Blue Balls

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Blue Balls Page 8

by RC Boldt

  So fucking ready for me.

  Adding another finger, I thrust in and out of her, and her hands grasp my shoulders. She moans into my mouth, warring with my tongue. Breaking the kiss, I take in the sight of her standing before me, flushed with arousal, eyes heavy-lidded, and nipples beautifully hardened peaks.

  I catch sight of her suddenly trying to stifle a yawn. “Am I putting you to sleep, Sunshine?”

  A sheepish look crosses her face. “Sorry. It’s been a long day.”

  Walking her back until her knees hit the mattress, my gaze locks with hers. “Let’s see if this wakes you up.”

  Gripping her waist, I set her on the bed, guiding her to lie back as I spread her legs while I stand at the edge of the bed. Gazing down at her, I have to adjust myself slightly, the head of my cock now jutting up past the waistband of my briefs.

  Lowering myself, I trace the seam of her entrance with my tongue while my hands grip her upper thighs, feeling her muscles tense. When she breathes my name softly, it spurs me on. Fastening my mouth over her, I taste her thoroughly, fucking her with my tongue.

  Her hands fly to my head, fingers threading through my short hair as her body writhes, giving in to primal urges as she works herself against my mouth. Releasing my hold on one of her thighs, I move a hand to her clit and press my thumb to it. I apply just enough pressure, moving in circles, until her body tightens and her muscles become rigid. I can feel the tiny jolts of her inner muscles around my tongue, knowing she’s fast approaching an orgasm.

  I quicken my tongue thrusts, continuing to work her clit with my thumb, and then it happens. Her body jerks just before she floods me with the taste of her release, muscles clenching and releasing, her grip on my hair borderline painful.

  But it’s worth it.

  Once the shudders subside and her body falls lax, I trail kisses up along her smooth stomach, past the center of her chest and up to her lips.

  “Beautiful,” I murmur against her mouth.

  Her eyes are still closed, a languid, satisfied smile playing at her lips. “Mmm, I might have to keep you around.”

  You can keep me around for more than just that, Sunshine.

  As my lips part to respond, I notice the evenness of her breathing, and it gives me pause.

  “You really just fell asleep on me, didn’t you?” I’m not sure why I’m voicing this question when I already know the answer. Guess I’m a bit stunned.

  This is a new one. Certainly can’t say that I’ve ever put a woman to sleep via oral sex before.

  The corners of my lips tip up. “Guess there’s a first time for everything, huh, Sunshine?” Backing away, I carefully pull down the covers and shift her fully beneath them. Tucking her in, I press a soft kiss to her lips. “Sweet dreams.”

  Quietly, I lock up behind me as I exit her apartment, huffing out a small laugh.

  Guess I’ll be the only one with a case of blue balls tonight.



  “You did not!” Clint stops abruptly, nearly causing a pileup on the sidewalk. Some give us dirty looks while others glance at us in question.

  We met at the little family-owned Italian joint downtown to get some gelato and decided to walk around and window shop while we partake in our treat.

  He holds up a palm. “Girl, no. Just no.”

  Throwing up my hands, my tone is full of exasperation. “I didn’t plan for it to happen, for God’s sake. I was exhausted.”

  He fixes me with a stare. “You fell asleep on the man.” With a pause for added emphasis, he arches an eyebrow. “After he provided such excellent fellatio, nonetheless.”

  “It’s not like I meant to fall asleep after he went to town on my vagina.”

  A loud gasp draws our attention.

  My head turns in the direction of the gasp, and instant mortification hits me. “Shit! Oh, holy sh- Sorry!” I cringe as I stumble over my words. Because I’m face to face with a nun.

  A freaking nun.

  Crap. I’m going to hell for combining the words freaking and nun, aren’t I?

  “Sorry, uh…” I wave a hand nervously and end up doing some sort of awkward bow. “Sister.”

  She frowns hard as if God himself is communicating with her and determining my fate as a sinner on Earth.

  Also, I just bowed to a nun. As if she were royalty. Could the sidewalk open and swallow me? Please?

