Angel on my Shoulder

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Angel on my Shoulder Page 38

by Carl Leckey

  My sister living in sin with a man I trusted. Do you know he is nearly a relative of ours, to make matters worse?” I am really enjoying this, when she described Jean as nearly a relative I can hardly contain myself. With difficulty I enquire. “When did all this come out? Jean and Yvette didn’t say a word when he picked us up at the station. You mean she was next door last night and we didn’t know? Tut, tut.” I try to hide a grin. It is fortunate Denise is busily engaged rolling pastry or she might have seen my face. “She came and confessed everything this morning after you left I suppose she couldn’t face the two of us.”

  I try pacifying Denise by making an excuse for them. Although I wouldn’t like to be in Jean’s shoes right now. “Well they are in love. What does a piece of paper matter anyway? They were going to get married anyway they still can despite er sleeping together. I don’t see the problem.

  By the way does big sister Louise know?”

  I tell another lie and don’t even feel guilty

  “She does but not the whole story.” Denise lowers her voice and whispers. “Yvette thinks she is pregnant she hasn’t told Louise yet. It all happened the night Jean came out of hospital. “She said she committed herself to him. What do you think about that?”

  “What is more to the point Denise my love. What do you think about it?” I take her in my arms guessing what is going through her mind. She admits. “I have mixed feelings. At first I was jealous because she is pregnant and doesn’t really want to be, but now, well! I just want Yvette to come through it alright. To be honest with you I can’t wait to be an Auntie. Her moment of dreaming is soon over she snaps. “She is very naughty. Grandfather would have put her in a convent you know? The baby would have been taken from her and given away. That is what they do to girls that have babies out of wedlock. Oh you mustn’t let this happen to Yvette. You won’t let them do that to my sister will you?” Denise pleads. I reassure her while wondering does she know yet what happened to her other sister Louise. “Denise sweetheart I won’t let anything happen to my sister in law or my Niece or Nephew. I think Jean would have something to say about it anyway don’t you? Where is Yvette by the way?” Denise replies. “She has gone to the market my darling sister is a house wife now and she can’t even cook. Poor Jean such a nice boy does he know what he has let himself into? He, he. Yvette won’t be back for a while I know what she is like when she is out shopping. I bet the last thing she looks at will be food, I have no doubt she will be at the clothes shops.” I jokingly scold her. “That’s a bit bitchy Denise not a bit like you.” She replies stifling another giggle. “Oh I didn’t really mean it. I was only joking but I would love to see Jeans face when he sits down to supper. She told me he mustn’t eat with us ever again she will be looking after him herself. She hadn’t even thought about shopping until I asked her what food did she have in the kitchen. Will you have a talk with her?” I promise. “I will leave it until Jean comes home and see what their plans are if you don’t mind?” I hug her close and whisper in her ear. “Denise do you remember that night when we were alone for the first time. It happened when Oscar went out and left us?” She says “Yeessss.” In a kind of lingering voice, I continue reminiscing, “We were on the chez-lounge the very one that is now in our parlour.” “Yeeeesss.” I continue whispering while excitement stirs in my loins.

  “It could have happened to us you know? I was mad with passion for you that night. God I wanted you so much. All that time together and no real contact but that night was filled with promise. And you, you naughty girl you had it planned, it wasn’t all my idea. As I recall you had no underwear on.” What do you mean? I did not have it planned. You were about to seduce me, Me, a poor defenceless innocent maiden. I was at the mercy of an oversexed Tommy. I took my underwear off because I er, er, was too hot.” Denise replies with another giggle. I can feel her getting excited now as she snuggles closer and brushes my trousers with her hand. “I could not believe it when I reached your thighs. Did you notice my hand shaking? Another second if Oscar hadn’t come home who knows?” Denise giggles and discloses. “Eh yes. Cheri. You weren’t the only one mad with passion that night. Oooh! You have me all of a dither thinking about it.

  “Let us go and relive that moment now.” It looks as if my Jolly Roger has an unscheduled appointment with Denise’s wow, wow. “What about the cakes? I ask following her into the bedroom. She replies as she hurriedly casts off her clothes. “As your English King Alfred said and I quote. Bugger the cakes I have more important things to do at this moment in time.” “Language Denise,” I scold her with a laugh. “Anyway I don’t think King Alfred used those actual words. Some history lessons you had?” “Ah! I have to confess it was the Tommy cooks at the chateau that said it really, behind the French chefs back of course.” I rebuke her with a grin. “Denise you seem to have picked a great deal of rude expressions from my fellow soldiers at the chateau?” Giggling like a couple of kids we fall onto the bed entwined in each other’s arms. The problems regarding my Mother and the unfinished cakes are forgotten for the moment. After making love I retrieve the letters from my pocket Denise is lying with my arm around her while she reads the sheet of paper from my Mother. When she has read it and Toots covering letter I ask her advice. “Denise I have been really insensitive you can see by her letter she must be out of her mind with worry. I haven’t a clue what to do to rectify the situation. I am still loath to have face to face contact with her but by the same token I can’t leave things festering like this. For a start it’s not fair on my mate Toot. The poor fellow is in the middle and I have put him there. Why did I have to stir things up and do such idiotic things like leaving those items?” Denise hugs me to her and says. “It’s not all your fault you know? I told you to send the diary back to your Mother. There is only one thing you can do as I see it. You must go over and face her. Look Adam at least you have a Mother. I wish I had one myself I still miss mine. I will come with you if you like she sounds like a nice woman by what you have told me. Who knows what the real story is anyway. It must be very hard to give a baby away there must have been a reason. Don’t forget at the time she was only sixteen when she had you. She was only a child herself really?” I reply bitterly. “Maybe there was a good reason at the time but she could have come back for me later. That is what really grieves me. Let me think about it over night I will have some lunch then I best get back to the depot I have some business I have to deal with.” While I eat lunch I work through the rest of my letters to find another shock awaiting me.

