Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery

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Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery Page 14

by Morgan Hawke

  "Hell, I don't need rope for that!” Sam smirked. “I'll just wrestle him to the ground, that ought to do it."

  "Not a good idea.” Sygni snorted and held the other length of rope out to Galen. “You don't want to be in physical contact when I bind him, or you'll get trapped in the spell, too."

  Sam winced. “Oh..."

  Galen took the rope and grimaced. “This feels creepy, like I'm handling moving spider webs.” He looped it over his hand.

  Sam frowned. “It feels like a rope to me."

  Sygni glanced at Sam. “Galen is a sorcerer, so he can feel the magic that made it.” She shrugged at Galen. “You get used to it after a while. Eventually you'll be able to tell who made what spell by its signature, or how it feels."

  Galen curled his lip. “Do I have to?"

  Sam looked over the balcony edge. “Shit, he's gone."

  Galen looked up. “Who's gone? Tyrone?"

  Sygni looked over the balcony's edge at the blazing band of magic. “He's still on the grounds or the barrier would have gone out. He's probably looking for a break in the wall."

  Sam pulled up his T-shirt and yanked it over his head, baring an amazingly broad and muscular chest. He looked around Sygni at Galen. “Shall we take the shortcut?” He tilted his head away from the castle.

  Sygni frowned. “Guys?"

  Galen grinned. “Sure."

  Barefoot and wearing only the slightly oversized jeans, Sam grabbed the balcony's edge. “See ya!” He launched over it.

  "Sam!” Sygni rushed over to the balcony's edge.

  Three stories down on the pavement below, Sam straightened from his crouch and looked up. “You coming?"

  "Be right there!” Galen gave Sygni a small salute and leaped over the edge after him. He landed with a distant thump on the pavement below in a deep knee bend. He straightened and shook himself, then looked up and waved at Sygni. Both men took off at a blindingly fast run.

  Sygni scowled. “You are so not leaving me behind!” The red mist of her power blazed forth from her entire body, crackling and coalescing around her in the vague form of a human sized bird. Her power continued to condense and solidify around her into feathers that darkened to gleaming black. In a matter of moments, her power had completely reshaped her into a huge raven with one bright sun-yellow eye and the other of pitch-darkness.

  Unfortunately there were limitations to even her magic. Sygni could change her shape, but not her size. Normally, a bird this large couldn't get off the ground. A shimmer of power adjusted how gravity affected her and changed all the rules. Technically, she could make herself light enough to float, but then she would have little or no control over where the wind blew her. In the aerodynamic shape of a raven, she could get where she actually wanted to go with little trouble.

  With a flap of her enormous wings, Sygni the raven hopped onto the balcony's edge. She leaped. Her wings and tail feathers spread, allowing her to coast on the warm updraft from the ground. She churned the air with her wings, literally swimming between the cool upper air and the warm lower air. Using her tail like a rudder, she turned and then used her wings to pull her body skyward like swimmer moving between the currents. With a rustle of black pinions, she arched over the castle turrets. Her sharp eyes spotted movement on the far side of the castle.

  The boys had found Tyrone. All three were engaged in a tight vicious battle with fists and clawed hands swinging too fast to see. She could hear the snarls and screams from where she was.

  She spiraled downward to get a better look.

  Sam had taken on his half-wolf form. His long teeth were bared with his ears laid flat. A long tail waved stiffly from his hindquarters. His jeans were nowhere to be seen.

  Enormous and brutally muscular, Tyrone stood head and shoulders above them both, snapping and swinging clawed hands with incredible speed. Long gouges marked all three combatants and blood streaked everything.

  Fangs bared, Galen shot out vicious kicks, then danced out of Tyrone's reach.

  In a rustle of black feathers, Sygni dropped lightly to the ground.

  All three leapt apart and bared their teeth at the new threat.

  Sygni let her raven form unravel around her. “Tyrone, you have been a very bad boy."

  The were-dog yelped, turned tail and bolted.

  Galen launched himself at Tyrone's legs. The were-dog dropped and Sam pounced. In less than a breath, both Galen and Sam had a rope around Tyrone's neck. They jumped away, holding the snarling and choking Tyrone between them and out of claws’ reach. Both men braced their feet, muscles bulging as they strained to hold the much larger were-dog.

