Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3)

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Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3) Page 17

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “No!” he screamed, searching for a pulse. He felt a flutter of a heartbeat beneath her jaw, and he turned her on her stomach, massaging her back to force out the water she had swallowed.

  Marcia and Gerald came running, and Marcia was sobbing as she knelt beside him. “Is she alive? Please God, let her be alright.”

  “I don’t know,” Liam moaned. “I can’t tell if she’s breathing.”

  As he said the words, Selena coughed up some water, but she remained unconscious.

  “Bring her to our wagon,” Marcia cried, hurrying to fetch their medical kit. “We’ve got to stop that bleeding.”

  Liam lifted Selena in his arms and ran to Marcia’s wagon. She placed a blanket on the ground, and he gently laid Selena on it, drawing another blanket over her. Marcia didn’t pause as she dug through the medical supplies. “Gerald, quickly set up Liam’s tent. We need some privacy to get her out of these wet clothes. Liam, give him the tent and fetch her something dry to wear.”

  Liam didn’t want to leave Selena, but he knew they had to get her dry before she caught a chill that would further sap her strength. He hadn’t given a thought to the wagon since he had jumped in the river to save Selena, but he was relieved that Gerald had grabbed the lead harness and led the oxen the rest of the way out. Liam gave Gerald the tent and snatched Selena’s suitcase before running back to her side.

  Liam knelt beside Selena, brushing her soaked hair back from her face. She was so still. He felt his heart tighten with dread, but he tamped down his fear and concentrated on trying to help. Marcia poured whiskey over the gash, and used a clean cloth to wipe off the blood. She placed another cloth over the wound and asked Liam to keep pressure on it to staunch the flow of blood.

  It seemed to take forever, but the bleeding finally stopped. By then, Marcia had a needle and a length of catgut ready, and she quickly and efficiently stitched up the jagged wound. Selena never stirred, and that scared Liam more than he cared to admit. He could feel a faint pulse and her breath was barely discernable on his hand. By the time Marcia was finished, Gerald had the tent erected, and Marcia went to make a dry pallet for Selena.

  Liam carried her inside and cradled her on his own lap as he stripped off her wet clothes. He laid her on the blanket and dressed her in a clean nightgown, then covered her with two more warm blankets.

  Marcia looked up at him, and her voice was gentle when she spoke. “Liam, you should go change into some dry clothes. I’ll stay here until you get back.”

  “Will she be alright?” he asked.

  Marcia could see the love and anguish in his face as he stared down at his wife. “I hope so, Liam. We’ll do everything we can. Now go.”

  Liam rushed to change clothes, and Gerald helped him unhitch the team. Liam returned to the tent, but Selena was still the same. He brushed her wet hair back, and her skin was cold beneath his hand. “She’s so cold,” he whispered.

  Marcia touched his arm as she rose. “Stay with her and try to keep her warm. I’m going to make some soup and I’ll bring some for her. Hopefully by then, she will wake up.”

  Liam lifted the blankets and lay down beside Selena, gathering her against his chest. He tucked the blankets close around them both, using his own body heat to warm her. His throat ached as he choked back tears. He didn’t know what he would do if she died. He squeezed his eyes shut against the thought.

  He held her like that for most of the afternoon and into the evening. Although she gradually warmed, she didn’t rouse, and his worry grew. When Marcia brought the soup, Liam couldn’t eat any of it, and she said she would keep it warm in case Selena woke up. Liam sat with her throughout the night, but still, there was no change. In the morning, he rushed to tend to the animals before returning to her side.

  “Can I come in?” Marcia called. Hearing his murmured reply, she entered with a cup of coffee and a plate of food. “I brought you some breakfast.” Seeing that he didn’t look interested in the food, she squeezed his shoulder. “Come on now, you have to eat. She’s depending on you.”

  Liam heaved a sigh. “Thank you,” he said, taking the plate. He choked down the food and washed it down with the coffee before handing the dishes back to her. “I’d give my right arm for a doctor right about now,” he muttered.

