Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery

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Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery Page 10

by Morgan Hawke

  They gasped.

  Galen pressed his forehead against the tile and groaned. “God, I can't get over how good you feel wrapped around my dick."

  Sygni moaned. His cock felt deliciously hard within her. Her clit sat right on his pubic bone and it felt too good to ignore. She writhed, basking in the sensation of him stretching her while putting pressure on her swollen clit. “Don't talk, fuck!"

  Galen chuckled and deepened his voice. “Yes, master...” He withdrew and thrust hard up into her.

  Sygni gasped and knotted her fingers into the back of his hair. “I'll ‘yes master’ you!” She lunged up and bounced down onto him, hard.

  Galen choked then laughed. “Well, if that's the way you want it...” He dug his fingers into her ass and pressed her against the wall. “Then have it.” He pulled back and slammed into her with breathless strength and pitiless speed.

  Sygni howled and arched her back in welcome as his cock rammed, and rammed, and rammed into her. “Fuck yes!” She locked her arms around him and writhed, intoxicated by her body's voracious delight. Hard, brutal and fast was exactly what she wanted. She was not in the mood for lovemaking; she wanted a good hard animalistic fuck to clear her mind. She wanted to forget the chaos generated by dealing with a vampire in need, a sadistic god, a gun-toting psycho-scientist, and then a werewolf. She didn't want to think of what was coming, but what was happening right then. She closed her thighs around him and drove down onto him in savage counter-thrust.

  Galen grunted with his mouth open, fangs bared and panting for breath. He urged her to ride him harder and faster. Water ran down his shoulders, back, and chest, slicking them both. “Come on, come on..."

  Ferocious pleasure scoured her and climax rose quickening in a pitiless wave to hover on the explosive edge of rapture. Sygni cried out, tormented and desperate for the fall.

  Galen groaned and pounded into her. “That's it ... Cum for me, babe. Cum on my cock. Cum now!"

  Sygni's breath stopped. Her body pulsed hard, fire blazed up her spine and released. Waves of violent ecstasy slammed through her and drowned her, tearing her apart with agonizing delight. She threw her head back and screamed.

  "Yes!” The vampire growled and grabbed a fistful of her hair. He pulled her head to the side and took her throat with his long teeth. He thrust and thrust again, burying himself to the root. His cock pulsed and released within her. He held her firmly seated, grinding up into her as he swallowed.

  Sygni gasped as ecstasy took her in a second orgasm that ripped sanity from her mind.

  ~ Twelve ~

  Sygni groaned and opened her eyes. She was back in bed, and once again Galen was flopped dead asleep on top of her. She shoved at the vampire's body, but he was damned heavy. She flopped back against the pillows. Maybe she should just stay where she was? Her stomach rumbled with emptiness. Then her bladder suddenly decided to complain as well.

  Sygni grimaced. “Okay, okay, I'm getting up.” It took several minutes of creative wiggling to get out from under Galen and dash to the bathroom for much-needed relief.

  A glance in the bathroom mirror over the sink showed that the fresh bite was already fading. She frowned at her reflection. Damn, I'm healing fast. Curious, she lifted her leg, setting her foot on the edge of the commode and checked her bullet wound. There was a small round, white scar on the back of her thigh. There wasn't even a bruise.

  Sygni walked back into the guestroom, wondering if she was somehow picking up the vampire's speed healing. It could be possible; they were soul-joined. She picked up the black dressing gown tossed across the foot of the bed and shrugged into it. The heavy black satin draped her to the floor.

  Sygni smiled. Definitely not one of Morwyn's robes; the librarian was almost head and shoulders shorter. She tied the belt in a snug knot. Come to think of it she should ask Morwyn about vampires being used as familiars. Morwyn must have read something about it somewhere. Galen couldn't be the first, not by a long shot. She headed downstairs.

  * * * *

  Sygni pushed the door open to the sun-filled breakfast room and sniffed the fine aroma of Columbian Dark Roast. Coffee, just what she needed.

  Diamond-paned windows made up three walls of the small dining room. The walls themselves were paneled in dark wood with a massive hutch just inside the entry. The kitchen door was on the other side. The round table in the very center was spread with cream linen and set with plain white china.