  Clint, of course, is doubled over, snort-laughing, and his cup of gelato slips, tipping slightly, sending drops of the rich chocolate dripping onto the paved sidewalk.

  The nun dismisses me with a disgusted huff and a glare before striding away from us as if the devil is at her heels.

  “You…just…bowed”—Clint’s words are choppy, spoken through near wheezing laughter—“to a nun.” He swipes at his cheeks, which are now glistening with tears.

  “I panicked!” I run a hand through my hair, agitation running through me. “I didn’t know what to do!”

  “And your go-to was to bow?” Clint stares at me incredulously. “Who does that? She’s a nun, not the Queen of England, Matthews.”

  I wave him off. “Eat your gelato before it melts.” We resume walking, but Clint continues to chuckle softly.

  Pausing intermittently to browse at a few shop windows, we finish our dessert and toss our trash in a nearby bin.

  “Are you planning to see Jack tonight?”

  “No. I’m meeting Maggie for dinner.” We wait for the crosswalk light to indicate we have the right of way. Once it lights up, we cross over South Broadway and head down Phila Street toward my apartment building.

  “You and Jack are even now.”

  My eyes dart over to him. “What do you mean we’re even?”

  He shrugs. “He fell asleep on you, and now you’ve fallen asleep on him.” Another shrug. “Even.”

  I consider it a moment. “Mmm, but I only fell asleep on him once. He fell asleep on me and bit and spanked me.”

  “Surely, you can forgive the man. Especially after he went to town and got the VIP tour of your cave of wonders.”

  I stare at him. “Cave of wonders?”

  He laughs, nudging my shoulder with his. “Would you prefer I say he got a first-class ticket to fly through your love tunnel?”

  “Clint,” I warn dangerously. Which does absolutely nothing, of course.

  “You should try to make it up to him,” he offers suddenly. “Because any guy who sent you on your way to ‘O’ town without receiving so much as a thank you in return deserves to have some reciprocation.”

  He’s right. I really do feel bad about falling asleep on Jack.

  I just need to decide the best way to make it up to him.

  * * *

  “Thanks for the dinner date.” I smile at my best friend.

  Maggie had asked me if I’d wanted to have a girls’ dinner night. Of course, I jumped all over her offer because I love to hang out with her one on one, and I also love sushi.

  It’s a win-win in my book.

  “I don’t know how you eat that super spicy stuff.” Maggie points her chopsticks in the direction of my spicy tuna roll topped with a spicy sauce I’m currently adding wasabi to. “I’d want to claw at my own tongue because it burned so badly.”

  I shrug. “I love this stuff.”

  “So”—she sets her chopsticks aside to take a sip of water—“you’re planning to make the whole falling asleep after oral thing up to Jack?” I nod. “How exactly are you going to do that?”

  “Well”—I tip my head to the side in thought—“I thought I’d show up at his place or at his office—whichever he happens to be at after we finish up here.” I lean in closer, lowering my voice. “And then, I plan to really make up for the other night.”

  Maggie smiles. “You know, Jack’s a good guy. He probably doesn’t care about any of that. He simply likes you.”

  The way she’s looking at me is unsettling. This is her motherly look, the one where she knows so
mething I don’t. And that makes me nervous.

  Averting my eyes, I eat my last bit of sushi. “He can like me all he wants. Doesn’t mean anything’s going to happen.”

  “Mmmhmm,” my best friend responds noncommittally. Which means one thing.

  She thinks I’m full of shit.

  * * *

  Me: Paging Mr. Blue Balls…

  Jack: I think you have the wrong number.

  Me: Where are you?

  Jack: Why? Are you bringing me food?

  Me: Do you want me to bring food?

  Jack: Ah, Sunshine, you should know by now the only food I want from you is…well, you.

  Me: Are you trying to sext me, Westbrook?

  Jack: Is it working? Because I’ve never sexted in my life.

  His response gives me pause. He’s never sexted before? Something akin to pride runs through me at the knowledge that I’m his first sexting recipient.

