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Disrespectful Page 12

by Tynessa

  Teyana decided to try her luck and call Tyriq to see if she could possibly talk him into seeing her son before then. She dialed is number and the phone rung once before the voicemail kicked in. She tried again but was delivered the same results. She tossed the phone down in frustration, only for it to ring. She picked up the phone not bothering to look at the caller id.

  “Hello,” she spoke into the phone.

  “You think you scaring me by sending that faggot ass boyfriend of yours to my fucking house Teyana”. She was confused because the caller sounded like Tyriq but she hadn’t sent anyone to the house so she had no clue what he was talking about. As if on cue, Gambino swaggered his ass into her room like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Don’t play dumb. That nigga showed up at my house with that bitch ass Zywon. If my son wasn’t upstairs, I would’ve laid both their asses out. Teyana your boyfriend just signed your death certificate. You will not live happily ever after with him and my son like y’all some big happy family.”

  “Tyriq, I’m begging you not to do this. Just bring me Camari and let us go on with our lives. I will never deny you your right to see him, but please I ask you not to make this difficult. No matter how tough you think you are at defeating and beating me, Zywon and Gambino will kill you and I don’t want that. It doesn’t even have to escalate to that level.” Teyana pleaded with Tyriq but that was all a waste of time because once Gambino caught wind of who she was on the phone with, he high tailed it out the room.

  Teyana hung up on Tyriq without hesitation and yelled for Gambino to come back but that was to no avail because there was no stopping him.Sheeven tried to call him but he was sending her to voicemail. When she couldn’t get him, she called Sevyn. She knew that Zywon knew where he was headed. Maybe they could get there to stop him from getting himself locked up. She didn’t give a damn about Tyriq; she didn’t want Gambino get intoany trouble behind his dumbass. He wasn’t worth it.


  Why the fuck couldn’t that bitch ass nigga just do what the fuck I told him to do. I hate when niggas try my hand, Gambino thought as he hopped in his truck. He headed straight to the old house Teyana shared with Tyriq, Zywon kept calling his phone but he refused to answer. He knew that he would either try to talk him out of killing this nigga or try to be there to help him. Either way, Zywon had his own family to take care of and he didn’t wanna get him caught up in bullshit because there was no doubt in his mind, that this nigga Tyriq was breathing his last few breaths. He couldn’t believe he called Teyana and threatened her as if that ass whopping he delivered wasn’t warning enough. Pussy ass nigga still had the nerve to scare his girl.

  When Gambino pulled up to the house, Zywon and Sevyn was hopping out their truck. Barely putting the truck in park, he hopped out and stormed towards the porch.

  “If y’all coming to stop me y’all can hang that shit up. This nigga has Teyana scared from a fucking hospital bed. Y’all should’ve seen the look of fear on her face as she begged this nigga to bring Camari to her.”

  “We didn’t come to stop you. I’m going to get Camari out the house so that he doesn’t have to see his father meet his maker. I don’t give a fuck what you do to that bitch ass nigga and neither does Teyana. He has put fear in her heart for the last damn time.” Sevyn said as she banged on the door.

  “Who the fuck is banging on my door like the fucking poli-,” Tyriq said as he opened the door, but the blow Sevyn delivered to his jaw stunned him and had him stumble backwards into the house. He got up ready to swing back on her until Zywon stepped into view with his .357 magnum pointed directly at his forehead.

  “I wish you would, playboy. Only reason you made it this far is because of lil’ sis and my nephew. You would’ve been taking a dirt nap a long time ago if I had my way. Don’t get it twisted though, I don’t give two shits about nobody feelings when it comes to my wife. Make another fucking move and you gone be swimming with the fishes. Now, where the fuck is my nephew?” As Zywon got the last of his statement out, Gambino walked in the house with his .357 shinning bright and pointed at Tyriq chest.

  “Sevyn, go upstairs and get Camari and take him to his mother. I will meet you there.” Zywon said. Sevyn went upstairs and got Camari. When she got to his room, he was watching TV without a care in the world. She called out his name and he immediately smiled.

