Book Read Free

Sack Time

Page 9

by A. M. Willard

  “Out of control? Sprayed him? Who are you and what happened?”

  “He thought I would be willing to sell the places like June did, but I quickly shut him down which led to us walking inside each showing and then turning right back around and leaving. No words… No I hate it, I love it, or hey this is great. UGH, I think June is pissed, but I’m not that way.”

  I move around the counter closer to her. When I’m within arm’s reach, I jet out my hand and wipe the hair off her face before I slide my hand down to her chin to lift it toward me.

  Satisfied that she can see me when I say this, I continue. “You don’t deserve that kind of treatment, and if that’s the kind of place she’s running, you need a new job.”

  “I don’t think she’s that way, I think it’s just with him or it’s him in general,” Sherry answers with a shrug.

  “Did he touch you? Lord help me if he did,” I say, sounding angrier than intended.

  “Calm the F down, I said I was fine. Now let’s change the subject.”

  “Alright, but I’m just saying.”

  “You claiming me or something,” she says with sass.

  “I just might be; I mean, maybe this morning wasn’t enough to get you out of my system.”

  Right as the last word is out of my mouth, Sherry moves closer to me and drags her nails against my naked chest.

  I let out a loud gulp and prepare to try control myself. When all I really want to do is to lean her against this bar and have my wicked way with her body.


  My day couldn’t have ended fast enough. By the grace of God, I was able to run through everything with June quickly and escape her questioning. At this point, I’m not even sure if we will be continuing with Mr. McBride. Honestly, I don’t care anymore. Yes, the money would be nice, but it’s not worth selling my soul for. That’s June’s department, not mine. Needless to say, by the last showing, I had indentions in my palms from squeezing my hands together so hard. It took everything in me to not flip my lid with that man. He was acting like a toddler for the most part. We’d walk into each place, only for him to stand in the middle of the room, turn around, and then leave. How can anyone make a decision on the place they want to live, without even seeing the bedroom or master bath? When we finished the last one, I stood outside and clicked my Uber app, refusing to get a ride back to the office with the prick. I was done. So far past done that I don’t even want to show him anymore places. He left without a word when I said I would get a ride back to the office. No thank you, screw you, or anything. This day hasn’t gone the way I expected. It was a complete let down. Now I’m driving through evening traffic so my tunnel of love can get a manicure. It’s sad to admit that this part of my day is a highlight. Possibly because I can’t wait to see Ava’s face when we check-in. That’s just enough to brighten my day up. Okay, I might need to admit that my life is pretty boring if her getting a surprised ass bleaching is something I’m looking forward to. What do normal twenty-five-year-olds look forward to? I’ve never been one to enjoy going out and partying, especially since I’d be the one face first down on the table sleeping. I was focused on my studies, getting good grades, and passing my exams. Maybe I should’ve partied. Then I could’ve learned how to hang out with my friends now. Prime example is how Ava can go out and have a good time, while I sit at home stroking the cats. Which just so happens to be the reason I can’t stay awake. Life is grand. This is all I can think about when I stalk across the parking lot to enter the spa.

  Somehow, I missed Ava’s car outside, and it’s when I examine her smile that I realize she knows and she did something. Signing in, I plop down in the lime green leather chair next to her.

  “What a day,” I let out.

  “I’m sure it was a day, but trust me it’s about to get better,” she responds devilishly. She knows what I did, and all I can do at this point is sit back and prepare for the wrath of Ava.

  Just as I go to respond, we’re both called back. Instantly, my head turns to Ava who now has a smile plastered on her face so hard that it would take weeks to transform it.

  “What did you do?” I ask through gritted teeth.

  “Nothing, what makes you think that?”

  “For starters, that’s not Nina, and how am I supposed to have a man do my full bikini-line waxing,”

  “Smile and say thank you when he’s done, or thank me. Either way, Frank is your guy tonight.”

  I turn left and head to where Frank is standing outside a room waiting for me. I’d rather run for the hills than to allow him down in my private area. All I can hope for is the best at this point.