  Me: I can show up with that version of “food” if you like? Are you home or at the office?

  Jack: Still at the office, finishing up some things.

  Me: I can be there in about ten minutes.

  Jack: The special code is to knock three times, rapid staccato, and call out, “Housekeeping!”

  Me: Ha-ha. See you soon.

  Jack: Looking forward to it, Sunshine.

  * * *

  Ten minutes later, I knock on Jack’s office door before turning the handle.

  Poking my head in, I school my expression to be one of extreme seriousness. “I’m looking for a hot guy in a suit who goes by the last name of Westbrook. Know where I might find him?”

  His soft rumble of laughter floods my senses as his dark blue eyes meet mine, the slight upward curve of his lips displaying his pleasure at seeing me. “I might know where you could find him. Why don’t you come a little closer?”

  With a laugh, I shake my head before shutting and locking the door behind me. “Don’t you sound like the big bad wolf now?”

  He slides his rolling desk chair back to stand, his eyes flicking over me in a smooth caress before his voice drops to something low and husky. “You look beautiful.”

  Closing the distance between us, I stop once I’m a foot away, gazing up at him. “You, smooth talker, you. You’re just saying that because I have this.” I hold up the bag of sushi I brought for him before setting it off to the side of his desk.

  His eyes flicker with something I can’t decipher. “Thank you.” Then he does something that sends shivers scattering down my spine. He cups my face in his hands, eyes studying me reverently as if I’m a precious artifact he’s grateful to hold. “Even if you hadn’t brought me food, I still would’ve said that.” He pauses, his gaze searching. “Because it’s the truth, Sunshine.”

  His lips press to mine in a kiss vastly different from our previous kisses. This one feels like it has more emotion behind it, so ripe with affection, caring, and …

  No. No. We are not going there.

  With a desperate need to change the mood, to shift the path he’s attempting to set us on, I skim my hands down the hard wall of his chest, one palm sweeping over his cock and the other sliding around to cup his ass.

  He breaks the kiss, though his lips still brush against mine as he speaks. “Someone’s certainly not beating around the bush.”

  I smile against his lips, walking him back to his desk chair while my hands make quick work of his belt. Shoving his pants and boxer briefs down over his hips, I guide him to sit down in his chair.

  With a smug grin playing at my lips, I kneel before him, grasping his cock in my hand, and stroke him slowly. His eyes grow heavy-lidded with arousal, and his cock hardens further in my grasp. Slowly, I slide my mouth down, taking him as deep as I can possibly go, and begin to work his length using my lips and tongue to create a light suction. When his fingers tighten their hold on my hair, I know I’m on the right track.

  His hips begin shifting slightly as if a part of him is trying to urge me on, to take him deeper, yet he still maintains some restraint so as not to gag me, and I know he’s getting close.

  I speed up my motions, my saliva coating his hard shaft, and have a steady rhythm in place when he suddenly jerks away, causing me to stumble.

  “Holy shit!” He peers down, gripping his cock, as his face distorts in extreme discomfort.

  Panic rushes through me. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “It burns!” He jumps up from the chair, nearly toppling over since his underwear and suit pants are at his ankles. Managing to right himself, he disappears into the small bathroom in the far left corner of his office. I hear a frantic swooshing of water until finally, he returns after a few minutes, having now refastened his pants.

  “Sunshine…” I’m relieved to see he appears slightly amused. “Did you eat something spicy earlier?”

  “N—” I literally feel all the blood drain from my face.

  Oh shit. Ohshitohshitohshit!

  Cringing, I cover my eyes with my hands. “A spicy tuna roll with spicy sauce and extra wasabi.” My tone is faint, flat, and dejected.

  Because let’s be real here. In my efforts to make up for falling asleep on him, I’d single-handedly attempted to singe his freaking penis.

  With. My. Mouth.

  I mean, really. Who does that?! Or even better, who does that happen to?

  No one. Except me, of course.



