Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3)

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Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3) Page 23

by Lynn Coppersmith

  Selena’s desire flared even hotter than before until she thought the heat might consume her from the inside out. Every nerve was focused on the area of their joining, and she could think of nothing but his thrusts, waiting breathlessly for each mind-numbingly slow stroke. His rough breeches abraded her sore buttocks and thighs, making her quiver and gasp.

  After an eternity, Liam bent low over her back to seize her breasts. His clever fingers sent shards of pleasure straight to her loins as he fondled the heavy globes. He roughly twisted her sore nipples, still tender from his earlier punishment. He ruthlessly rolled them between his fingers until they were once again throbbing, aching buds. Selena moaned with delight, arching her back and wordlessly begging for more.

  “Promise you won’t ever do anything so foolish again,” Liam growled in her ear.

  He continued to torment her nipples and thrust deep within her as he waited for her to answer. His voice was so low and savage that she barely recognized it as his. Selena couldn’t think clearly enough to process his words much less summon enough breath to respond.

  “Promise!” he demanded with an even sharper tweak, a deeper thrust.

  “I promise!” she gasped. “I promise anything, just please…please hurry!”

  Selena’s surrender soothed a bit more of Liam’s fury, and he consented to speed up his pace. She could feel his hot ragged breath as he branded her neck with fiery kisses and nipped her shoulder with his teeth. His body seemed to surround hers as he thrust within her . . . harder, faster, deeper. Each stroke was punctuated by a chastising tweak on her breasts, and Selena could barely cope with the maelstrom of sensations he evoked in her. This was no gentle lovemaking. It was possession, clear and simple.

  He demanded; she yielded. He ravished; she acquiesced. He conquered; she surrendered without reservation. With greedy hunger, Liam consumed her, and Selena’s body lovingly submitted to satisfy his craving. After an eternity, their coupling finally culminated. Selena buried her face in the blankets to muffle her screams, and Liam’s fingers dug into her hips to hold her immobile, shuddering violently as he found release. He released his seed in hot, pulsing waves deep within the recesses of her body. Spasms of pleasure wracked her so intensely that Selena struggled to draw air into her lungs.

  Liam remained embedded inside her, panting heavily as he stroked the dewy sweat from her back and buttocks. When the waves of their mutual fulfillment finally subsided, Liam held Selena motionless and delayed withdrawing from her for what seemed like an eon, long enough for her to know that he would release her only when it suited him.

  He finally withdrew, gratified to see their combined fluids sliding down her inner thighs. Liam stood up without a word. Helping her to her feet, his eyes locked with hers before dropping to survey her nudity. The look he gave her as he fastened his breeches promised further retribution.

  “The night is young, Selena.”

  The growling timbre of his voice sent another shiver of desire tickling through her belly and loins causing her to shudder lightly, and his eyes flared in response. He pulled her, unresisting, into his embrace. She was still so warm and willing. Damn if he wasn’t tempted to take her again then and there. He rolled one pouting abused nipple between his thumb and fingers before giving it a harsh tweak. He met her eye and raised a mocking brow when she moaned with pleasure. He claimed her lips in a demanding kiss, and she submitted willingly to his thorough exploration of her mouth as he continued to torment her breast. When he finally raised his head, his eyes glowed with possessive heat.

  “Just remember, you’re still not off the hook. You’re going to spend the rest of the night convincing me that you’ve learned your lesson, so don’t plan on getting any sleep.”

  With one sharp slap on her bottom, Liam released her and stalked out of the tent. Selena waited until he was gone before she collapsed onto the pallet and allowed a smug feminine smile to emerge. She stretched sensuously on the blanket, feeling both completely sated and hungry for more. Her body ached and tingled, the evidence of Liam’s harsh punishment especially apparent on her burning bottom and tortured, throbbing nipples. She had finally breached the final barrier between them. Liam had intended to teach her a lesson, but he had given her more pleasure than ever before. Selena’s grin widened. For the first time in her life, she was eagerly anticipating receiving the rest of her punishment.

