Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3)

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Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3) Page 33

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “Do you like it?” she asked, crossing to stand beside the bed.

  “Indeed,” Liam said with a lecherous grin. His eyes settled on the bodice front, and he frowned. He reached out to snare her hand, and he pulled her down onto the side of the bed. “There’s just one thing wrong with this dress.”

  “What?” Selena asked with dismay as she peered down looking for any flaw. She loved the dress and didn’t want to think Liam might regret its purchase.

  “I think I saw a loose thread,” Liam murmured, flipping the edge of her skirt up over her knees. Before she could think, his fingers had slipped under her skirt and were deftly plucking at the ties of her pantalets. “Ah yes, here’s the loose thread,” he said with a lopsided grin.

  “Liam, you are insatiable!” Selena giggled as he pulled her down on top of him and began to trail tantalizing kisses along the low neckline of her gown. He quickly freed the buttons of her bodice and chemise as she smiled down at him. “Liam, what are you doing?”

  “You’ve had your treat. Now it’s time for mine,” he murmured with a naughty grin.

  Selena smiled as he rushed to unfasten all the buttons and bows on her newly purchased clothes. When he had her stripped bare . . . except for her silk stockings and frilly garters . . . she gave him a siren's smile and slid backward to straddle his ankles. She slowly unbuttoned his breeches and freed his throbbing erection, watching him from beneath her lashes.

  "You do deserve a treat, and I want to properly thank you for the beautiful clothes."

  He watched, enthralled, as she stroked him with her two tiny fists. When she took him into the scalding haven of her mouth, he released a guttural groan of pleasure. The heat of her mouth and her velvety tongue stroking his shaft were pure heaven. He gripped the rails of the headboard and groaned again.

  She gave a smug chuckle and sucked him deep into her throat. She loved having him at her mercy, and she devoted herself to lavishing him with pleasure. Ensuring that Liam received his just reward occupied the rest of the evening.

  Liam was anxious to get home, and they left early the next morning to complete the last leg of their journey.

  Traveling south through the Willamette Valley, Selena was awed by the beauty of the land. They were surrounded by lush green farmland. For as far as she could see in every direction verdant fields were flourishing with all kinds of vegetables, fruits, flowers, nuts and herbs. In the distance, the mountains and dense forests provided the perfect backdrop. Even though the weather was cold and rainy, the beauty of the land could not be disguised.

  “It’s like paradise,” she breathed, looking at Liam with wonder.

  His smile held a mixture of pride and relief that she liked what she saw. “It gets even nicer. Wait until you see our home. The land is even richer and more beautiful than here.”

  “I’m surprised that crops are still growing. Hasn’t the time for harvest already passed?” she asked.

  “For some crops yes. But here in this part of Oregon, we are blessed with a long, mild growing season. We grow a variety of crops, some of which are not harvested until late fall.” Liam grinned at her. “That’s one of the reasons that farmers here can be so prosperous.”

  Selena digested that information as they rolled along. “How long will it take to get home?” she asked, resting her head on his shoulder as she looped an arm through his.

  “Two and a half, maybe three days. I’m sure Aidan and Brian are wondering what happened to me by now,” Liam said with a sigh.

  “You’re a big boy,” she teased. “I’m sure they know you can take care of yourself.”

  “You have to keep in mind that I’m the youngest. They still see me as their baby brother,” Liam said, giving her a sidelong glance. “They tend to worry about me.”

  “Well, they will soon know that you’re home safe and sound.” Selena gave him a grin. “Then I’ll let them know that you have a wife who can worry about you from now on.”

  The warmth in her eyes and her smile made Liam’s heart swell with joy. He had never thought in his wildest imaginings that he would find a wife to love him so completely or make him feel so special. Life was very, very good.

  They arrived at their farm around two o’clock on the third day. They had parted from the Boyds and the Robertses a short time earlier so the other two families could make their way to their own farms. Liam and Selena were alone when they topped a ridge, and a sprawling valley lay before them. Liam halted the wagon so Selena could appreciate the view. Large mountains loomed in the distance, and a wide river snaked its way through the middle of a sweeping, lush vale that was bordered by thick woods along the edges.

