SEALed for Pleasure

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SEALed for Pleasure Page 2

by Lacey Thorn

  Just the thought had his dick flexing against those fingers of hers. He couldn’t wait for the denim to be out of the way.

  He imagined the three men circling her, touching, caressing. Could see her mouth open, lips wet, waiting for a chance to suck one of their cocks deep. He bet she would be a wild one. Fuck if he didn’t want to find out.

  “How good are you at taking orders, Mia?” he crooned the words in her ear then ran his tongue along the edge of her lobe.

  She shivered against him, and he watched Mick’s gaze fall to her tits. Brent could just imagine how hard her nipples were now.

  “What do you mean?” Her voice was a little shaky as if she was starting to have second thoughts about her earlier “yes”. He prayed she didn’t back out now.

  “Because I want to know how good you’ll be. Will you take off what I tell you to? When I tell you to? Will you be a good girl and obey my every command? Or will you fight me for control?”

  She glanced back at him. “I’ve never been real good at taking orders. I tend to want things my way.”

  “Oh, sugar,” Tris’ voice had her head jerking back around. “You’re going to get exactly what you want. From all of us.”

  Brent pressed his hips forward letting his cock press hard against her palm.

  “We’re going to fuck you all night long,” she glanced back at him again, “if you let us.”

  He watched her swallow, watched as she let her gaze skim over all three of them again.

  Finally, her eyes met his once more. “On one condition.”

  “Name it.” Mick spoke up, and Brent watched as Mia locked gazes with him.

  “Nothing is off limits.”

  “Done.” Mick agreed with a smile.

  “W-wait,” Mia stuttered. “I mean in reference to my writing. I’m free to use anything we do in my work.”

  “Honey, if anything goes, I’m betting we’ll be able to give you a lot of material to use in your writing.” Tris added this, but Brent completely agreed.

  “Anything, Mia. That means whatever we want. You can’t say no.”

  “Within reason,” she said. “I mean as long as it’s just us.”

  “I think the three of us will be able to satisfy you,” Mick stated firmly.

  Brent would swear Mia was blushing when she answered. He could just see the red flush of her cheeks.

  “I just didn’t know what you meant when you were saying anything. So I added the within reason.”

  “You can always say no.” Mick shrugged his shoulders. “We won’t force you to do anything you’re adamantly against.”

  “But you can’t blame us if we try to persuade you to give it a try,” Tris contributed with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “All we’re saying is as long as it’s the four of us, you’ll try it. You can think of it as research, Mia.” With Tris and Mick blocking her in the front, Brent slipped a hand up to cup her breast and brushed a finger across one nipple. “You like research?”

  He could feel her shudder against him. Her breasts were high and firm, crowned by tight nipples. He wanted to strip her, touch her. He wanted to taste her nipples and suck them until she begged for more.

  “Mia,” he murmured her name into her ear when she remained silent.

  “Yes,” she whispered, but they all heard it.

  He took her hand off his dick and used it to tug her toward the door. He knew Tris and Mick would follow them as soon as they could get away. His cock was threatening to bust through his zipper. He was hot and horny and had one thing on his mind—getting Mia naked and fucking her again and again and again.

  He glanced over his shoulder at Mick and Tris and knew he wasn’t the only one with fucking on his mind.

  Chapter Two

  Mia couldn’t believe she was doing this.

  Holy shit! She was doing this! She was tailing Brent to his house, and Mick and Tris would be joining them very shortly. And she was planning to have sex with all three of them. Well, technically she’d already had sex with Mick once before. She was crazy!

  Oh, God. She was horny as hell and couldn’t wait. She blamed her sister for this. No, her sisters.

  She hit the button for her phone on the console. “Call, Mandy,” she said aloud.

  The phone dialed and her sister answered on the first ring. “Oh, my God! Why did you hang up on me?”

  “Sorry. I was pissed you felt you had to keep your relationship from me.”

  “I didn’t feel that way. I just didn’t want to become a research project for you.”

  Mia had to laugh. Mandy was right. She would badger her sisters for details of their sex lives now that she knew they both lived with multiple men.

  “What do you think about me doing a little research of my own?”

  “What?” Mandy demanded. “What do you mean research? Like what kind of research?”

  “I met a couple of military men at the bar here in town.”

  “What research are you doing with them?”

  “I thought I might join the military,” Mia stated sarcastically. “What do you think I mean? I thought I might try a little ménage of my own.”

  “You’ve never called me to ask about sleeping with someone before, Mia. Excuse me for not understanding.”

  Mia sighed. “I’m sorry. Do you remember me mentioning a guy named Mick when we were kids?”

  “The asshole who took your virginity and left the next day? The one you moped around and cried about for weeks?”

  Mia cringed. Had she really been that bad? “Well, I’m giving him and a few of his friends a private welcome home.”

  “He’s back home? I thought he was a Navy SEAL or something like that. How many friends?”

  “Yes. I think he is. Hell, they might all be. And two.”

  Mandy laughed. “Oh, my God! You and Navy SEALs! I can’t wait to tell Ash about this.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Share away about my life, but don’t tell me anything about yours.”