  Chapter Ten

  They reached Independence Rock on the second of July. The low granite structure resembled a huge hulking turtle and covered several acres of prairie. Since there was abundant grass and clean water, they decided to camp there for a couple of days to rest and celebrate the holiday. It was a popular stop for emigrants, and there were dozens of other families camped nearby.

  “Folks are happy to get here before the fourth of July,” Liam explained. “It means they are on schedule and can make it across the mountains before the first heavy snowfalls. Falling behind could mean being stranded in the mountains without food or shelter.”

  “So we’re doing well,” Selena smiled, hugging his arm.

  “Yeah,” Liam grinned, “I guess bringing you along wasn’t such a bad idea after all.” He yelped as she hit him, but he was laughing. “Come on. Let’s take a look around.”

  They walked around the base of the rock, and Liam pointed out where countless emigrants and fur traders had carved their names into the granite. There were thousands of names, and Selena laughed at some of the inscriptions.

  “I love L.M.,” she quoted, raising a suspicious eyebrow at Liam. “Was that carved by some love-sick maiden you met on your earlier crossing?” she asked.

  “I’ll never tell, sweetheart,” Liam laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist. “But if it makes you feel any better, you can carve your initials just below it, canceling out any earlier claims to my affections.”

  They enjoyed two lovely days at Independence Rock. Pies were baked and fiddles were brought out. There was much singing, dancing, and revelry. As they sat around the campfires listening to stories, Selena was struck by the hearty spirit of the emigrants, and she felt proud to be one of them. She reached over and clasped Liam’s hand, and when he looked at her and smiled, everything was right in her world.

  Their break from the endless traveling was short lived, and by the fifth of July, they were back on the trail. They covered increasingly rough terrain, and the oxen and the wagons took a beating. Sometimes the wagon ruts were several feet deep where emigrants had passed before them, and the bumps became bone jarring. They reached another wide river and decided to camp for a couple of days to rest the animals and overhaul the wagons. Their campsite was idyllic, but the heat and the mosquitoes kept it from being totally enjoyable.

  Liam crawled beneath the wagon and inspected the axles and undercarriage. He greased the wheels and replaced some minor parts that were showing signs of wear. It was hot, difficult work, and he removed his shirt as sweat trickled over his back and chest. This only served as an invitation for the pesky mosquitoes, and Selena couldn’t help but smile when she heard him mumbling curses as he swatted the bloodthirsty insects.

  Recognizing Liam’s sour mood, Selena wisely gave him a wide berth, and she took the opportunity to launder all their blankets and clothes. She spread everything out to dry in the sun and warm breezes. There were sparse trees lining the river banks, and she set out with the hatchet to collect firewood. She made several trips, stacking the wood in the back of the wagon for future use.

  Selena had started cooking a pot of beans that morning and was about to make some cornbread to go with them when she heard the sound of another wagon approaching. She turned to face the approaching vehicle, shading her eyes against the sun as she squinted to get a better look. As the wagon neared and she saw the driver, she let out a squeal of delight and ran to greet him.

  “Hank! Oh Hank!”

  Lying on his back beneath the wagon, Liam craned his neck around and could see Selena’s running feet. He heard the excitem
ent in her voice, and he scowled in fierce jealousy when he heard the man’s laughing reply. Liam could only see the man’s boots as he jumped down from the wagon. Liam surmised from the swirl of Selena’s skirts that she had thrown herself into the stranger’s arms. Liam growled as he scrambled out from under the wagon and stalked toward them.

  “Hank, it’s so good to see you,” Selena laughed, giving the old man an exuberant hug. “I had begun to think I would never see you again.”

  Hank laughed with pleasure. “Well, I’ve been keeping my eye out for you, little lady.” He gave her a wink as he held her at arm’s length and subjected her to a thorough inspection. His smile grew even broader. “It sure looks like you’ve been taking my advice, ‘cause you look even prettier than the last time I saw you.”

