Gabriel's Secret: A Vampire's Obsession: Book 1

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Gabriel's Secret: A Vampire's Obsession: Book 1 Page 6

by Rylai, Stephanie

  Him drinking her blood was strangely not weirding her out, instead she actually found it to be kinky and ridiculously enticing. It was causing her climax to come on quickly, Olivia feeling like she couldn’t even breathe. Gabriel kept his fangs in the flesh of her shoulder as he turned her to lay back on the bed. He ravaged her with quick, rigged thrusts, pounding into her sensitive, wet heat. Her nails dug into his back as he pressed his member all the way in repeatedly, reaching her climax. As her body began to convulse with waves of ecstasy, Gabriel quickly removed his mouth from her shoulder and captured her lips with his. His mouth tasted sweet with a twinge of iron. His hips rocked into hers quickly several times until he thrusted into her hard one last time, growling against her lips as he released into her.

  She could feel him collapse into her, his chest heaving against hers. Her hand shifted through his raven locks lazily as they relaxed. As her body came down from the heightened state of arousal, she realized just how lightheaded she was. Olivia only had a moment to think on it before she passed out.


  Never had Olivia slept as hard as she did that night, having vivid, intense dreams that she wouldn’t recall when she woke up. She remained in deep sleep for what felt like an eternity. Soon, though, she became aware of laying against something cold. In her state of delirious sleep, she thought for a second she had left her balcony door open and it had made her pillows cold. But as she started to wake up, unable to get completely warm, she realized it wasn’t pillows but a person.

  Her eyes opened in surprise, but then eased when she saw it was a sleeping Gabriel. The events of the previous night flooding back to her. So many questions rattled her mind, knowing he would have quite a bit of explaining to do when he woke. For then, though he slept so soundly, she didn’t want to wake him.

  She got out of bed, going to her dresser and grabbing a set of undergarments before thinking of what to wear for the morning. She remembered then the biting and sucking on her neck. Olivia moved hesitantly to her vanity, sitting down to get a good look at herself. It was dark in the room, but she had a small lamp at her vanity. When she turned it on, her eyes gaped at the sight of her neck and shoulder. Two sets of puncture wounds were on her ivory skin, deep purple and black bruises surrounding them from how hard he had sucked on the flesh. She would definitely have to cover it up if she didn’t want Emily freaking out.

  Standing, Olivia put on the bra and panties before moving to her closet to fetch an oversized turtleneck sweater she had. It was light gray and hung from her body like a loose dress, going down to her mid-thigh. The neck of it was loose as well, hanging down a bit but covered the wound on her neck. Glancing to Gabriel, Olivia moved from the room, quietly closing the door behind her. She noticed as she closed the door that it was cracked down the side by the hinges. Had… Had he done that just by kicking it closed? Blinking and shaking her head, she moved into the kitchen and began to brew some coffee.

  She sleepily leaned against the counter as the coffee pot slowly filled. As it did, she realized she was meant to be at work in just a few hours… Olivia wasn’t quite ready to part from Gabriel. Grabbing the phone from the counter, she called a couple of her coworkers until she found someone who wanted the shift; she then called the restaurant to let them know. Once the coffee was done brewing, she grabbed down two mugs and filled them each and stirred sugar into hers. Unsure how he took his coffee, she just carried his into the room black, telling herself she would get cream and sugar for him if he wanted it. Olivia sat the mug for him next to the side of the bed he was sleeping on. She took a sip of coffee, moving to the balcony. She parted the thick curtains a bit to see what the weather was like outside.

  A loud hiss sounded from the bed, “Close that please,” he grumbled, tossing the blanket over his head.

  Olivia blinked rapidly, closing the curtain and moving over to the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed with her coffee in hand.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, reaching with one hand to uncover his face from the blanket.

  When she did, he looked to the glass door to see it was covered and let out a sigh.

  His hand came out from under the blanket, rubbing her leg affectionately. He smiled warmly at her, his eyes gleaming with happiness as he woke up more.