  “I know, but we have to hope for the best. I just know in my heart that she’ll come out of this. You have to believe that.”

  “I’m trying.” Liam’s voice sounded flat and defeated, but Marcia could find no other words to reassure him.

  “I’ll be back in a while,” she said softly before leaving them alone once more.

  Liam hung his head between his knees, running his hands through his hair. Why did this have to happen to her? If one of them had to be hurt, he wished it had been him. The faintest sound brought his head up with a jerk. He knelt to look closer and saw Selena’s eyelashes flutter. Liam’s heart leapt with joy, and he clasped her hand in his.

  “Wake up, my love. Wake up,” Liam whispered hoarsely.

  Selena’s lashes fluttered again, and he could just make out the tiny slits of her eyes. She moaned weakly and closed her eyes again, but his heart soared.

  “Wake up, Selena. I need you, sweetheart. Please wake up.”

  Selena moaned again, and her eyes opened slowly. She tried to focus, but everything looked blurry and indistinct. She blinked several times and moaned against the throbbing pain in her head.

  Liam squeezed her hand and gently stroked her brow. “Thank God. Can you hear me, Selena?”

  Liam’s face came into focus and Selena stared at him, her eyes full of confusion. She tried to speak, but her voice came out as a hoarse croak.

  “Let me get you some water, love.” Liam jumped up and ran to fetch a cup. He saw Marcia, and his smile was glorious. “She’s awake.”

  “Thank the Lord,” Marcia cried. “I’ll be right there.”

  Liam lifted Selena gently while holding the cup to her lips. She drank several sips and then pushed it away, wincing in pain.

  “What happened?” she whispered.

  “You fell in the river and hit your head. You scared the daylights out of me,” Liam said softly, still cradling her with his arm.

  “My head hurts,” she moaned. “I feel sick.” The last was spoken as a plea, as she weakly groped for help.

  Recognizing her need, Liam grabbed a basin and held it while she retched violently. There wasn’t much in her stomach, but she heaved until she was weak and trembling. Selena groaned in misery, humiliated and aching. Her brow was cold and clammy, and the throbbing pain on the side of her head was growing steadily worse.

  “My head hurts,” she whispered again.

  Marcia had come in, and she heard the last. “I’ll get her something for the pain.” She left again.

  “It’s alright, sweetheart. We’ll take care of you, just rest.” Liam pressed a kiss on her forehead and stroked her cheek as he cradled her.

  Marcia returned with a cup of hot water laced heavily with whiskey and honey. Liam held it to Selena’s lips. “Drink this. It will ease the pain. Come on. Drink it all,” he coaxed her.

  Selena drank it reluctantly. She absolutely hated whiskey, but Liam wouldn’t let her stop until the cup was drained, and she sighed with relief that it was finished. He laid her gently on the pallet, and she fell asleep almost at once.

  Selena slept throughout the day and into the evening. Liam kept a close watch on her, but he was reassured that her breathing was regular, and her heartbeat was strong and steady. His exhaustion finally got the better of him, and he fell asleep on a pallet beside her.

  Selena woke during the night, and she blinked as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. There was a glow of firelight coming from outside, and she could hear the usual night sounds of crickets and frogs. She could also hear deep, steady breathing, and she turned her head slowly to see Liam sleeping beside her. Her heart filled with joy. She loved him deeply and completely, and she knew in that moment that he loved her
too. She remembered falling in the river and seeing him dive in to save her. The look on his face had been one of pure terror. He definitely wasn’t anxious to get rid of her so that he could be with another woman.

  Selena smiled, watching him sleep. She wanted to touch him, but her limbs felt weighted down and her head was still throbbing painfully. She would rest for now, but soon, very soon, she would have to let him know what she felt in her heart.

  The next morning dawned, and Selena woke up to see the sky just beginning to turn pink. She rose on one elbow but moaned as the world seemed to spin around her.

