Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4)

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Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4) Page 44

by Nicole Edwards

  “I’ll be spending quite a bit of time at the Chatter offices,” he informed me. “We’ll be going over the remodel for the new location.”

  “In the same building?”

  “Yes. They’ve got some vacant floors I’ll be looking at.”

  Considering Master owned an apartment in that building, that was a good thing. He could be close to home if he needed anything.

  “And I need to find a contract lawyer,” he said, his eyes darting over to the windows. “I need someone to review the contract. I need to get it back to Landon.”

  I watched him, not saying a word. This would normally be the time I would agree and then locate someone who could do what Master needed.

  However, in this case, there was only one person who could take care of him.

  And now I had to convince her she was needed here.

  For more than just a job.



  FROM THE DAY WE ARRIVED at my mother’s house nine days ago, Zeke and my mother had hit it off. To the point they’d spent nearly every day chatting incessantly about anything and everything and nothing at all.

  Never would I have thought such a hard-ass like Zeke Lautner would carry around pictures of his dog as a puppy in his wallet. For a full day, he and my mother had compared baby pictures, of all things.

  So, while they got acquainted, I spent most of my time with Tank. Admittedly, I’d grown quite fond of the sweet boy. He was such a good dog and the two of us spent plenty of time in the backyard. I would throw the ball, he would get it and bring it back. Tank would’ve gone for hours if I’d let him.

  And now, as my mother and Zeke sat in the kitchen having coffee and discussing all the fabulous things about Chicago, I sat in the living room and stared out the front window while absently patting Tank’s head, which rested in my lap.

  The good news was the reporters hadn’t stuck around my mother’s house. It hadn’t taken long for them to track me down, that was for sure. However, they soon learned they were not welcome here. Not after she went out and gave them a piece of her mind. With Zeke not far behind, of course. I’d known it wouldn’t take too much effort for them to figure out who my mother was. And they had with a surprising quickness. However, I never should’ve worried that they would harass her. She wasn’t the type of woman who would allow that.

  I had given my father and my former stepfathers a heads-up as well, asking that they not engage any reporters who might come around asking questions. I’d sent the text, and shortly thereafter, my father had called. I’d assured him all was well but reiterated that no one should talk to any reporters.

  That was the last thing I needed.

  Of course, I hadn’t been able to hide the intruder from my mother. Not when it was reported on the news that night. She’d been horrified when she learned that someone had broken into my house and I hadn’t bothered to tell her. Zeke assured her all was well and they had someone looking into it.

  Then last Monday, Troy had called to ask if I would be willing to go over Trent’s contract with Chatter PR Global. I didn’t want to take the job, but knowing I had nothing else in the pipeline, I relented. I went through it thoroughly several times, noting specific areas that gave me heartburn, all while wondering if I would ever hear from Trent or Troy again once I sent it back to them.

  I took longer than I should have to get the information back to them, but I finally caved, sending it to Troy with a text to explain my questions and concerns. He had thanked me and said he would call me if Trent had any questions.

  There hadn’t been any questions.

  So, for the past few days, I’d tried to occupy my mind with thoughts of anything else, but the only thing I could think about was Trent.

  And Troy.

  I missed them.

  Both of them.

  To the point my heart physically ached in my chest. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought I had the flu. The pain in my body was real, even if there was no virus to go along with it. My heart was simply broken and my body was processing it in its own way.

  I’d been stewing in self-pity for the better part of nine days and I was slowly driving myself crazy with it.

  I rehashed my argument with Trent over and over again in my head and the outcome was always the same. I regretted walking out. He had been civil and I’d acted like a child. I figured that was what bothered me the most. I could be irrational when provoked. It was a trait I wasn’t proud of. And I’d gotten in trouble for it plenty of times.

  Hell, I’d lost my job because of it.

  I blinked back a tear that threatened. I couldn’t lose Trent and Troy because I overreacted. I needed to go to Trent, to beg his forgiveness, to offer my submission. I could be the submissive he needed. I knew I could. And once that was cleared up—if he would allow me back in his life—I could tell them both how much I cared for them, how I wanted to be in their lives.

  Sure, it would take time and plenty of effort on my part, but I knew I was capable of admitting I was wrong.

  My phone chimed and I picked it up from the side table. It was a text from Troy.

  Just checking in. I know you don’t want to talk to me, but I’ve been thinking about you. I know Master would like to see you. We both would. Believe or not, he’s taking this hard.

  I stared at the screen until it went dark. My throat felt clogged from the emotion threatening to choke me. Troy had texted me every day. Sometimes more than once. I had yet to respond with anything other than thanks when appropriate. I had wanted time to think, knowing I would cave if I engaged him in conversation.

  I sighed and glanced down at Tank.

  “I should go to them, right?” I whispered.

  Tank lifted his head, then licked my hand.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  This was the opening I’d been waiting for. This was my opportunity to make things right. Was I going to be stubborn and refuse? To let my hurt feelings rule my life?

