Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4)

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Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4) Page 22

by Nicole Edwards

  I watched as Trent pushed one of the overhead buttons. A second later, Jill appeared.

  “Yes, Mr. Ramsey?”

  “I’d like you to bring us some wine. Two bottles and three glasses.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said before disappearing again.

  While we waited for Jill to bring the wine, Trent began rolling up his sleeves. He had removed his jacket when we arrived on the plane and it appeared he was now getting comfortable. Once that was accomplished, he loosened his tie, but he didn’t remove it.

  Jill returned with a bottle of wine and three glasses. She proceeded to fill each glass before she slipped up to the front, returning with another bottle in an ice bucket. She placed it on the side table next to the leather sofa across from where Troy and I were still sitting.

  “Is there anything else I can get you, Mr. Ramsey?” she asked kindly.

  “Privacy,” he said firmly. “For the remainder of the flight, I expect complete privacy. Is that understood?”

  “Of course, Mr. Ramsey. I’ll return to my station and … listen to an audiobook.”

  “Thank you.”

  She offered a polite nod, then returned to the front, closing a door that separated the front of the plane from the cabin we were in.

  “How long has she worked for you?” I asked when Jill was out of sight.

  “Years. Her husband’s my pilot.”

  Well, that was certainly convenient.

  “I assume she’s aware of your lifestyle?”

  “She is. And she respects my privacy.”

  My eyes remained on the door Jill had exited through.

  “Let’s recap this morning’s conversation, shall we?” Trent prompted as he picked up one of the wineglasses, then took a seat on the sofa that lined the wall across the aisle from the table Troy and I were seated at. “This morning, you both stated you were interested in what I could offer you.” His eyes went to Troy. “Do you still feel that way, boy?”

  “Yes, Master,” he said, a slight tremor in his voice.

  Nerves? Excitement? I wasn’t sure. He seemed like a different person when Trent was in the room.

  “And you, sunshine?”

  My answer didn’t come as easily as Troy’s. I had no idea what I wanted. I felt as though I’d fallen down the rabbit hole and I was immersed in a whole new world, where nothing was as it seemed.

  I took a sip of my wine and peered over at Trent. He was obviously waiting for me to say something. I took a deep breath and decided to skip an answer altogether. “Would you mind telling me what your intentions are?”

  “I have one plan and one plan only, pet,” he said matter-of-factly. “Provided you both agree, I fully intend to take you both as my submissives. Officially.”

  Troy was the only one to make a sound and that was his abrupt inhale. He was clearly as surprised by Trent’s admission today as he’d been last night. I couldn’t blame him. I was as well. Part of me thought he would’ve moved past it already.

  That didn’t seem to be the case.

  I’d spent the day in Trent’s company, and although I felt as though I was walking a razor wire, the possibility of falling off great, I’d enjoyed myself. Even being on edge most of the time.

  “Both of us?” Troy asked, that slight tremble still evident in his voice.

  “Yes.” Trent’s blue eyes traveled over and landed on me.

  “Officially?” This time I voiced the question.

  “Does that mean something significant?” Troy asked.

  I held my breath, watching, waiting.

  “Officially means the three of us would be in an exclusive relationship,” Trent explained.

  Troy didn’t say a word. Nor did I.

  I felt as though I was on a roller-coaster ride that I couldn’t get off of. One minute I was minding my own business, addressing my finances, working as much as I could, having sporadic lunches with my friends. Normal, everyday stuff. The next I was being propositioned by the sexiest man on the planet. In more ways than one.

  “The question is whether either of you has an issue with that,” Trent stated.

  “I’m not sure what being your submissive entails,” Troy admitted.

  I knew, but I was still processing this new turn of events.

  I still couldn’t understand what he saw in me and I wasn’t prone to self-doubt too often. But hell, I had a few stretch marks from being an overweight kid and I wasn’t as keen on being naked as some women, but again, I didn’t spend time dwelling on it. In my lifestyle, it would’ve earned me punishment. However, Trent certainly could’ve found the perfect submissive a long time ago.