  “Ti-Ti Sevyn, I missed you. Is my mommy feeling better, can I see her?” Sevyn wanted to cry for her nephew. Him being without his mother for more than a day was unusual and here it was almost a week since the last time he seen her. All because Tyriq was a bitch.

  “Yes, baby, I’m taking you to your mommy right now.” She grabbed his bag and put some clothes and a few of his toys in there and they headed downstairs. When they got downstairs Camari ran straight for Gambino. Camari was a smart kid and he knew that the only time he seen his mother smile is when she was around him.

  “Gambino, hi, I didn’t know you were here. How long will you be in town? Can we go to the arcade?” Camari shot question after question at him. That only pissed Tyriq off. He knew he couldn’t be mad at nobody but himself. Teyana was a good girl and because he couldn’t get his shit together and be a man, he took it out on her.

  Kneeling down so that he could look Camari in his pretty brown eyes, “Yea, we can go to the arcade and I will be here forever lil’ man. Go with Ti-Ti Sevyn and I will meet you there.”

  Satisfied with Gambino’s answer, Camari ran to his dad and told him he would see him later but he needed to spend some time with his mother. That softened Gambino’s heart just a little. He knew that Camari was going to need his father. Of course he would be there for him but there was nothing like having your biological father’s love. He was gonna try to reason with Tyriq one more time in an effort to not hurt Camari or Teyana. He wasn’t going to kill him today but he damn sure was going to beat the fuck out his ass.

  Once Gambino saw that Sevyn had gotten Camari safely strapped in and was pulling off, he decided to put his gun away and attempt a man to man conversation with Tyriq. Zywon knew how his cousin could get so he hoped for Tyriq sake that he wasn’t stupid enough to try anything. He stepped off to the side and leaned against the wall while his cousin handled his business. One thing was for certain, he knew for sure that Gambino was serious about making Teyana his wife because he didn’t go this hard when those niggas left Jazz ass for dead a few years back. Yeah, he had retaliated on the niggas that shot up his crib but not all of them were dead and he didn’t give a fuck. Something in the back of his mind kept telling him that something wasn’t right about that whole incident and before he drove himself crazy trying to figure the shit out, he just dropped the situation.

  “Listen, I don’t know what the fuck you missed when I whopped your ass the first time, but when I say stay the fuck away from shit, I don’t talk because I got a nice voice I like to listen to. I mean what the fuck I say and I say what the fuck I mean. Stay the fuck away from Teyana.”

  “Look, me and Teyana been together for eight years. I’m all she knows and I’m all she will ever know. I know the pussy good, my nigga, and it will have niggas thinking with the wrong head, but Teyana ain’t leaving me.” Tyriq didn’t even see Gambino stand up, so before he knew what hit him, Gambino had delivered a two piece combo hit to his ass.

  When Tyriq sat up in the spot he was in on the floor, he spit out the blood and touched his tender,swollen lip,laughing. Tyriq was tired of getting his ass whooped but he vowed for every blow that Gambino delivered to him, Teyana was going to pay for it.

  “Teyana will call you when she is ready to and set up arrangements for you to see your son. Until then, don’t contact her and in case you forgot what that means let me remind you.” Gambino said as he delivered his size 12 Jordan to Tyriq’s face.

  When Tyriq’s head flew back, blood flew from his mouth. Gambino pulled his gun out and shot Tyriq in the left leg and right arm, he then took the butt of his gun and began to beat his face
in. He wanted to make Tyriq pay for every bruise he gave Teyana. He took his anger of all the time he wasted on Jazz out on him. The loss of his unborn child and the fact that Tyriq could’ve killed his seed that Teyana was carrying made him go even harder. By now he had put his gun away and had replaced it with his bare hands. His hand were full of blood from all the leaking that Tyriq was doing. He wanted to beat him unconscious as he had Teyana.

