SEALed for Pleasure

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SEALed for Pleasure Page 4

by Lacey Thorn

  “No glove, no love,” Tris said as he tossed Brent a condom.

  She was glad someone in the room was still thinking. She was so focused on getting one of them inside her she’d almost lowered herself without thought of protection.

  Now, she watched Brent make quick work of the condom, rolling it down his shaft then looking up at her.

  She saw him glance over her shoulder, and when he opened his mouth, she took it with hers. She didn’t know what he’d been ready to say. She only knew she was done with talking. She wasn’t sure why Brent seemed to defer to Mick. But they needed to learn he wasn’t the one calling the shots. She was. And right now, she wanted Brent. It was time for her to take control and become the dominant force in the room.

  She reached down with one hand and held his cock poised while she ran her pussy over it. She let him lodge at her opening and pressed down. Slowly, she took him in, pulling from the kiss and groaning with pleasure. It’d been too long since she felt this connection, this penetration. A toy just didn’t compete with flesh and blood.

  She sat on his lap, letting her sheath adjust to the sudden fullness of his erection. She lifted until just the head remained and lowered back on him. It was good, so fucking good. She found her rhythm, lifting and lowering at a pace that had her moaning as pleasure began to consume her once more.

  “Fuck, Mia.” Brent groaned. “You feel so good.” His hands rested on her hips, just holding her as she moved on him. His mouth was on her skin. Any part of her he could touch was licked and sucked.

  She lifted up so that her breasts where in front of his mouth. “Suck me,” she commanded.

  “Nothing wrong with being a little assertive now and then, as long as you remember who is boss.” Brent lifted his brow, daring her to challenge his words.

  But she didn’t want to. She was more than willing to let him—them—take control in the bedroom. As long as she got her chance every now and then too. But she was learning she liked being a little submissive when the end result was her being pleasured.

  “Please?” She purred the word, rocking her hips.

  Brent latched on to one of her nipples and sucked deep, pressing it up toward the roof of his mouth.

  She cried out and slammed herself back down on him. Faster and faster she went. Brent grasped her nipple, moving his hands up to cup her breasts and holding them while she continued to ride.

  When she felt the first nip of his sharp teeth, she broke, an orgasm slamming through her. She hit his lap and stayed, switching to a rocking motion that kept him buried deep. He bit down on her nipple while his strong fingers pinched the other one. She screamed, flinging her head back and shaking with the intensity of her climax.

  Before she could catch her breath, Brent had her flipped over onto her back on the couch and began pumping vigorously between her sprawled thighs. She could see he was close to his own orgasm. She reached up to scratch her nails over his nipples then pinched them. He cried out and slammed deep. She could feel the heat of his release through the condom that separated them.

  “You are so fucking hot, Mia,” Tris said.

  She glanced up to see him and Mick standing by the couch watching. Both were stroking their cocks. Tris wore a condom. No need to ask who she got to feel inside next.

  “You’re amazing,” Brent whispered just before he kissed her. It was soft and sweet, and damn, if her heart didn’t give a tremor.

  She moaned as he pulled free and rose from the couch, but Tris was there. He held his hand out to her. She took his offer and let him pull her up to stand beside him.

  “I’ve wanted to bend you over the back of this couch since we walked in the room,” he confessed.

  Mia grinned. There was no pretext with Tris. He was what he was. It was refreshing. She moved around to the back of the sofa and moved in until her hips rested against it. Watching him, she leaned forward to brace her hands while she widened her stance.

  “Christ, Mia. You’re going to make me come before I even get inside you.”

  “We wouldn’t want that.” She wiggled her hips, making him groan again.

  Then he moved behind her, and she let herself relax against the couch cushions. His hands smoothed over her hips as he pulled her back just a bit. She felt his cock nudge her folds and then the brush of his fingers as he guided himself to her portal.

  “Hard and fast,” he vowed then plunged deep.

  She cried out and bucked back against him. Rising to her tiptoes, she met him thrust for thrust, feeling the quick approach of another orgasm. She was insatiable as always, but she doubted these three men would leave her that way. This time, when it was all over, she would be beyond satisfied. She just prayed they left her with the strength to make it out the door.

  “Mia, Mia, Mia…” Her name was a chant on Tris’ lips.

  “You feel so good,” she moaned. “I love the way you fuck me.”

  He slowed down. His thrusts were still hard and deep, but now came a slower penetration followed by a teasing slide that pulled him free of her clenching channel. His breath was hot on her neck where he leaned over her.

  “Kiss me,” he whispered, and she turned to meet his questing mouth with hers.

  Lips met and melded. Teeth bumped, and tongues entwined. His cock thrust deep, and one hand reached between her hips and the couch to find and stroke her swollen clitoris.

  She cried out her pleasure. He swallowed it with his kiss. Her pussy contracted around his shaft, milking his release from him. They were in perfect sync, pleasure filling them both.

  They remained there for a long moment, panting for air as they slowly came down from the high of orgasm. He covered her completely, his body a blanket pressing her into the back of the couch. Her legs were wobbly, and she was grateful to have the support of the steady couch and the hard man behind her.