  There were carefully tended fields with row upon row of crops, and to one side, a large orchard full of young fruit trees. Animals grazed in nearby pastures that were divided by well-built fences. Near the river, several sturdy cabins had been built and spaced a bit apart, close enough for a feeling of community but far enough apart for privacy. A huge barn was centrally located near all the cabins, with a smaller mill and several neat outbuildings scattered beneath large shade trees. Everything was tidy and well-kept, and there was pride evident in every structure and field.

  “Welcome home, Mrs. McKenzie,” Liam murmured, putting an arm around her shoulders. His throat constricted as he watched for her reaction. He wanted desperately for her to like their home, and he wasn’t disappointed.

  “Oh Liam, it’s lovely!” Selena’s eyes were brimming with unshed tears when she looked at him. “You told me about your home, but I never imagined it would be this beautiful.”

  Liam squeezed her shoulders. “Let’s go. I’m anxious for you to meet the rest of my family.”

  He urged the team down the hill, and they were half-way down the slope when they heard a bell ringing from one of the buildings. People came running from every direction, and by the time Liam had pulled the wagon to a stop, they were surrounded by smiling faces. Liam jumped down and was instantly enfolded in one warm embrace after another. Selena had no difficulty determining the men were his brothers, for there was a close resemblance.

  “Liam, you rascal, we were starting to worry about you. Did you run into some trouble?” The man smiled up at Selena. “And who’s this?”

  Liam swung Selena down with a laugh, and kept an arm around her waist as he pulled her forward to meet his brother. “This is my wife, Selena. Selena, meet Aidan.”

  Selena held out a hand to him and blinked as she scanned Aidan’s smiling face and tawny hair. He looked so similar to Liam that her mouth dropped open in surprise. On closer inspection, she noted there were differences. Aidan’s face was set in more serious lines than Liam’s, and his eyes were darker brown rather than Liam’s hazel. Still, the two brothers could easily have passed for twins.

  “I’m so pleased to meet you,” Selena murmured. “Liam has told me so much about you.”

  Aidan squeezed her hand and gave her a friendly wink as he clapped Liam on the shoulder. “Well, I hope you will consider the source and not take his stories too seriously.”

  Aidan pulled forward a smiling woman with chestnut hair and twinkling blue eyes. She was holding the hand of a small boy, and he was clutching at her skirts as he peeked out from behind their bulk.

  “This is my wife Naomi and our son Ian. He’s a bit shy, but he’ll come around in a while.”

  “I can’t believe how much he’s grown,” Liam said with a laugh. “I’ve been gone almost a year, and he was just a little mite when I left.” Liam turned to his other brother with a raised brow. “And where’s little Leslie? She was just a few months old when I left for Kentucky.”

  “She’s asleep in the house,” Brian said with a smile.

  Naomi gave Selena a warm hug. Naomi stood several inches taller than Selena, and she smiled down at her with an arm around her shoulders.

  “Welcome to the family, Selena. It will be so nice to have another woman around the place. Isn’t that right, Sarah?” She gestured for the o
ther woman to come forward, and she did so smiling cordially. “This is Sarah, Brian’s wife.”

  Sarah had honey gold curls and delicate features set in a charming oval face. Her eyes were chocolate brown, and she had deep dimples at the corners of her mouth.

  “Oh yes,” she said, also giving Selena a hug. “We have been hoping Liam would marry, and we are so pleased to welcome you to the family.”

  Selena blinked back joyful tears that sprang from being greeted so affectionately. “Thank you. I confess it is a relief to get here, and the place is so very beautiful. It’s obvious that you’ve all worked very hard to make it so.”

  Sarah laughed brightly and hugged her husband’s arm as he took a place beside her. She looked up at him with adoring eyes and smiled.

  “Well, most of the hard work was already done by the time we came along. Naomi and I mostly just have our hands full keeping these McKenzie boys in line, and with that, we will be glad to have your assistance.” She smiled back at Selena. “This is Brian.”