  "Shit, Sygni!” Galen eyed her boiling magic. “I didn't know you could do that."

  Sygni strode up to the three struggling creatures of the night. “What? The raven shape?” She eyed their wounds and winced. “I have a few interesting tricks up my sleeve.” She gestured and her unraveled magic settled over the were-dog in a net of red smoke.

  Tyrone snapped and clawed at the red mist while trying to pull on the ropes that bound him.

  Sygni raised her hands and shouted, “Sit!"

  Galen flinched.

  The mist coalesced around Tyrone and soaked into him. He yelped and dropped to his knees with his hands jerked behind him. Tyrone howled and struggled, the heavy slabs of muscle twisting and flexing as he fought to move. The whites of his eyes showed and his entire body shuddered, but he couldn't move from his position.

  Sam jerked back in surprise. “Damn...” His voice came out in a deep growl.

  Sygni set her hands on her hips. “Tyrone, you can't break my spell, so you might as well stop fighting. You'll only hurt yourself."

  Tyrone whined softly, then bowed his head in trembling submission.

  "Good boy.” Sygni nodded and turned to look at the guys. “Mother Night, you two are a bloody mess! You look like you just went through a shredder.” She sucked in a sharp breath. Their wounds were already closing. Most of the marks had stopped bleeding. “Well, damn, it looks like neither of you will be needing stitches."

  Sam lifted his furred arm and watched a long scratch fade. His voice came out in a deep, snarling rumble. “Hey, maybe being furry ain't so bad after all."

  * * * *

  Galen and Sam kept a firm hold on their ropes as they led the monstrously huge yet very subdued and tightly bound Tyrone into the castle. Galen's clothes were soaked in blood and torn to hell by Tyrone's claws and Sam had remained in his semi-wolf form. Sam and Tyrone's claws clicked on the stone flags as they walked down the stairs and through the lower galleries.

  Sygni kept a sharp eye on Tyrone as she followed right behind them, with a handful of magic ready for tossing. Her gaze strayed to Galen. His eyes were backlit with scarlet flame and his skin had gone bone pale. The vampire was going to need to feed, and soon.

  Morwyn's workroom was perfectly circular with walls of undressed stone blocks and a domed ceiling. Eight standing cast iron candelabras, each with a fan of twelve candles, lit the room. A massive tapestry depicting a woman clothed in sequined stars embracing a man made of shadows covered the entire back wall. An antique dresser covered in lit candles sat before the spangled tapestry. The center of the floor held a round raised dais carved with an intricate and glowing star pattern. Clouds of resin incense scented the room.

  Galen gave Sygni a heated grin. “Boy, this sure does bring back memories."

  Sygni promptly showed him her middle finger.

  Galen chuckled. “When and where, babe?"

  Morwyn lifted her chin. “Over here in the center, please."

  Tyrone whined softly, but went where they led him. Galen and Sam, still in his wolf-man shape, kept their ropes taut on either side of the were-dog.

  Sygni caught Tyrone's eye. “Be very good, Tyrone, or I will be very angry with you. Kneel."

  The were-dog flinched, but went to his knees without magic to prod him.

  Morwyn held up a slender silvery chain that shimmered wi
th subtle color. “Tyrone, I'm sorry, but this is for your own good."

  Sygni snorted. “Not to mention the good of the furniture."

  Morwyn shot her a narrow glance, then dropped the chain over Tyrone's head. She nodded at Sygni. “Release the binding."

  Sygni raised her hands and a red mist bled from around the were-dog. “All yours, Morwyn."

  Morwyn raised her hands. “Be thou true!"

  Tyrone gasped and collapsed onto his side.

  Morwyn stepped back. “We'll know in a moment if the dog or the man is the dominant personality."

  Sam tilted his muzzled head toward Galen. “Ten bucks says it's the dog."

  Galen's lip curled. “No way, Jose! I only bet when I know I'll win."

  As he lay on his side in the center of the star, Tyrone's form melted and ran like wax. A far smaller and very naked man emerged from the gigantic creature. His eyes opened wide and he shook his head with a moan. “No, no, no!” Abruptly the human form melted, changing into a huge and underfed Rottweiler dog. It whimpered as it lay there.

  Morwyn sighed. “Oh, Tyrone..."

