Captivated by Her Italian Boss

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Captivated by Her Italian Boss Page 12

by Rosanna Battigelli

  In minutes Bianca was asleep. As Davide maneuvered his way out of town, he could feel the tension that had settled on his neck and shoulders. He would relax in his whirlpool bath when he got home. It had been an emotionally draining day, and he needed to digest what had happened—and what was happening—between him and Neve.

  There were still plenty of questions that he wanted to ask her about her mother. And he was sure that Neve had questions of her own. It had sounded like Neve and her mother had issues that had originated in Neve’s adolescent years. Or maybe earlier. At the very least, Lois Wilder was controlling and manipulative. Had she been jealous of Neve? Most mothers wanted their daughters to find a nice guy. But she had found a way to stop her daughter from meeting with him. Had she done the same with other guys?

  Davide felt a chill as he remembered the words on the note. You would do well to remember your place. Maybe the issue hadn’t been with Neve, but with him. Of course! He hadn’t fit Lois’s image of a nice guy. He had been grimy and dusty from his work on the farm... She must have cringed at the thought of her upper-class daughter stooping to meet a farmer.

  Anger and disgust swirled in his gut. He couldn’t abide snobbery. And he felt a stab of remorse for all the years that he had thought that it was Neve who had been the snob. Eight wasted years. Years of bitterness, regret and humiliation.

  But maybe they hadn’t been wasted. Those words that Lois had written—dripping with disdain—had actually pushed Davide to elevate his goals. This had eventually led to the writing of his novel, which had catapulted him to a level of success that he had only ever dreamed of. So in that sense, those eight years hadn’t been wasted, but on the other hand, almost a decade of his and Neve’s lives had been controlled by a force neither of them had been aware of. The force that was Lois Wilder.

  Davide didn’t know how things would be proceeding with Neve from this point on, but he knew one thing for sure: the feeling that had settled in his heart when he had first seen Neve had never disappeared. It may have flickered, like a match’s flame on a windy day, but now, with the truth finally out in the open, the flicker was becoming stronger and stronger. All the judgments he had made about Neve after reading that note had dissipated when he had seen that stricken look in her eyes. The raw pain that she had been deceived by her own mother, by some one she had thought she could trust. And that look had pained him also, knowing that Neve had been hurt.

  As Davide wound his way up the mountain, he suddenly thought of the novel that he had put on hold since the accident. Taking care of his sister’s and brother-in-law’s affairs after their accident had taken all his time and emotional energy. And once Bianca had returned to Southern Italy with him, he had spent time with her during the day and evening, trying to adapt to a new life that included a child.

  He had hired a nanny right from the beginning, and then another, and a third, but each one had fallen short of his expectations. The first had exaggerated her qualifications, the second had crossed the line by snooping and the third had wanted to get to him through Bianca. All had violated his trust.

  During all of this Davide hadn’t felt the desire to return to his writing. So he had done the next best thing—continued his research. He had set this novel in the late nineteen-fifties, during the last great wave of Italian immigration to other parts of the world. Reading and compiling facts and significant details of that era had kept him moving forward, even if the creative part of it was on hold.

  Fortunately, the resounding success of his first novel afforded him whatever time he needed to move through his grief and mourning without the worry about a paycheck not arriving. And even though his publisher and editor had been anxiously awaiting his next literary offering, Davide had refused to put pressure on himself. He knew that the desire to write would return, sooner or later.

  And it had, especially after seeing that look in Neve’s eyes. The utter defeat, mixed with shards of pain. A look that he could envision on his heroine’s face after her discovery of her husband’s infidelity in their newly adopted country—a scene that he had been about to write the night that he had gotten the call from Bianca’s babysitter in Vancouver...

  As Davide drove the final stretch onto his property, the lights he had had installed casting an amber glow on different sections of the castle, Davide felt a ripple of excitement run through him. He would return to his writing tonight.


  BIANCA WAS TOO tired for a bath and a story before bed. And earlier, too tired to walk into the castle. Davide had carried her from the van into the castle and up the winding staircase. Neve had followed, a warmth spreading throughout her body at Davide’s tenderness toward his niece. And at the sight of his strong back and arm muscles...

  The sudden image of him carrying her up the stairs made her pulse quicken and she was glad he wasn’t able to see her face at that moment, probably close to the same color as her hair.

  Davide kissed Bianca good-night and excused himself. Neve helped Bianca change and get into bed, and when Neve tiptoed out of her room, Davide reappeared from his study. He offered Neve a chamomile tea or a cool drink, and she hesitated for a moment, trying to read his expression in the dimmed hall lighting.

  Would this lead to further discussion about the past and her mother’s part in it? Or encourage something more intimate? A wave of exhaustion washed over her then, and although she was very tempted, she made herself decline his offer. “Thanks, but I... I think the best thing is for me to get to bed. Today has been somewhat overwhelming...”