  Liam woke up instantly. “What is it, Selena? Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine,” she mumbled. “I’m just dizzy.” She didn’t mention that the throbbing pain in her head was still there. At least, it felt less severe than the day before.

  “Lay down,” he said, gently pulling her back down onto the pallet.

  “I need to get up and start breakfast,” she moaned.

  Liam’s laughter was soft and warm as he rose and donned his breeches. “Not this morning, my love. Just rest.” He finished dressing and knelt to kiss her forehead, smiling down at her for a moment. “Relax, I’ll be back soon.”

  Selena watched him leave the tent, and she could hear him moving around as he built a fire and put the coffee on to boil. He brought her some of the soup Marcia had made, and Selena assured him that she could eat it without his help. Liam left her once again to take care of the animals and then went to speak with Gerald and Marcia. The other families had gone on the day before, and they couldn’t afford to linger.

  “We’d better get moving again today. We’re getting left behind” Liam said. He frowned with concern as he thought about Selena. There was no way she would be able to sit up all day. “I’m going to make a pallet in the wagon, but I’ll need to rearrange a few things to make room.”

  Gerald offered to help, and within a short period of time, everything was prepared.

  Liam entered the tent and stopped in his tracks. Selena was looking up at him with love, not anger, and he dared to hope that maybe she believed in him. He smiled as he knelt on his haunches beside her.

  “Good morning, my love,” Liam whispered.

  “Good morning.” Selena’s eyes glowed as she returned his smile. His endearment warmed her heart.

  “Much as I would prefer to stay and let you rest, we have to get moving today. Would you allow me to help you get dressed?” He stroked her hair back from her brow as he waited for her reply.

  Selena was tempted to tell him that she wanted his help getting undressed, but she decided that such an occasion would have to wait until she was feeling better. “Yes, please.”

  Liam retrieved her suitcase while Selena unbuttoned her nightgown. When he had a fresh chemise, pantalets and the pink gown lain out, he assisted Selena to sit up. She clutched at his arm as her head swam with dizziness. She took several deep breaths to fight off the nausea that washed over her. When the sensations passed, she loosened her grip.

  “Better?” Liam asked gently.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Alright. Let’s do this.”

  Selena reached to push her nightgown off her shoulders, letting it pool around her waist. Liam viewed her naked form without any lust. He was too concerned for her welfare to feel aroused, and his touch was infinitely gentle as he helped her don her chemise. With one arm around her waist, he lifted her and whisked her nightgown over her hips. Again, Selena clung to him, as another wave of dizziness swept over her.

  “It’s alright, sweetheart. Take your time,” he soothed.

  His rich, deep voice sounded divine to Selena, and she rubbed her cheek against his shoulder as she clung to him. His clean, masculine scent filled her nostrils and she took several more steadying breaths. The wave of nausea finally passed, and Liam slipped her pantalets over her legs. Once again, he lifted her, and they managed to get them over her hips.

  Liam sat down, straddling her hips from behind and let her lean back against his chest. With strong arms wrapped around her, he deftly tied the pantalets around her waist. When his fingers began nimbly working on the buttons of her chemise, he was surprised to hear a tiny giggle, and he peered askance at Selena.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked with a grin.

  “I was just thinking that, as your wife, perhaps I should be suspicious of the fact that you seem to be so comfortable with ladies undergarments.”

  Liam’s grin faded as he replied. “I think we have had more than enough suspicion cast between us, Selena. I hope and pray that it will soon be gone for good.”

  The vulnerability in his hazel eyes was too much to bear, and although it caused her discomfort, Selena managed to turn slightly to face him. She cupped his cheek in her palm and gave him a tender smile.

  “I believe in you, Liam. I have no further doubts.”

  Liam’s heart was thudding heavily in his chest as he searched her eyes, seeing only honest commitment in their violet depths. Ever so gently, he bent to kiss her upturned lips. Their mouths blended and searched, each finding what they sought. When Liam ended the kiss, he smiled down at her. After several moments, he released a reluctant sigh and resumed buttoning her chemise.