  “Alright, Miss. Wilde, go ahead and get undressed from the waist down. Here’s a sheet for you and then I’ll be back so we can start the Hollywood.” Just as fast as he said it, he’s gone and I have no idea what the hell the Hollywood means. I’ve never used anyone else than Nina, so I blow it off as that’s his own lingo from my normal.

  Situated on the table, I drum my fingers against the exposed leather on the side, keeping myself occupied and awake.

  A soft knock comes from the door alerting me that Frank’s entering. The quick breeze from the door swishes across my bare legs, causing chill bumps to rise.

  “Ready,” is all he says before lifting my leg up in the air.

  “Yes, but usually we do this a different way,” I state as Nina usually spreads my legs and doesn’t have to lift them.

  “Yes, but this is a different style, so you need to relax and let me get to work.” His accent is thick and hard to understand. I’m not sure if he just said different style, or my style. It’s hard to understand. It’s when I feel the warm wax land between my legs that I realize what Ava has done.

  I like the warm waxing style now, as it’s easier on my skin. Instead of strips of paper ripping off my flesh, they apply and let sit for a moment then peel it off. For some reason, I feel that this will end up with some stripes before I walk out of here.

  Forty-five minutes later, I’m checking out and throwing daggers at Ava who is occupying a chair with a smile. She stands and heads over to me.

  “I don’t know about you, but Lord I’m ready to show my ass to strangers.”

  “Glad to hear that,” is all I say in return as I know she wants to get a rise out of me.

  She has no idea what happened behind those closed doors. Lord, I don’t even understand what happened. Not only did I get violated, but I was put in harder yoga positions than my last instructor had before. Oh, and don’t let me forget the fact that I HAVE ZERO HAIR. I mean, not just the front… Nope, Frank waxed me everywhere…

  My hair is gone…

  My ass hurts…

  I’d rather have had a bleaching job, than the Hollywood.

  The cashier gives me back my card and I head for my Jeep, ignoring Ava still.

  “Sherry, don’t be mad…”

  “I’m not mad, I’m pissed and do you understand what I looked like in that room?”

  “Yes, I’ve had that one before, and it serves you right thinking I needed to bleach.”

  “It was supposed to be funny, not cause me pain and humiliation. What will a guy think now when I look like a child down under?”

  “Pretty sure the hot doc will like what he sees. Plus, it’ll grow back.”

  “Do you remember the last time I had Nina take a little more than normal? I itched for weeks. Can you picture what this will be like?” I ask which causes Ava to double over in laughter in the middle of the parking lot. I can’t deal with her right now. Instead, I unlock my Jeep and take off a few seconds later.

  Ava pulls in right behind me, and just like the other pranks before it’s wiped away until the next one is played.

  “Do you still love me?” Ava questions as she wraps her arm around me, and it causes us both to bust out in laughter. It’s not until my eyes land on the one and only Dr. Greyson Davis Jr. shirtless, waiting for an elevator, that causes me to hold my breath. Even Ava’s breath catche
s from the sight of him. My tongue darts out, licking my now dry lips like I’m some wanton girl who’s never seen a man dripping in sweat and shirtless. It’s just I’ve never seen him this way. He’s always been clothed, letting the imagination take over with what’s underneath his clothes. Now, that I’ve seen the way his abs ripple and that well-defined V-shape, I can’t stop staring at him in the elevator. I’m so focused on him that I don’t even remember what my day was like. This view will haunt me in my dreams.

  I can hear Ava speaking, but it’s not connecting with the jumbled up wires in my head. I fumble and can only fathom up an “Evening,” when he says hello. Mentally I chastise myself. It seems that every time I’m around this man, I’m having some kind of malfunction. Why is this my life?

