Monroe, Melody Snow - Taming Tammy [Pleasure, Montana 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody Snow - Taming Tammy [Pleasure, Montana 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “Not in the least. Tank’s a good guy.”

  “If you say so.”

  Jake wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged. “Don’t be that way.”

  “I’m sorry. Tank and I go back a long way. It’s hard to forgive.”

  His bitter chuckle caught her off guard. “Tell me about it.”

  He had skeletons in his closet, too? “Care to elaborate?” She didn’t think he was speaking of Tank. Someone must have done a number on him.

  He lowered his arm and faced her. “No.”

  Ooookay. “You still up for car shopping?” She wanted to return the favor of him offering to work on her house.

  His face transformed with a grin, but she could tell it took effort to pull off the smile. “You bet.”

  * * * *

  Jake thought the car shopping went well, in large part because Tammy worked her magic with the dealer. He almost felt bad getting such a good deal, but then again the truck was ten years old. He paid cash, which seemed to surprise her, but getting a loan instead didn’t sit well with him. He’d debated using his trust fund money to upgrade to a newer model, but he was determined to find success on his own. It was one of the things he found they had in common. Both were fierce about their independence.

  Yes, he’d implied to Tank he was down on his luck, but he hadn’t painted the whole picture. Jake was determined to get a new start on life and forget about his wife’s death on his own terms. His mom’s dad had died and left his parents a lot of money. Tank knew that much. What he didn’t know was that Grandpa also left Jake with enough to rebuild his construction company. Only he didn’t want the new start using someone else’s dime.

  When he’d arrived at Tank’s apartment that first night, he’d planned on renting an apartment, but his cousin started in about how he wanted to help Tammy Richards, the girl who got away. His passionate plea really got to him. Jake never got the chance to explain that he didn’t need any handouts. Now he was glad he’d kept his finances a secret.

  He followed Tammy back to her place. Even though purchasing the lumber on credit seemed to go against her core beliefs, he noticed a renewed excitement in her once she made the deal. Her face sparkled and her energy increased. She had this infectious sense of adventure, and he knew that he needed to make her new home a reality.

  Even his own sense of listlessness had lifted a bit. In fact, his cock seemed to have come alive, a side effect he never anticipated when he signed up for this gig. After his wife’s death, he’d resigned himself to being alone, but there was something in the way Tammy shared his core beliefs about life that got his juices flowing. Maybe Pleasure would live up to its name.

  Chapter Five

  The hardware store called the next afternoon about the delivery of the wood.

  “I’ll tell him.” Tammy imagined it would take many trips to get the wood here. Maybe she could help by also driving her van. “He’ll probably come over now to pick some of it up.”

  Having someone else around twenty-four-seven should have bothered her. But there was something about Jake that brought life to the ranch. In fact, she looked forward to their discussions every night. Jake Harrison was quite an amazing man. He might be young, but his attitude about living life to the fullest was contagious.

  She found Jake in the barn talking to Dixie.

  “Hey, Jake?” He turned around. The smile she expected didn’t materialize. Instead, his brows were pinched. “Something wrong?”

  “I’m no vet, but Dixie doesn’t look so good.”

  She rushed over, her stomach in knots. Her mare’s eyes were slightly glassy, and the feces in the stall was runny. “Shit.”

  “That’s what I was worried about.”

  He wasn’t making a joke. “I’m calling Aiden.” She feared Dixie had colic. Both her and the foal had free reign to graze outside. While much of the area was grassy, leave it to Dixie to find patches of dirt to eat.

  A small smile returned. “Don’t worry. Her condition can be treated.”

  “Treatment costs money.” Without her mare to rebuild the stables or provide animals for sale, she’d have to get out. “If she needs surgery, I won’t be able to help her.” Her eyes watered.

  Jake stepped over to her and pulled her into a warm hug. “Don’t worry. Aiden will be able to fix her.” He lifted her chin with a finger. “I came along when you were on down on your luck, remember?”

