Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery

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Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery Page 8

by Morgan Hawke

  She set her hand on the door handle and activated the resident 'Don't touch me, I bite' spell on her Saturn. Thank the Dark Mother she'd already programmed that spell in. She didn't want to spend any more of her power than she had to.

  She looked over at the sun bleeding in red and orange as it set behind the dead forest. It was more than time to go. Resolutely, she gritted her teeth and headed for the broken door with the canvas bag over her shoulder. “Let's go see what this vampire-raising sorcerer is made of."

  Sygni shoved past the broken door and curled her lip. The interior was worse than the exterior. The entire upper floor was missing. Dirt, filth and old broken furniture clearly dating from the nineteen-forties clogged the narrow hall. Ancient paper litter was piled in the corners.

  The floorboards groaned under her feet as she picked her way among the trash, aiming for the building's heart. The dying sunlight coming through the broken second-story windows was her only light, making the floor deeply shadowed and hazardous to walk on. Old bulbs hung from wires looped across the right wall, but she doubted that they had been used since the building's closing.

  A hallway opened up on her right. It was lined with closed doors and pitch black at the far end. Sygni lifted her hand and called a small ball of light. She released it to let it float ahead of her. The light shed its golden glow on peeling industrial green walls, warped doors and a snarl of brand-spanking new cables snaking all along the floor.

  Sygni smiled grimly. Somebody was here.

  The light followed the cables to a stone arch with an antique bomb-shelter sign in yellow and black. Broad stairs led downward.

  Sygni bit her lip. She did not want to go down those stairs.

  A shimmer of something familiar brushed against her senses. Her magic shifted within her, reaching out to it, seeking and stretching out to touch—herself.

  Sygni jerked. Galen was down there. Stepping carefully around the cables, she descended.

  * * * *

  The stairs led her to an enormous and dark expanse that appeared to be the basement for the entire factory. A forest of square columns supported the upper floor. She expected to find more filth and debris; she did not expect the near-spotless cleanliness. In fact it looked like someone had taken the time to have the whole thing white-washed. The black and white tile floor was almost slick and she could smell the fresh wax.

  Only one section had light, right smack-dab in the middle. A group of tables and desks crowded with computer equipment formed a broad circle around a slumped figure bound upright against one of the columns. The bright blue-white beams of two powerful UV lamps were trained on him, making his pale skin glow like a star. His head was slumped forward with his black hair veiling his broad chest. The long coat he wore had been pulled back to expose his skin to the light. A leather kilt covered him from waist to ankles. It was Galen.

  Sygni bit her lip to keep from shouting and running to him. Instead, she balled her fists and walked, making sure her boot heels rapped sharply on the tiles.

  "You are late,” a voice snapped out from behind the collection of desks.

  Sygni lifted her chin. “Your note said sunset. It's sunset."

  "Sunset occurred at five forty-seven, it is now six fifteen.” A tall, slender figure rose from behind the equipment. His hair was buzzed into non-existence and light gleamed on the weird goggles covering his eyes. His white short-sleeved tunic blazed in the glare from the UV lights.

  Sygni blinked. This wasn't a sorcerer—this was a mad scientist.

  "A woman.” A sour smile curved his lips. “Considering the vampire's carnal persuasions, I should have guessed."

  Sygni scowled. A male chauvinistic anal-retentive mad scientist ... It figured. She strode for the desks. “I'm here for Galen."

  The scientist watched her approach. “Did you bring the book?"

  "I did.” Sygni stopped just short of the desk and propped her hand on her hip.

  "Good.” The scientist shook his head. “At least that damn creature completed its mission before carrying on with its perversions."

  Its perversions? Sygni glanced over at Galen. He was slumped unconscious, and bound upright against the column by wire cables as thick as her wrist. The two large UV lamps trained on him were bathing him in what amounted to strong sunlight. His skin was showing a distinct hint of red. The light was causing sunburn, very likely sun poisoning. “What are you doing to Galen?"

  "The UV lamps are to keep it quiet.” He held out his hand. “Give me the book."

  Sygni felt her temper rise and reached for her power. It coiled within her. “Release him."

