Almost Free

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Almost Free Page 9

by Lisa Helen Gray

  We were. “But that was years ago. Now, we’re practically strangers. I’m nervous—and I want her boyfriend to like me. She loves him.”

  He takes my hand, pulling me away from the bathroom and into the front room. “First of all, years could pass between you and you’ll still meet up and act like you saw each other yesterday. Friendship like that doesn’t just end. Not real friendship, anyway. Secondly, who gives a shit if her boyfriend does or doesn’t like you. It should be him worrying about you liking him. Stop panicking over nothing.”

  I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. “I’ll try. Do you want another cup of coffee?”

  He grimaces. “Uh, no. And I think you should lay off for a while,” he says, glancing down at my feet.

  I stop tapping my foot on the carpet, wincing. “Yeah, maybe that last cup wasn’t such a good idea.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. “You think?”

  There’s a knock on the door that has us both pausing, our heads snapping towards the source of the noise. “They’re here,” I whisper from the side of my mouth.

  “So, answer the door,” he whispers back, not moving.

  Another knock.

  “Okay,” I whisper back.

  “Why are we whispering?”

  I look over my shoulder as I go to open the door, shrugging. “In case they hear us?”

  He chuckles, stepping closer as I open the door. What greets me comes as a surprise. I had expected Lake and her boyfriend, but instead, standing in front of me are two beautiful little girls, bouncing on the soles of their feet, two god-like men, and a beautiful woman… then a familiar face.

  Lake waves, throwing her bright smile at me, and I relax.

  A tug on my top has me looking down at a little girl with long, brown ringlets. “Please may we use your toilet? I really need to pee, and so does Lily. Pretty please?” she asks, holding her hands together.

  Amused and slightly baffled, I slowly nod. “It’s that door over there,” I tell her, pointing her in the right direction. The beautiful little girl takes Lily’s hand, dragging her over to the bathroom.

  “I’ll go first because I’ve waited the longest.”

  Lily doesn’t say anything, letting her drag her away. When I glance back at Lake, she’s smiling.

  “It was a long car ride and they’ve needed to pee every five minutes,” Lake explains, as I gesture for them to come in.

  “And drink every two,” a dark-haired lad says, rolling his eyes. Lake elbows him, and he grunts. When his eyes land on me, a mischievous grin spreads across his face. He steps forward as I take one back, but he’s fast. A light squeal passes my lips when he picks me up in his arms and swings me around.

  “I’m so happy to meet you,” he tells me, holding me tight. “Lake has talked about you non-stop, so I feel like we’re already best friends.”

  He puts me down and I gape at him. He really isn’t shy. My eyes travel to Lake, ignoring the chuckles coming from the others in their group.

  “This is Max, my boyfriend,” she tells me, rolling her eyes as if to say, ‘what can I do?’.

  I wave lamely. “Hey, nice to meet you.”

  “You won’t be saying that later,” the other man says, this one older and sporting many tattoos. He’s not as covered as Banner, from what I can see, but he’s got his fair share. He’s built, all muscle, like Max, yet he carries it differently—more intimidating. He exudes power, but when he notices me glancing his way, his smile completely transforms his face, and I begin to relax somewhat. “I’m Maverick, Max’s brother. This is my wife, Teagan.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I tell him.

  The bathroom door opens and both girls come running out. The one with dark ringlets goes to her mother, but the quiet girl with golden locks—Lily—goes straight to Maverick.

  I feel Max watching me from the corner of my eye, so I look up, hoping I didn’t space out and ignore someone.

  “This is Lily,” he says, answering my silent question. He gestures to the blonde cuddling Maverick’s leg and I wave at her. “She’s my sister-niece, and the other troublemaker is Faith, my niece.”

  “Sister-niece?” I ask, utterly confused, looking between the group. The woman they called Teagan, smiles, looking away.

  “She’s technically their sister, but Maverick and Teagan adopted her. They’re still getting used to what to call her.”

  I feel Banner press against my back. “Can’t choose between the cool uncle or the protective brother?”

  Max looks Banner over with a sceptical eye. “Did someone run out of paper, dude?”