  After another two minutes of Gambino releasing his frustrations, Zywon felt he had did enough damage. He pulled Gambino off Tyriq and he went to make sure he still had a pulse. It was faint, but he did have one. Zywon called his peoples and told them to come pick Tyriq up to have him checked out quietly by a doctor he had on call when he didn’t want police questioning. He pulled Gambino out the house and told him to toss him his keys. He knew he had to drive because Gambino was on 100.

  Gambino had no intentions of beating him as bad as he did, but that smart ass mouth of Tyriq is what got him beat like that. All he had to do was leave her the fuck alone and he damn sure had no reason to speak on the pussy being good because it wasn’t his anymore. Teyana belonged to Gambino and it was disrespectful for Tyriq to think he could speak on it.

  Chapter 26

  Jazz was sitting at the table, in the kitchen of the little two bedroom condo that Gambino had his peoples find her and furnish, drinking a glass of white wine. She was thinking of how to put another plan in motion cause she knew Gambino had done the math and figured out that she wasn’t pregnant by him.

  She had a boo thang up in Buffalo and he was her high school sweetheart. After college, though, he left Buffalo to go to school in North Carolina, and they had grown apart. She still loved him but when she met Gambino, she thought she was finally over him. When she went to stay with her mother in Jersey for a couple weeks after the loss of her baby girl, she ran into him. They started hanging out and heinformed her that he had just moved back home and thought they should keep in touch.

  She was feeling depressed and lost because when she came up with the plan for her cousins to rob Gambino, she had no clue that they had brought in other people; who had a personal vendetta against Gambino and wouldalmost cost her, her life. They were supposed to wait until she left home and do the drive by. She never had a chance to call her cousin and tell them that Gambino had decided to drive her truck that day so his would be in the driveway.

  She was chilling on the couch waiting on Gambino to come in the house for that night when the shots rang out. It was then that she remembered her car was gone so they thought that Gambino was home alone. She stood up and was trying to make her way to the back of the house when the first bullet penetrated her back. As she went down, two more bullets hit her lower back and legs. She fell face first onto her seven month pregnant belly.

  Jazz never really wanted kids, but it hurt her that she lost her daughter over her own selfish reason. She couldn’t find herself to mourn the loss of her baby girl because, it was her fault that she wasn’t there. She only wanted to use the drive by shooting as a means for Gambino to wanna spend more time around her and protect her. She knew that losing her daughter because of her selfish ways was only that bitch named karma coming back to get her.

  It back fired on her and Gambino became more distant. She knew that her relationship was over years ago, but knowing that losing her child was a soft spot for him, she used it against him every chance she got. What she didn’t know was that Gambino stop giving a fuck a long time ago. Yes, he was hurt behind losing his child, but he’d seen it as a blessing to not be tied down to Jazz for the rest of his life.

  She knew that Gambino had his suspicions about this baby being his and though he was right aboutit; she was silently hoping that she hated him enough for the baby to pick up at least some of his features. Her girlfriend always told her that her kid would mostly look like the person she hated at the time of pregnancy.

  In order for Jazz to get Gambino back, she knew she had to get rid of Teyana. It was obvious that her weak ass baby daddy wasn’t capable of doing it because she was still breathing.Even through all the bruises, she was beautiful and she knew that’s what Gambino saw in her. Jazz pulled her laptop open and booked a flight to Atlanta.

  As she was finishing up the details on her flight when she felt those strong arms she grew to love wrap around her waist. He kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear. She softly moaned feeling the heat that was rising between her legs.

  “Hmmm…Hey daddy… I didn’t hear you come in.” she moaned as his hands traveled to her wet pussy. He slid a finger inside of her warm box and began to remove her clothes with his other hand. Jazz didn’t know how much longer she was going to be able to take the teasing he had going on.

  “You been giving that nigga my pussy ma?” He asked her as he played with her nipples.

  “You know I haven’t slept with him since I got pregnant,Cal. I wouldn’t dare sleep with another man while carrying your seed.” She wasn’t lying. Since she found out she was pregnant, Gambino had been back and forth between Buffalo and Atlanta and trying to turn all his businesses over to his step-brother. There was no time for her and Gambino to have sex.

  Jazz couldn’t take it anymore and she screamed out for Cal to fuck her.