  “Could you excuse me for a minute?” Not waiting for a response, Troy pushed to his feet and I swear he swayed a little.

  Obviously catching himself, he smoothed down his shirt and headed toward the back of the plane. I couldn’t help watching him walk away, glancing behind me when he passed. The guy looked as good from behind as he did from the front. He was wearing another pair of jeans that did very nice things to his ass.

  “You seem rather taken by Troy,” Trent noted.

  I jerked my gaze away from Troy’s ass and over to Trent. “I…”

  He smiled. “It doesn’t bother me.”

  I didn’t like the sound of that, and once again, I was on the defensive. “So, it doesn’t bother you that I find another man attractive?”

  The smirk he shot my way was wickedly sexy. Not to mention devious. “I didn’t say that. I said it doesn’t bother me that you find Troy attractive.” His head turned in the direction Troy went. “You have to admit he’s a very good-looking man.”

  “He is,” I confirmed.

  “Plus, he’s smart and funny.” Trent sounded almost in awe of the man. I definitely detected his praise.

  “Yes,” I agreed, wondering what his angle was.

  “Come here, pet,” he commanded, his tone firm, unwavering.

  Without conscious thought, I was suddenly up on my feet. I set my wineglass on the table and took the three steps required to stand in front of Trent.


  My inner submissive stood up and danced. She’d been repressed for so long it seemed, and what Trent was offering was the equivalent of bread crumbs to a starving woman.

  I eased down to my knees in front of him, taking up the appropriate submissive pose. The only thing I didn’t do was look at the floor, because I couldn’t stop looking at Trent. He leaned forward, his thumb brushing over my cheek, and I fought the urge to lean into his hand.

  It had been so long since a man had casually touched me. Even longer since a man who had the ability to make me lose all good sense the way Trent did had touched me.

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited for you?”

  I shook my head, keeping my eyes pinned on his.

  “A very long time, sunshine. Too long.”

  “Have you waited for Troy that long, too?” I had to know where this was going.

  “I’ve waited for him, yes. Not quite as long, but far longer than I’d intended.”

  “So, you find him attractive?” I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

  “I do.” He didn’t seem bothered by that acknowledgement. “I thought I made that clear this morning.”

  He was referring to our conversation when I had grilled him about his need to include Troy in this aspect of his life. I remembered every word he’d said, but it wasn’t adding up for me. “You said you wanted to dominate him. But I didn’t realize you were … bisexual?”

  “I didn’t realize it, either,” he said softly. “Not until Troy.”

  “Oh.” Well, that certainly made things a little awkward. Was Trent experimenting here? What if he ended up not wanting Troy the way he seemed to right now? I didn’t like the thought of Trent hurting Troy like that.

  “You said you want us both to be your submissives,” I said, my eyes shooting in the direction Troy went. “Is Troy really … submissive? As in, wanting more t
han a trial run?”

  I’d only seen Troy kneel beside Trent one time, and from what I could tell, it had seemed as much a shock to Troy as it had been to me. However, he was already referring to Trent as Master, but I wasn’t sure he even understood the significance of that. Then again, I could’ve been making it far more difficult than it really was. D/s wasn’t rocket science. One did not need a degree to understand what it entailed.

  “He’ll require some guidance,” Trent explained, “but he’s certainly submissive.”

  I was going to have to take his word for it.

  “Have you ever taken two submissives at one time?” I asked.


  “Have you ever taken a male submissive?”


  Okay. Well, that assuaged my curiosity, but I still didn’t know what Trent’s intentions were.

  “How does that work?” I asked. “I mean, do you intend to … share us with each other?”

  “I do,” he said easily. “Troy’s bisexual. Is that not something you’re interested in?”

  Was I?

