Angel on my Shoulder

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Angel on my Shoulder Page 42

by Carl Leckey

  The wonderful room triggers my thoughts encouraging me to remark angrily. “These officers really suffered in their war eh? I wonder did they ever spend a night up to their knees in sh’ er mud at the front line?

  I bet this is the closest many of the swine got to the action?” Denise replies sympathetically. “I understand your anger, but it’s over now. They weren’t all the same, you forget Colonel Sanders and how kind he was to his men? Please let’s forget the war Adam if only for tonight and enjoy ourselves. We have an hour before pre-dinner drinks. The huge tub looks very inviting so?”

  Together we partake of a luxurious bath in the scented water and make love on the huge bed. We are lying together after talking idly when Denise makes me laugh by saying. “You know if we keep making love at this rate you will wear out my poor wow, wow?” I reply indignantly. “You never mind about your poor wow, wow. What about Jolly Roger? Look you have worn the poor thing out already?” She responds stifling laughter with difficulty. “It looks like in the battle of the sexes. Wow wows win hands down?” I concede defeat in the great debate about the merits of wow, wow darling, sweetheart, can we call er wow, wow by another name. Wow, wow is what English children call a dog. Every time you say call er it that it makes me want, er to laugh, and it is usually at a very serious time?” She thinks for a moment then replies. “Then I shall just call it my Wow If you like?”

  I burst out laughing. She thumps me and demanding petulantly. “What’s wrong with that name?”

  “Because my love the expression. Wow! Is something we would say in England when we see something er unexpected. Wondrous! Amazing! Glorious! Oh! Never mind that’s about the right description. I give up we shall continue to call the blooming thing your wow, wow.”

  I hug her to me as we giggle like naughty kids.

  When we enter the lounge our friends Estelle and Gunter are already present dressed in evening wear. They both stand and greet us warmly. I apologise for our lack of appropriate attire and explain the reason for this. Gunter accepts our apology and in turn regrets dressing so formerly. “The hotel is such a splendid place we assumed like the Ritz we would be expected to dress in such manner.” He turns to Alec also togged out in evening wear hovering close by. “Would you serve the aperitifs now please Alec?” Alec serves the drinks then hands each of us an impressive menu to select our meals for this evening. I wink at him he smiles proudly. I have to give them credit up to now the service is excellent the big test will be the food. After drinks and idle chit chat we are led by Alec le maitre d’hotel into the dining room. The Ladies are assisted to their seats and the meal begins. As I had guessed the chef’s talents have been wasted in the café, although we have been the fortunate beneficiaries of his culinary talents for years. The meal is superb and the wine excellent, at our request the chef Mich is brought from the kitchen. He stands in front of us wringing his hands looking extremely nervous.

  In turn we congratulate him on his efforts. Gunter asks him where he trained as a Chef? He informs him he was born in New Orleans and was trained there on Bourbon Street by his Father.

  Gunter replies in a language I don’t understand. Mich replies they both smile Gunter stands and warmly shakes his hand. Mich bows and leaves with a proud grin lighting up his chubby face.

  God, look at me an orphanage brat living the high life congratulating chefs on their cuisine. I am beginning to act like the class of people I have despised all my life. I must watch this I don’t want to join them in their privileged world because I was lucky enough to strike gold. I ask Gunter.

  “What was that language you and Mich were speaking, I thought at first it was French but you lost me after the first sentence?” Gunter explains.

  “It is indeed French but has evolved to the Cajun you heard us conversing in. They have a long and colourful history you should read about them.”

  Bloomin heck Gunter how many languages do you speak? If you really want to know,” he modestly names them. “I am fluent in Dutch French. German. Italian. English. Latin. Of course the Belgiuns have a mixture of languages. Walloon. Picard. Champenois. Lorrain. Yiddish. I am conversant with those as well.” I am gob smacked and question, “I have enough trouble with my own language and the little French I know.” He laughs and informs. “Languages fortunately are my great passion. Of course I have to thank my excellent tutor Oscar. He instilled the love of the subject in me. Estelle is also a linguist she is competent in quite a few.”