  I glanced over at the kitchen door and watched Zeke in profile. The man looked content to sit at the kitchen table and talk shop with my mother, but I knew he had to be getting restless. I certainly was.

  I smiled to myself as I tapped my screen to bring my phone to life. I pulled up Xander’s contact information and hit the button to make the call.

  “Hey, kiddo,” he greeted. “Everything all right?”

  “Yeah. I need a favor.”

  “Hit me.”


  Two hours later, Zeke and I were seated on Xander’s private jet, staring at one another when the captain came over the intercom to inform us we were free to move around if we needed to. Tank was sleeping soundly in his crate, which Zeke had strapped securely down to ensure he wasn’t thrown about in the event of turbulence.

  The guy really loved his dog.

  “I’m sorry you had to spend an entire week entertaining my mother,” I told him.

  “Trust me, girl, I don’t mind.”

  “Really?” I was having a hard time believing that. While I loved my mother, she could wear on my last nerve. Not that she had. Now that I thought about it, she had been extremely polite, never pushy or intrusive.

  What was up with that? Had I been brooding enough that she kept her distance?

  “Yes, really. Your mother’s cool.” Zeke smiled and again, that softness was there. “So, why the impromptu trip to Chicago?”

  My eyes darted to the window. “I have some business to take care of.”

  This time Zeke was the one to chuckle. It was a rusty sound that made me grin.

  “All work and no play makes for a dull time, girl.”

  “Who said it was work business?” I teased.

  “That’s what I thought. And it’s about damn time you admitted it.”

  I wanted to argue, but I knew better. I could tell myself all day long that this wasn’t personal between me and Trent, but it would all be lies. I was sick of them, to be honest.

/>   “Own up to your mistakes, girl. It’s the only way to set your world to rights.”

  Zeke liked to tell it like it was. He didn’t mince words and he didn’t gloss things over. For that I was grateful. I was a pathetic mess and the last thing I wanted was for someone to tell me everything was fine.

  It wasn’t fine. I had royally fucked up and now I had to make it right.

  It was time I owned up to what I wanted.

  It was time I stopped making excuses.

  It was time I fought for what was mine.



  I looked up from the conference table I’d commandeered as my temporary desk during the few days I’d been working here in the Chatter offices. Ransom Bishop stood there, watching me intently.


  “I just got a call from Zeke. Apparently his plane just landed and he’s on his way here.”

  I frowned. “What do you mean his plane landed? Where’s Clarissa?”

  A slight smirk tilted the other man’s mouth. “It appears she’s with him.”

  Despite the energy that started humming in my veins, I masked my expression. “Thanks.”

  “Should I tell him to stop here first? Or to go on up to the penthouse?” Ransom asked.

  “The penthouse.” Because that was where I was headed. I had an assistant I needed to check in with. Was he aware Clarissa was on her way here? Had he not bothered to tell me?

  Without hesitation, I got to my feet and grabbed my laptop. I stopped long enough to tell Dale that I’d be back later and if anyone needed me, they could call my cell phone.

  Not that I would answer. However, I would call them back.


  I took the elevator to the top floor, ignoring Ransom as he tapped something out on his phone.

  “You can take the afternoon off,” I informed him when we arrived at my apartment door. “Now that you’ve got the other boys in place, you don’t have to babysit anymore.”

  He chuckled knowingly. “They’re on duty, but I’m still here. Call if you need me. I’ll be downstairs catching a nap.”

  Landon and Langston had kindly set Ransom up in one of the furnished apartments in the building while I was in town. Since I didn’t know how long I would be here—I hadn’t made any definitive plans—I had needed him to stay close. Thankfully, he’d called in a couple of guys to stand guard both downstairs and on our floor to ensure no one got near the apartment. It freed Ransom up to take care of his personal life while still ensuring Troy’s safety. I wasn’t about to leave Troy without protection. We still hadn’t figured out who the stalker was or what they were after.

  When the elevator door closed, I turned to the apartment door and let myself in, nodding to the guy standing nearby.

  Troy was sitting on the couch, his iPad in his lap. His eyes widened when he looked up at me. “I didn’t expect you back so early.”

  “Something’s come up,” I told him, watching for any signs he knew Clarissa was on her way here.

  He sat up straight. “Anything I need to do? Are we heading back to Dallas?”

  The boy had asked me that damn near every day since we arrived nine days ago. I think he continued to hold out hope that we would go home, which would ultimately increase the chances of seeing Clarissa. But for the past nine days, I had told him I wasn’t ready to go back. There were things to take care of here. The disappointment in his eyes never went unnoticed.

  “No. We’re not going back to Dallas.” I set my laptop and phone on the counter. “Zeke just let me know he’s landed here in Chicago.”

  Troy shot to his feet. “What about Clarissa? Where is she? Shouldn’t he be watching her?”

  “It appears he is.” When he opened his mouth to speak, I held up my hand. “I don’t know anything more than that, so don’t ask.”

  He snapped his mouth shut and nodded.