  “You’d be an easy woman to love,” Tris whispered as he pulled free. He pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder and moved away from her.

  Mia shuddered and closed her eyes. Tris’ words went straight to her heart and made it tremor again. What was it with these guys? This was about sex, plain and simple. Love wasn’t part of the equation. It wasn’t even an option.

  A hand stroked down her spine, and she knew without looking it was Mick. He was the only one left. The last of the three. And wasn’t that funny. Why would he wait for last? Was she that bad last time? His lips brushed over her skin, soft and seductive. He didn’t need to seduce. She’d already agreed to anything he wanted.

  “Any favorite positions?” she asked, standing straight and turning to face him.

  He smiled as he ran his eyes over her from head to toe and back up again. Then he surprised her by sweeping her up into his arms and cradling her against his chest.

  She automatically put an arm around his neck, holding on as he began to move out of the room. “Where are we going?”

  “My bedroom.”

  She glanced back and saw Tris and Brent collapsed on opposite ends of the sofa. They both looked completely spent and satisfied. More importantly, neither of them made a move to join Mick as he carried her away.

  “I think I just proved we don’t need a bed to fuck.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to fuck just yet.”

  The hard cock she felt bobbing against her bottom said otherwise, but she wasn’t going to call him on it just yet. What was he doing? Why was he doing it? So she’d avoided him when he’d come home over the years. Surely, his ego hadn’t taken that big of a hit.

  He stepped into a room and kicked the door shut behind them. He lowered her to the bed and clicked on a lamp. She glanced around, taking it all in. Big bed, big room. Not much in the way of decoration. It was neat without any clutter. There was another door, and she assumed it led to a bathroom.

  He followed her eyes. “Bathroom’s there if you need to use it.”

  “Thanks,” she said and rose to walk over. She shut the door and leaned against it.

  What was going
on? Why hadn’t he just fucked her in the other room the way Brent and Tris had? Why bring her to his bedroom? Did he realize how nervous it made her? She pushed off from the door and turned on the sink before giving in to the call of her bladder.

  Then she laughed. She could expose every part of herself to a man, but God forbid, he heard her pee.

  What was the matter with her? She was reading things into this that had no part of this moment. Her emotions were all residual from the last time she’d been with Mick. They were the hurt feelings of a girl who’d given her virginity to a boy who took it and walked away. They weren’t part of this moment between the woman and the man.

  She finished up and stepped to the sink to wash her hands.

  If Mick wanted to take her on a bed this time, that was fine. Really, all that mattered was the knowledge it was just about sex. They were both on the same page this time. She was old enough, experienced enough, to know having sex did not equate to love and happily ever after. It just meant they were both attracted enough to desire sex with each other. Nothing more, nothing less. So why was she hiding in the bathroom?

  She shook her head, turned the water off, and moved to open the door.

  “You okay?” His question came as soon as she stepped back into the bedroom. He was sitting on the side of the bed, completely comfortable in the nude.

  “I’m fine.” She moved across the room to the bed. “You want me on my back? Doggy style? Or feel like being kinky?”

  “Honestly, I’d just like to talk for a bit, Mia.” He heaved a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I didn’t think I came here to talk.” She stood in a way she knew would draw his attention to her breasts and the hard points of her straining nipples.

  “You agreed to anything.”


  “I don’t think that was stated.”

  “I assumed it was understood.”

  “Why do you avoid me, Mia? Was I that horrible? That forgettable?”

  His words threw her. She shook her head and took a few steps back as if distance would help her brain to start functioning again.

  “You never forget your first,” he whispered, bringing her head up.

  She locked her gaze to his and let her breath hiss out. “No, you don’t. Is that what you need to hear? What you want to talk about? Yes, Mick, you were my first. I fancied myself in love with you, and when you took me down on that blanket, I let you do anything you wanted. I was young and stupid, okay? I admit it. I thought having sex would mean something, like it would make you my boyfriend or something.” She straightened her spine, her arms crossing over her chest. “But you don’t have to worry. I’ve grown up a lot over the years. I know the difference between sex and love. And this,” she waved a hand between the two of them, “this is all about sex.”

  “I wasn’t talking about you. I guess I should have realized I was your first though. You were never spoken of as one of the girls guaranteed to put out.”

  She snorted. “That’s good to know.”

  “Christ, I never meant to hurt you. That was the last thing I ever wanted to do. I was so nervous. Scared to death if I would please you or bumble around like an idiot.”

  “You were nervous?”

  “Guys get nervous too,” he stated. “Especially the first time.”


  “You never forget your first time, Mia.”

  “I know.” She was so confused. Was he saying what she thought he was?

  “I didn’t want to go off to boot camp as a boy. I thought having sex would make me a man. Like it would change me completely. I’d suddenly have all this insight and just know things.” He laughed and shook his head. “You were my first.”

  “I…I…” She didn’t know what to say. She’d been so wrapped up in herself she’d never realized she might be his first, as well.

  “You were my first, Mia. And I’ve never forgotten you.”

  Chapter Six

  “I didn’t know.” Mia was floored. She’d never once thought she might have been his first experience, as well.