  Bidding Greyson a good night, I head right to my apartment and my room. I still haven’t told Ava about our morning exchange and how it took most of the day for my heart to stop fluttering. Even when I was pissed at Mr. McBride, my heart skipped a beat when I thought about that kiss. Plopping down on my bed, I grab my phone and send a text to Greyson. Okay, more like a few texts that end with no response back from him. Mr. Tinkerbell slides up next to me, purring in my ears as if he’s telling me to go to Greyson.

  “What do you think, Mr. Tinkerbell? Should I go or just stay here with you and cuddle?”

  Since he can’t talk back to me, he jumps down and leaves my room just as fast as he arrived. I officially need to get a life. I’m allowing a cat to tell me what to do. But then I think if he was free, he’d be dating some female feline and enjoying life.

  “Fine, I’ll go talk to him,” I say out loud to no one.

  When my hand lands on the front doorknob, Ava questions me. “Where you headed off to?”

  “Going to see Greyson,” is all I say. I don’t wait around to explain why, and I’m not even sure at this point why I need to go see him. Oh yes, I do… I want another kiss. I want to see if I experience the same feeling when not having a panic attack.

  With a deep breath, I knock and wait… In reality, it only takes him a few minutes to answer, but it seems like an eternity.

  “Hi, well, I thought maybe we could you know… Talk or I don’t know… Maybe I should go,” I stumble over my words. Second guessing my plan.

  “Come on in, want a beer or something? I might have a soda if you’d rather have that.”

  “Sure, I’ll have a beer.”

  “How was your day?” Greyson asks as he hands me my drink.

  “It was okay, of course you know how it started. It just went downhill from that moment,” I shrug it off like it’s no big deal, trying to not bring attention to how it really went.

  “How’d the showing go? Did something happen?”

  “That was a big fat joke. People with money suck and think they are entitled to everything and anyone.”

  “What do you mean, entitled to anyone? Did something happen today, Sherry?”

  “Calm down, big guy, I handled it and if it would have gotten out of control I’d have sprayed him.”

  “Out of control? Sprayed him? Who are you and what happened?”

  I go through the short version of what transpired today, trying to not add attention to anything. I watch as his chest muscles tighten.

  “Did he touch you? Lord help me if he did,” Greyson’s voice booms, sounding angrier than intended.

  “Calm the F down, I said I was fine. Now let’s change the subject.”

  “Alright, but I’m just saying.”

  “You claiming me or something,” I say, cutting him off as I try to sound flirtatious.

  “I just might be; I mean, maybe this morning wasn’t enough to get you out of my system.”

  When those words leave Greyson’s mouth, I stand and move closer to him. Raising my hand, I drag my nails over his smooth skin, taking in every inch of his chest. I don’t wait on Greyson to make the move first, instead that lustful, wanton girl who hides deep within me comes out to play.

  My hands snake around his neck, pulling his face down toward me. I hoover my lips over his, taking in the way he smells of fresh clean soap, no longer the man who was inches away from me dripping in sweat from the gym.

  Greyson opens his mouth as if he is going to speak; instead of allowing his words to exit, I claim his mouth with mine. As soon as it touches, his hands slide up my back and pull me to him closer, so close I can feel his excitement through his shorts. We stand like this for who knows how long, exploring each other’s mouths. Taking in the feel of each other’s bodies. I make the first move to move us toward something, anything… I need this man, and I need him now. Before I would find every excuse in the book to highjack myself out of here, but not with Greyson. I want to give him everything I have—everything I can and right now. My body tingles from my head to my toes, pouring pure excitement from my pores.

  Greyson maneuvers us to his sofa, where he lays me down and I stare up at him; taking in the way his eyes are traveling the length of my body. Before he can undress me, I shimmy out of my yoga pants, taking my panties with them. I’m offering up my body to him in a way I’ve never done before. Instead of pouncing me like a hungry tiger, he stands there examining me for what could be considered a minute too long.

  “Sherry… Ummm, I’m not sure how to tell you this, but I think we have a problem?”

  “What?” I ask in confusion as this is the first time I’ve taken control of a situation, and a guy stands above my half-naked body telling me we have a problem.