  “Mia, it wasn’t like that. Really. I was waiting until I saw you in a few weeks. I was planning to tell you then. Ash too.”

  “Fine. Whatever. Bygones at this point. My question is am I being stupid or can I just go for it? Any thoughts?”

  “What’s your gut say? Anything screaming at you to run away?”

  “No. Everything’s in agreement for me to play, play, play.”

  Mandy laughed again. “Then go for it. If anything feels wrong, just walk away.”

  “I get the feeling that at least one of them likes to be a little dominant.”

  “Mmmmm…that can be so nice.” Her sister sounded like she was purring.

  “You take orders? Really?”

  “When the end result is me getting all the pleasure I can handle, does it really matter if he tells me what to do or not?”

  Mia thought for a minute. “I guess not.”

  “Open yourself up. You might find some things that you really love and want to include in the next hot novel you write.”

  “So you don’t think I’m being stupid or impulsive?”

  “You’ve always been impulsive, but never stupid.”

  She heard a masculine voice in the background saying something to her sister.

  “I’ve just been reminded that I can be a little impulsive myself.” Mandy giggled.

  “So you really let your men tell you what to do?”

  “I really let them think they tell me what to do.”

  Mia heard a smack and her sister gave a startled yelp followed by a giggle.

  Crap, had she just heard her sister get spanked on the ass? And like it?


  “Yes, I’m here. Sorry about that.”

  “Soooo…” Mia let the word drag out.

  “So, go for it.” Mandy urged her. “This is really funny.”

  “What is?”

  “I had this same conversation with Ash when she was deciding whether or not to engage in some fun with her firefighters.

  “And you’re good? Really happy?”

  “Yeah, Mia. I’ve never been this happy in my life.”


  “Really. When it’s right, it’s just right.” She heard a masculine voice murmuring in the background again. “Have a great time, Mia. I’ll call you in the morning just to check in and see if you’re okay.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I’ll plan on calling between ten and eleven? That work for you?”

  “Yeah. That should be fine.” She didn’t plan to spend the entire night with Mick and his buddies anyway.

  “Love you, Mia.”

  “Love you too.” Mia disconnected the call. Silence filled the car, and she realized she’d never turned the radio on. A turn signal flickered on the truck in front of her, and she flipped hers to match.

  Brent pulled into a driveway of a sprawling ranch style house, and she watched as the garage door went up. He motioned her to the left, and she pulled into the garage beside him. Lights filled her rearview mirror as Tris and Mick pulled up behind her, blocking her in with their SUV.

  How had they managed to leave so fast? She wondered what Mick had said to everyone gathered there to greet him and welcome him home.

  She put her car in park and turned off the engine. Three car doors opened as all three guys stepped out. It was show time, and she was the main attraction. Damn if that didn’t just make her wetter. She was certain she wouldn’t be disappointed when she got them naked. They probably looked better than she even imagined.

  She watched Mick and Tris step inside the garage, and the overhead door closed behind them. Brent stood at the front of the garage, waiting for them at the entrance to the house.

  She took a deep breath and almost squeaked when her car door opened, and Mick stood there holding it. He held one hand out to her, and she hesitated only a moment before taking it and letting him help her up from the driver’s seat.

  “I’ve pictured this moment a thousand times over the years.”


  “You and me together again.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Truth. I’ve never forgotten that night or the taste of you on my tongue.” She blushed at his words. “The feel of your soft skin against mine. It’s by far one of the best memories of my life.”

  She didn’t know what to say. He looked sincere. She was pretty good at calling bullshit when she heard it, but Mick looked like he really meant what he said.

  “You don’t have to sweet talk me this time around.” She informed him just in case he wasn’t getting the picture. “I already agreed to tonight and all it might entail.”

  He crowded close, pressing her between the car and his body. He was hard as stone and so hot she felt singed. His cock was filled with promise as he pressed it into her stomach. “Exactly. So I have no reason to lie or tell you a story, Mia. I want you. I’ve wanted you since the first taste.”

  “You had a funny way of showing it.”

  “I was young and stupid. Full of piss and vinegar. Joining the military and seeing the world. Leaving this town and everything in it in the dust.”

  “How’d that work for you?” She quirked up one eyebrow.

  He grinned. “I looked for you every time I got the chance to come home.”

  “I travel a lot. Research.”

  He grunted, and she remembered they had referred to tonight as research. This wasn’t normally the kind of research she did, but she wasn’t going to share that.

  “You coming?” Tris called to them.

  Mia glanced over. Brent still held the door. His eyes were intense and sexy as hell.

  “In a sec.”

  “Is that all it takes?” She cupped his cock and gave it a squeeze before ducking under his arm and heading toward Brent. “Good thing you brought back-up.”

  She’d just reached Brent when she felt the crack of a palm against her ass. She yelped in surprise and reached back to rub the spot. It didn’t hurt. It had just surprised her. And damn if her pussy wasn’t getting wetter. Who knew a spank could be such a turn on?

  “I’ll show you who needs backup. Before the night is over, you’ll be begging us to give you a break.”

  “I don’t beg.”

  “You will. You’ll beg to be fucked, and then you’ll beg us to show you mercy.”