  “It’s not exactly something a guy would ever confess to.” He shrugged, looking shy and unlike the cocky guy she’d painted him as in her mind.

  Had she been so wrong? She’d avoided him over the years, sure he was going to smirk over the way he’d conquered her back in high school. But she’d grown, changed. Was it so hard to believe he had, as well? “I didn’t want to see you gloat.”


  “That’s why I avoided you every time you came home.” Now, it was her turn to shrug her shoulders. “I didn’t want to look in your eyes and see I meant nothing to you but a good time before you left. Or even worse, that you didn’t even remember me.”

  “I’m sorry.” He stood and walked over to her. He held his hand out to her, and slowly, she put hers in his. “I wanted to see you. At first, it was to see if I could get you in my bed again.”

  “I remember that night well, Mick,” she said with a laugh, “but I don’t remember a bed.”

  He squeezed her hand and tugged her close to his chest. “I wanted to remedy that, a chance to get it right.”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong the first time. You had all the moves.”

  “Except the one that didn’t leave you in tears.”

  “I was young and silly.”

  “I was young, cocky, and stupid.”

  “We were both young, and it’s all in the past.” She slowly slid a hand down his chest, finding and stroking his erection. “I see a bed behind us. No more running. I’m right here.”

  “Mia, I…”

  She put her finger to his lips. “Shhhh. No more talking.” She leaned in and pressed her lips to his. Her tongue traced his bottom lip. When he opened, she slipped inside, rubbing her tongue along his. While her tongue played with his, her hand learned the length and width of his cock. He was hard and ready.

  “Fuck me,” she crooned. “I want to feel you inside me.”

  He scooped her up in his arms and tossed her on the bed. She landed with a bounce that stole her breath. Then he was on her, pressing her back to the mattress as his mouth took and devoured hers. His hands were everywhere, stroking, rubbing, touching, and electrifying every inch of her flesh.

  One sure hand slid between her thighs and found her clit. He brushed over it then came back to give it a rub. She jerked, spreading her legs further apart in a silent plea for more.

  “Mick,” she moaned.

  “I’ve waited a long time to hear that sound again.”

  She moaned again. There was just something incredibly hot about knowing she’d been his first…that he’d thought of her over the years. They had more in common than she’d ever imagined. His finger dipped lower, plunging inside her and sending her thoughts scattering.

  “I want you,” she affirmed.


  She giggled. “Not exactly the reaction I was looking for.”

  He shook his head, giving her his wicked grin that had her pussy clenching on his thrusting fingers. “The box of condoms is in the other room.”

  She thought for a moment. “I’m on the pill. I’m clean. My last relationship ended over a year ago.”

  He let his breath out on a long exhale. “I’m clean. We get checked every year for everything under the sun. Just had my check-up before I transferred back home.”

  She smiled up at him, shifting her legs again to make room for him to move between them.

  “Are you sure?” He looked awed that she would let him take her without that latex barrier between them.

  “Yeah.” She wanted to feel him inside, skin on skin. Once the thought entered her head, she couldn’t get it out.

  He slid his hips into place between her thighs and used one hand to guide his cock to her opening. He gave an unsteady laugh and met her eyes. “Christ, I’m shaking like it’s the first time all over again.”

  “Let me help you.” She reach
ed down and wrapped her fingers just above where he gripped his shaft. Together, they pressed him home, lodging the mushroom head just inside her pussy. Both of them groaned.

  He threaded his fingers with hers and lifted her hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the backside. Holding her gaze, he thrust deep, spearing her on his cock. It was delicious, wicked, and the first time she’d ever had a naked cock inside her. Always there had been that thin sheath of protection between her and the man she was with. Until now. Until Mick.

  He began moving, each thrust slow and deep, spreading warmth from her womb outwards. He bent closer, and she leaned up to meet his mouth with hers, hungry for his kiss. One firm hand gripped her hip while the other rested by her head, their fingers still threaded. She lifted her legs and used them to hold onto his hips.

  “Never,” he whispered. “There’s never been another woman who could compare to you.”

  She felt tears in her eyes and fought hard to hold them back. She was walking away. Wasn’t she? That had been the plan, but suddenly her heart was breaking at the thought of this being goodbye again. It seemed the girl who’d fancied herself in love with him all those years ago still existed. And maybe her relationships didn’t last because she compared them to him, even if it was only the him who filled her dreams.

  She closed her eyes and arched her back, lifting up into him. Her free hand grabbed his shoulder and held tight. She wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him to increase his pace.

  “Harder. Faster.” She panted the words, using her body to entice him to meet her demands. “Deeper. Fuck me.”

  “Look at me.” The command in his voice caught her by surprise and had her complying immediately. “This isn’t just a fuck. I’m not a one-night stand.”

  “Don’t.” She shook her head, trying to stop him from talking, from saying things that would change everything. She’d known what this was from the beginning. He didn’t get to change the rules now.

  “I’m making love to you, Mia. This is my first chance to make it right. I’m not walking away this time. I’m hoping you won’t either.” He pressed deep and held still, watching her face.


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