  I brace myself up on my elbows, staring at his face in shock from his expression. It’s when he points down to my tunnel of love that I remember what I had done today. I can’t speak… I don’t make eye contact… Instead, I hop up and grab my clothing from the floor. Hopping around on one leg, I dress as fast as I can before I bust out in tears.

  “Sherry, I might need to take a look at that. What did you have done?”

  “No! You will never see that area again… I’m sorry, but I have to go,” I say so quick that I’m not even sure I said what I needed to say before I run to the door. Never have I been so embarrassed and ready to physically kill Ava. Pushing the button to the elevator over and over, I pray it opens before Greyson comes after me. When they slide open, I feel his hand grab my arm not allowing me to leave.

  “Sherry, don’t be embarrassed. You apparently have a sensitivity to the wax that was used. Do you still have those cooling pads that my dad told you about?”

  I don’t answer. I stand here in front of the elevator and stare up at him in confusion. How does he know about that? That was over a year or so ago, and I know for a fact I haven’t said a word about this to him. It dawns on me.

  “You read my file? You were trying to find out about me? Tell me, Dr. Greyson, do I add up to your standards? No STD’s, or anything out of the ordinary. Huh, tell me?”

  “No, no. No, Sherry, it’s not like that. I mean, yes, I read your file, but it was to see why you sleep so much. I thought maybe my father might have mentioned it. The only thing out of the ordinary was that appointment. Which, by the looks of things down there, you might want to give up on waxing. I mean… Shit, Sherry, I’m sorry.”

  “No, what I’m sorry about is that I really liked you and thought you were different. If you wanted to know why I fall asleep, all you had to do was ask me. I would’ve told you.”

  “Then why do you; I mean, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, other than I have a soft heart and rescue cats. Not to mention I volunteer at the shelter and I’m highly allergic to them. I take three different allergy medications a day to make it through the day. Which is also why I can never stay awake. One of them works, but not good enough so I take the others alternating through the day. They make me sleepy, and I can’t fight it. That’s the big mystery, but you didn’t have the balls to ask me. Instead, you invaded my privacy and read my file. I thought you were different.” I stop and hit the button on the panel behind me and pray that it doesn’t take too lon
g to open.

  “Sherry, look—come back in and let me explain.”

  “No, Greyson, this,” I say, motioning between us, “is over,” I say and step out of his hold right as the doors open.

  Livid, I enter my apartment and find Ava curled up on the sofa watching TV. “Do you have any idea what you did to my tunnel? It will never be looked at the same, you have ruined her.”

  “WOW, calm down and tell me what is wrong?”

  “My vagina is on fire… It’s red, swollen, and just scared a guy—that’s what happened.”

  “Sherry, did you really go upstairs and show Greyson your new do? You know you shouldn’t have sex right away.”

  “Wasn’t planning on it; it just almost happened until I scared the guy, and he sees crazy shit all day every day. But no… I’m the one who just put the fear of God in him from going near her,” I say, and I can’t hold back the tears anymore. I’m so embarrassed by what happened—and not only that—I’m pissed that he read my file instead of talking to me. How could he do this?

  “Oh, honey, come here,” Ava says, patting the cushion next to her.

  “It gets worse,” I say between sobs.

  “Tell me what happened?”

  “He read my file and asked me if I still had those cooling pads that his dad told me to buy. I can’t believe he could think of that while my legs were spread offering up the goods to him. Not to mention, he thought something was wrong with me, and I’m not talking about the bumps—the sleeping.”

  “Most people do if they don’t know you, Sherry. I mean, you sack out in the weirdest places. But did he really read your file?”

  “Yes, and stop picking on me,” I whine.

  “I’m not, but it’s true on that side of things. I’m sorry he read your file, but he did think you were his patient so it doesn’t violate any ethics law. Maybe moral code or something, but I don’t know.”

  “I know, but it’s the point. I thought he was different, and now I’ll never be able to show my face around him. Like really, if you could’ve seen his face when I took my pants off, you’d find a way to move to another country.”


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