  “Well”—my lips curl up into a small smile—“that was definitely…hot.” I’m attempting to put Sarah at ease because it’s obvious she’s mortified at what just happened.

  Dropping her hands from her eyes, she exhales a long breath, blue eyes apologetic. Her lips twist into a weak smile. “That’s one way of putting it.”

  “One might even say it got a little heated.”

  With a sound of dismay, she shoves at me playfully. “I think you’ve driven that point home, Jack.”

  “What do you say we head out?” I pull on my suit jacket and grab the bag of takeout along with my keys. With a soft smile, I tip my head. “I could use a shower to get rid of the lingering spiciness.” I raise my eyebrows in jest on that last part, and it causes a deep flush to spread across her cheeks.

  “The least I can do is bring you back to my place. You can shower there, and we can watch a movie.” She offers this with a hopeful expression, the depths of her blue eyes nearly entrancing me.

  “Can we watch The Princess Bride?”

  She lets out a tiny laugh. “As you wish.”

  * * *

  “She’s trying her hand at dating.”

  The ball whizzes past my cheek, nearly sideswiping me, I’m so caught off guard with Ry’s admission. It bounces wildly off the walls of the enclosed gym court.

  “What the hell?” I glare at him.

  “What?” He flashes me an exasperated look, getting ready to serve again. “You’re the one who didn’t swing at it.”

  As if I can concentrate on our racquetball game now when the idea of Sarah dating is fresh in my mind.

  Returning his serve with a grunt, I ask, “What do you mean she’s trying her hand at dating again?” The idea of Sarah seeking out other men is beyond troubling, and a panic sweeps over me.

  “Mags also told me Sarah’s been considering this app where you swipe in different directions on things you either love, hate, dislike, or like, and it matches you up with people who have similar tastes.”

  “Sounds ridiculous.”

  Ry bounces the ball a few times before tossing out casually, “Or useful. Because, really, if you hate shag carpeting and flannel shirts, how can someone truly get past that and fall in love?”

  Oh Jesus.

  Finally, he grins and bounces the ball a few more times. “Word has it she’s meeting a guy at The Tavern at around seven tonight after she finishes her shift.” Then he winks. “But you didn’t hear that from me.” Two more bounces of the ball. “Now are you going to get your head o
ut of your ass and into the game or what?”

  “Bring it on.”

  * * *

  “Jack? What are you doing here?”

  Sarah’s clearly caught off guard as I stop in front of the booth where she’s seated, waiting on the guy she’s meeting tonight.

  “Just happened to be around and thought I’d stop by for a drink. Saw you and had to say hi,” I explain cheerfully.

  “Hi.” She waves as her eyes quickly dart past me, checking to see if her date’s arrived.

  “Oh, Sunshine.” I pout dramatically. “You’re just going to discard me like that? Without a backward glance?”

  “Yes.” Her response is quick; the corners of her lips quirk up with the barest hint of humor. The sparkle in her eyes is proof that she loves our back and forth banter as much as I do.

  “Do you know what I think?”

  She lets out a dramatic sigh. “I’ve been on the edge of my seat wondering that.”

  Leaning down, I brace a hand on the table in front of her and revel in her sharp intake of breath at my closeness. “I think you wanted me to show up tonight.” Her lips part, but before she can respond, I move closer. “I think you hoped Ry would tell me you were meeting another guy because you wanted to see how I would react.”

  Moving my mouth to her ear, I speak softly. “To see if I’d show up here and tell you I want you to come home with me tonight. That I want you to be thinking about me and not some other guy. That I want you to think of the way my tongue and lips felt when I tasted your sweet pussy the other night.”

  Her breath hitches, and I push on. “I want you to think of the way it’ll feel when I sink my cock deep inside you.”

  Drawing away slowly, I take in the sight of her parted lips, eyes hazy with lust. With a wink, I straighten, and rap my knuckles softly on the table. “Have a nice night, Sunshine.”

  I head on over to the bar, sliding up on the worn leather seat, and order a beer. God knows I’m going to need a drink to help me get over the fact Sarah’s on a date tonight.


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