  The scientist shook his head. “I'm afraid that won't be possible."

  "What?” Sygni frowned.

  "This one is the only success. I have been unable to reproduce the same animatory effect in any of the other corpses."

  Sygni sucked in a sharp breath. Other corpses? He was trying to make more vampires? Time to put this mad-dog down. Unfortunately she couldn't legally kill the stupid shit unless he attacked her first. Let's try some provocation. “Do you know who I am?"

  The scientist took one long insulting look from her feet to her head. “You are an alpha grade witch. Too bad you're female. I could use an alpha grade to assist me."

  "Sorry to disappoint you.” Sygni snorted. Doctor Schizo had no idea who he was dealing with. That suited her just fine.

  The scientist glared at the monitor before him. “According to my readings, your power signature is all over my vampire."

  Sygni nodded. “Makes sense, since I removed your spell last night."

  He turned and scowled at her. “I resent your tampering with my work."

  "Tampering with your work?” Sygni choked. “Galen is not an object!"

  The scientist tilted his head. “I assure you, a corpse, no matter how animated it seems, is most definitely an object.” He waved his hand. “The book, if you please."

  "Release Galen.” Sygni lifted her chin and smiled coldly. Please, attack me so I can fry your ass, you moron.

  "I have already told you, you can't have it."

  Sygni cocked her hip. “Oh really? And why not?"

  The scientist turned back to his computers. “Because the buyer is coming to collect it."

  "His buyer?” Sygni couldn't believe her ears. “You are manufacturing vampires for sale?"

  The scientist turned to frown at her. “And you have tampered with the only working model I have. As it is I still can't figure out what you did to erase my formula from the vampire's body without destroying it."

  Sygni snorted. “Gee, that's too bad."

  The scientist dropped his chin and his brows lowered. “I want you to return my vampire to its original state."

  Sygni took a deep breath and smiled. Oh, goody, he's finally getting annoyed. Now we're getting somewhere. “No. He's my vampire now.” She leveled a hard glare at him. “And you're not getting him back."

  The scientist expelled a harsh breath. “Why are you being so difficult?"

  "It's part of my nature.” She lifted her chin. She was ready for him. Attack me, you nut-bag.

  "Why do they always make me hurt them?” The scientist sighed heavily. “Shoot her."

  Shoot me? Oh shit! Sygni raised a shield over herself with the speed of thought. She'd expected a spell—not a bullet!

  Sygni clearly heard the gun go off, and then felt something slam into the back of her right thigh followed by a ripping pain. She shouted as the leg was shoved forward, knocking her backwards. She went down hard.

  She blinked at the dark ceiling above her, shocked. The bullet went through her shield? How? She'd repelled bullets before...

  The scientist leaned over her. “In case you are wondering, that was a silver bullet formulated to break through spells.” He smiled as he dug into her canvas bag for the book. “I'm afraid that not only will you be in some discomfort, but as long as the bullet remains in you, your powers will be completely useless.” He flipped thro
ugh the slender book, then snapped it closed. “Yes, this is it.” He smiled down at her. “And you will return my vampire to his original state, or you will be in a great deal of discomfort."

  Sygni groaned. “Doc, do me a favor? Eat shit and die."

  "You are in no position to issue insults.” He looked up. “Thank you Tyrone. Sam, I..."


  Sygni could barely think through the pain in her leg but she recognized Galen's voice. “Galen?” She turned.

  His head was up, but dark circles were under his eyes and his face looked puffy and very red. “You shouldn't have come here."

  The scientist knelt and grabbed her chin. Light glared on the round lenses of his goggles. “You're Sygni? Sygni Darkheart?"

  Sygni felt like spitting in his face, but her mouth was too dry to form saliva. She settled for a glare. “Yeah, so?"

  The scientist grinned. “Excellent. You were next on my acquisitions list."

  The vicious throbbing in her leg was interfering with her train of thought. She couldn't have heard that right. “What?"

  The scientist looked up. “Tyrone, bind her leg so she doesn't bleed to death, but leave the bullet in. When you're done, tie her to the column with the vampire. I'll deal with her and that vampire later.” He rose to his feet. “Sam, I need your assistance in the lab for a project.” He walked out of her view.