  “I’m fine,” he breathed, his hand still gliding up and down her leg slowly as he laid there.

  But then it was like something clicked in his head and he jerked into the sitting position, “It’s already morning?” he asked, looking to her with big eyes.

  Olivia looked to him suspiciously for a moment, “Yeah… I made coffee,” she said, taking a sip of hers and pointing to his mug on the bedside table.

  Gabriel didn’t seem to care though, being deep in thought for a moment before hanging his head and rubbing his face.

  “Is it okay if I stay here for the day? At least until sundown?” he asked.

  Olivia gave a weak smile, “Don’t sound too enthused to spend the day with me,” she told him sarcastically before adding, “I already found coverage for my shift today.”

  “Sorry… I didn’t mean to make it sound like that… Just… Even if you had work, I would have to stay in. I’m glad the day at least gets to be spent with you,” he smiled softly.

  He then reached to the bedside table and grabbed the mug of coffee, taking a sip.

  “So… care to explain why you would need to stay inside? I’m guessing it is linked to what happened last night, but I feel like I’m dreaming so I don’t even know what’s real,” she sighed to him.

  Olivia didn’t mean to be pushy, knowing she should give him time to wake up, but she needed answers. After what happened that night, she deserved to know.

  He did drink her blood, after all.

  Gabriel let out a heavy sigh and nodded, patting the bed just in front of him.

  She moved to sit in front of him, he grabbed both of their mugs and sat them to the side.

  “I suppose I haven’t been entirely honest with you,” he sighed.

  “I don’t know where to begin, other than to tell you last night was very real… and very special to me. The latter of the evening, that is…” Gabriel breathed slowly, trying to keep his calm as anxiety overtook him.

  “I haven’t had to have this talk in so long… It feels so strange to say…” he began, before pausing and closing his eyes.

  “What you’re thinking I am, is correct. At least, a type of what it is…”

  “A vampire?” she asked him, her voice small.

  “Yes, that,” Gabriel nodded.

  “The lore is pretty wrong, really the only thing it is right about is drinking blood for sustenance, not being able to go into sunlight, and deadman’s blood poisons us.”

  “Us?” she asked, her eyes alight with curiosity, “So… your biker gang…?”

  “All vampires. Vampires are hunted all throughout the world, so it’s safer to travel in nests so that we have numbers on our side. Typically, hunters are lone or just a small group. I have about fifty vampires total. So even if a hunter did find us, they wouldn’t even think about attacking us. We would overpower them easily,” he explained.

  “What exactly is a vampire then?” she asked, “You said the lore is wrong…”

  Gabriel thought for a moment, his hands running over her legs in a soothing manner as she sat with her legs crossed in front of her.

  “It’s hard to explain, because I don’t even understand it completely… But from what I understand, vampires aren’t dead. The way you turn into a vampire is by drinking the blood of a vampire. Basically, my blood is like a poison to the human body. When you consume it, it poisons your bloodstream. It does kill you, but it also restores you. You’re reborn, in a way. So your body functions the same, but it doesn’t age. You can’t even grow your hair past the length it was when you were changed into a vampire, and it grows back overnight—which is why I always have the beard. Sunlight will kill me if I’m in it too long, I’ve never tested
out how long I can be… Even a moment in it feels like I’m on fire.”

  Olivia listened intently, trying to take it all in. It was hard for her head to wrap around the fact that vampires were even real, let alone that he was one.

  “But… last night… Why—”

  “Feeding from humans can be very… sexual, for lack of a better word. It sort of acts like an aphrodisiac for both you and me. When I bit you during the middle of it, that’s called bloodletting. It means I drink from you not for sustenance, but to give pleasure. I hadn’t meant to drink so much that you passed out, though,” he frowned a bit, shame flashing over his features.

  “I wanted to hang around until you woke up to make sure you were okay, and to have this conversation with you.”

  Olivia swallowed a lump in her throat, “Do you feel that when you feed from other humans?” she asked.

  “Aroused, yes. I never act on it, though. I’ve never wanted to until now,” he told her. “I’m not the sleeping around kind of guy.”