  My eyes widen as I choke on laughter. Lake groans, hitting him in the stomach again.

  Banner’s chest rumbles against my back. “Yeah. That and I like the pain,” he says, making Max’s eyes go wide.

  “I can’t believe you said that,” Lake hisses at Max, before turning to Banner. “How are you, Banner?”

  “Still breathing.” He shrugs, before stepping around me. “I wondered when you would notice me.”

  He pulls her in for a hug, and Max clears his throat loudly, his eyes bugging out at Banner. I giggle, watching with amusement as Banner pulls back, tucking me into his side. Max does the same with Lake, never taking his eyes off Banner.

  “Chill. Me and Lake are friends. We’ve never dated, kissed, or anything. You can stop trying to kill me in your mind.”

  I gape at Banner being so blunt. Maverick, on the other hand, finds it amusing and bursts out laughing. “You’ll be fine, kid. Just don’t feed his ego. We have to fit him back in the car if we want to get home.”

  Max looks affronted when he faces his brother. “If he wants to lick my ego, let him. Lake is forever making me feel worthless. It needs the boost.”

  “Stop being a drama queen,” Lake tells him, biting back a smile.

  He kisses the side of her head, and Faith makes a face. “Eww. Would you stop kissing! You’re just like Mummy and Daddy. It’s gross. Isn’t it, Lily?”

  We all giggle, but I notice Lily doesn’t answer. She just nods, her face turning pink at the attention.

  “Lake said you were spending the day at the zoo. Are you excited?” I ask them.

  Lily’s eyes light up like it’s Christmas morning. “Yes!” Her voice is soft, angel-like.

  “We’re going to see some big bears,” Faith adds, her voice filled with excitement.

  Max gives her a funny look. “They don’t have bears.”

  She puts her hands on her hips. “Yes, they do! And they have lions and tigers.”

  Max looks up at her father. “You been watching the Wizard of Oz again?”

  Maverick sighs, rolling his eyes. “Yes. She loves anything with animals in.”

  Faith draws my attention again when she puffs her chest out. “Animals love me, and I love them. When I’m older, I’m going to have millions.”

  “Not in my house,” Maverick mutters under his breath.

  “But, Dad!” she whines.

  Lily just watches them both, a small smile on her lips, but I can see the hesitancy in her eyes. I want to ask how they came about adopting her, but it seems too personal.

  “Let’s go to the zoo,” Teagan tells them cheerfully.

  Maverick relaxes when his daughter’s narrowed eyes turn to focus on her mum. “Can Lake’s friend come?”

  “What about me?” Banner blurts out.

  She looks over her shoulder, eyeing him up and down, making me giggle. “I think you’ll scare the animals away. Me and Lily are excited.”

  Banner pouts like it’s a real issue, and I have to look away when he finds me chuckling silently.

  “It was lovely to meet you,” Teagan says, as she takes her daughters’ hand.

  “It was nice to meet you all, too. I hope I get to see you again soon.”

  “And me; you can play with my Barbies,” Faith tells me, and I smile wide at her, winking.

  Maverick turns to his brother, a stern look on hi
s face. “No getting into trouble. I’m not staying overnight just so I can bail you out in the morning. You’d better be here when we get back,” he tells him.

  My eyes widen, looking at Lake. She catches my eye and blushes, looking away. “I already told you I didn’t mean to ruin our holiday. The lad touched Lake’s” he pauses, looking down at the girls, wincing, “A.R.S.E.”

  “I’m not getting into this,” Maverick tells him, before turning to me and Banner. “Don’t let him have anything fizzy and try to keep his sweet intake to a minimum.”

  When he takes Lily’s hand and they turn to leave, I look between Max and Lake, trying to work out if he’s serious or not. Max whistles, eyeing the ceiling like there’s something amazing there, and Lake looks down at her feet.

  Mine and Banner’s eyes meet, and we widen them, both silently saying, ‘what the fuck’. Surely, he can’t be that bad.

  I mean, what could he possibly get up to in four hours.