  “Yes, but I can’t ask the universe to help me twice.” Brody’s unexpected kindness should count as a second blessing. “Oh. That reminds me. Thomas’s hardware called. The lumber’s in.”


  She expected him to rush out and pick it up, but he didn’t move. “You’re not going to get it?”

  “And leave you with a sick animal? Never.”

  How sweet was that? “I’m calling Aiden right now.” She dialed his cell, but it went straight to voice mail, so she left a message. Now what was she going to do?

  “Let’s walk her,” Jake said.

  Duh. Why didn’t she think of that? Dixie seemed calm around both of them, so they slowly brought her outside. They walked the animal around the property until Dixie’s gait improved. Her cell rang. It was Aiden.

  “Hey. Thanks for getting back to me.” She explained Dixie’s symptoms.

  “There are a ton of different causes of colic. If, as you say, she’s doing a little better, do you mind if I finish up with another animal? I’ll come over around six if that works for you.”

  The fact he’d make time for her after hours made her fall for him a little more. “Sure.”

  She disconnected and told Jake.

  “Great.” He ran a hand down her arm. “She’ll be okay. Don’t worry.”

  Easy for him to say. It wasn’t his livelihood. They walked Dixie back to the stalls and filled her feedbag with grain.

  “I’m going stay here with her.”

  “Then I’ll get the lumber.”

  He’d leaned over and acted as if he was about to kiss her good-bye, when he abruptly straightened. His eyes glanced downward as if he’d mistaken her for another woman. Damn. She wondered about the real story behind the man.

  * * * *

  Holy shit. Jake had almost kissed her. Being with her these last few days had made him realize what he’d been missing in his life. There was something about Tammy that stirred his soul. But making a move this soon in the relationship would be stupid. Tammy needed time to figure out what she wanted in life. She needed to learn that love was a two-way street and that to give was just as important as to receive. So far, she needed to work on the receiving part. If only he could convince her that teamwork made for a better life, he’d be set.

  He’d called ahead to the hardware store, so a guy was waiting for him in the back. His truck wouldn’t hold all that much, but it would be a start. Tank had called and said he could drop off a load after work. Between the two of them, they should have most of her supplies stacked, ready to go, in no time.

  When he passed the Mountain View restaurant, he decided to check if they did takeout. He bet Tammy would appreciate a good meal, and he wasn’t certain what supplies she had at home. He thought she’d mentioned that she worked here as a chef twice a week. A parking spot opened up in front and he went inside. After he introduced himself as Tammy’s builder, the chef, Chelsea, came out. He was surprised she was still working given how pregnant she was.

  The sight of her belly nearly socked him in the gut. He and his wife always talked about having children, but she’d died before that ever happened. He’d been heartened to learn Tammy thought two kids would be a nice addition to her life. He couldn’t agree more, though if she wanted five, he’d be good with that, too.

  Whoa. Bury that thought. She hadn’t indicated she found him attractive, and she sure hadn’t acted like she was looking for a mate. Move on.

  Once he found out which menu items were Tammy’s favorites, he ordered three different meals so she could have her cho
ice. He assumed Aiden would be there to help Dixie. Mostly likely the vet wouldn’t have stopped to eat, and he and Aiden could eat the two meals she didn’t pick.

  By the time Jake got on the road, it was near six anyway. Aiden had already arrived when Jake rolled into the drive. He put the dinner in the fridge and headed on out to the barn. The panic in Tammy’s voice reached him before he heard the words. He slowed. Apparently Aiden was explaining the options to her.

  Colic, he knew, could be nasty depending on where the obstruction occurred. Aiden must have discovered something. When Jake walked up to them, they were standing next to Dixie, watching her eat some grasslike substance.

  “How’s it going?”

  Both looked back with worry written on their faces. Aiden shook his head. “Dixie could have a bacteria issue or purely a digestive problem. I’m feeding her psyllium husk in her feed. I’m hoping the fiber will help her pass whatever it is that’s blocking her digestive tract.”