  Brian had the same height and build as his brothers, but his features were somewhat different, and he had much darker hair, almost black. Selena held out a hand in greeting, but Brian brushed it aside and gave her a friendly hug.

  “Welcome, Selena.” When he smiled down at her, his green eyes were full of mischief. “I was wondering what kind of woman it would take to snare Liam. We had all begun to despair that he would ever find a woman who met his impossibly high standards, but I’m glad to be proven wrong.”

  Selena couldn’t help but laugh, and she dipped her head in acknowledgement of the compliment. “Why thank you, Brian. I can see that you share my husband’s gift for gab, for you seem intent on filling my head with flattery.”

  “No flattery needed in your case, my dear. You are obviously going to continue our fine family tradition.” Brian pulled Sarah close against him and grinned down at his spouse. “We McKenzie men always find the most beautiful wives.”

  Naomi took matters in hand. “Well there’s no sense standing out here shivering. Let’s get inside where it’s warm.” She grasped her son’s small hand and led them inside.

  “You women go ahead,” Liam said. “I want to get the wagon unloaded and tend to the animals first.”

  His brothers were quick to pitch in, and they were busy with those tasks when the women disappeared into one of the cabins. Selena looked around at the tidy cabin with admiration. They entered into a large room that was dominated by a huge brick fireplace that ran almost full length along one wall. The kitchen was at one end of the fireplace, and it had a cast iron cook stove and an oven built into the end of the fireplace. A large table was flanked by two sturdy benches and had two chairs, one at either end. It was there that Naomi led Selena and Sarah.

  “Please sit down and relax while I get us some tea. Have you eaten lunch?” Naomi inquired, as she set out a plate of assorted cakes and breads.

  “Yes, we ate while Liam drove. He was so anxious to get home, we didn’t stop to eat since we were close to making it here,” Selena said with a small laugh.

  “I’m relieved you finally arrived today,” Naomi said with a smile. “Aidan and Brian had just about decided to send a search party out for Liam. They were expecting him back a couple of weeks ago, and we were all getting a bit worried.”

  “How was your trip?” Sarah asked.

  “Long! I can’t tell you how glad I am that it’s over,” Selena said.

  The conversation was friendly and warm as the two women asked questions and Selena answered, telling them about their trip and how she and Liam had met. She held nothing back, telling them the truth about how she had been working as a barmaid when Liam met her.

  Naomi’s eyes were twinkling when she smiled at Selena. “Well, it’s obvious that you’ve been very good for Liam. I’ve never seen him looking so happy and settled.” She glanced at Sarah who was nodding her head in agreement. “Before he left, Sarah and I were beginning to despair that Liam would ever find a wife. He certainly wasn’t interested in any of the young ladies around here, though there were plenty who were interested in him. Quite frankly, we were getting tired of all the unmarried ladies in the area dropping by with one flimsy excuse after another, just so they could bat their eyelashes at Liam.”

  Selena gave an unladylike snort. “I can believe that. Even on the trip, there was one woman in particular who wouldn’t leave Liam alone.” She told them about Natasha, leaving out the most damaging details for the sake of Marcia and Gerald. “Hopefully, she will find some other young man to snare her interest now that we’ve arrived.”

  “I’m sure it will work out,” Sarah assured her with a smile. “Naomi and I went through something similar, having to stake our claims with our husbands. The McKenzie men have been a hot commodity around here for years, but now we can give notice to everyone that they are all firmly off the market.”

  “Amen!” Naomi agreed with a grin.

  The McKenzie brothers chose that moment to enter the cabin, and they joined their wives at the table. Liam sat down next to Selena, resting an arm behind her on the bench. The remainder of the afternoon passed in easy camaraderie, with everyone exchanging stories and news of the past few months. It wasn’t long before Ian had sidled up to Liam, watching his uncle with the eager eyes of a two year old.

  “Well hello, little man,” Liam said, tousling his hair. “You want to sit on my knee?” At the boy’s eager nod, Liam lifted him onto his lap, holding him securely with one strong arm while he continued to talk.