  “And what advice have you been giving my wife?” Liam demanded, approaching with furious strides.

  Hank spun around to face Liam as he came up behind him. Hank’s expression registered surprise and then he turned back to Selena with a grin. “So this is your young man?”

  “Yes,” Selena laughed, hurrying to put her arm around Liam’s waist. “Hank Roberts, I’d like you to meet my husband, Liam McKenzie. Liam, this is Hank.”

  As she made the introductions, Liam’s face turned a deep shade of red. Hank looked at least seventy five years old, and his face was weathered and wrinkled. He was missing some of his teeth, and when he grinned, there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. All in all, he had a thoroughly grizzled appearance, and it was instantly clear that Liam had misinterpreted the man’s relationship with Selena.

  “Nice to meet you, sonny,” said Hank as he thrust out his hand and gave Liam a wink. “Did I make you jealous there, hugging your missus?”

  Liam shook his hand with a sheepish grin and his face turned even brighter. “Yes sir, I guess you did.” Liam squeezed Selena to him and gave her a reproving look. “It kind of took me by surprise when I saw her throwing herself at another man.”

  Hank hooted with laughter. “Well, I can’t say I blame you. If I was forty years younger and married to a pretty young thing like Selena, I’d be a jealous husband too.”

  Selena squeezed Liam’s waist and looked up at him with adoring eyes. “He has absolutely no reason to be jealous, Hank. Liam knows that I couldn’t possibly even think about another man.”

  Hank nodded his approval. His traveling companions were standing behind him, and he motioned them forward as he smiled at Selena again. “This is my son that I told you about. This is Matthew and his wife Cassie.” Hank waited as greetings were exchanged before continuing the introductions. “And these handsome devils are my two grandsons, Adam and Peter.” Hank indicated two young men who were mounted on horseback.

  After the initial pleasantries, it was quickly decided that Hank and his family would make camp nearby and join their little traveling group. Only Selena was aware of Liam’s residual irritation. Seeing his dark expression, Selena found a private moment with her husband and rubbed her hands along his arm as she smiled up at him.

  “What’s the matter, Liam?”

  “Nothing,” he muttered, turning away from her probing gaze.

  Selena pulled at his arm until he faced her, and the corners of her mouth quivered from suppressing a grin. “You’re not still jealous about Hank are you?” she asked with a sweetly innocent expression.

  Liam placed his hands on his hips and frowned down at her. “You could have mentioned the fact that Hank was old enough to be your grandfather,” he pointed out. “I’m sure you knew even on board the ship that I was jealous of him.”

  Selena assumed a contrite look but there was still a twinkle in her eye. “Well, at the time, I thought it was fitting justice since I was eaten up with jealousy over Natasha.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and waited until his gaze met hers. “But that’s all behind me now. I know I have your love, and you know you have mine. There’s nothing for you to be jealous about.”

  Liam consented to put his arms around her, but his lips remained petulant. “What kind of advice did you need from Hank, anyway? I’m not sure I like other men giving advice to my wife.”

  Selena gave a delighted laugh. “If you’ll remember, the day I met Hank was the day after you and I had had a huge fight because I wouldn’t make love with you. I barely slept a wink that night, and the morning I met him, Hank was observant enough to notice. I confided that I was newly married and that we’d had an argument.” Selena traced Liam’s lips with her finger and smiled into his eyes. “His advice for a happy marriage was never to go to sleep angry.”

  “Hmmm,” Liam said thoughtfully. “And how did he suggest that you avoid it?”

  Selena gave a coquettish shrug, running her hands over his bare chest. “He didn’t elaborate, but I took it to mean that I should do whatever was required to make my husband happy at bedtime.”

  “Hmmm,” Liam grinned, warming to their topic. “Perhaps I should make it a habit to fight with you more often so that you’ll have to do whatever I say at bedtime.”

  Selena stretched up to kiss him, heedless of any who might be watching. Her lips melded with his and she ended the kiss on a dreamy sigh.