  *** *** ***

  “I can’t believe they don’t include starters in the all you can eat,” Max whines as we step outside of the car.

  We all narrow our eyes at him, slamming our car doors. “Don’t, Max. I’m still pissed you got us banned from another restaurant.”

  “He’s done this before?” Banner asks, chuckling. He found the whole ordeal amusing from the beginning. I, on the other hand, couldn’t have been more embarrassed. And yes, kind of amused.

  Lake looks at him over the car roof. “You’ll be surprised. It was easier to ask him where he could go rather than have him tell me the places he’d been banned from ever stepping foot in again. The list was never ending. We can’t even get takeout anymore because he complains about portion sizes or missing food.”

  “I’m not that bad,” Max scoffs.

  “Max, you’re lucky they didn’t call the police. You pushed the waiter over,” Lake warns him heatedly. She didn’t seem surprised by his actions though, didn’t even seem embarrassed. Something tells me he’s done worse stuff in her company than the incident that just occurred.

  “Lake,” he whines slowly, throwing his arm over the back of her shoulders. “It was an accident. I thought he was going to punch me in the face. I can’t have him ruining the merchandise.” He gestures to his face, ignoring Lake as she rolls her eyes.

  “So, you pushed him over?” I ask, stopping outside the restaurant we’re going in—we’re hoping the second try will be the charm.

  He gives me an eye roll. “I didn’t push him. I got up too fast and he got too close. It was automatic reflexes. And does no one care he was gonna hit me?”

  “You told him to go back to school and learn how to read the fine print,” I remind him.

  “And teased him about his trousers being too tight,” Lake adds.

  “His boner was staring at me—straight in the eye,” he groans, looking up at the sky.

  Banner chuckles, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me to his side. “Max is right about that. Every time he came back from the table with the group of girls, it got bigger.”

  Max looks at him, his eyes bright with amusement. “And the wet patch… I nearly told him I’d pay him to take a break, get it sorted.”

  Banner nods but remains quiet.

  “Emma,” a feminine voice calls from behind me. We spin around, and I beam when I find Jordan walking towards us, a smile spread across her face.

  “Hey, Jordan. How are you?”

  “I’m good. You okay to meet up next week?”

  Shit. “I’m so sorry. I forgot to text you. I actually have to meet up with someone else Friday before class,” I tell her, feeling my face heat. I don’t want any of them here to know who I’m going to meet. I know they wouldn’t judge me, but I don’t want Jordan knowing my personal business just yet. I don’t know if I can trust her.

  She frowns, looking disappointed. “Oh no. I was looking forward to catching up with you. Message me when you’re free next, there was something I needed to talk to you about.”

  She looks serious about it. I wish I had booked Milly for another day, but I’ve got too much work to catch up on in the week, and coursework.

  “I will. It will have to be the week after. I’ve got a lot on.”

  “That’s fine. Mum said you’re making cakes for their bake sale. Did you want me to come and help?”

  I nod. “That would be great. I’ll need help protecting the cakes from Banner. He’ll end up eating them all.”

  “Cakes?” Max says. I glance at him, smiling when he gets a dazed look in his eyes and licks his lips.

  “Let me know a day,” she says, her eyes twinkling at Max’s behaviour.

  Banner clears his throat, and I jump, flushing as I realise I haven’t made any introductions. “Jordan, this is Banner, my friend I was telling you about.” Banner tenses beside me, and when I look to see what’s wrong, his jaw is clenched and he’s looking away. Okay, then. “This is Lake, my best friend from school. She’s come down for a visit”

  “And I’m Max, the best-looking man you’ll ever meet,” he tells her, winking.

  “You’re not my type,” Jordan tells him slowly, narrowing her eyes at him. She looks at his arm wrapped around Lake, and her lip curls.

  I giggle at Max’s expression. He looks wounded, like someone told him he couldn’t eat his favourite food.

  “I’m everyone’s type,” he tells her, sounding a little screechy.

  “Lower the tone,” Lake whispers from the side of her mouth.

  “You’re shit out of luck anyway. There’s only one me, and I’m spoken for.” He snubs his nose at her, and I begin to think he’s really hurt by what she said.