  Jake didn’t ask Dixie’s chances for survival. Tammy looked ready to break. “I brought dinner for all of us. You want to come in to eat?”

  She shook her head. “I want to stay out here with Dixie to see if there are any changes.”

  No surprise Tammy would put the horse’s health above hers. “You have to eat.”

  “I will. Later.”

  Jake glanced to Aiden. He caught the slight nod acknowledging that Jake was right. Aiden wrapped an arm around Tammy’s waist and moved her toward the barn door. “Why don’t we wash up and get a bite. Then we can come back. It’ll take hours before we notice any difference in her condition.”

  Tammy swiped a tear from her cheek. Jake wanted to rush next to her and hold her. She’d been through so much. She didn’t need her horse to fall ill. Since Aiden seemed to be able to calm her, he stayed back.

  “You think?”

  Aiden kissed her forehead. “I know so.”

  To his surprise, Jake wasn’t jealous of the tender act. In fact, he appreciated that Aiden had Tammy’s best interest at heart.

  After they washed up, Jake pulled out the food and set the table. While it reminded him of his family back in South Carolina, there was something extra special about a diverse group of people sharing a meal.

  “Aiden, you want a beer?” Jake asked.


  “Water for me,” Tammy said.

  When the food was served, they discussed Dixie’s condition. Jake appreciated that Aiden went out of his way to reassure instead of scare. Jake remembered the stallion his dad owned. He’d gotten colic and died, despite an oil treatment that was meant to cure the horse. Some living beings were only meant to be alive for a short period of time.

  Aiden polished off his beer. “Tammy, if money weren’t an object, where would you like to see your ranch in say five years?”

  The question seemed to take her aback. “I guess it depends on how much help I had. My parents had four ranch hands, and they really helped out. If I could hire them back, I guess I’d have cows and cutting horses. I loved riding and training them.”

  Jake finished his food. “So you like to ride.”

  A calm passed over her face. “I don’t think there’s anything better than to feel the wind in your hair and having control over the powerful beast below you.”

  From that comment, he surmised she wouldn’t be a great candidate for being tied up and ridden. That was a shame. He could picture him, and even Aiden or Tank licking her clean while they brought her to the most intense climax in her life. He knew Tank was a pussy man, while he loved a woman’s ass. And Tammy had sweet cheeks.

  Stop. She’s too innocent.

  As if he’d been caught with his hand in the cash register, he pushed back his chair and began clearing the table.

  “Jake, leave it. I can do that later.”

  “You need to tend to Dixie. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

  His words seemed to soften the look on her face. He bet not too many men had offered to lighten her burden. From the way Aiden acted around her, he’d be the first to volunteer. Too bad sharing responsibility seemed to go against her grain.

  Aiden stood. “Jake’s right. We should get back to her.”

  Tammy hesitated. “Thanks.”

  She put Dixie first. That meant her priorities were in the right spot.

  * * * *

  When he and Tammy got to the barn, Dixie was worse, not better. Her abdomen was distended. Aiden didn’t want to alarm Tammy, but he needed to be more precise with his diagnosis. “I’ll be right back. I need to get something from my vehicle.” He didn’t want to get into the details, as anything he did would seem invasive.

  He returned and did a complete exam. The results were inconclusive. There was a blockage, but he wasn’t ready to suggest any radical solutions. Surgery was the last resort and was very expensive. Tammy would never be able to afford it.

  “I want to try more of the psyllium, but if we use it too often, Dixie will get used to it and start depending on the added fiber.”

  Unfortunately, Dixie wasn’t in the mood to eat, even though Tammy coaxed the horse to do the best she could.

  She faced him. “Now what?”

  “The amount she ate might help. Now we wait.” He was out of options.

  He sat down and leaned against the barn wall. Dixie’s recovery might take all night, but he needed to be there in case her situation worsened. He raised an arm, welcoming Tammy to join him on the pile of hay. He wasn’t sure she would. From what he remembered of her in high school, Tammy wasn’t the adventuresome type. Tank dumping her hadn’t helped.