  A large black man in gray coveralls bent over her. Century Sanitation was scrawled on the label over his breast pocket. “Tie the lady up, sure thing, Doctor Gruber.” He knelt and opened a first aid box.

  Sygni scowled at the first aid kit. They were fucking prepared?

  "Tyrone, this plan of yours reeks like day-old dog-shit.” The voice was low and quavered with tension. A much smaller rounded pale guy with wide green eyes looked over Tyrone's shoulder. His long pale brown hair was pulled back into a neat tail. He was also dressed in gray coveralls with Century Sanitation over his pocket.

  Sygni stared at the labels. They were garbage men?

  The smaller man stared down at Sygni with worried eyes. “Tyrone, I mean it. This is seriously fucked up."

  "You wanna empty garbage cans forever?” Tyrone pulled out a long knife.

  Sam flinched. “Watch it with that thing."

  "Don't worry, it's not for you.” Tyrone shoved Sygni none too gently onto her stomach and grabbed the back of her pant leg.

  She gasped as the wound pulled. “Ow ... shit!"

  Sam winced. “Tyrone..."

  "Relax, Sam, we'll only be doing this a few more days, then we can go spend our money and forget about it.” He sliced the leather open around the bullet wound.

  "Tyrone, for Christ's sake, man, you shot her!” His voice tightened to a thin high-pitched whisper. “You shot a person!"

  "So?” Tyrone dumped a liquid that hissed onto her leg. “I shot a lot of people in the war."

  The liquid scalded her open wound like acid. Sygni thumped the floor with her fist. “Son of a bitch!"

  Sam reached out to Sygni, then jerked his hand back. “Tyrone, take it easy! You're hurting her!"

  "Relax, Sam, it's peroxide to keep infection out.” He began taping bandages mercilessly tight over the wound. “I was a med tech in the military. I know what I'm doing."

  Sygni closed her eyes. Please don't let me pass out!

  "Great, fine, but Tyrone, this isn't the war and the Doc plans to sell her. Don't you think it's fucked up to be selling people?"

  "Sam, would you relax? He's shipping this one and that freak out to Russia somewhere. It's not like they're gonna come back and tell on you."

  Sygni blinked. Russia? Someone from Russia wanted her?

  "Sam!” The scientist shouted from somewhere. “Get in here! I need you to hold this wolf."

  "As far as I'm concerned...” Sam looked up toward the shouts. “The only freak in this place is the Doc. He's a freaking psycho."

  "And he's paying us big bucks.” Tyrone nodded at Sam. “You better go or he'll make you mop and wax the whole damned floor again."

  "I'm going, I'm going!” Sam got up and walked off grumbling. “Hold the wolf, tie the prisoner, wax the floor ... Definitely not my idea of gainful employment."

  "All bandaged up.” Tyrone grabbed Sygni under the arms and lifted her from the floor. “Up you get."

  Sygni tried to hold in her yelps as he hauled her to the square column and propped her against it in the direct glare of one of the lights. She flinched away. The damned light was blinding.

  "Stay there. I don't want to have to hurt you some more.” He knelt and picked up a thick cable.

  "I'm hurt enough, thank you.” Sygni leaned against the column and gasped for breath. Galen's heavy pants filled her ears. He stank of sweat. She had to get him out of there. Something else occurred to her. “Wait, you said you have a wolf? A real one?"

  "Yep, it's in the lab.” Tyrone wrapped the cable around her chest under her breasts.

  Sygni groaned. Gruber had a live wolf in his lab, and the Book of the Moon. And he just called Sam into his lab for help with a project. “Oh, fuck..."

  "Got it shipped from a zoo, two-three nights ago,” Tyrone continued. “The damned thing took a real shine to Sam, too.” He crossed the cable's ends. “He's the only one that it'll take food from."

  Sygni felt a power jolt, and the cable tightened painfully around her. “Bloody Mother!"

  Tyrone nodded. “That ought to hold you. You're not as strong as the freak, so I figure you're good with one. Don't move. It tightens if you move.” He turned away.

