Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4)

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Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4) Page 42

by Nicole Edwards

  Once that business was out of the way, I headed back to the apartment to find Troy fresh out of the shower and I regretted leaving him, wishing I’d been there to enjoy him all wet and willing.

  Dark brown eyes regarded me carefully. “All right. I’ll get the flight crew in place and have them file a plan. Is there anything you need before we go?” Troy asked, seemingly unfazed by my abrupt change of plans.

  “No. I just need to get to Chicago.”

  “Sure thing, Master.” His attention was on the iPad even as he spoke.

  Heat suddenly hummed in my veins when I thought about last night. While I never expected to be able to get Troy out of my system, I hadn’t anticipated wanting him as badly as I did. Not that I was denying myself anything. In fact, I was looking forward to the next opportunity. If everything went according to plan, that would be in a few short hours when we boarded my jet for Chicago. I could think of no better way to pass the time than to spend it with him.

  His gaze lifted. “Master, did you want me to call Clarissa? See if she wants to go?”

  My chest ached at the mere mention of her name. “No. She’s made her decision. If she changes her mind, she’ll call me.” Maybe I was being stubborn about it, but for now, that was the only way I knew to handle the situation. Clarissa wasn’t the sort of woman who could be persuaded to do anything she didn’t want to do.

  Not that I intended to let her walk away forever, but I would give her the space she needed to think it through. I hadn’t pulled any punches with her last night, and while she had argued profusely, I knew on some level, she knew I spoke the truth.

  And to be honest, I didn’t want the submissive she’d turned into. I wanted the submissive I knew was hiding beneath all the layers she’d built around herself.

  “Okay, then,” he said, his eyes dropping to his iPad once more. “The jet’s fueled and ready. We can leave in two hours if you’d like.”

  “That works.” With a fresh cup of coffee, I headed for my office. Before sitting down, I grabbed the remote and clicked on the television.

  “We’ve got some additional information regarding Trent Ramsey’s personal life. You might remember we were the first to inform you that his personal assistant moved into his Dallas home with him last week. And now it would appear he’s also seeing someone else. Her name is Clarissa Tinsley, a contract lawyer from the Dallas area.”

  Son of a bitch.

  I stared at the screen, and sure enough, there was a picture of Clarissa. It must’ve been one they’d found online because I didn’t recognize it. Probably from her time at the law firm. Her hair was longer now.

  “We caught a glimpse of the couple leaving Clarissa’s home for a fundraiser last Thursday night. Since then, she’s been seen coming and going from Trent’s Dallas home, as well as Dichotomy, the BDSM club he owns in downtown.”

  Fucking shit.

  My phone rang from my desk and I peered down at the screen to see Zeke’s name.

  “What’s up, Zeke?”

  “We’ve got a problem, boss man.”

  I sat up straight, my breath pinned somewhere between my lungs and my mouth.

  “I took Clarissa to see Mercedes this morning. When we got back, I noticed her front door had been kicked in. Nothing appears to be missing, but it’s obvious someone was rummaging through her things.”

  “Son of a bitch,” I muttered.

  “The cops are on the way, but I thought it’d be best to let you know.”

  “Thanks. Let me know what they say.”

  “Will do.”

  “And Zeke?”

  “Yeah, boss man?”

  “It’s probably best if she doesn’t stay there. She’s welcome to come here, but…”

  “Yeah. I doubt that’s going to be first on her list.”

  “I didn’t think so. Let me know where you take her.”


  The call disconnected.


  “Yes, Master?” A second later, he appeared in my office doorway just as my cell phone started ringing again.

  I reached for it.

  “Get Christian Biggs on the phone for me.” While he was a homicide detective and there wasn’t a dead body, he was the only person I could think to call who might have the means to figure out what the hell was going on.

  “Of course.” He instantly grabbed his cell phone and started to dial.

  I answered my phone.

  “Hey, Xander,” I said by way of greeting. I had a feeling I knew why he was calling.

  “We’ve got a problem, Trent.”

  “If it has to do with Clarissa and the break-in, I’m already on it.”

  “This sounds eerily similar to what happened to Troy, Trent.”

  Yeah, it did. And that was what worried me.

  “Mercedes is on the phone with her now. I think she’s heading over to her mother’s house,” Xander stated.

  While I wanted to intervene, to insist Clarissa come to me, I knew I couldn’t do that. I had to settle for knowing she was safe. For now.

  “All right. Zeke’s gonna stay with her,” I informed him. “And I’m calling Christian. I’ll see if he can look into this.”

  “I assume it’s a stalker,” Xander said.

  “That’s my thought as well. I thought she was moving into Mercedes’s old condo?”

  “That’s the plan, but until I can increase security in the building, I’m not sure that’s a good idea right now.”

  “Is there a problem?”

  “Other than the nosy fucking paparazzo who managed to make it up to my floor a few hours ago? No.”

  Son of a bitch.

  “Let me know what you find out from Christian.”

  I didn’t bother with a response before disconnecting and taking the phone from Troy. “Hey, Christian.”

  “What’s up, man?”

  “I need a favor.”