  She hesitated before stepping over to him. She sat down, and he drew her near. He expected her to pull away, but she didn’t, boosting his confidence. Maybe it was because she was preoccupied with Dixie and wanted the comfort. She leaned her head against his shoulder, and a sense of well-being descended on him. Aiden had dated a lot of women. Some he’d shared with Tank. Most were the aggressive type and were with him for what he could provide. Whether it was his big dick or his potential fat paycheck, the women seemed to be drawn to him. Honesty and openheartedness weren’t traits of the women he attracted. That is, until he decided that Tammy was the woman for him. Tank was right. If they played their cards right, they might be able to convince her to love both of them at once.

  The image of Jake popped up. He was a good guy and someone who had a positive effect on her. While Aiden had never had a three-way, he was open to the idea.

  He snuggled her closer, knowing the night temps would drop to the mid-forties, even in August.

  For the first hour, she watched Dixie and asked him questions about the horse’s condition. While he told her horses could die from colic, the fact he was there would hopefully prevent her death.

  The colt was making soft noises in the next stall as if he, too, was worried about his mom. About an hour into their vigil, Jake stopped by.

  “Thought you guys could use some hot tea.” He brought a thermos, two cups, and a handful of tea bags.

  She smiled. “That’s so thoughtful.”

  “I figured since you two seemed determined to spend the night here, I also brought some blankets.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Dixie sat up, looked around, then settled back to the ground.

  “I’ll stop by later and check to see if you two need anything.”

  Without waiting for an answer, Jake took off. He liked the man. He seemed decent and respectful.

  Sometime during the night, Tammy had fallen asleep in his arms. As slowly as he could, he lowered himself to the hay. Bunching some straw for a pillow, he rested her head on his chest and pulled the blankets on top of them. Having her in his arms was so relaxing that he, too, must have dozed off until Tammy wiggled and woke him. She was still asleep, yet her hands were rubbing his chest. His cock reacted in a most inappropriate way. It wouldn’t do if she knew how much her presence turned him on. Even though they’d been in the barn
absorbing the smells, her scent was still provocative. She smelled of pine and fresh air, a combination he found enticing.

  To help settle her down, he kissed the top of her head. Wrong move. Her leg slipped over his thighs as if he were some big body pillow. He couldn’t help but tug her tighter and imagine making love to her. He didn’t know which body part he’d start with. Should he devour her lips, lick her sweet pussy, or torture her perky tits? One thing was for sure, he’d end up packing her full of his cock. Man, do I have it bad or what?

  Tammy settled for a bit, but as the night air filled the barn, internally she seemed to know it was cold. She shifted her body and crawled on top of him. Now she’d know what he was thinking. His cock was pressing into her stomach. As he lifted her hips to slide her off him, she moved upward and kissed him. He was too shocked to respond.



  “Maybe I should check on Dixie.”

  She snuggled closer. “I’d know if she were in trouble.”

  He listened for Dixie’s breathing to see if her respirations were more rapid. The opposite seemed to be true. He could only slightly make out her outline, but Dixie was on her haunches instead of lying down.

  Then as if Tammy’s voice had healed her, Dixie got to her feet. He needed to, too. So as not to fully rouse Tammy, he slid out from under her. Patting the ground for his flashlight, he picked it up, and shone the light toward the ceiling to illuminate the stall. He wrapped the blanket around Tammy, got up, and checked the horse thoroughly. Evidence indicated Dixie had passed her problem. Now, Dixie needed time to heal, and he needed some sleep. He’d figure out a new eating regimen for her later.

  “Tammy, we need to go inside,” he whispered.

  She didn’t respond. With the flashlight in hand, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the house. Other than a small whimper, she was limp in his arms.

  Given it was 3:00 a.m., he had no plans of driving home at this hour. She’d told him Jake slept on the sofa in the living room. That left her bed. They’d shared the stall. Hopefully, she wouldn’t mind if he slipped into bed with her and kept her warm for what was left of the night. He might as well enjoy having her in his arms for a few more hours.


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