  Selena watched the pair, feeling a growing sense of warm contentment blossoming in her breast. Liam was a natural with children, and she eagerly anticipated the day she would see him bouncing their own offspring on his knee.

  It was late afternoon when Naomi looked at Selena with a smile. “You must be exhausted after your trip. Liam, why don’t you take Selena and show her your own home while Sarah and I cook dinner? Then we could all get together for supper tonight.”

  “That sounds like an excellent idea,” Liam agreed. He set Ian gently aside and rose to take Selena’s hand. “We’ll be back soon.”

  “Take your time,” Naomi said. “I’m sure you and Selena will want to freshen up after that dusty ride. I remember those days.”

  Liam led Selena out and along a well-beaten path beneath the trees to another cabin. It was a handsome looking structure at the end of the row of cabins. The front of the cabin faced the river, and it backed up near the thick woods that bordered the valley. They climbed the two steps to a covered wooden porch that ran along the front of the house. There were several rocking chairs grouped along the porch, and two large windows with wooden shutters overlooked the front of the house.

  Liam turned to her with a boyish grin. “This is our home, Selena. Would you like to see the inside?”

  “Oh yes, indeed,” she said with a laugh. Liam surprised her by scooping her up into his arms, and she squealed with surprise but was only too happy to loop her arms around his neck. “Liam! What are you up to?”

  “Carrying my bride over the threshold of course,” Liam replied with a chuckle. He carried her inside, pushing the door shut behind them with his booted heel, but he made no move to put her down. He watched her face as she took in her surroundings. “Well? What do you think?”

  The interior of the cabin was similar to Aidan and Naomi’s. A large room opened off the kitchen and served as both the dining area and family room. Light streamed in through the front windows and another huge window in the kitchen. As in the other cabin, a massive stone fireplace dominated one wall, and as Selena looked up at it, she noticed a loft tucked under the high roof that could be reached by a set of narrow stairs. The loft was lit by two small windows in the back wall of the house.

  “Liam, this is huge,” Selena murmured in wonder. “It seems even bigger than the other cabins.”

  “It is a bit bigger. This was the original cabin we built, and we modeled it after our home back in Kentucky. The o
ther two were built after my brothers married, and we were somewhat strapped for time, so we built them smaller. We can always add on to them as the need arises.”

  Selena continued to look around, held securely in Liam’s arms. There was a large dining table with benches and chairs, as well as several other comfortable looking chairs grouped around the fireplace. A cheerful fire was burning, casting warmth and light into the spacious room.

  “Do you like it?” Liam asked.

  Selena smiled at Liam, kissing him softly on the mouth as she murmured, “It’s wonderful. I know I will be very happy here.”

  “There’s more,” Liam said. He carried her down a corridor that led to the back of the house. He showed her two comfortably furnished bedrooms, a storeroom, and a small bathing chamber complete with a small brass bathtub before carrying her into a third bedroom. A large window was centered on one wall, and late afternoon light streamed in to fall on a handsome chest of drawers, a tall wardrobe, a standing mirror, and a comfortable looking four poster bed. There was a thick feather mattress on the bed, and a warm quilt had been folded down invitingly to show fresh, white sheets.

  Seeing that Selena had noticed, Liam gave her a lopsided grin. “This is our bedroom. Naomi and Sarah put fresh sheets on the bed just the other day, thinking that I would be home soon.”

  Selena raised a haughty brow, but her lips were twitching as she met his eye. “I see you wasted no time turning down the sheets. I hope you aren’t concocting any naughty ideas in that handsome head of yours, since the others will be waiting for us to join them for supper.”

  Liam’s grin turned positively wicked as his eyes dropped to her bosom. “It will take them a while to get supper ready. Besides,” he murmured, capturing her lips in a steamy kiss that stole her breath along with her wits. “Naomi said I should get fresh, so that’s what I’m doing.”

  Selena giggled and threaded her fingers through the hair at his nape as he trailed hot kisses down the side of her neck. She had absolutely no desire to resist him. Her voice came out a bit breathless as she felt Liam lowering her to her feet. “That’s not exactly what she said, but close enough.”


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