  Morwyn leaned back in her chair. Her midnight blue dressing gown shimmered with cobalt highlights, as did the black silk of her long mane. “Good morning."

  Sam, dressed in over-sized jeans and a green T-shirt, waved with one hand as he shoveled steak into his mouth with the other.

  According to the clock over the center window, it was well after one in the afternoon, but both Morwyn and Sam had been served thinly sliced breakfast steak and poached eggs with toast. Somebody must have gone to bed pretty late last night.

  Sygni pulled out a chair with a cheery smile. “Good morning yourself. Late breakfast, huh?"

  Morwyn pursed her lips. “No comment."

  Sam grinned. “Can you say, built up an appetite?"

  Morwyn swatted at him. “Sam!"

  Sam ducked her hand. “What? Being furry does build up an appetite!"

  Morwyn flushed. “What am I going to do with you?"

  "Oh, you'll think of something.” He smiled and leaned out of swatting range.

  Sygni reached for the coffee pot. Looks like I'm not the only one getting some action. One of the kitchen staff came out with a plate of steak and eggs and set it before her.

  "Protein,” Morwyn said as she buttered a piece of toast. “You're donating blood, so you need protein."

  Sygni flinched just a hair. Was it so obvious that she was feeding a vampire? Well, yeah, considering the bite mark still visible on her neck. She sighed and picked up her fork. The steak was nice and rare and the eggs perfect. In between bites, she posed her question about vampire familiars to Morwyn.

  Morwyn sipped her coffee thoughtfully. “A vampire as a familiar? I've heard of it, but it's supposed to be a really bad idea."

  Uh oh ... Sygni blotted her lips with her napkin. “How come?"

  Morwyn set her cup down on its saucer. “If the sorcerer dies, all his power goes straight into the vampire because they're soul-joined. If a vampire wants to be a mage, all he has to do is kill the sorcerer."

  Sam picked up a piece of toast. “And if the vampire dies?"

  "The power goes back into the sorcerer.” Morwyn frowned at Sygni. “I haven't read a single case where one or the other didn't die in a nasty way."

  Sygni stilled. This was not a good prognosis for the future. “Every time?"

  Morwyn reached for the coffee carafe. “Think about it, vampires are predators. It's not in their nature to serve, but to hunt. They're like wild animals, you can befriend a wild animal, but you can't domesticate them. They'll always be wild.” She did not even glance at Sam as she poured coffee into her cup. “On top of this, most vampires resent being made to begin with. It's not the most pleasant way to live. They usually kill their masters because of it. If their master is a sorcerer, they have even more reason to kill him—for the power they'll get once he's dead."

  Sam shook his head. “Then why would any sorcerer use a vampire for a familiar?"

  Morwyn shrugged. “The usual reasons: health, eternal youth and extreme longevity. Everything the vampire has without the daylight problem and the liquid diet."

  Sygni froze with the cup halfway to her mouth. Health, eternal youth and extreme longevity? “Say ... what?"

  "That reminds me,” Morwyn raised a delicate brow at Sygni. “I'd love to know why both you and Galen have one yellow eye?"

  Oh, boy. Sygni set her cup down carefully. “That is something Raven did."

  Morwyn frowned. “Raven, as in the Native American god?"

  "The north-western one.” Sygni dropped her chin as her cheeks flushed with
heat. “I called on Raven because he's Galen's guardian spirit. Gruber fucked up the spell. If it weren't for Raven's claim jump-starting the spell, he would have never risen. I figured that if anyone had an interest in breaking Gruber's binding, Raven did since Galen belongs to him."

  Morwyn nodded. “I see."

  Sam sat up. “You called a god? A real one? What's he like?"

  "A pain in the ass.” Sygni winced with vivid carnal memory and picked up a piece of toast. “We both received a yellow eye because Raven used my power to remove Gruber's spell.” She shredded the toast in her hand. Mother Night, how do I say this? She honestly couldn't think of a better way then just spitting it out. She swallowed. “He made Galen my familiar in the process."

  Morwyn set her cup down. Her cheeks paled. “Oh, no..."

  Sygni nodded. “Oh yes. I was asking about vampire familiars because I seem to be healing really, really fast. There's barely any trace of the bullet hole in my leg.” Or from any of Galen's bites ... “I thought it might be a side effect."

