Carte Blanche [Special Enforcers Series ]

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Carte Blanche [Special Enforcers Series ] Page 11

by Kallysten

  "And here I thought all you could do with that pretty mouth of yours was speak out of turn."

  She sounded almost breathless. Ray smiled. She might be trying to make a joke out of it, but this kiss had touched her, too.

  "I wonder what else you can do with your mouth."

  He kept quiet. She hadn't asked him a question. Nevertheless, he tried to put in his look all the desire he felt for her, all his need to please her. He had to have done something right, because she stood and undressed in front of him, leaving her clothes on the desk before going to sit on the edge of the bed. He watched her and tried to blink so he wouldn't miss even a second. She was even more gorgeous than the image of her that had taken residence in his mind, full curves and silky, golden skin. The only surprise was the trimmed nest of curls peaking at the apex of her crossed legs; he couldn't even begin to imagine her face framed by blonde hair rather than these jet black strands he'd wanted to touch ever since he had first seen her at the club.


  He blinked at the impatient reminder that she was waiting and gave her a little sheepish smile as he joined her by the bed, remaining on his knees.

  "Mistress, if I may?"

  She nodded shortly, allowing him to go on.

  "You are beautiful."

  It was worth risking a reprimand just to see her pupils dilate briefly. For no longer than two strong beats of her heart, a bit of shyness and self-consciousness rolled over her body, so out of place after she had undressed in front of him without the hint of a hesitation. He had a feeling he'd just been given a glimpse of Grace.

  She never answered in words. Uncrossing her legs, she crooked a finger at him and beckoned him forward. Without thinking, Ray started reaching out so he could open her legs a little more and get better access to the pink lips that hid her sex. A cluck of her tongue stopped his hand.

  "Still no touching. Not with your hands, at least."

  So he wouldn't be tempted to touch her anyway, he clasped his hands behind him. As he leaned forward, her fingers threaded through his hair yet again and guided him, unhurried but purposeful. From this close, all he could smell was the herbal scent of her soap and the musky one of her desire. He could barely wait to taste her, but he forced himself to delay just a little longer and pressed closed mouth kisses along her sex.

  Her hips canting forward and her legs spreading just a little wider hinted clearly enough that she wanted more, and Ray was happy to oblige. He ran the tip of his tongue along her slit then pressed it in gently, finally tasting her wetness. Far from quenching his thirst for her, it only made him crave more.

  He lapped at her burning flesh, darting in every now and then, occasionally flicking the tip of his tongue to her clit, and all the while he catalogued her reactions and what made her fingers tighten in his hair or made her hips jump forward for a second.

  He didn't know how long he pleasured her like this. He would have been content to keep doing it all afternoon, keep her on the brink as long as she let him or make her come, over and over, until she was the one begging him to both stop and continue. The heat of her flesh, the tanginess of her wetness, the heavy scent of her need, the quiet moans escaping her throat, all of it filled Ray with pride, not only because he had made her feel like this, but also because she had allowed him to.

  "Enough,” she requested suddenly, the word no more than a gasp. “Make me come. Now."

  Using everything he had learned since first touching her, he redoubled his efforts, alternating curling his tongue inside her slick channel and pressing against her clit. A small part of him knew with the utmost certainty that the lightest hint of nibbling on her clit would have made her buck against his face and precipitated her orgasm, but he doubted she'd have been pleased with him once she climbed down from her high, so he abstained.

  Her cry of pleasure, when she finally came, was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard from her—except maybe for the quiet, almost purring way she said his name right after that.

  Breathing hard and fast, she gently pushed his face away from her too sensitive folds, and he found himself resting his cheek against her thigh and looking up at her. Flushed, her hair in disarray, mouth open and gasping still, she was just beautiful, and even more so because he was the one who had brought that blissful look to her face. For long seconds, he simply watched her and listened to her slowly calming heartbeat. He hoped they weren't done playing, but should she decide to leave now, he would still be happy that he'd had the chance to give her pleasure.

  "You've been really good since I arrived,” she said at last, still a little out of breath. “I thought I'd need to assert more discipline over you, but you've surprised me."

  She kept running her fingers through his hair. Ray thought fast. There had been just the barest hint of disappointment in her voice. He knew that game. He didn't particularly like it, but he knew the rules and how to play.

  "You've said yourself I was trained well,” he said, looking at her through his eyelashes. “Misbehaving is usually more fun."

  He just glimpsed the beginning of a frown on her face before he turned his head and scraped his teeth against the inside of her thigh. Her eyes were wide and shocked when he looked back up. Smirking, he waited for her to react.

  Chapter 11

  For just a handful of seconds, Grace remained stunned. She had just been praising him for how well he was behaving, and he answered by not only speaking out of turn and insolently, but also by biting her. She couldn't say it had hurt, he had barely scraped blunt, human teeth to her skin, not even hard enough to leave an ephemeral mark. Regardless, she could hardly believe he had even dared.

  It was his smile that clued her in, both cheeky and expectant. He had been trying to give her what he thought she wanted. Cute, but misguided. She took care of him and his needs, not the other way around.