  Every day that I am in their company, I learn some more about this amazing couple. We retire to the lounge. The Ladies are joined by Marguerite they retire to the far side of the room with an agenda of their own. Gunter and I are joined by Alec for cognac, cigars and business talk. I open the conversation by informing them my vision of what will be the role of the directors, managers and the share scheme for the staff based on the Basque system. The take over and mergers we have planned and the move into shipping and construction. I also inform them. “I will be less involved in the business in future. I have personal problems I have to sort out and I will be away in England for a while. I am not sure when the trip will take place. I have decided I want to see Denise relocated to the farm and able to drive herself before I leave. That is depending if she is to remain in France while I am away.

  I haven’t discussed it properly with her yet, please don’t mention it. My wife’s sister is to be married as yet no date has been set. I will want to see that settled as well.” When I finish talking Gunter outlines his plans. “I know you are aware of Oscars wishes Adam, as we discussed it in Paris, I will reiterate them for Alec’s benefit, the reasons I am here is to attend the OSCADA board meeting.

  I have been a good friend to Oscar for many years, since I was a child in fact. I was born in Germany but am now a Swiss national. Oscar and I have been long term member of a peace movement. I have also been privileged to be Oscar’s personal lawyer. Unfortunately when he was charged then tried for being a deserter. I was away climbing in the Alps and could not be contacted. Which I will regret to my dying day believe me. Anyway down to business. I have connections in many countries I represent the interest of Swiss bankers among many other enterprises. My wife Estelle acts as my secretary and confidant and always travels with me. I have had your banker Mr Gastoyne vetted and investigated thoroughly. He is quite legitimate and he has dealings with my Swiss banking colleagues. There was a small scandal a while back, one of his contacts had dealings in illegal immigrants but he was cleared of any involvement. My advice is we should continue to use his services. My organisation will make sure he does not transgress I can assure you? I should wish to be present at any future meetings with him, and his partner? At the board meeting we have much to discuss. Your financial director Mr Evans has forwarded to me a proposed agenda that appears satisfactory and covers most points. Now let us talk about the finance. Oscar has left a great deal of money to be handled by me and to be invested as I see fit on behalf of the peace organisation. I believe the OSCADA company is a sound investment with good returns. I will be looking to inject capital into the shipping and building part of the organisation, if the board agrees? Personally what I have seen of this district I like. It has good rail connections, ferries to the UK and Trans Atlantic liners plus telephonic connections. Everything I desire to run my operation from here. This is what I propose and this concerns you Alec. I have rented the entire top floor on this occasion I have decided I wish to do so on a regular basis.” “You mean permanently?” Alec enquires. “Yes that is what I propose. The hotel is ideal for my colleagues and business associates to meet. The manner you accepted my early arrival and the special diet you supplied at short notice impressed me my friend.” Alec is gob smacked to use an old army phrase by Gunter’s proposal that came out of the blue. He replies enthusiastically “If Marguerite agrees I see no problem in fact I believe we would welcome the regular income. I will arrange a special rate.” Gunter raises his hand and says. “No need, I am quite satisfied with the rate I have ag
reed. It comes under the title of legitimate business expense. You understand there will be times the rooms will be unoccupied by me? I will wish them to remain so, except if I instruct you to permit my guests to stay. Do you wish to talk it over with your wife before making a decision?” Alec replies. “Aye! I better had, she is my partner and should be included. I’ll go and consult her now, please excuse me.” When he has left I remark.

  “Well you have certainly made him a happy hotelier. I am glad you have decided to settle here?” He explains. “My interests keep me constantly on the move in various countries worldwide. I like a homely base among friends to return to when I have the opportunity. Besides Oscar already informed me what a good man Alec is, and how he was responsible for getting things moving with your transport company. Let us talk no more business. I think we have covered enough.”