  “I guess I could be interested,” I admitted. After all, I did find Troy attractive.

  Even if it wasn’t a long-term thing, it would be an experience if nothing else, right? And what woman wouldn’t want that? I wasn’t a prude. My sex drive was stronger than most. Sex wasn’t as emotional for me as it was for some women. Not in the traditional sense, anyway. I didn’t fall in love with every man I had sex with. Plus, I wasn’t turned off by many things, so the idea of a threesome didn’t bother me, either.

  “That doesn’t mean Troy would be okay with it,” I told him.

  As though he’d heard his name, Troy reappeared. I assumed he had gone to the restroom.

  “Better?” Trent asked when Troy came closer.

  “Yes.” His tone was somewhat robotic.

  “Kneel beside Clarissa, boy,” Trent instructed. “I want you close enough to touch.”

  While Troy went to his knees beside me, Trent leaned back, watching the two of us.

  “Clarissa and I were just discussing how I want to share you with each other. She’s concerned you wouldn’t be interested in her.”

  I hadn’t exactly said that.

  “Do you find Clarissa attractive?” Trent questioned Troy.

  “Absolutely,” Troy said on a rush of air. He glanced over at me. “You’re a very beautiful woman.”

  His praise caused me to blush.

  “Tell her, boy,” Trent commanded.

  Troy’s eyes darted over to Trent, his eyebrows lifting in question.

  “Have you fantasized about fucking her?”

  That blush was back, and I found I liked Troy like that. He was sweet.

  “Yes,” Troy confirmed.

  “Then tell her.”

  Troy’s eyes locked with mine. “I’ve … uh … yes. I’ve had some rather dirty thoughts where you’re concerned.”

  “Does that answer your question?” Trent prompted.

  I stared at Troy for a moment, feeling my insides coil tightly. I had the sudden urge to kiss him, to feel his lips on mine. It was a stupid response, one fueled by pure lust. Likely spurred by this conversation.


  I turned my attention to Trent.

  “Yes,” I told him. “It answers my question.”

  That one, anyway.

  I didn’t bother to tell him I had at least a million more.


  WHILE I KNEW WE STILL had time before the plane landed in Dallas, I wanted to get a verbal agreement from these two while I had them here. I could tell Troy was willing even if he was nervous. As for Clarissa, I wasn’t sure what she was thinking.

  There was no doubt she was submissive. And although it sounded egotistical, I could tell she was attracted to me. Physically, at least.

  But she seemed to have her guard up where I was concerned. I needed those walls to come down. I needed this woman to give me a chance to show her how great we would be together.

  And I knew we would. I’d lusted after Clarissa for years, and now that she was within my grasp, the thought of her walking away was nearly unbearable. I could admit that I’d waited far too long to pursue her. I had wasted time, coming up with excuses or burying myself in work. However, I had never stopped wanting her.

  “Are you still interested, Clarissa?” I needed a firm answer before I could proceed.

  As she knelt before me, there wasn’t anywhere she could hide. Her expressions were guarded, but I could see the interest in her golden eyes.

  “Would there be a contract?” she asked.

  I hadn’t considered that. “Do you require one?”

  She held my gaze for longer than I expected before she shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

  “And why not?” I merely wanted to get her talking.

  “Being that I’m a lawyer, it might seem somewhat contradictory,” she replied with a smile. “But in my world, contracts are legally binding. And while they help to define a few things, my education doesn’t allow me to see a D/s contract as such. It’s merely words on paper that two people claim to abide by. No law behind it.”

  Her emphasis on the word claim told me more than she was willing to. I got the feeling she’d been in a bad relationship, one that likely had a contract that wasn’t abided by.

  “Who was he?” I questioned.

  Clarissa frowned.

  “The Dom who didn’t abide by the contract.”

  Her gaze dropped and she shook her head. “He was no one, really. However, he taught me a lesson that D/s contracts are only as strong as the weakest link.”