  "I don't need a reason to take a flogger to your ass.” She made the words as cold and stingy as she could manage, and was glad to see his smile waver at once in the face of her anger. “If I want to play, I'll play. You trying to rile me up as though you're doing me a favor ... that's both stupid and insulting."

  She stood as she finished, abruptly dislodging him from her thigh and walking past him to the desk. She picked up her shirt, sliding it on without bothering with the bra. When she looked back at Ray, he was prostrated, his forehead pressed to the floor. She buttoned the shirt entirely, wondering whether she was really ready to leave or just playing an act to make a point. His body starting to shake almost imperceptibly made her decision for her.

  "Anything to say in your defense?"

  Ray didn't move an inch, but he did reply, his words muffled by his position.

  "Mistress I ... I am sorry. I misinterpreted what you said. I thought you wanted—"

  "Have I played games with you?” she interrupted him, annoyed. “In the scenes we have done together, have I set traps for you to fall in? Have I set you up to fail? Have I given you any hint that I wanted something different from what I was asking?"

  The answer came slowly, but she didn't mind. It meant he was truly thinking of her words rather than trying to figure out what she wanted to hear.

  "No, Mistress. You have not."

  "Then why on earth would you think I'd want you to disobey on purpose and in such a stupid fashion?"

  The shaking became a little more pronounced. Without thinking, Grace sat down on the edge of the chair and leaned toward him to rest a soothing hand on the back of his head. He seemed to calm down a little beneath the innocent touch, and she wondered how upset he had been at the thought that she might leave right there and then.

  "You ... Mistress Red, you are very different from my other Master."

  By now, she knew him enough to realize this non-answer was a polite way of saying that Owens was an asshole. He had trained Ray, all right. Not everything he had taught him was worthy of praise, however.

  "I hope by now you're starting to get just how different we are,
” she said mildly. “For this time, I will punish you. Try something this idiotic again, and it's over. Are we clear?"

  She could see his relief in the loosening muscles of his back.

  "Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress."

  "Good. Up, now. Lay down on my lap.

  She watched him closely, as he stood and started leaning over, and the expression on his face left no doubt in her mind. He had truly been distressed at the thought that he had gone too far. She felt some relief at that. She wasn't messing with his mind, and she certainly did not want him to mess with hers.

  He started leaning over her lap, and she guided him with just a touch so that his cock was hanging between her thighs. She left them open, making sure he would only get enough friction to get frustrated without finding relief. He rested his weight on his toes and hands on the floor, but she knew in a moment it wouldn't occur to him anymore to try to make himself lighter on her.

  "Tell me, Ray. How many hits do you think you deserve for your impertinence?"

  He wiggled a little on her lap, trying to find a more comfortable position. This wasn't about his comfort, though, far from it. She stilled him by rubbing small circles on his ass with the palm of her hand.

  "As many as you see fit, Mistress."

  The answer was on par for the situation, but hardly what she needed. The coolness of his skin everywhere it touched hers was an all too clear reminder that he was a vampire, and she was still trying to figure out his pain tolerance. She would have to play this one by ear.

  She dealt the first blow without warning and Ray practically jumped—more in surprise than pain, she was sure. She rubbed his skin for a few seconds. She knew full well she didn't need to prepare him by gradually increasing speed and strength, but she found herself wanting to do it anyway.

  The next time, she hit him twice on the same cheek, then twice on the other before resuming her petting. Ray's entire body was incredibly tense against hers as he braced himself for the next blow. She waited until she could feel him relaxing ever so slightly, and again her hand fell on his ass, a little harder, this time, and for a few more blows before she stopped. She doubted she was anywhere near the point of inflicting real pain on him, but she wasn't in any rush. They would get there, all in due time.

  She started again, keeping the number of slaps on each ass cheek random so he could never know where the next one would come. She noticed he was starting to shift into the blows, and clucked her tongue in reproach

  "Quit trying to rub your cock against my leg,” she said, using her sweetest voice and hitting him just a little harder. “Or I swear you won't come today."

  He stilled instantly so that his only movements now were those created by the momentum of her hand. For the next few minutes, the only sounds in the room were that of her hand smacking his flesh and, eventually, his quiet moans. His ass turned a lovely pink shade, nowhere near as bright as a human would have been, but very pretty nonetheless. Grace's hand stung fiercely, and still she kept going a little longer. The chair beneath her was growing wet with her arousal. Her nipples, hard and tight against the fabric of her blouse, begged to be touched.

  "Have you learned your lesson?” she asked, stopping to rest her hand on his ass. She was surprised by the throaty quality of her voice.

  "I have, Mistress,” he moaned. “Please..."

  She knew what he was pleading for; in truth, she wanted the same thing.

  "Stand up."

  He did as she had asked. He wobbled a little, wavering on his feet after being over her lap for so long. She rested a hand on his hip to steady him, her eyes detailing the hard cock just inches in front of her. The tip was shining with precome, and she wished she could have given it a lick—just a small lick, just to get a taste of him, nothing more. It would have done nothing more than confuse him, though, so she passed on that opportunity.

  "On the bed, now. Lie on your back."