  “Just one more thing Gunter please, I need a little personal advice before we join the Ladies. I am buying property in this locality, in a great location. I want to use some of the money deposited in Switzerland to develop it. I don’t want to involve the company in this undertaking, is that ok?” He assures me. “That is no problem my friend. It’s your money to do with as you will.

  Investment in land and property is a shrewd move if you don’t mind me saying so. You sound so enthusiastic about the place I am tempted to see it for myself while I am here.” “That would be nice I’ll show you where it is located before we leave.” He replies. “Thank you Adam. May I remind you about the documents I have brought for you, Please make sure you pick them up before you leave.” Estelle returns to the lounge and hands Gunter a package, he thanks her and unfolds it. It contains a map of the district around Le Havre.

  He spreads it out on the table. “Please do me a favour Adam. I am trying to get my bearings? Will you indicate where the OSCADA depot is situated? I would also like to know the location of the sites you are interested in taking over?” I lean over the map and point out our depot close to the docks. Next the site we intend to develop for housing, then Suzanne’s depot. Lastly I indicate where the old man’s farm is located. He immediately homes in on Suzanne’s depot observing. “I see there is a railway spur line leading to the depot is that still there?” I reply. “Yes I believe the military constructed it, the line is overgrown and unused, but it is still there I can assure you. I noticed it personally a short while ago.

  The depot was an ammunition and fuel depot during the hostilities.

  The transport company that operates from there do not own it. The entire facility is leased from the war department.” He observes thoughtfully. “Hmmm, There is also an air field indicated adjacent to the site, is that still functioning?” I apologise. “I am sorry. I saw no sign of that when I visited there. Maybe it was only a wartime measure located close to the fuel dump for obvious reasons? Why, does that interest you?” He informs me. “Yes it does interest me a great deal; you see I fly my own aeroplane. I might be able to use the field when I reside here. It will certainly save me a great deal of time. How long would it take to get there from here, by car?”

  I reply thoughtfully. “Driving in that smashing car of yours?

  I reckon about an hour depending on weather and other traffic.” He informs me. “For your information I also believe air travel will be the manner of getting around the world in the future for ordinary folk. Thanks Adam that was very interesting.” He folds the map and says. “Shall we join the Ladies?”

  I find his last prediction a bit farfetched. What right minded person would willingly to go up in one of those crazy machines anyway?

  Alec and Marguerite welcome the fact that Gunter and his wife wish to rent the presidential suite long term. We have a nice evening that includes my introduction to the game of billiards. I surprise myself at how I master the game I make a mental note to have a table installed.

  That is if the alterations to the farm house allow me to fit one in. After a couple of games I retire with my lovely wife to bed for a good nights sleep in what was a senior officer’s bed. Slightly drunk I remark to Denise’s as we settle down. “What a turn up? From a private to a general in a few years I bet the privileged sods had their mistresses with them?” Denise replies. “Just for comfort I suppose, poor soldiers? They needed the comfort of good women to help them survive the rigours of war.” Denise giggles when I tickle her and ask. “Where is your nightdress you hussy are you trying to tempt me?” Denise whispers sleepily. “No more Roger today. Wow, wow is much too tired.” Thank goodness she said that. I don’t know whether I am up to it anyway? It could be the booze I have consumed or, maybe I am just getting old?

  The next morning when we breakfast together Gunter hands me the folder of paperwork he referred to last evening. Soon after the meal we say our goodbyes. Denise and I leave to travel home after a very enjoyable unexpected fruitful night out in good company. On the way home I reveal my feeling of guilt about selling her sister the coach house, considering the huge amount I have received in my inheritance. She advises against giving it to her. “No Adam we mustn’t do that. I know Yvette she will not value the gesture. What I suggest we do is let them rent the place as we agreed. The rent they pay we will deposit in a special bank account unknown to them. In five years we will reconsider the situation by then there will be a nice little nest egg for them. If their business is a success and they don’t need the money, we let it continue and their children can have it when they get married. I want to see her becoming more responsible do you mind?” I reply. “Alright my love, after all it is your property Denise, you know your sister better than me we shall do it your way.” Out of the blue she says.” Adam I don’t want to be a director. I really don’t want to be involved in the business, do you mind? I just want to be a housewife and enjoy my time with you and Daisy. Our Louise will be the one to do the job properly she has always been the clever sister.” I reply. “Alright my love although I am disappointed I understand. I’ll tell Harry.