  “I would like it if you only fed from me…” she mumbled, averting her eyes, embarrassed of the misplaced jealousy she was feeling.

  Kent had really drilled it into her mind that all guys slept around, and while she trusted Gabriel, she didn’t exactly trust him enough to keep it in his pants if he felt the arousal he had last night every time he fed.

  There was a pause, Gabriel seeming resistant to the premise at first.

  “If that is what you are comfortable with, then okay. Just know it has to be frequently… The reason I was so ill looking when I arrived was because I hadn’t fed since that night Mercutio beckoned me outside… I had been too consumed by thoughts of you,” he admitted.

  Olivia blushed a bit, realizing that he hadn’t been eating just because he was thinking about her. It was sweet, in a way.

  “Well you definitely don’t need to go that long without feeding again… it looked like you were going to wither away right before my eyes.”

  Gabriel pulled her into his lap, her legs going to each side of him.

  “I won’t. I can’t. It made me far too weak, which was a problem within the nest… The reason Mercutio called me out that night, was because he didn’t like me socializing for my own pleasure with a human. He said it was making me weak as leader. I handled him, but then when I grew weak from not feeding, there were whispers starting to circulate. I was trying to wait until tonight to feed, but I suppose I couldn’t wait any longer. I’m sorry I attacked you, I couldn’t help it. Your pulse was in my ears and…”

  “It’s okay, Gabe,” Olivia hushed him, her fingers starting to brush over his beard.

  “I mean in the moment I was kind of scared, but I understand now. Don’t feel bad about it…”

  Gabriel looked at her with glossy eyes, holding her close to him.

  “You’re so accepting and kindhearted… You remind me so much of my Genevieve,” he sighed dreamily.

  “Of who?” she questioned.

  It was like he didn’t realize he had said those words aloud, his eyes widening a bit.

  “I suppose you deserve to know… But please know that it’s not just about your looks, because I care for the person you are. You are your own person, and it’s beautiful. But… The reason I first needed to speak with you, to talk you home, even to just look at you… Was because you are the spitting image of my late wife, Genevieve. I don’t know if it’s something like reincarnation or perhaps just chance genetics, but you look just like her, just her hair was a little darker in color.”

  There was a silence that hung in the air, Gabriel biting at his lip as he tried to think of what to say next.

  “She was my wife for a couple of centuries a long time ago, nearly a millennium ago now. There was a lord in France who was preforming primae noctis in her village, it’s where they have a legal right to have sex with the virgins of the town. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and when I walked the village the night before he was meant to claim her, I heard her weep with such deep sorrow. She was terrified. So, I waited for the next night for the Duke to come to her. He came just before sundown, so I couldn’t get to her right away. By the time I got to her, he was already in the middle of it with a knife to her neck so she wouldn’t fight him. I lost it, I killed him without an ounce of remorse. But, the blade had cut into her throat when I tackled him and she was dying in my arms. I didn’t want to change her, I wanted her to be able to live a full life and have kids and grandkids, but she was bleeding out rapidly. I cut my wrist and made her drink from it.”

  Gabriel paused for a moment, a sliver of sadness flashing across his eyes.

  “Once she woke, I vowed to her never to let a man hurt her like that lord had. So, we ran away together. She was the fourth member of my nest, and she stayed with me for three centuries. I loved her with every ounce of my being, she made me want to be a better man. My heart broke for her, though, because all she had ever wanted in life was children to call her own. But vampires are sterile… I felt like I robbed her of her dream. She found comfort in mothering the younger members of the nest, teaching them how to effectively hunt and keeping them in line—but I could still see the pain in her eyes. And then, just a while after America was colonized, a hunter found us because of some dumb kid we picked up along the way. Genny gave her life to protect him, the hunter injecting her with so much deadman’s blood I couldn’t save her. Ever since her death, I haven’t found another mate and didn’t want one. And I know how it must sound, since you look like her, but I swear to you it was only my initial attraction. I care for you so deeply, Olivia. I never want you to doubt that. There’s something real between us, a feeling I can’t describe but I know it’s there. And I don’t want to lose that.”

