Sheppard's Quest

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Sheppard's Quest Page 15

by Gary Caplan

  Sheppard said, “Well then actually, I’ll be more worried about you, especially once you get to Ceyloom space.”

  Sharon said, “Why? We are on a support mission, and I hear negotiations are still in progress, right?”

  Sheppard said, “Yes, right now it’s a support mission.” He embraced her again but more tightly. “However, things could change. The report I got recently from higher up is that the Talcon are not leaving the system, and negotiations are going very slowly.”

  Sharon pulled her head back from the hug and kissed him. Then she said with a smirk, “Well, I guess you should be worried for me then.”

  They smiled at each other and then they embraced and kissed again. Then they left his quarters, and he headed down the corridor for a quick stop at the armory before he went aboard the Zeloc.

  Sheppard was given a short tour, along with Natarris and Ares, on their first day aboard the Zeloc. Garfield said, “Zeloc’s internal capacity and its organo-metallic nature allow for it to have an apparently greater internal surface area.” The Zeloc was externally larger than the Phoenix by about four times.

  They continued on toward the engine areas. Sheppard hadn’t seen the Zeloc’s Decawarp drive system, its auxiliary hyperjump drive, nor its transdimensional shifting modulators so close up before. Sheppard thought it was interesting how Garfield would ask Zeloc to open sections and then the walls became almost fluid and moved to reveal some interesting, more solid-looking areas.

  On the Zeloc’s official bridge, there were three stations with some central coordinator recliner that Garfield briefly sat in to get a status report on the journey’s progress.

  Garfield said, “Oh, the consoles are there for manual efforts in case of attack by the Myroid, as happened in the distant past, and the Saldron some centuries later. They are really just present as formal backup.”

  Ares said, “The Myroid were fighting the Hegemony?”

  Garfield replied, “It was early first contact for us, several thousand years ago. The Myroid would use an offensive effect that caused the intellects of our starcraft to go offline, as if in a coma for a short time. The manual backup has been in place ever since. The stations can be moved around as needed.”

  They were each taken to some very well appointed quarters that morphed into typical home world surroundings, Earthlike for Sheppard, Tyria for Ares, and Zal like for Natarris. Garfield showed them a training facility that they could use to exercise, both physically and with Star Knight skills and disciplines.

  Sheppard had two good training sessions by himself and one with Natarris and Garfield. The Karratin was quite agile and strong for his age and defeated both Natarris and Sheppard in the martial arts combat simulation. Sheppard expected that he knew Karratins were tough opponents especially if trained. He and Natarris were roughly evenly matched, and they sparred for a long time, each trying to best the other. Another time he sparred against Ares, and if he hadn’t used his disciplines that enhanced his speed and agility, he would have lost several more point bouts to her.

  When they eventually arrived at their predetermined fifty-light-year zone, they began examining some star systems, and after a few hours the Zeloc and Garfield had narrowed the star systems down to the one most likely and headed there. As they approached the system, there was some kind of interference and a great deal of interstellar gas in a region several light years across. Darker patchy areas of gas and dust blocked most of the light from the central star.

  Sheppard headed to meet Garfield and noticed that the front half of the bridge was darkened and appeared to be showing an exterior view of space. As he took a seat that materialized from the floor, the Zeloc having anticipated his need, Sheppard said, “There’s a star system on the other side of this gas and dust cloud—and by the way, the view looks as if the bridge is open to space.”

  Garfield replied, “Yes, I also like the view. We will cross it in a few minutes. Maybe some music to pass the time as we enter the system? I recall you are fond of the Earth composer Beethoven. I also like his music.” As if on cue, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 in A, opus 92, began to play.

  As the Zeloc breached the somewhat thinner patchy area farther along its course, the inner system’s light broke through.

  Sheppard stood up. He heard Natarris enter, and Ares followed him. She sighed at the spectacular view of a massive construct, larger than even the Talcon Starcity and almost rivaling the Betellians’ Dyson sphere. The structure they approached appeared to be a triple-banded semicylinder reminiscent of a triple helical structure or three slightly offset banded rings, each segment approximately one astronomical unit from the central star.