  That was the case with pretty much anything, but I didn’t say as much.

  “I can see it from your perspective.” I glanced between the two of them. “I’ve never been one to need a contract. Although, there will be a nondisclosure agreement. That’s necessary in my world.”

  She nodded as her eyes lifted. “I wouldn’t mind rules and rituals, though.”

  “What are rules and rituals?” Troy asked.

  “Guidelines,” I explained. “Demands that I’ll make, requirements. Routines you’ll follow.”

  “Got it.”

  “Once you’ve agreed,” I told Clarissa, “I can certainly outline some.”

  I could tell Troy was trying to follow along.

  “Did you bring your limit list with you, boy?” I asked.

  His eyes flew up to mine. “Yes, Master.”

  I liked how he easily referred to me that way. While I hadn’t given him much of a choice, I had been testing him. He could’ve told me it made him uncomfortable, but he hadn’t.

  “I’d like for you to get the list and sit at the table. No matter what happens, I do not want you to look up from that paper. Understood?”

  “Yes.” He jumped to his feet. “Yes, Master.”

  It took him a minute to get the papers from his bag and I waited for him to take a seat at the table. I watched Clarissa as she watched me. I was sure she had some idea of what I intended to do.

  “Are you worried, sunshine?” I asked her.

  “No … Master,” she said obediently.

  And damn but I loved hearing that from her mouth. I made sure she saw the approval in my eyes.

  “Good. Now I want you to go to the restroom and remove your bra and panties. You will not be allowed to wear them for the remainder of today.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “You may go.”

  Clarissa got to her feet and walked toward the back of plane, her cute little ass swaying as she did.

  I sipped my wine and watched as Troy stayed focused on the papers in front of him. I knew it would be hard for him not to look my way. I found that a lot of submissives often had a hard time focusing when they were given a direct order. But I was interested in his willpower.

  Clarissa returned a few minutes later carrying her bra and panties in one hand. The short, white pleated skirt she had on con
cealed her lack of panties, and the black, sleeveless, button-down silk shirt didn’t reveal much of her perky breasts. I knew it wouldn’t, which was one of the reasons I’d decided to have her remove her bra. I wanted to know how far Clarissa was willing to go. I was still mindful of what Xander had told me, as well as the fact that she hadn’t outlined any limits whatsoever.

  “You may put them in your purse,” I told her when she came to stand in front of me. “Then I want you to come over here and sit on my lap.”

  With almost perfect precision, Clarissa did as she was told. After stowing her underthings, she walked over to me and waited until I moved my knees closer together before she started to turn.

  “Facing me, pet,” I corrected. “Straddle me.”

  She placed one knee on the side of my thighs and took up her position on my lap, her skirt settling over her thighs.

  This was right where I wanted her to be. At my mercy.

  “Unbutton your blouse.”

  I took a sip of my wine before setting it on the table while Clarissa slowly slipped each button free. Her eyes were on my face as she did.

  When she finished unbuttoning her blouse, Clarissa’s hands fell to her sides. She was the perfect submissive. Waiting for instruction.

  “Now open your blouse. Let me see those pretty breasts.”

  She peeled the silk back, the fabric whispering over her skin as she unveiled her perky tits to my hungry gaze. Luckily, when it came to this, I was a patient man. I had something specific in store for this particular submissive.

  I gave Troy a cursory glance, checking to ensure he was doing as I asked. His eyes were riveted on the papers in front of him, but I wasn’t sure he was seeing the words. He was following my instructions at least.

  “Now cup them,” I commanded. “And offer them to me.”

  My cock was fully erect at this point, pressing insistently at the juncture between Clarissa’s thighs. No way could she miss it.

  “Such pretty pink nipples, pet. Would you like my mouth on them?”

  “Yes, Master,” she said on a breathless whisper. Her eyes were hooded, her desire apparent.

  “First I want you to reach into my left pocket and pull out the gift I have for you.”


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