  Sam laid his tall ears back. “Stupid son of a bitch ... He's too damn scared of his other half to deal with it."

  Morwyn shook her head. “Sam, you and Galen get those ropes off Tyrone, then you need to take fast showers and get changed. The Inspector is due any time now."

  Sygni winced. “Oh, Mother! I forgot about him."

  Morwyn grabbed Sygni's elbow and steered her toward the door. “We'll meet you boys in the little parlor."

  Galen scowled. “Boys?"

  Sam's head lifted. “Is that the big fancy room with all the glass cases and the tapestries?"

  Morwyn nodded. “That's the one. I like to keep the Inspector impressed."

  Sam nodded at Galen. “We'll hurry."

  Sygni looked back at the guys as they untied the were-dog. “What about Tyrone?"

  "The circle will hold him, the dog form is pretty weak.” Morwyn shoved Sygni out of the workroom. “Come on, we need to be up there to buy the guys time."

  Sygni groaned as she let Morwyn push her up the stairs. “It's going to be tough impressing the Inspector in these old jeans we're wearing."

  Morwyn grinned. “Are you kidding? He's never seen us dress like normal people. I guarantee it'll knock him for a loop."

  Bernard, somber and impeccably tidy in his tailed tuxedo, was waiting at the top of the staircase.

  "Ah, shit...” Morwyn hurried to the top of the stairs. “Let me guess, the inspectors are here?"

  Bernard nodded. “Yes, madam. Inspector Coventry and Inspector Grimley are in the little parlor as you requested."

  "Great.” Morwyn grinned. “The tea?” She started down the lamplit hallway with Sygni striding at her heels.

  Bernard fell into step beside Morwyn. “Already served. The rest of their party declined to come into the house."

  Morwyn shot a sharp glance at Bernard. “The rest of his party? How many did Coventry bring?"

  "Four other gentlemen accompanied the inspectors, madam.” Only the smallest hint of distaste flashed across his expression. “They remain in the van by the main door."

  Sygni shook her head. This meant that the four others were goons from his spook squad, probably fully armored and fully armed, etc., etc ... She scowled. Gods! What a coward.

  ~ Seventeen ~

  Her sleek black ponytail swinging, Morwyn breezed through the broad doorway into the so-called little parlor in her faded hip-huggers and tummy-baring T-shirt.

  Sygni waltzed through the doorway right behind her, and stepped into majesty. She bit her lip to hide her grin. Their casual jeans and cropped T-shirts were a pronounced contrast to the formal opulence of the ‘little parlor'.

  The vaulted room was the showplace of the castle. The distant walls were covered in massive medieval tapestries. All around, magical books and treasures from all over the world were displayed in cases of spell-sealed glass. In the center of the cavernous room a huge cast iron candelabra suspended on a thick chain shed golden light on an enormous Persian rug with four long Victorian couches enclosing an ornate marble coffee table. A spectacular gold and silver tea service with gold-rimmed china cups and saucers gleamed on the low table.

  Sygni nodded. Bernard had really outdone himself. She doubted there was a fancier tea set in the whole of the country.

  Grimley was bent over a case filled with ornate daggers. His bald head gleamed under the light. He looked casually relaxed in his simple buff corduroy coat with suede patches over the elbows and khaki pants. “Coventry, you ought to see what's in this case."

  Coventry, whip-thin and stark in his pitch black tightly buttoned knee-length magus coat and dress slacks, stood stiffly by one of the velvet swathed couches. His black hair was bound into a mercilessly tight tail that barely curled past his high collar. “We're not here on holiday, Grimley."

  Grimley sighed heavily. “Work, work, work..."

  "Hello, inspectors,” Morwyn said with a bright sunny smile and a spark of mischief in her eye. “Were you waiting long?"

  Grimley turned and smiled. “Oh, hello, Morwyn, hello, Sygni.” He shook his head. “No, not long at all."

  Coventry's black eyes focused on Sygni and his brows lowered. “Did you bring your proof?"

  Sygni brushed by Coventry “They're coming.” She gave Grimley a genuine smile. “Hi, Inspector, always good to see you.” She sprawled out on the couch on the far side.

  Grimley smiled as he took a seat on the couch Coventry loomed over. “Nice to see you, too, Sygni."

  Coventry snorted. “Speak for yourself, Grimley."