  “Do you have a vagina?” Jordan blurts out, raising her eyebrow at him.

  When Max looks down at his crotch area, I have to hide my face in Banner’s arm to smother my laughter.

  “Do you really want to see my appendage?”

  “I think she’s trying to tell you she’s into girls,” Lake tells him, trying to hide her amusement.

  Still looking confused, he eyes his girlfriend, then Jordan. “So do I, but what does that have to do with the price of chips?”

  Jordan rolls her eyes, sighing. “I’m gay. Lesbian. Now you can stop panicking over the possibility a girl who likes dick, doesn’t like you.”

  He grins, showing his pearly whites. “If I didn’t love my girlfriend, I’d have you changing your mind.”

  She groans. “You remind me of someone I know.”

  “There’s only one me, babe.”

  Jordan shakes her head at him before looking to Lake. “You two together?”

  “Yes. He can be a bit much, but he grows on you.”

  “Like vegetables?” Jordan asks through chuckles.

  Laughing, Lake nods. “I like you.”

  “I like you, too. But I admire you more for putting up with him.”

  “Hey,” Max snaps. “I’m a fucking legend. Let’s go, Lake. I don’t want her filling your head with stuff. And vegetables? I’m chocolate, baby. I melt on your tongue, and once you have a piece of me, you want more.”

  “Until you eat too much and throw up, vowing to never touch the stuff again,” Jordan tells him teasingly, before facing me. “Text me. I need to go; I’m meeting some friends inside.” She glances at the others. “It was nice meeting you all.”

  “You too,” Banner and Lake tell her.

  Max pouts, glaring at the door Jordan just walked through. “I don’t like her.”

  We all laugh at his expression, heading inside the restaurant. I spot Jordan sitting with a group of friends, but the minute I notice a pretty brunette watching me, I look away.

  “The food here good?” Max asks as he sits down.

  “Their burgers are the best in Whithall.”

  “I’ll get two, then. I’m starved,” Max says, rubbing his stomach.

  “I wouldn’t, mate. I can barely eat one.”

  Max looks at him with a challenge. �
��Trust me. I bet I could eat three.” He sighs dramatically. “But I promised Lake I wouldn’t eat like a starved animal.”

  I have no idea how big their burgers are, as this is the first time I’ve eaten here, but from what Banner told me, they are huge, with loads of toppings. And if he struggles with one, then I believe him when he tells Max not to order two.

  When Banner goes to argue, Lake butts in. “I wouldn’t bother. I can tell you right now he’s going to bet you money that he can, and you’ll lose. He’s a dustbin. He can eat anything and everything put in front of him.”

  “All right, then,” Banner says, watching Max glance over the menu hungrily.

  I pull off my coat when it gets too warm and throw it around the back of my chair. When I sit back down, Lake takes my wrist in her hands.

  “Oh, my God, you got a tattoo?”

  I smile at her shocked expression. “I did. Yesterday, actually.”

  She looks up from my wrist, her eyes soft. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I tell her, swallowing past the lump in my throat. Max glances over, and from the look in his eyes, I can tell he knows what the tattoo means and who Lara is. He doesn’t say anything, but rather conveys his approval with a chin lift.

  “Did it hurt?”

  I shake my head. “No. It just felt like tiny cat scratches to be honest. Some bits were sharper than others.”

  Max scoffs and my eyes go to him. “You’ve never been scratched by a fucking cat if that’s what you’re comparing it to.”

  Before I can open my mouth, Lake turns to him, snapping, “Will you stop whining about Thor. You’re being a baby.”

  Max’s eyes nearly bug out of his head, and instead of answering Lake, he turns to me and Banner and pulls up the sleeves of his top. His arms are covered in red scratches, some looking worse than others.

  “I look like I’ve been self-harming. The old lady who works at the corner shop told me I could go to her if I ever felt that alone again,” he tells us, and I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. “The fucking rat hates me. I’ve even had to get a ‘beware of the cat’ sign made for us because it attacked the postman the other day. He was gonna sue us. I know it.”


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