  The envelope doesn’t give me a clue regarding the sender but the letter inside is easily identified as coming from Oscar. Before reading the letter I scan the envelope to discover the date stamp is smudged and impossible to define. I find myself getting angry assuming the letter has been sitting for weeks in the big house. As I read the contents I find myself choking up. Oscar had written the letter prior to being tried for desertion. He was full of hope assuring me everything would work out because honesty is the best policy. I have no idea what he is on about by using this phrase. Poor Oscars mind appears to be wandering. The letter is by way of an introduction to his lawyer Günter Cogan I have recently met in Paris.

  After I pick up Marcel as we are heading for the first depot I pull up outside the big house advising Marcel. “I won’t be a minute I am just going over the road.” As I am getting out of the car he pronounces in an astonished voice. “Are you going to that big house over there? “Yes.” I retort. “I won’t be long I have a bit of a problem I wish to sort out with the man in there.” “Sooner you than me, I thought you are a happily married man. Well you live and learn?” I shake my head wondering what is he is on about? These Frenchmen, sometimes I wonder if I have really mastered their language after all.”

  I knock on the familiar door, the flap opens and a stranger invites me in. “Where is the watchman?” I enquire as I enter. He replies “Sounds kinky, but whatever you want we will supply. What do you want to do just watch or partake? We aim to
please?” I follow him along the hall this conversation is baffling me. “I just want to sort out a little problem.” I reply. “Doesn’t everyone that visits us my dear, some are bigger than others.” He remarks with a snigger. Dear! Why is he calling me dear? When he opens the door at the end of the hall I can’t believe my eyes

  Lounging about are some gorgeous looking women. Adorning the walls are the lewd pictures I thought Oscar had destroyed when he closed the brothel. On the threshold I pause unable to move either forward or backward. The man invites me to make my choice. “A little shy my dear? First time is it? You don’t have to be afraid, you are among friends here.” The women laugh at his remark. A fabulously attired coloured Lady approaches me she takes my hand. As she presses close the aroma of expensive perfume wafts about her, she whispers in a sexy voice. “Come with me Cheri, I can supply every fantasy you have ever dreamed of.” Shocked I pull my hand away. “No. No! Get off me. You have me wrong I just came to find out why my letters have been delayed?” My statement produces shrieks of laughter. The coloured lady becomes angry. Her voice changes from a simpering female to a normal male in a distinctive Liverpool accent she cries. “Well piss of then you ungrateful faggot.”

  The man that led me into the house has been observing the encounter with amusement. He enquires.

  “Are you really here about your letters my dear? I think I recognise you. I have seen you through the window in the back yard. You live in that stable thing don’t you?” “Yes that’s me.” I explain hurriedly. “I live there with my wife I used to live here a while back. I think there has been a mistake. I er don’t want your services ladies sorry to intrude.” The man comes across the room. “Come on my dear I am sure it is a genuine mistake, this is a homme -femme establishment now.” He leads me back along the hall. Astounded I enquire. “Do you mean those are not real women, they are really gorgeous looking, well I’ll be blowed.” “If you want that we could easily arrange it my dear, it’s a speciality of the house.” He giggles at my embarrassment and adds. “Anyway thanks for the compliment my dear the girls will be pleased when I tell them what you said. If you want real women we can supply them as well if that’s your fancy? Go into the flower shop next door. Goodbye my dear I will make sure your letters are forwarded to you promptly in future. That lazy fellow that used to be here has been dismissed.”

  I slip out of the door look furtively up and down the road and race to the car.

  When I slump into the driver’s seat Marcel enquires. “Are you alright Adam you look a bit flustered?” I reply in a breathless voice.” I can’t believe it Marcel? My letters have been going adrift I once lived in that house. I went there as some of my letters are still going to that address. Bloody hell did you know it is some kind of weird brothel?” He smiles. “I thought everyone in town knew it was a house of love. That’s why I thought it was strange when you went in there. I have seen your beautiful wife and I know you have just come off your honeymoon but.” He makes a gesture with his hands. “Who am I to judge the behaviour of others?”