  Morwyn dropped onto the nearest long couches. “Proof?"

  Coventry curled his lip. “Sygni tells me that you have a vampire and a werewolf created by this Doctor Gruber."

  "Oh, yes. They should be along any time now.” Morwyn reached for the teapot.

  Coventry scowled. “You let them wander about by themselves?"

  Morwyn looked up at Coventry with wide-eyed innocence. “Of course. They're guests."

  The sound of masculine banter traveled from the doorway. Galen's voice carried clearly. “No, seriously, you can't compare a classic like Casablanca with the modern like that."

  "Are you kidding? Blackwerks is a classic of dark noir!” Sam shook his head as he came around a tall case. His silvery hair was slicked back and dark from his shower. He wore yet another pair of ill-fitting jeans and a black T-shirt just a bit too big for him announcing ‘I leave bite marks'.

  Galen, two steps behind Sam, grimaced and waved a hand. “Not in my book. I couldn't make heads or tails of the plot!” His black mane had been pulled back into a long tail, showing off the sharp vee of his widow's peak. In contrast to Sam, Galen's jeans looked painted on and his black T-shirt sported ‘So, I'm a creature of darkness. Got a problem with that?’ in broad red letters.

  Sygni blinked. The guys must have taken their showers and changed at top supernatural speed.

  Morwyn leaned forward to pour steaming pale green liquid into four cups. “Hi, guys, you're just in time for tea."

  Sam dropped onto the couch by Morwyn. “Did we miss anything good?"

  "Nope.” Morwyn handed him a cup and shook her head. “We just got here ourselves."

  Galen took a cup of tea from Morwyn. “Smells good."

  Morwyn poured another cup. “Japanese green tea."

  Grimley leaned forward eagerly. “Oh, I love that stuff!"

  Morwyn smiled as she passed a cup to Grimley. She looked over at Coventry. “Tea, Inspector?"

  Coventry shook his head. “No, thank you. I am not here for pleasantries."

  Sygni rolled her eyes. Boy, was that ever an understatement.

  Galen walked around the couches to stand behind Sygni. His lips curved in a smile, but his eyes narrowed at the tall thin inspector. “Let me guess, you're Coventry?"

  Grimley raised his cup. “And I'm Grimley."

ventry raised a black brow at Galen. “And you are?"

  "I'm Galen.” The vampire sipped his tea.

  Coventry's eyes narrowed sharply. “I can see by your aura that you are an unregistered mage."

  Morwyn leaned back against Sam. “Galen came into his power a few nights ago."

  Galen smiled down at Sygni. “Literally."

  Sygni smiled tightly. “I wouldn't go there if I were you."

  "He just gained his power?” Coventry frowned. “He's a little old..."

  Galen nearly spit his tea.

  "Some come into it late.” Sygni smiled tightly. “Rather like yourself."

  Coventry's ears reddened.

  Grimley chuckled. “She has a point."

  Coventry glared at his partner. “When I want your opinion..."

  "Anyway, Inspector...” Morwyn waved her teacup. “Did you bring the registration scanner?"

  Grimley nodded. “I have it here.” He stood up and shoved his hand in his pocket.

  "Good.” Morwyn nodded at Galen. “Let the inspector take your scans so you can be listed."

  Galen gave Sygni his teacup. “Sure.” He moved around the couch to stand by the inspector. He towered over Grimley.

  "I though I was registering a werewolf and a vampire.” Grimley looked up at Galen. “You didn't mention the mage.” He fiddled with a small handheld device that looked a lot like a cell phone.

  Sygni gave Grimley a bright sunny smile. “Galen is both."

  Coventry glowered. “Both what?"

  "You're a werewolf and a mage?” Grimley pointed his device at Galen.

  "A werewolf?” Sam choked. “Who? Him?"

  Grimley frowned. “Well he's big enough..."

  Galen barked out a laugh that flashed his long teeth, then shook his head grinning. “No, no, no ... Sam's the werewolf, I'm the vampire."

  Grimley looked over at Sam. “He's the werewolf?"

  Sam smiled. “In the flesh."

  Coventry's mouth tightened as he focused on Sygni. “You expect me to believe that this man,” he pointed at Sam. “Is a werewolf?” He pointed at Galen. “And that one is a vampire?” He spoke through gritted teeth. “Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?"


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