  She reached out and ran her fingers over his straining zipper. “Before the night is over, you’ll be begging me to grant you mercy.” She tapped her fingers and felt his cock twitch in response. “Here’s a little secret for you.”

  “What?” His voice was husky, ripe with sexual hunger.

  “I don’t have any.”

  She was pulled back roughly against Brent’s chest. This time his hands gripped her hips, holding her tight while he ground his hard cock against her.

  “Neither do we,” he promised her.

  Brent turned, and Tris was there. He stepped into them, sandwiching her between them. His head dipped, and he took her mouth with no foreplay. He bit her bottom lip, and when she gasped, he dove deep. His tongue foraged and conquered, invaded and explored every nook and cranny.

  Brent’s hands left her hips and slid up under her t-shirt, lifting it until she felt the cooler air against her skin. Her bra cups were jerked down, exposing her nipples to his fingers. He pinched and tugged, and she felt it all the way to her womb.

  Tris pulled from her mouth, and they both gulped air. His gaze lowered to her straining nipples, now fully excited by Brent’s wicked fingers.

  “God, you’re so fucking beautiful.” It was Mick’s voice, his words as he stepped up next to Tris and just looked at her. He wasn’t gazing at her nipples as Tris was. He was looking at her face.

  She could feel the color flushing her cheeks and knew her eyes would be heavy lidded with passion. She was horny as hell. She wanted a cock, any cock in the room would do.

  “Ready to see who begs for mercy?” Mick’s gaze taunted her just as much as his words did.

  She nodded her head.

  His grin sent a shiver down her spine. There was a lot of promise in that look. She prayed he delivered.

  “Then strip.”

  Chapter Three

  It was a challenge, a dare to see what she was willing to do.

  Mandy’s words echoed in her mind. When the end result is me getting all the pleasure I can handle, does it really matter if he tells me what to do or not?

  She understood what her sister meant now. Did it matter if he told her to strip or if she just did it herself? Not when the end result was the men touching her in all the ways she wanted them to.

  She grabbed the hem of her t-shirt where it rested above her breasts and pulled it up and over her head before tossing it aside.

  “This way.” Tris reached out and took her hand, pulling her out of the mudroom and into a room with lush carpeting. He hit a light switch on the wall. A large sectional took up one wall. A fireplace another. Coffee tables, end tables, and an entertainment center that seemed to be loaded for anything and everything. There was a big ottoman in front of the couch, and it fueled several ideas in her head on how they could use it.

  “Keep going, baby.” Brent’s voice was a whisper by her ear as he walked around her to stand by Tris.

  She reached behind her, unhooking her bra and letting it fall down her arms to land at her feet. Instead of reaching for the button on her jeans, she let her hands run over her stomach and up to cup and lift her breasts. She held them high and lowered her chin so she could just slide her tongue over one hard nipple. The moan that left her lips wasn’t for show. Her tongue felt good, and she wouldn’t hide it.

  “Damn, sugar,” Tris groaned. “That’s fucking hot.”

  She licked her lips, looking up at the men through her lashes. “You like this?” She let her tongue slip and slide again across her nipple. Three masculine groans filled the air.

  “Why don’t you slide those pants off, Mia? Then yo
u can show us other places you might like licked.”

  Her turn to moan. Mick’s words brought to life exactly what she was sure he’d meant them to. Him, between her legs, his tongue licking and fucking her pussy. Just like he had once before.

  She kicked one heel off then the other. Slowly, she slid her hands back down over her flat stomach until they reached the band of her jeans were they rode low on her hips. She slid her fingers inside and dipped down between her legs, brushing over her clit. She moaned low and long.

  “You’re being bad, baby.” Brent shook his head at her. “Bad girls have to be punished before they get pleasured. Do you want to be punished, Mia?”

  She thought of that earlier spank on her ass and how much she’d liked it. Then Mandy’s voice filled her head again. Open yourself up. You might find some things that you really love and want to include in the next hot novel you write.

  Holding his gaze, she nodded her head and brushed her finger over her clit again.

  Brent’s smile was slow and lethal as he reached for his belt and unbuckled it. He eased it from the loops in his jeans until it was off, cradled in his hands.

  She gulped, suddenly unsure.

  “Anything goes,” he crooned. “Remember?”

  She nodded her head. She remembered, but that didn’t mean she wanted to feel that land across the cheeks of her ass.

  “Take your hands out.” The command was sharp and forceful enough to have her reacting instinctively. Her hands jerked free.

  Brent circled her until he stood directly behind her. He ran the belt along her left shoulder and down her arm until it slipped over the fist she held her fingers in. He slid it back up so that it looped around her wrist. His lips kissed her shoulder as he tugged her wrist behind her to rest in the small of her back.

  “You’re not scared, are you?” Mick’s voice was soft and sensual. “Not going to ask for mercy already, are you?”

  It was a taunt. Damn him for picking up on the fact that she was a little nervous and calling her on it. “I think you’re confusing me with you.”

  Brent softly kissed her right shoulder then slid his fingers down to encircle her wrist and tug it behind her to join the left. Obviously, this wasn’t new to him as he made quick work of binding her hands behind her with his belt.


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