  “Bloody Hell! I wish you had let me know what it is. They frightened the shit out of me. Have you seen the women er I mean men in that place? Let’s get out of here before someone recognises me.” I roar away with the wheels of the Rolls leaving a shower of loose stones flying accompanied by roars of laughter from my companion.

  We arrive at the first depot we wish to observe and park with a clear view of the entire site. A few horse drawn carts are parked in the yard we are able to see horses located in the stables.

  An ancient steam wagon pulls into the yard. Marcel consults a sheet of paper. “This is a family run business.” He explains. “The owner is a Mister Gabrielle. He lives in that house in the yard. It used to be the farm house before the area was developed for housing. According to my list he has three steam wagons and six horse drawn carts.” I interrupt him. “And there are four wagons parked in the yard and a steamer, and it is only three o’clock something wrong here.” Marcel observes.

  “The place is a mess look the fence is broken there is grass and trees growing through the cobbles. They must be short of work I think the old boy has given up. Do you want my opinion Adam?” “That’s what you are here for Marcel?” I reply. He advises. “I would buy the place get rid of the transport business and develop the site. It is prime building land. The yard is in the wrong place anyway. It’s already surrounded by residential area. It was most probably in the right place years ago. I can visualise ten top of the range houses on this site.” “What about the employees Marcel? He must have at least ten people working for him. I wouldn’t want to see them unemployed.” Marcel replies. “It’s situated not too far from our place. We would keep the steam wagons on. Not on dock work, the officials are getting fussy about them because of the fire hazard. They could be used on agricultural work. We are looking for extra drivers we could retrain the others if they are willing.

  According to our drivers some of them are well past normal retiring age. You are going to have to get at least ten more trucks shortly anyway. Mr Gabrielle is in his eighties I don’t think he will bother about another job.” “Right make out your recommendations we have the board meeting Saturday we will discuss it. But I want to see the lads looked after. I don’t want them to be dumped alright?” “I understand Adam if it goes forward we will look after them.” As we drive along I remark. “I have been thinking. You’re an architect Marcel I noted what you said about housing. Harry tells me you found a builder for Alec’s hotel and sorted the plans out for him?” He nods agreement. I put my idea to him “We are going to redevelop the depot. What would it take to set up our own building company? I don’t like being dependant on others.” Marcel answers thoughtfully. “We have the land already inside the depot to store materials and equipment with security. We would need equipment then labour. I have the capability to run it if that’s your idea. Basically we would need an outlay of cash. Maybe there is an established company we could take over or purchase. It could be done if we can get the skilled labour. Most building workers are taken on a casual basis. It is usually job and finish. Offer them a permanent job on the same conditions as the depot staff and I think they will snap your hand off.” “I’m thinking if we can’t use the lads from here as driver’s maybe we could use them on the building project?” “Still worrying about them eh Adam?

  Good for you, I will look into it if the deal goes ahead.”

  The next depot is more up to date according to Marcel the company is owned and operated by two Brothers and a Sister. They have six pre-war French made trucks, two steam wagons plus two modern ex army trucks the same make as ours.”

  I am able to observe the depot from where I am parked. Located on the fully fenced site is a large warehouse an office and a service bay.

  There are only two vehicles parked and they are being cleaned. “This is more like it Marcel, it seems to be thriving why are they worried about competition? Give me your opinion.”

  “That is not their primary reason for approaching us. The company was established by their Father who is now dead he left it to his three kids. The Brothers approached Harry they want out. It is the Sister that wants to keep the company going she feels she will betray her Father if she sells out. This is an ideal location for out of town work we can sure use that secure dry warehouse for farm produce fertiliser etc. My recommendation is if the deal is right get it and keep it going as a transport company even expand with more trucks.

  Do you notice a railway siding passes through the yard? The army constructed it. This was an ammo dump during the war that’s why it’s located out of town. Oh. Oh! I think we have been spotted?” Marcel points to a woman emerging from the gates heading toward us. “I believe that’s the Sister coming our way Oh. Oh! Should we get out of here, she looks really angry?” “No we are not moving. You’re not afraid of a mere woman are you Marcel?” He replies. “All women frighten me but this one looks particularly scary. If we are to remain you had best know
her name is Suzanne Caspar. From what I hear she is quite a formidable spinster lady.” By his description of Suzanne I half expected a muscular lady with a hard features and moustache. Imagine my surprise as she arrives at the car and identifies me as from OSCADA then introduces herself. Miss Suzanne is a good looking slender woman in her late twenties.

  “I have been expecting a visit, what took you so long? You will be the infamous Monsieur OSCADA the eater of companies I believe?” She extends her hand for me to kiss or shake I am not sure what to do. Being in France I brush her hand with my lips. Saying “Enchanted Madam. She snatches her hand away gives me a withering look and says. “I will be grateful if you address me in the correct manner it is Mademoiselle. She sweeps her hand across the vista of the transport depot. “Do you like what you see? Well Monsieur Oscada I have to inform you the company Caspar is not for sale. You have had a wasted journey my friend. Good bye.” As she heads back towards the gates I leap out of the car and follow her calling. “Miss Suzanne may I have a word?”


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