  Sygni gasped. “Tyrone, wait! Do you know why Gruber wants Sam to hold the wolf?"

  Tyrone nodded. “Sure, he's the only one that can get near it."

  "No.” She shook her head. “He's turning your friend into a werewolf, right now."

  "What?” He shook his head. “That's crazy."

  Sygni nodded toward Galen. “So is raising a vampire from a corpse."

  Tyrone rolled his eyes. “He's not a vampire. He's just a freak who thinks he is..."

  Two bloodcurdling screams erupted and echoed.

  Tyrone stared at Sygni as the tortured screams continued. The whites of his eyes appeared all the way around.

  The two screams became one long terrified howl.

  Sygni clenched her jaw and held his stare. “That was your friend, Tyrone."

  Tyrone backed away slowly. “My friend is money.” He turned and bolted.

  The howling scream continued.

  ~ Ten ~

  Sygni closed her eyes against the hot glare and reached for Galen. The cable tightened with every small motion. She gasped for breath. Inch by inch, she wormed her hand around until her fingers brushed his hand. Power swirled under his skin.

  "Sygni?” Galen grabbed her fingers, keeping his head down and eyes tightly closed.

  Sygni sucked in a breath. “Yeah."

  "What the fuck are you doing here?"

  "Gruber left me a note."

  "He left me one, too."

  "I saw.” She drew in a painful breath. “I'm sorry."

  "You're sorry?” He panted and groaned. “The shit and his two buddies had damned UV lamps. Shined them right in my eyes and knocked me out cold before I knew they were there!"

  "We've got to get out of here.” She tightened her fingers around his. “He's selling us to somebody."

  "Tell me about it.” Galen's fingers closed around hers. “Can't do shit with this light in my face..."

  Loud crashes echoed, followed by shouting. A dark shape loping on all fours moved in the deep shadows. It stopped, eyes reflecting a feral green gleam. It stood up, and up ... Tall, pointed ears topped the shadowy figure.

  Sygni stared at the tall figure and winced. Gruber screwed up the vampire spell, but apparently got the werewolf one right. Terrific...

  Galen lifted his head a bit and squinted under the glare. “What the hell is that?"

  Sygni nodded. “That is Sam, and the wolf Gruber had locked
up in the lab. They've been combined into a werewolf."

  "A werewolf?"

  Sygni sighed. “That's what the Book of the Moon is for. It has the only working spell to make a true werewolf.” She knew she should be scared of the monstrous beast, but all she felt was pity. There was no fix for this spell. Sam would be a werewolf for the rest of his days. “I'm so sorry, Sam. I didn't want to give him the book."

  "Can he understand you?” Galen asked softly.

  Sygni bit her lip. “It's his first change. He may be a little disoriented, but his intelligence should be fine."

  The figure dropped to all fours and stepped cautiously into the light. Light played across a long lupine head with a broad forehead and massive jaws lined with jagged teeth. Silvery gray fur rippled on a lupine body that seemed oddly elongated. The front paws had distinct fingers tipped in long black claws that clicked on the tiles. A long plumed tail waved insecurely. Green-gold eyes looked at them in confusion.

  Sygni smiled. “Hey, Sam, the fur looks good on you."

  The werewolf dropped its head, sniffing, then loped toward them. He circled the two of them.

  Galen stiffened. “Are we about to get eaten?"

  Sygni snorted. “Sam's not that kind of guy and Gruber used a real wolf. They're non-aggressive creatures. Dogs are aggressive, wolves are not unless cornered.” She turned to watch the werewolf. “If Gruber wanted something that would actually eat people, he should have crossed Tyrone with a Rottweiler."

  Sam abruptly stopped and closed in on Sygni, sniffing.

  Galen turned his head. “What's he doing?"

  Sygni watched the werewolf nosing at her leg. “I think he's smelling my bullet wound. Hey, Sam, your fur looks incredible.” She lifted her fingers.

  Sam looked up at her, then shoved his huge head under her hand.

  "Oh...” She stroked her fingers through the short silky fur between his ears. “Mother Night, you're soft!"


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