  Now there is another thing I want to discuss with you before we get home. I am not going to England until you are settled into the farm. I don’t want to miss my time with you and Daisy in the holidays. Mother can wait a bit longer. I have waited since I was a baby, another month or so won’t make any difference. When we have been home and changed I want you to come to the depot with me. I have to sort a few things out then we will take Marcel out to the farm. I need to give him an opportunity to look around and tell us what we require to make the cottage more comfortable. Is that alright with you?”

  Denise leans over and kisses my cheek and says. “Thank you darling I love you.”

  I pull the car over. Denise pleads. “Oh no, not again there are far too many people about anyway?”

  “Only kidding?” I laugh and continue on our way.

  Of course we have to shop at the market for Denise to make up the picnic we always take to the farm. We know the old man enjoys sharing a meal with us when we visit.

  Jean is at work and Yvette is nowhere to be seen when we arrive home. A quick change of clothes and we set off for the depot Denise chattering with excitement all the way there.

  At the depot we both go into the office to see Harry. I notice the yard is empty all the trucks are out even the reserve one we usually hold back for emergencies. Harry greets us with. “Oh! You are early I never expected you until much later?”

  I reply indignantly. “I don’t know? We turn up at Alec’s hotel yesterday and he says the same thing.”

  Harry laughs. “You will see why I said that shortly.”

  I enquire. “Where is Marcel, I want to steal him for the day if that’s alright? We are off to see what he plans for Denise’s piece of paradise.” Denise remarks. “What a great name for the farm Adam? That is what we shall call it. Denise’s Paradise! It has a nice ring to it.”

  Harry enquires. “Did you notice all the trucks are out for the day?”

  I reply. “Yes that’s unusual isn’t it even the spare one has gone?”

  He in
forms me. “I have taken two drivers on, just on a trial basis for a month. If they work out satisfactory we will make them permanent. They both come highly recommended by the lads. Before you ask, they are both ex army.

  Adam I need to have a talk with you, we have so much work on without the extra drivers and the trailers we could not cope with the work load. We will have to have at least six more trucks and that doesn’t include the ones from Suzanne’s and the place we are shutting down. I have being doing some research this brochure is from Renaults. We should be getting French vehicles if it’s only for the spares.

  Talking of spares they are running out fast for the American trucks believe me they are becoming hard to get hold of. It’s a good job we have those scrap vehicles, we have been robbing bits off them to keep us going.”

  “Harry.” I reply. “Order ten new trucks to be sure, and do it today. We can afford it I know you wouldn’t ask if you didn’t think we couldn’t. We will have to replace some of the old museum pieces we are acquiring anyway.

  I want them all fitted with towing gear. I want four of them at least with a tipping capacity if we are going into the construction business. I’ll brief you on that when I get back.” I pause and listen I definitely hear the sound of a truck engine. I enquire “I thought you said all the trucks are out for the day. I have just heard one pulling into the yard? There must be a problem.”

  “He answers with a grin. “That’s what I have been waiting for, come outside the two of you and see. I hope you like it?” We move into the yard where Paul is parking one of the trucks, but what surprises us is Marcel is just entering through the gates behind the wheel of a brand new Renault car. He pulls up alongside Denise jumps out of the car handing her the keys. Marcel says with a flourish. “Your new car has been delivered Madam.” I begin saying. “Where the? How have?” Harry laughs and explains. “We were given priority in ordering the car because the sales department believe we are about to place a big order for new trucks.


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