  "Fast healing is supposed to be.” Morwyn sat back in her chair. “Sygni, how much of your power does Galen have?"

  She would ask that. Sygni stared at the small pile of shredded toast. “I think about half.” Pain stabbed through her. Gods, it still hurt.

  "Mother Night...” Morwyn looked away. “That's an awful lot, Sygni."

  "Tell me about it.” Sygni clenched her fingers together.

  Morwyn pressed a hand to her forehead and sighed. “Sygni, if Galen turns on you, he's bigger, faster, stronger and has the same level of power. You're dead meat."

  Sygni winced. “Gee, how reassuring."

  Morwyn tossed her napkin on her plate. “Blood and night, girl! How, by Satan's ass, do you get yourself into these messes?"

  Sygni scowled. “I told you, it wasn't my idea! Raven did this to both of us."

  Morwyn sat back in her chair. “The god ... You realize that Raven has a claim on you now?"

  Sygni raised a sarcastic brow. “Duh ... I do own a mirror."

  Morwyn laced her fingers together and dropped her chin. “Raven is supposed to be the protector of humanity. He must have had a reason to link you two together.” She looked up. “It's entirely possible that he did this because you and Galen have a physical relationship, likely an emotional one, too. Everything I've read on vampire familiars is about a male sorcerer and a male vampire. In that kind of pairing, unless they're both gay, there's nothing to bind them but the sorcerer's will and power. If Galen loves you, he has reason to keep you alive rather than kill you."

  "Love...” Sygni rolled her eyes. “You and Raven both...” Mother Night, what was with everybody and love?

  Morwyn tilted her head. “Huh?"

  Sygni grabbed her coffee cup. “Raven made me say that I loved Galen.” The blackmailing bastard ... “Raven was all set to kill him if I said I didn't."

  "I see.” Morwyn stirred sugar into her coffee. “Do you?"

  "Love him?” Sygni bit her lip. “I don't know. I like him a whole lot...” Especially naked, and moaning ... A memory flashed through her of snuggling against his broad, warm and comforting chest to sleep.

  Sam snorted and leaned back in the chair. “Oh, just give it up, will you? You do. And he loves you right back."

  Sygni started. “What?"

  Sam looked over at Morwyn. “Sygni came stomping into the Doc's lair like she owned the place and demanded he let Galen go. Even after Tyrone put a bullet in her, she never let up. She practically spit in the Doc's face."

  Morwyn rolled her eyes. “I can just see her doing it, too."

  Sam batted his lashes at Sygni. “I thought it was sweet."

  "Sweet?” Sygni scowled. “Fine, rub it in.” It wasn't sweet; it was just ... what needed to be done. She pointedly ignored the stab of personal possessiveness that burned in her heart.

  Morwyn bit her lip. “You're sure that Galen loves her, too?"

  "Oh, he loves her all right.” Sam nodded at Sygni. “When Galen couldn't wake you up, he went nuts. He was a freaking hysterical mess."

  "He was?” Sygni sat up in her chair. This was news.

  Morwyn rolled her eyes. “He drove us both insane with all his hovering. I had to shove him out of the way to bandage your leg. He kept asking what I was doing and why."

  Sam nodded at Morwyn. “The only time he left your side was when Morwyn did the ritual to get me back in human skin."

  Morwyn chuckled. “And even then he tried to convince us to do it in the room with you."

  Sam delivered a crooked grin. “If that's not love, it's a hell of a lot of like."

  "Now that I think about it...” Morwyn smiled. “It certainly looks that way to me."

  Sygni looked from one to the other. Well, damn ... I guess he does care. She shook her head. It was just too much to think about. “Enough with the love, already! What in Hela's name do we do about Gruber?"

  Morwyn shrugged. “Report him to the authorities. What else? You have both a vampire and a werewolf with traces of his power signature, so you have evidence. Once they know about him, you can get clearance to do what you do best."

  Sam frowned. “What's that?"

  Sygni folded her hands on the table and grinned. “Massive destruction.” She could just see it, a huge fireball lighting up the sky and the factory disintegrating in mid-air. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  Sam leaned back in his chair. “You are not one of the nice witches, are you?"

  Sygni picked up her coffee cup. “Not even kinda."

