharge my ship until Monday I reckon about Tuesday to discharge and I have a cargo out all ready for loading why?”

  “Could you come to a meeting at my depot say Monday. I have an idea that could be mutually beneficial.” Bob looks interested but tired. I figure it is time to leave him to get some sleep.

  “Look Bob I’m going now I have a load to shift. Have a think about it over the weekend. If you are interested here is the address of the depot it’s only walking distance from the docks, be there about ten o’clock Monday morning.”

  I hand him a business card shake his hand and leave him puzzled. It’s only as I jump ashore I remember something. It is the conversation I had with the skipper about the man that tried to steal the truck. I have left the Luger and the papers in the tool box of the truck we leased to Louise. God! I hope the kids don’t find it. I must sort that out at the weekend.

  After loading and delivering I drop into the depot to see Harry where I outline my ideas briefly

  He approves with reservation withholding judgement until after the meeting with the Captain on Monday. He advises. “Meanwhile I will see what I can dig up. You say they are building these ships the Captain is on about in Hamburg? Right leave it with me.” Bill enters the yard from his two day trip he heads for the billet without calling into the office.

  As this is not his usual procedure I follow him into the building. He is sitting on his bed looking glum. “What’s up pal?” I enquire “Nothing.” he replies. I detect Billy is having one of his moods. “Bill I know you by now, what is the problem come on out with it. You were as happy as Larry when you left here the other day. Have you had an accident or something?” “No Nothing like that.” He replies.

  “Ok. I respond. “If you won’t tell me I may as well go home.”

  I stand up to leave when it all pours out. “The thing is Scouse I asked Louise to marry me and she turned me down.”

  His statement throws me. “I thought you were getting on so well together I can’t believe it. She told Denise when she was last here she really loves you.” “She said that to Denise did she? I don’t mind telling you Scouse I don’t know what to do. I think I will go back to England I can’t face her I feel like shit. I know she is on her way here with Hazel and Daisy. It was all going so well, we were having a laugh with the kids as we put them to bed. Later we were alone in the kitchen having a drink, it was when I showed her the ring and proposed it all went wrong.” Billy shakes his head despair etched on his face.

  I put my hand on his shoulder comfortingly and advise. “Bill, don’t do anything hasty will you? Give me a chance to have a word with her. I’ll be back later to see you.” “I’ll be in the café getting pissed if I’m not here.” He says miserably

  When I arrive home I attempt to teach Denise to drive the modified Rolls. After a few minutes I am loath to admit the car is too big for her.

  The smaller Renault Alec drives will be more suitable for Denise. Thankfully she agrees with me.

  I reveal the problem with Billy and Louise. Denise is astounded. “I can’t think what the problem is.

  You know she told me she loves Billy, they are made for each other.” Tut. Tut. “And I thought our Louise is the sensible one.” She adds.

  I am deliberately working in the garden about four o’clock I need to confront Louise when she arrives. The truck arrives driven by Louise carrying Daisy as a passenger. The child is out of the cab in a flash rushes upstairs to see Denise after giving me quick kiss. I climb into the vehicle and sit alongside Louise greet her and open the conversation by saying. “Doesn’t Daisy speak French well now, she has a lovely accent? She is a credit to her teacher, you have achieved a lot in a such a short time with that kid. The remark on her progress encourages Louise to explain. “Our Daisy is a very intelligent kid she will go far that little madam, we are all very proud of her. She already is fluent in French and English I suppose she will also remember her original language, Walloon.” I find it lovely that she is referred to the kid as our Daisy. If only the orphanage I attended would have been like the farm where the kids live with Hazel Louise and her family. It brings a small lump to my throat as I recall the neglected state of Daisy when we first rescued her. Daisies departure to see Denise gives me the opportunity to have a word with Louise on my own. I see by her face she knows the real item I wish to discuss. Before I utter a word on the subject of her and Billy she pronounces. “I can’t marry Billy Adam, you must have guessed why?” I sympathise. “I reckon I do know why you turned him down. I have told you this before it wouldn’t stop me marrying you if circumstances were different Louise. I don’t understand why you haven’t told Billy your story as you told me. He is heart broken by your refusal to accept his proposal without an explanation.” She replies in a tearful voice. “I am ashamed to tell him why we can’t marry a
fter all it wasn’t as if I was raped. I submitted to the Marquise’s seduction willingly.” “Come on Louise you’re a good person, you were just a naive innocent young girl at the time. You were deceived by a lecherous swine who knew exactly what he was doing. If you love Billy and I know he loves you dearly you have to tell him. If he rejects you then he is not the caring man I went through the war with.” Louise sits quietly without making a comment, I offer her the keys to the Rolls she declines the offer by a shake of her head.

  I try persuasion. “He will be in the depot I bet he is waiting for you?”

  “He is not at the depot I have just been there to settle up with Harry. I hoped to see him but he has left without saying where he was going.”

  Ah! So she was going to see Billy! Will I ever figure females out? Her last disclosure gives me hope I see an opening.

  “Not to worry Louise he will be in the café. Go on catch him before he gets drunk. He was threatening to drown his sorrows when I spoke to him earlier. There you are Louise you have driven my mate to drink.”

  My joke falls flat as she doesn’t even smile. I continue hurriedly. “When you have seen him and sorted things out and I know you will. I want you both to come back here. I have some good news for you. By the way where’s Pompey Lill?” She answers. “We didn’t need it this trip Billy has brought a load for us in his truck. I have dropped Hazel off at Marguerites she has some material for her. She will be with Harry by now. He’s all she talked about on the way here. She is love struck is Hazel.” Louise adds ruefully. I reach over and squeeze her hand. She wipes a tear from her eyes. “Oh you didn’t know? We have taught Father Peter to drive Pompey Lill, he loves it. We tried teaching Sister Maria but she was a disaster. She nearly killed the pigs, frightened poor Hazel to death who was trying to teach her. Poor old Pompey Lill finished up head first in a hay stack, chickens clucking ducks squawking and flying everywhere you should have seen it Adam it was such a laugh. “ I have a chuckle as I imagine the scene. “That reminds me I want to have a talk to you about Father Peter it doesn’t look too good for him?” For the first time since she arrived she smiles. “Don’t worry about Peter he is not beaten yet. He has a plan. I will explain later. And I hear something has happened at the chateau. I couldn’t verify it before I left but the Doctor has been in and out of there every day for nearly a week. The rumour is the Marquise has had a stroke. Could there be some justice in the world at last?” “It couldn’t happen to a better man?” I remark bitterly. Louise reaches out requesting. “Alright Adam give me those keys. I have made my mind up. As the English Tommie’s used to say in the hospital. Shit or bust.”


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