  I explained the situation with Clarissa and informed Christian about the repeated break-ins at Troy’s apartment. “I’m not expecting you to do anything, but I thought you might know someone who could help.”

  “I’ll look into it personally,” he said firmly. “Once I have some info, I’ll let you know.”

  “Thanks. I’m heading to Chicago with Troy and I’ve got a bodyguard on Clarissa. Zeke Lautner. You can contact him if you need anything from here.”

  “I’ll keep him in the loop.”

  “Thanks, Christian. I really appreciate it.”


  When the call disconnected, I tossed Troy’s phone on my desk and glanced up at the television. Troy had muted it and it appeared they’d moved on to another story.

  “Where’s Clarissa?” Troy asked when he turned to face me, his eyes serious.

  “She was with Mercedes and Zeke this morning when it happened. She’s going to her mom’s for now.”

  “You think whoever broke into her house was the same person who broke into my apartment?”

  “I do.” Unfortunately, that could’ve been anyone.

  “Well, the good news is, they never caused bodily harm,” he said, his eyes now full of concern.

  “Let’s hope it stays that way.”

  “You think they’re after something specific?”

  I didn’t have the slightest clue. “I suspect they’re looking for information on me. You were simply how they were trying to go about getting it. And now they’ve brought Clarissa in on it.”

  His eyes widened and I think it was the first time he associated those break-ins with me.

  Regardless of what they were after, I wasn’t about to allow Troy or Clarissa to be in danger. Not from a stalker or from the paparazzi. As far as I was concerned, they were now my top priority.

  Whether they wanted to be or not.


  I SPENT MOST OF THE morning searching the Internet, doing my best to find anything and everything being reported on Clarissa. The top e
ntertainment channels had uncovered her identity, but I knew they weren’t the ones we needed to worry about. While it was an invasion of privacy, most of them would keep it professional when dealing with the subject of their stories. However, there were those who didn’t understand it was rude to harass people simply for a story.

  I had attempted to contact Clarissa to no avail. She wasn’t answering her phone, so I was forced to send her a text letting her know I was thinking about her and that Trent had someone digging into the break-in. While I was fairly certain she would read my texts, I wanted to hear her voice for myself. To know she was all right.

  Unfortunately, she didn’t feel the same, so I had given up when we headed for the airport.

  Now that we were on Trent’s private jet, I couldn’t stop worrying.

  It wasn’t until the plane leveled off at the desired altitude that Master turned to me, his eyes intense.

  Jill appeared with a smile. “May I get you gentlemen anything?”

  “We’re good for now,” Master informed her. “Please give us privacy until I call you.”

  He wasn’t exactly rude to her, but he wasn’t polite, either. I think Jill picked up on it, but she plastered on a pleasant smile before disappearing from the cabin and closing the cabin door.

  “Master? Are you all right?”

  “Stand up, boy.”

  I wasn’t sure what it was about that tone or why I responded so eagerly to it, but I was instantly on my feet after unbuckling my seat belt. I waited patiently for his next command.

  “Remove your clothes.”

  Without hesitation, I started undressing, removing my shirt first, then my shoes. I was mindful of the pitiful way I’d done it previously. I was happy to say, there was no fumbling, no uncertainty. I maintained eye contact with Master the entire time. When I completed the task, laying my discarded clothing on the chair I’d vacated, I then stood patiently once more.

  Master’s eyes perused my body for long minutes, my cock hardening from the intensity of his stare.

  “You trust me,” he said when he met my gaze again. While it wasn’t a question, he did seem somewhat uncertain.

  “I do, Master.” Unflappably.

  I wasn’t sure what I expected but it wasn’t for Master to practically launch himself from his chair. However, that was exactly what he did, coming to stand toe to toe with me. When he reached up and cupped my face before planting his mouth on mine, I probably sighed. Okay, fine. I did sigh. Then again, I didn’t know for sure, because the kiss went from zero to inferno in two seconds flat.

  Master’s lips were hard against mine, his tongue insistent. His hand shifted to my hair, holding me in place, and it was then that I realized how much I liked when he did that. It was a simple way for him to exert his dominance over me and I found I craved it.

  When he pulled back, we were both breathing hard.

  “You have two options,” he said gruffly. “You can either go into the bedroom and lie down on the bed or you can go into my office and have a seat on my desk. Your choice. I’ll join you in a moment.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I didn’t want him to stop touching me, but he’d given me instructions. Not wanting to disappoint him, I turned and headed toward the back of the plane, uncertain which choice to make.


  I peered back at him.

  “Do not touch yourself.”

  “I won’t, Master.”

  I paused outside the two doors briefly before selecting his office. I wasn’t sure why it seemed more appealing at the moment. Perhaps curiosity. He’d instructed me to sit on his desk. Not at it. Maybe that was it.

  Part of me wanted to prove to him that I wasn’t as vanilla as he’d originally pegged me for. I enjoyed the kinky shit as much as the next guy. Maybe not as much as Master considering he’d been in this lifestyle for so long.