  Olivia was floored, unsure what to think or feel about the information he had just loaded her down with.

  So… he felt like she was perhaps his reincarnated wife? She felt a little weird about the idea. Even though he assured her he felt something just for her, she wasn’t entirely sure.

  He spent three hundred years with Genevieve, of course he was going to miss her and try and find her in anyone. Yet, even though she found herself doubting his words, some part of her, deep down, actually believed it to be true. Was it possible? If she looked exactly like her, and they sounded kind of similar with how they both loved kids and teaching… She wasn’t sure what to think, but she knew she wasn’t going to hold any contempt towards Gabriel. He was just a brokenhearted man.

  Olivia leaned in and kissed his lips softly, his muscles instantly relaxing and arms looping around her ribs.

  Pulling back just a bit, she looked up to him, “I think there’s something real between us too… And who knows, I could be her reincarnated, or maybe just someone who looks like her… All I know is no one has gotten under my skin the way you have, and I don’t want to let that go over something we could never know the answer to,” she breathed to him.

  Gabriel held her against him, kissing her on the lips, “You make me so happy, Olivia. Ever since her death, all I have done is exist. Now I feel like I’m living again.”

  Olivia smiled, leaning her forehead against his chin, “And I feel like my life has just begun.”

  They kissed a few more times, the kisses easily turning heated.

  His hands went into her long strawberry locks, tangling into the strands as he used it to bring her closer to him. Olivia kissed him back with feverish kisses, climbing completely into his lap. His hands drifted from her hair, down her back, and then to the sides of her thighs. He began to hike the hem of the sweater up, when her phone blared loudly from her nightstand.

  Worrying it was her work, she sighed and pulled away. “Sorry, hold on,” she mumbled.

  She crawled to the other side of the bed, grabbing her phone from the table. Olivia let out a loud groan when she saw it was Kent.

  “What is it?” he asked, concern hinting in his voice.

  “A nuisance,” she mumbled and silenced the ca

  Putting the phone back down, Olivia turned back to Gabriel—but then it started ringing again.

  “Why don’t you just turn the phone off?” he questioned.

  “Because work or Emily may call, so I need it on. He just won’t—” as soon as Olivia silenced the call, Kent started calling again.

  “Excuse me for just a second,” she mumbled.

  She got off the bed and headed for the door, shutting the door before answering the call.

  “What do you want, Kent?” she barked, agitation in her voice.

  “Why the fuck haven’t you answered my calls?! It’s been two days since I’ve spoken to you,” Kent growled.

  “Because I have a life, you know. I don’t have time to sit around and answer every last one of your calls. Jesus Christ, the only reason I answer is because you’re constantly threatening to take me to court,” she told him, her frustration growing.

  “Oh you have your own life now, hm? Moved on already haven’t you? You never even cared about me, Livie. You just used me the whole time and yet you get mad at me over flirting with some girls.”

  “You think showing every girl who says ‘hey’ your dick is flirting to you?” she snapped.

  “Of course I cared about you but I don’t anymore. Leave me alone, for the love of god. I just want to move on in peace.”

  “So you have moved on?!” he screamed.

  “You fucking whore. I bet you haven’t even tightened up from when I was last with you. How does that make you feel? Hm? That multiple men have been inside you and only ever wanted you for that reason? Cause if he or however many men you’ve been fucking have any sense, that’s all they will want you for.”

  “Fuck off, Kent,” Olivia mumbled, tears filling her eyes. “I never said I was sleeping around. And even if I was, it wouldn’t be any of your business.”

  “Have fun having your little rebound, Livie. I’ll be the only one to want you in the end. You’ll come back.”

  Olivia hung up and tossed her phone as far as she could across the living room, tears starting to fall from her eyes. How did he know just how to get in her head? After she threw her phone, she felt eyes on her, looking to her bedroom door to see Gabriel standing there with wide eyes.


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