  “Let’s just skip the fighting and go straight to the making sure you are happy part.”

  After dinner that night, Hank pulled out a fiddle, and he entertained them all with lively music. Adam and Peter took turns dancing with Natasha, Susan, Marcia, Cassie and Selena, and everyone’s mood was light and happy. Selena’s cheeks took on a rosy glow and her hair escaped in tiny wisps as she danced to a lively jig. Lying on the grass, Liam leaned on an elbow and watched her, but he no longer brooded with jealousy. He simply enjoyed the sight of his young wife, her face wrought with enthusiasm and joy. Still, when Hank began to play a slow tune, Liam rose and claimed Selena for the dance. He didn’t want any other man holding her in his arms. As they danced in the glow of firelight, their eyes met and held, and Selena’s pulse quickened. When they headed for their tent, hand in hand, Hank grinned and launched into another love song.

  They resumed their journey, and within a week, they were approaching the Continental Divide. They climbed ever higher into the mountains, and although it was mid July, there was snow up to six feet deep in places. They collected buckets full of it, happy to have clean water to drink and bathe in. Selena giggled as she dropped a handful down the back of Liam’s shirt, but he caught her around the waist when she would have scampered away.

  “Still up to your sneaky tricks,” he growled with a smile. “We’ll just see how you like it.”

  Liam held her while he scooped up a handful of snow, but when he would have shoved it down her bodice, Selena pleaded for mercy with so much giggling charm that he had to relent. After all, there were other, more pleasurable ways he could think of to chastise her.

  “I’ll make you pay for that tonight,” he threatened, nuzzling beneath her ear.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she smiled. “Do you promise?”

  Their travel slowed considerably as they struggled up one mountain after another. In the distance ahead of and behind them, they could see other covered wagons picking their way along the rocky trail. Even though Selena had gotten used to the hard bench, she winced and rubbed her bottom as they bounced over the jagged rocks. Noticing her discomfort, Liam gave her a lecherous look.

  “Would you like me to rub some liniment on that tonight?”

  Selena rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. “No doubt you would use the opportunity to take advantage of my person,” she quipped pertly.

  “No doubt,” he replied with an unrepentant grin.

  The next morning, Selena was surprised to find that he had made her a cushion of sorts using a thick blanket. She spied it on the seat while she was waiting for him to lift her up, and she turned to him with a smile.

  “Thank you, Liam. That was very thoughtful of you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist, giving a furtive glance around to
make sure they weren’t being observed before he clasped her buttocks in his palms. “My pleasure,” he grinned. “I don’t want any more bruises on my wife’s pretty little behind.”

  “You are incorrigible,” she scolded, but she stretched up to give him a kiss, just the same.

  Selena was surprised by how much the temperature changed throughout the day. In the mornings, they had to wear overcoats and mittens. By noon, Liam had rolled up his shirtsleeves, and she had unfastened a few buttons on her bodice to let in a cool breeze. They sweated throughout the day, and then by nightfall, they were huddled under several blankets to sleep. By dawn, the water in their buckets was covered by a thin layer of ice.

  Selena had never seen such beautiful country. Wildlife was plentiful. They spied elk, rabbits, coyotes, wolves, and even a grizzly bear as they plodded along. Thankfully, the bear was a good distance away from them, but Liam laughed when Selena slid closer to him on the seat. Liam shot a deer that they shared with the other families, and they enjoyed hearty venison stew for several days. They had long since run out of dried apples and peaches, but Selena made a pan of bread baked with butter, sugar and cinnamon to reward Liam for his efforts.

  They occasionally saw Indian villages in the valleys far below. Despite what Liam had told her, Selena was still nervous about them. She had heard numerous stories about bloodthirsty savages, and she shuddered at the thought of being scalped. However, as the days passed and the Indians showed no signs of aggression, she relaxed and even waved hesitantly when they saw two Indian braves watching them pass by.


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