  Once inside the office, I moved around the desk. There wasn’t much space. Just enough for a decent-sized desk, a chair, and a small closet that housed the electrical equipment. There was a single plug on the desk for his laptop. Other than that, there wasn’t anything in the room. Being that it was on a jet, his options were limited due to both space and the fact this thing wasn’t always level.

  I took a deep breath, then perched on the desk, my feet in his chair as I waited for him to join me. I wanted to say I was patient, but that wasn’t the case. Not by a long shot. I wanted to know what Master had in store for me. I knew he was on edge, so I figured he would use me for his own pleasure.

  While that notion had originally given me cause for concern, it had only taken a couple of days for me to understand what it really meant. I wanted to please him in ways I’d never expected, ways I wasn’t sure I even understood. Yet it was a compelling idea, so I sat there, focused on my breathing.

  When the door opened, I resisted the urge to turn around and look at him. I knew Master had a plan and I merely had to wait until he was ready.

  “Why did you choose the office?” he asked when he came around so I could see him.

  He had discarded his tie and was in the process of rolling up his shirt sleeves.

  “Curiosity,” I admitted.

  Those intimidating blue eyes leveled on my face. “Do you like the idea of me doing dirty things to you, boy?”

  “Yes, Master.” The words came out on what could likely pass as a moan. Even his words were a turn-on.

  “I’ve fantasized about it,” he admitted. “For a long time.”

  I held his gaze. “I had no idea.” Truth was, it still surprised me to know that. I’d worked for him for so long I probably should’ve caught on at some point.

  Master shifted one of my feet off the chair before he took a seat.

  “Lean back on your hands.”

  I planted my palms flat on the desk behind me, my cock bobbing eagerly between my spread legs.

  Master’s gaze zeroed in on the damn unruly appendage, which only made it throb incessantly.

  “I’d never been with a man before you.”

  I wasn’t sure if he was speaking to me or simply talking to get his thoughts out, so I didn’t respond.

  His eyes lifted to mine. “You’re all I can think about right now.”

  My heart thumped erratically at his admission.

  “I want to feel your cock in my mouth.”

  Said cock jerked eagerly.

  Master grinned. “I see you’re not opposed to the idea.”

  “No, Master.”

  When he reached for me, I locked my elbows and held myself still. It was all I could do to keep from thrusting into his hand.

  “I bought you a toy,” he said absently, his hand stroking my dick. “I’m curious to see whether you enjoy it or not.”

  “What is it, Master?”

  He continued to stroke me, his eyes fixated on my cock. I was harder than I ever remember being and a little worried I would come in his hand if he wasn’t careful.

  “A prostate massager.”

  Hmm. I wasn’t sure how I felt about having a toy in my ass.

  His gaze lifted to mine. “It’s app driven. I can control it from anywhere.”

  Oh, hell.

  My cock twitched and he smiled.

  “Before we leave this room, you’ll be wearing it.”

  Good to know.

  “But first, I intend to put my mouth on your cock.”

  I groaned loudly.

  “Would you like that, boy?”

  “Yes, Master,” I hissed as his fist tightened around the base of my dick. “I would like that. Very much.”

  “Move your ass forward,” he instructed. “Put your heels on the edge of the desk and keep your hands behind you. Don’t move them under any circumstance.”

  I situated myself as he commanded. The position forced my knees wide. I felt incredibly vulnerable like that, but I figured that was Master’s intention. While I was not forcibly restrained, it didn’t matter. I was unable to move.

p; “If you would like to come, you must ask permission,” he stated, his warm breath fanning over the head of my cock.

  “Yes, Master,” I bit out, my groin tightening.

  And then his mouth was on me. Master slowly took the head of my dick in his mouth, the warm rasp of his tongue causing me to jerk wildly. I could do nothing but watch him, my sole focus on the way his lips wrapped around the swollen head. He grazed my shaft with his teeth and I hissed.


  “Not even a little,” I whispered. It felt so fucking good.

  “This is my time to explore, boy. Give me that.”

  “Yes, Master.” I would give him anything he asked.

  Any damn thing at all.



  “I DON’T UNDERSTAND,” MY MOTHER stated firmly.

  “I’m not sure how else I can explain it, Mom.”

  We’d been sitting at her kitchen table talking about the reporters who were camped out in front of my house for the past half hour. I had yet to mention the break-in for fear she would freak out. Hell, I was still freaking out about it. Someone had violated me. They’d come into my home, gone through my things, searching for God only knew what. From what I could tell, they hadn’t taken anything, but that didn’t matter. The first thought I’d had when I’d learned of the intrusion was regarding Tank. What if he’d been at the house? What if they had hurt him?

  I scratched the top of Tank’s head as it rested in my lap. I wasn’t sure he knew what had happened, but he obviously sensed I was stressed. That and Zeke had gone outside to do a walk of the property, so we were keeping each other company while his master was gone.

  “If you and Trent are only friends,” she said, her head tilting slightly to the right, “then why are the reporters so eager to talk to you?”

  Okay, so maybe I hadn’t been entirely forthcoming in my explanation.

  “I don’t know. Maybe they think we’re more than friends.”


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