  Garfield said, “Magnificent. Zeloc, increase to full stealth mode. I don’t want to make it easy for them to detect us.” Natarris and Ares moved closer to where Sheppard and Garfield were standing.

  Natarris said, “The structures remind me of the planetary rings my people built on our main worlds. Only it’s much larger and around the star—and it’s a linked group of three.”

  Sheppard said, “I recall from reading some old books from Earth that my people described a single one as a ringworld, although we have not yet built anything quite so large.”

  Zeloc’s voice auditory voice sounded just as the musical section ended. To Sheppard’s ears it was somewhat feminine in tonality. “I have the information you requested, Gar fa’ eld. This is a Calyx facility. Another such facility was discovered by the Hegemony shortly after the first affiliation treaty with the Calyx and the Hegemony. Also, there are three alien ships present, not of Calyx design. One is the scout cruiser of the Star Knight Razel; the other two are battle cruisers from the Starlords’ demesne. Scans reveal one has an identification symbol from the house of the Star Lord Culthrog. The other has identification from the house of the Star Lord Medes. Those two ships appear to be orbiting some outlying space station.”

  Garfield said, “Let us make some more passive scans and stealth scans to ascertain what we can before directly communicating.”

  Ares asked, “Aren’t the Calyx your allies?”

  Garfield replied as he looked at a display terminal, “Yes. However, I do not recognize the particular command sigil of the senior leader here. I do recognize the family layer portion of the sigil, and that group is not from one of the Calyx core layers I am familiar with. Hence our reason for stealth.”

  Ares looked like she had more questions, but they would have to wait.

  Chapter 15

  The Ceyloom

  Fleet Admiral Peregrine’s dreadnaught carrier, the H’jum’pta, came out of hyperspace to join the vanguards of the Sixth Fleet. Fleet Admiral Braddock had sent Vice Admiral Talt with part of the Second Fleet’s vanguard to support the Talcon. Fleet Admiral Elgard of the Thirtieth Fleet had also been sent with the majority of his fleet. Vice Admiral Orenth, a Tyrian who had been promoted in the past few months, was presently in command of the first group of Sixth Fleet task forces to arrive. Peregrine knew that he was senior most of the Alliance of Worlds admirals here unless one of the grand admirals arrived, but they rarely left the security of the main bases.

  Peregrine said, “I want an update on the situation here.”

  Fleet Captain Nellic, a Rigezon officer, replied, “Sir, I received a report that the Hegemony’s diplomatic solution through some old channels with the Ceyloom failed, as even they did not count on the more territorial nature of the Talcon, who began to press the issue militarily after several fleets arrived. At this point we have entered a potentially active battlefront.”

  Peregrine said, “That’s not good.”

  The comms officer said, “Sir, Vice Admiral Orenth on active comms channel.”

  Orenth’s face and upper torso appeared in a lifelike projected image not far from Nellic’s station. Orenth faced Peregrine. “Sir,” Orenth said, “it’s good you have arrived with reinforcements as things have gone as well as we hoped here. I noticed you do not have as many ships as you planned.”
  Peregrine said, “In the interim, during our transit here, Treeton Three was attacked by a Varlon fleet. Sheppard and his three task forces, along with some Talcon aid, were able to stop the occupation. Unfortunately, most of the ships were severely damaged and have stayed to repair in that system. The remaining ships, including Sheppard’s flagship, the Phoenix, have recently set course for this system.”

  Orenth replied, “Yes, I understand sir, and sadly the diplomatic overtures the Hegemony have attempted were likely disrupted by the more recent aggressive actions of our new Talcon allies. I do hope more of the Hegemony ships arrive from Sheppard’s task forces soon.”

  Peregrine said, “That would be tactically more sound. As to Commodore Sheppard’s and Vice Admiral Garfield’s status, they have gone on a Star Knight mission.”