  She watched him go, and took pride at the stiff way he walked and the twinges of mixed pain and pleasure reflected on his face when his ass pressed onto the satin sheets. She took her shirt off before going to him.

  "I would have let you touch me,” she said, the words as casual as though she had been talking about the weather. She climbed onto the bed and straddled his thighs, leaning forward so he could see she was grinning. “But I don't think you deserve to. Keep your hands over your head."

  His arms moved at once. He clasped his right hand over his left wrist high above his head. Grace hummed her approval. Reaching for his cock, she gave it a few slow tugs that had his hips arching off the bed and hissing in denied pleasure. She tightened her fingers at the base, and he stilled completely.

  "I don't need to say you are not to come before me, do I?"

  "No, Mistress, but I'm not sure—"

  He lost his voice when she raised herself onto her knees and slowly lowered her cunt onto his cock. “I know you won't disappoint me again."

  Grace herself had to fall quiet then or risk squeaking in the most embarrassing way. His thick cock stretched her in the best possible way and made her feel full before she had taken even half of him inside her. It had been much too long, she thought, closing her eyes for a brief moment when he was completely inside her. She remained still a few seconds more, simply enjoying the feel of him, then started raising herself onto her knees. She noticed Ray's eyes were shut tight and stopped her movement.

  "Look at me,” she demanded.

  Ray took in a deep breath before he obeyed. She was surprised to discover that his eyes seemed almost golden. She'd been told vampires looked as though they had flames dancing in their eyes when they fought; she had never seen it for herself until that instant. She wondered, briefly, if she should be worried, but it was difficult if not impossible to fear Ray when she was sitting astride his cock and commanding his every movement.

  "Don't move and keep your eyes on me."

  Holding his gaze, she started riding him. She rested her hands on his chest and rose up on her knees above him until just the tip of his cock remained inside her, then thrust herself down again, sometimes hard, sometimes slow, torturing him, and herself, by refusing to fall into a regular rhythm. Whenever she pressed down a little harder, pushing his ass into the mattress, pain would flash through his face and leave it shining with a little more pleasure. His eyes, while never leaving her, drifted every few seconds from her face to her breasts to the apex of her legs where her body met his, then back to her face. The longing in that look almost made her rethink her order that he not touch her, but she thought better of it. He hadn't earned that privilege yet.

  "Where would you touch me if you could?"

  The question brought his burning eyes back up and he looked at her with hope. “Your chest, Mistress.” He almost choked on the words.

  Grace nodded. “Good choice."

  He blinked furiously when she brought both her hands to skim over her breasts, her fingertips and palms teasing her hardened nipples. She could see how much he wanted to be the one caressing her, but he kept to his orders and remained as still beneath her as she could expect. Somehow, that realization was almost as pleasurable as the flashes of need shooting from her nipples as she pinched them lightly, or the feel of his cock, so hard, and she started riding him faster.

  As much as possible, she kept her eyes on his face, watching denied pleasure contort his features even as her own grew closer. He was only holding back because of her, because of a few words she had pronounced. She had only known him for a few days, had only played with him a handful of times, and already she held such power over him...

  It was that knowledge, ultimately, that pushed her over the edge of pleasure and pulled a wordless cry from her lips.

  She managed to keep her eyes open as her orgasm tore through her. She wanted to watch Ray come. Arms stretched out above him, his arched his back but kept his eyes on her as she had demanded. He was quite a sight, she thought, her mind buzzing with pleasure. Even nicer than when he wa
s fully submitting to her. She was beginning to hope she'd get more opportunities to see him like this.

  Lying down on top of his body, she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.

  "You were perfect,” she said warmly. “You can lower your arms. And you can touch me."

  She wasn't sure which part put the most gratitude in his voice: the praise or the permission to touch. “Thank you, Mistress."

  His arms came down to encircle her. For a short moment, he held her tightly against him, then loosened his embrace as though unsure it was allowed. She didn't say anything but sought his lips for a kiss. Slow but unrelenting, she ran her tongue against his until he responded and joined the dance, daring to follow her tongue back into her mouth, emboldened when she moaned her approval.

  His softened cock was still inside her, and she could feel it harden again as they continued kissing. She rolled onto her side, pulling Ray with her so that they lay side by side on the bed, arms around each other, still intimately joined. A light touch of her hand to his ass was all the encouragement he needed to start thrusting inside her, the movements as slow as the caresses of his tongue.

  Just a moment ago, all Grace had had in mind was to reach orgasm, as hard and fast as she could. Now, however, minute movements and gentleness were perfect, leaving her body to hum in contentment wherever Ray touched her. The wave built back in her slowly but steadily, urged on by a deep kiss, caresses as tender as they were reverent, and the unhurried pace of his cock sliding inside her and out. When her body shook, giving in to pleasure, Ray held her just a little closer, trembling but still tense against her and fighting his own release. She pulled away from his mouth to whisper one word—"Come"—and covered his lips again, taking in his quiet moan as though it had been the finest wine.

  She let herself lie in his arms a little longer, enjoying the feel of another body along hers. It was the numbness spreading through the arm trapped beneath him that finally forced her to roll away and onto her back. In spite of herself, she felt a silly grin rise to her lips.


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