  Morwyn lifted her chin. “Bernard,” she called out. “Bring me the telephone!"

  * * * *

  Sygni handed the slim cordless phone to the silver-haired, impeccably dressed butler. “Thank you, Bernard.” She'd once asked Morwyn what his deal was, why was Bernard always in a long-tailed tuxedo? Morwyn had shrugged and said that he liked wearing one. Why should she deny him?

  Bernard bowed and carried the telephone back into the kitchen. The double doors swung after he passed through them.

  Sygni looked over at Morwyn. “I spoke to Inspector Grimley. He says he'll talk to Coventry and see that the paperwork is sent through flagged as a chapter thirteen, seriously dangerous. As soon as it's cleared, I'm to meet up with the inspectors and their clean-up crew to deal with the Gruber situation."

  Morwyn nodded. “They'll know how to deal with the mad doctor.” She arched her brow. “Which is more than I can say for you!"

  Sygni winced. She knew Morwyn would take her pound of flesh sooner or later.

  "Oh, would you look at the time!” Sam jumped out of his chair and ran for the door. “There is something I got to go do right now.” He nearly knocked the door off its hinges trying to get it open.

  Morwyn frowned. “Sam?"

  "Oh ... Thanks for breakfast!” Sam pulled the door open and bolted.

  Sygni watched Sam's escape in some surprise. “Doesn't deal well with confrontations, does he?"

  Morwyn smiled after him. “Wolves are shy as a rule."

  Sygni rose from her chair. Escape seemed like a good plan.

  Morwyn turned back to Sygni and scowled. “Sygni Darkheart, sit your ass back down. I want a word with you."

  Sygni dropped back into her chair. No escape today. It was bitching time.

  Morwyn slapped her hand on the table with a resounding thud. “When you went sorcerer hunting, why in bloody damnation didn't you bring your own spell-cursed gun? I know you have one!"

  Sygni groaned. “I didn't think I needed it. I have a bullet shield and not everyone knows how to make cursed bullets."

  "He did, and you're damned lucky he hit your leg and not a vital organ!” Morwyn scowled. “That colossal ego of yours is what got you in trouble! You're not all-powerful, there's always someone better than you—and you know this! Idiot!"

  Sygni winced. “Yes, okay, you're right! Are we done now?"

  Morwyn sneered. “I have only just begun to rip a stripe o
ff your hide!"

  Sygni sank deep into her chair. She was going to be here a while.

  ~ Thirteen ~

  Flopped belly-down on the leather divan, Sygni was trying to keep her mind on the paperback she was reading. Sunlight cast long golden beams through the tall, narrow windows of the book-lined room. The thick Persian carpets strewn across the ornate wood floor glowed under the light.

  She turned a page and propped her chin back on her hand. The divan was butter soft and warm under the sun's rays. Her bare feet waved idly in the air. Although it was late afternoon, she still hadn't bothered to change from the dressing gown into the spare clothes she kept here in case of emergencies. All her good stuff was at home.

  She flipped another page and scowled. The world was coming apart at the seams, and here she was reading a paperback. There wasn't a damn thing else she could do. The Inspector hadn't called back yet, the vampire was still asleep, and Morwyn had taken werewolf off on a tour of the castle.

  She smiled sourly. Tour, my ass ... They're just looking for a kinky place to have sex. She still couldn't believe how those two had taken to each other. It was almost scary.

  Morwyn's hour-long ass-chewing had been right damned scary, too. Sygni was convinced she was missing more than just a pound of flesh. The librarian hadn't let her have it that bad since she'd accidentally set the Inspector's car on fire—for the second time.

  The worse part was that Morwyn was right. Her big fat ego had gotten Galen kidnapped because she hadn't thought to charm the condo's door invisible; and then what did she do? Go storming to the rescue without bothering to bring any kind of backup protection at all. Mother Night, she was an idiot.

  Sygni suddenly realized that she had just read the same paragraph three times in a row. She dropped the book onto the divan and groaned. There was just too much shit going on in her brain to read.

  "Now that's a tempting sight.” A purring growl rumbled across the small room.

  "Huh?” Sygni looked over her shoulder to see Galen leaning against the doorframe, bathed in shadow. She took a quick look out the window. Yep, it was still daylight. She turned back. “What're you doing here?"


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