  “Calvin, please fuck me.” Jazz pleaded and he gladly obliged. For the rest of the night, Jazz fucked Calvin with thoughts of murdering Gambino and Teyana. She knew Calvin would be okay with the plan because she also planned on robbing Gambino. That little ass bank account he set up for her wasn’t shit. After their love session, Jazz decided that now was the time to run her plan down.

  Chapter 27

  After being in the hospital for a week and a half, Teyana was cleared to go home with Sevyn. The doctor said she was still going to need some help with certain things and she didn’t wanna move too fast with Gambino. Yes, she was already pregnant by him and they were in a relationship, but they wanted to get to know each other more before rushing into living together.

  Camari needed to get used to being around Gambino and she needed to get used to not being with Tyriq. Those were all excuses that Teyana came up with, though, Gambino wasn’t giving her space for shit. He was too busy furnishing their new five bedroom, six bathroom mini mansion. Her staying with Sevyn and Zywon gave him the extra time he needed.

  He was moving as fast as he could because Sevyn ass was itching to spill the beans. Every day she was finding different ways to bring up how Teyana needed to stop looking for a house and move in with Gambino.

  “All I’m saying is, Tee, Gambino wants to give you the world and you deserve it. Let him wine and dine you the way you supposed to be.” Sevyn was pleading with Teyana yet again to stop fighting her feelings for Gambino.

  “I want to be with Gambino, don’t for a second get it twisted. That’s my man and that won’t change. What I don’t want is him thinking that I need him, though. That was my problem with Tyriq, I forced myself to need him instead of wanting him.” Teyana said. Sevyn knew what she was saying was true, but she also knew that it was a crock of bullshit. Teyana was always looking for a way out of a good situation.

  Sevyn just looked at Teyana with the ‘bitch who you fooling’ look and walked out the room. Teyana grabbed her phone to call Gambino to see what he was up to. He had taken Camari to the arcade, and she missed him but she also knew that Camari could question folks to death.

  “Sup, ma?” Gambino answered on the second ring.

  “What you up to, baby? Camari driving you crazy yet?”

  “Tee baby, C-Money could never drive me crazy. We at the barbershop kicking it with the fellas’ and macking on the chicks.” Gambino laughed. He knew Teyana was about to go to town on his ass.

  “Terrean, I know like hell you ain’t using my son to pick up side bitches. I will limp my ass to that barbershop and fuck you, and every bitch in the vicinity, up.” Teyana heard all the fellas in the background laughing at her and realized that he had put her on speakerphone. She couldn’t help but
blush embarrassment.

  “Ma, you know I only got eyes for you. We will be home in a few. Did you and Sevyn cook or y’all want us to grab something on the way in?” he asked

  “Naw, me and Sevyn cooking now.”

  “A’ight, Ma, see y’all in a minute. We about to shut the shop down now.”


  Gambino and Zywon was counting down the take for the day while the fellas who worked in the shop was cleaning up. They was trying to get through the shit as quick as possible. Gambino was missing Teyana something terrible. That week and a half she spent in the hospital, he spent there too. He only left long enough to shower, change clothes and grab food for her when Sevyn didn’t cook. They talked about everything under the sun and he felt as if they had known each other in another lifetime.

  “What’s on ya mind, Youngblood?” Zywon asked. He noticed how his cousin had spaced out a few times.

  “I could be just paranoid at the moment but something ain’t right. I got this bad feeling something is about to go down.” He didn’t know what it was, but he knew that trouble was lurking. He just didn’t know that it was closer than he thought.

  “Well, whatever it is, we will deal with it and move on like we do everything else.” Zywon said ready to wrap the night up and crawl in between his wife’s legs.

  After putting the last stack of money in the duffle bag and zipped it up, Gambino grabbed a sleeping Camari off the office couch and headed out the door. He handed the bag off to Markie; the manager of the barbershop and he also handled all the banking for them. Markie slapped them up and headed out with Biz and Tae. They all left together to ensure that half that money made it to the stash house and the other half made it to the bank the following morning.


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