  “Go ahead and order something for dinner. Have it delivered.”

  “Of course. Anything specific?”

  “Pizza.” I figured what the hell. Might as well take us back to the night it’d all fallen apart.

  “Got it. Giordano’s it is.”

  “Thanks.” I was about to tell him I would be in my office, but a knock at the door halted my words.

  Troy’s eyes widened and his head snapped over to me. “Are you expecting someone?”

  “I’ll get it,” I told him. “You order food.”

  “Right, Master.” He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and walked toward the kitchen, but his eyes continued to dart over to the door.

  I opened the door without hesitation. Standing in the hallway, looking even more beautiful than she had the last time I’d seen her was my submissive.

  No. Wait. She wasn’t my submissive.

  Not anymore.

  “Hi,” Clarissa said softly, her long hair hanging down around her face, the pink gloss on her lips making her look far younger than she was.

  I nodded, unable to find my voice. Thankfully it came back to me when I looked up and met Zeke’s gaze. “Thanks for bringing her safely.”

  “No worries. Tank’s become quite fond of the girl.” He motioned toward the yellow Lab sitting by his feet. “Unless you need me for anything else…”

  “No. Ransom’s got it covered from here.” I nodded to the guard in the hall. “But thank you. For everything. You’ll find Ransom one floor down.”

  “All well with him?” Zeke inquired.

  “Yeah. He and I are discussing a business proposition.”

  Zeke smirked. “That sounds interesting.”

  “It could be.” I turned my attention back to Clarissa. “Please, come in.”

  She glanced at Zeke over her shoulder. “Thank you again.”

  “You’re very welcome, girl. Perhaps I’ll see you at the club sometime.”

  “Maybe.” Her eyes shifted back my way and there was hesitation this time.

  I stepped back and motioned for her to come inside, closing and locking the door behind her.

  “I wasn’t expecting you,” I told her, keeping my tone firm. Until I knew what she was here to say, I wasn’t going to give an inch. We were both in the wrong and I was more than willing to own up to my part, but only if she owned up to hers.

  “I came to apologize,” she said softly, shifting her bag on her shoulder.

  “Here, let me take that.” I set it on the chair nearby and turned back to look at her.

  “I…” She inhaled deeply, squared her shoulders, and started over. “I want to apologize.”


  “For walking out on you. It was an immature thing to do. I should’ve stayed and hashed it out.”

  There was a sheen of tears in her eyes instantly and seeing them weakened me. I wasn’t sure I could handle seeing her cry. It would break me. “Apology accepted.”

  Her eyes turned wary. “Really? It’s that easy?”

  “No, pet, it’s not. You apologized for walking out. I forgive you for that.”

  “But you don’t forgive me for everything else?” She sounded doubtful.

  “I don’t know. You didn’t ask for forgiveness for anything else.” I tilted her chin up so she was forced to hold my gaze. It felt so damn good just to touch her.

  We stood there for quite some time. I held her gaze, willing her to see the hurt I’d felt without her here. I had missed her so fucking much I ached with it.

  When she didn’t say anything, I knew I had to move things along. “What is it you want from me, Clarissa?”

  She stared at me for long seconds and the next words that came out of her mouth nearly leveled me.

  “Everything, Master,” she whispered hoarsely. “I want everything you’re willing to give me. I owe you an apology for the way I acted. For topping from the bottom. For running out. It was childish and you deserve better than that.”

  I held myself in check. I wanted to tell her none of it mattered, that we could start over be
cause I wanted her no matter what. However, that wasn’t entirely true.

  For one, she needed something from me and I needed something from her. Not just love, either. That was there, whether we were willing to admit it or not.

  However, Clarissa had a deep-seated need to submit and I had the same urge to dominate. There was no way that either of us could disregard those things and ever be whole. I knew it and she knew it.

  “And if I told you I was willing to give you everything?” I questioned. “What are you willing to give in return?”

  “My complete surrender,” she said around a sob.

  For fuck’s sake. The woman slayed me. She had walked in here completely stripped of all the walls I’d previously seen and it was damn near impossible to resist her.

  A tear dripped down her cheek and I quickly wiped it away with my thumb.

  Keeping my voice soft, although still firm, I decided to tell her how I felt. “I want you, Clarissa. I want you with every fucking breath I take. These past nine days have been hell without you. Not hearing your voice, seeing your pretty face. I’ve known for years that you would be my undoing. But we have to get one thing straight.”


  “I don’t want a doll. And I damn sure don’t want a submissive who thinks she can top me. I want a submissive who wants me with the same unbridled passion I feel for her. I want a submissive who’s willing to give every part of herself to me, to truly trust me to know what she needs.”

  Another tear fell but she didn’t move. “I fear I’m broken and I’m not sure what it’ll take to fix me.” Her eyes glittered with more tears. “But I’m willing to do whatever it takes. For you and for Troy.”

  For whatever reason, hearing her include Troy eased something deep within me. There was no way to deny Troy and I had become closer than we had been before. He was there for me when I needed him.


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