  “We’d better finish getting you dressed. The others will be waiting for us.”

  They didn’t bother with shoes or stockings. Liam lifted her into his arms and Selena clutched her arms around his neck, waiting for the dizziness to subside once again. He carried her to their wagon and laid her on a small pallet he had prepared just behind the bench. When he was assured that she was comfortable, he quickly packed up the tent and other bedding, and they got underway.

  That day seemed to be the longest of Selena’s life. The bumping and rocking of the wagon caused her head to pound and her stomach to roil in protest. The wheels seemed to find every tiny rut and hole, and Selena clenched her teeth against the jarring pains. She didn’t complain though, for she knew that they had no choice but to keep moving.

  The only comfort she could take was in watching Liam. Her position gave her the perfect vantage point from which she could observe her husband. He had placed her just behind him, and as he drove the wagon, he often reached to squeeze her hand or stroke her arm. Selena lay on her pallet and watched the fascinating play of muscle and sinew in Liam’s arms and back as he handled the reins. She liked the way his hair curled slightly at the nape of his neck, and his broad shoulders and strong arms were beautifully sculpted. Her smile was full of feminine smugness, as she thought that no other wife had such a magnificent husband to call her own.

  The only other relief Selena found was when she slept, and she dozed often. Liam watched her, worry etched on his forehead as he noted the frown lines on her face that never disappeared even in sleep. He knew that she must be in pain, and he felt helpless that he couldn’t offer her more comfort.

  Despite their delayed start, they covered seventeen miles that day, and they camped in a lovely clearing that evening. Once again, Liam carried her to their tent and assisted her to undress for bed. He was considerate and tender as he fussed over her, and Selena did her best to reassure him. She knew that he had his hands full trying to do his own chores and hers as well. Marcia and Gerald did much to help, but Selena fretted at her own inability to assist them. She felt weak and tired, and despite her best efforts to wait up for Liam, she was soon fast asleep.

  Liam’s mind was busy as he finished washing the dishes from supper. He was plagued by worry. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t hear Natasha approaching from behind him.

  “Liam?” she said softly.

  At the sound of her voice, he whirled to face her. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I just thought I would see if there was something I could do to help,” she said with a smile. “Since Selena isn’t able to do anything, I know you must be exhausted.”

  Liam raised a disbelieving brow. “Since when do you want to do some work? I never see you
helping your mother to ease her load.”

  “Susan helps her,” Natasha said with a careless shrug. “They don’t really need my help. I would just be in their way.”

  “Well, I don’t need your help either. I told you to stay away from me, remember?” Liam turned his back to her and continued with washing the dishes.

  Natasha was undeterred, and she sauntered closer to lay a hand on his shoulder. “Liam, please don’t be angry with me. I really couldn’t help myself the other night. Can’t you understand? I love you.”

  Liam shook off her hand as he glared down at her. He took a deep breath to calm his rising temper.

  “Natasha, I don’t know what foolish notions you have in your head, but I am a married man. Selena is my wife, and I have no intention of straying with you or any other woman, so just forget it.” He took another deep breath, reminding himself that she was very young. “Now go on back to your family before I change my mind and decide to tell Gerald about what you did.”

  Natasha’s laugh made it clear that his threat had not had the desired effect. “Oh Liam, don’t be absurd. Do you honestly think that Daddy would believe you? He thinks I’m as pure as the driven snow. He would surely believe that it was you, an older and much more experienced man, who seduced me.”

  Liam’s eyes narrowed as he frowned at her. “You’re even worse than I thought,” he said, shaking his head in amazement. “You’re positively evil.”

  Natasha gave a pretty pout and reached out to stroke his arm. “Now Liam, don’t be nasty. I’m not evil, I’m only determined. I knew from the first day I met you that you were the man for me. I could be a real wife to you. I’ve seen the way Selena turns you away, but I wouldn’t be that way.” She gave him a sultry smile as she leaned against him, letting her breasts brush his arm. “I could give you everything you want.”


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