  Orenth said, “So the Phoenix will not arrive?”

  Peregrine said, “I was informed they have gone to search onboard the Zeloc. I am expecting the remaining Sixth Fleet ships to arrive along with a Cynz battle cruiser, a Lyramenian heavy battle cruiser, and an Estrian reconnaissance cruiser. The last major Star Knights mission Sheppard and Garfield were on helped take out some Varlon and Accad long-range torpedo launching facilities, so I hope they have success in whatever they’re about now.”

  Orenth said, “Agreed, sir. Several of the ships in the Sixth are a mixed lot now, mostly thanks to Sheppard’s organized and respectful treatment of the elder civilizations.”

  Peregrine briefly looked with his interlink at some tactical data readouts that Orenth sent him and said, “I have a study underway. I wonder…it’ll be interesting to see how some of the nonaligned groups such as the Cynz, Rhyn, and Aharri worked within the Sixth Fleet. In the past the Hegemony had worked with our Alliance of Worlds on rare occasions in a supporting role.”

  Nellic, who had been watching the conversation, said, “More recently, sir, as you have seen, they have been more willing to work with us.”

  Peregrine said, “You’re right, and after looking at and thinking about the ships the Hegemony brought recently to Treeton and working over the past months with other task forces under Sheppard, they have battle cruisers I’ve never seen before in Alliance logs.”

  Orenth said, “It must be ships they had in their main systems or in reserve somewhere.”

  Peregrine said, “Yes, and now I’ll need to contact the Hegemony commanding admiral, also Fleet Admiral Elgard, Vice Admiral Talt until Fleet Admiral Braddock arrives, and of course the Talcon admiral in charge.”

  Orenth said, “I think a ship recently arrived that had one of our Alliance of Worlds ambassadors. As this space region borders Alliance of Worlds space, do you believe we should have a more important role here?”

  Peregrine linked to the system and verified that Alliance Headquarters had sent Ambassador Ariana. “I see one of our ambassadors has just arrived to this region. I also agree that with Alliance territory so close to Ceyloom areas, we should have some role here. If I cannot talk with our ambassador before she gets clearance to speak with the Ceyloom, I’ll send my concerns to her link. Until then I’ll try to calm the Talcon, and if necessary even attempt to contact the Ceyloom to ascertain initial terms as we cannot afford a multifront war.”

  Chapter 16

  The Specimen Keeper

  The Zeloc initiated a contact communication with one of the starships from the space barons known as the Starlords, a consortium or oligarchy that had taken control of a large region of space in a portion of the neighboring spinward quadrant from Earth. It was said that the one hundred or so greater Starlords had control of close to a million star systems.

  Ares had gone to the exercise facility to complete some physical training and prepare for a possible excursion or scouting mission. Sheppard joined her for some physical training and exercise while the Zeloc collected passive scans, and Garfield looked at the data or meditated using some psionic remote-sensing disciplines to gather additional information.

  Later Sheppard asked Ares to join them on the bridge. As she entered she noticed Natarris looking at some data displays that Zeloc opened for him from the passive scans, information that came displayed in the Zal language for his convenience. Sheppard nodded to her. He had been gazing out again at the breathtaking view of space and the Calyx-built structure taking up almost half the viewing area. The banded rings of artificial planets shimmered as the primary star’s light moved across the cross-linked rings.

  Ares looked at the images Natarris was reviewing for a moment, and then looked out at the amazing view. After a few moments, she asked, “Sir, do we know if Razel is in her ship?”

  Garfield answered, “Passive scans have not revealed her there. The only things the scans have shown are some Calyx cargo ships returning since we have been here. Also, I looked with a Star Knight discipline that would have allowed me to sense her if she was on her scout ship. She is not.”

  Sheppard asked, “Could she have been aboard one of the Starlord’s ships?”

  Natarris said, “The agents or officers aboard their ships might have known she was here. However, I remotely viewed one ship, and Grand Master Garfield verified earlier she wasn’t on the other.”

  Garfield added, “Both Starlords do, however, have a few individuals with abilities like those possessed by Star Knights.”

  Ares asked, “Are the Star Knights related to these Starlords? Just curious.”

  Natarris said, “I have heard that there are some Star Knights or those with psionic abilities employed by the Starlords, but there are no recorded direct ties that I am aware of.”

  Garfield added, “If you go back several thousand years, there is a link with one of the early groups of Starlords, in that a few ancient Star Knights in two of the old orders did become Starlords. In the past it was more of a political hodgepodge in their territories, and some of the civilizations there had recently developed a primitive hyperdrive. Some even used the old Calyx jump gates left in that region, although most of those first gates have been destroyed since.”

  Sheppard said, smiling, “Always a font of rare knowledge, sir.”

  Natarris looked thoughtful and said, “We can contact one of the Starlord ships directly. They may know what happened.”

  Garfield said, “I did find an ion trail near her ship, likely left by a Calyx ship. She could have gone as a guest.”

  Sheppard said, “It can’t hurt to find out what the crew from at least one of the other ships knows.”

  Garfield nodded and then opened a direct beam communication to reduce the chance others were listening. “I think I’ll contact the one sent by Medes. They have simian ancestors and will be more likely to deal with us.”

  Garfield sent a message to the ship.

  A projected image of a uniformed officer appeared as if in another room. To Sheppard he appeared to be humanoid, or descended from something vaguely simian or marsupial. “Hail to you,” the alien said. “You are inquiring about trade?”

  Garfield stated, “I had to phrase a message to make it more likely to talk with you as the senior representative instead of the ship commander. I realize that you command your ship, not the senior pilot.”

  The alien had thick brows and tan skin as if he’d spent time on a sunny world. He had two arms and two legs and was bilaterally symmetric.

  “You seem to like stealth. I have not been able to locate your ship yet,” said the alien.

  Sheppard said, “We don’t want to cause an issue, but we are looking for some animal and plant specimens that were taken from our people.”

  “Really? Well, I wasn’t contracted to do that. I am known as Nestor Tifflynn. Perhaps you might be willing to sell me a cloaking device like yours.”

  Natarris asked, “Why would you want a cloaking device?”

  Tifflynn said, “I was contracted to obtain some specimens from Starlord Culthrog’s menagerie and was tracked here by one of his representatives. I am still waiting for the one they call the Keeper to authorize
payment for deliveries rendered. If I had a good cloak, then I could avoid conflict with my temporary ally’s forces.”

  Sheppard smiled and said, “Let me see if I understand what has been said, Mr. Tifflynn. You want to escape from the agents of the other Starlords after you get paid by this ‘Keeper,’ even though you obtained the specimens from Starlord Culthrog’s menagerie, probably without permission.”

  Tifflynn said, “Well, it sounds dastardly when you put it that way, but yes.”

  Garfield sighed then asked, “Do you know what happened with the crew of the scout cruiser orbiting not far from your ship?”

  Tifflynn said, “No, but if they did not come here to deliver or sell something, it’s likely they were moving to do something that the Keeper did not want done.”

  Natarris asked, “Who is this ‘Keeper’ you have mentioned?”

  Tifflynn said, “I have not met him directly; however, his assistant, the Calyx administrator whom we dealt with, indicated the Keeper controls this entire Arkology. I think he must be an Ascended being like a Starlord.”

  Ares stepped forward and asked, “So this Ascended Calyx wants to create a multiplanetary specimen zoo?”

  Tifflynn answered, “Well, I suppose yes. During some translated conversations I had with the administrator, I learned the Keeper of this Arkology had relatively recently increased the collection process and worries that something called ‘Nahalion’ might come sooner, and they want to have the ability to restore and reseed.”

  Sheppard looked around the room. He rarely saw his mentor visibly concerned. Natarris looked concerned about things as well.

  Natarris said, “Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Tifflynn.”

  Tifflynn responded, “Well, good hunting to you. I must be going. I have some duties to finish.”


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