  He closed the distance between them and took her hands in his. The way his thumbs were circling gently over her palms was triggering a series of red-hot currents through her. And when she thought that she was close to letting out a soft moan, he brought her hands to his lips, planted a firm kiss on both of them and brought them gently down. “Anche per me, Neve. Also for me.”

  Davide looked deep into her eyes—activating another delicious swirl in the pit of her stomach—and murmured, “I have some work to do, but we will see each other in the morning. Va bene?”

  “Va bene,” she managed to reply a little breathlessly. Of course it was okay with her. Neve watched him retreat into his study, leaving the door half-open, and she entered her room, almost regretting that she hadn’t accepted his offer.

  As soon as she stepped into the large, claw-foot tub in her en-suite bathroom, enveloped by the sweet, soothing fragrance of the floral bubble bath, she knew she had made the right choice. At least for tonight.

  The muscles in her body were more tense than she had realized. Neve closed her eyes, glad she had dimmed the lights, and focused on doing some deep breathing exercises. After twenty or so minutes, she stepped out of the perfumed water, feeling much more mellow and relaxed. Wrapping herself in an oversize towel, she padded to her bed. She had put on a shower cap to expedite her bath routine, so she didn’t have to worry about drying her hair. She switched on the night-light near the door to the en suite and turned off the Murano chandelier in her room.

  Neve lay on top of the bed for a few minutes, enjoying the warm breeze from the open shutters. She felt like a pampered princess in her luxurious turret room. Before her eyelids became too droopy, she shifted to turn back the covers, and then flung her towel on the edge of the bed. The thought did occur to her to walk over to the armoire where she had hung up her nightie, but her limbs refused to cooperate.

  The cool satin sheet against Neve’s bare skin made her snap out of her lethargy. She felt a slow, sensual tingle along her nerve endings with every brush of her body against the satin, and the thought of Davide so close by in his study ramped up the sensations even more. With a sudden shiver, she pulled the top satin sheet over her and squeezed her eyes shut. She had to stop imagining Davide walking through that door and coming to her...

  He was her boss! No matter that there had been sparks between them eight years a
go, sparks that hadn’t needed much to flare up since she had arrived. She could not encourage any kind of involvement with Davide while she was employed by him. Yes, it would be sweet torture, living under his roof and erecting an emotional barrier to prevent him from getting closer. But there was no other option, unless she quit her job and went home.

  And she didn’t have the heart to do that to Bianca. The child had had enough traumatic changes in her life, and Neve wasn’t about to become the fourth nanny who hadn’t worked out. The poor child needed some stability, and Neve had every intention of fulfilling her part of the contract and ensuring that Bianca was ready for kindergarten. She could see—and she knew Davide could, too—that Bianca was already warming up to her.

  Neve inhaled deeply. She could only take it one day at a time. And even that might prove to be more difficult than she could imagine...

  Exhausted, Neve closed her eyes and curled to one side, tucking the sheet under her chin, and willed herself to sleep.

  * * *

  Davide stared at the paragraph he had just finished typing up on the laptop. He frowned, his fingers drumming the keys softly without actually typing. Then he changed a few words, read it over again and smiled. He was back on track!

  He rubbed his eyes and then checked the time on his cell phone. After 3:00 a.m. Well, he had accomplished what he had meant to do. The scene was done, and he felt emotionally spent but exhilarated at the same time.

  Davide sat back in his leather office chair and let his shoulders relax. He dipped his head, moved it to one side and then the other, stretching his neck and then his shoulders. The sound of footsteps in the hall made him swivel. His first thought was that it was Bianca, but a couple of seconds later Neve appeared at the half-open door, her cotton robe tied loosely at her waist.

  Her hair was tousled, framing her face in feathery strands, and her eyes were blinking, as if surprised to see him there.

  “I—I woke up and thought I heard something,” she said, her voice husky. “I opened my door and saw your light. I thought maybe you had forgotten to turn it I was going to.”

  Davide couldn’t help smiling. “Thank you for being concerned about my light bill, Neve.”

  Her mouth quirked on one side and her gaze flew to his computer. “Well, I guess I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing...”

  Davide waited till her gaze returned to his. “No, don’t go just yet... Come in.”

  He saw her hesitate and then pull the strap of her robe tighter around her. She walked tentatively toward him, stopping several feet from his desk. His laptop was still open, with the last page of his chapter on the screen. Davide saw her gaze fly to it quickly and then back to him.

  He closed the laptop and stood up to face her.

  “I have something I’d like to give you. A little gift to express my gratitude for doing such a great job with Bianca.” He held out a copy of La Figlia Dei Borboni. “The English translation is in the works.”

  Davide felt a swirl of pleasure as Neve’s eyes widened, along with her smile. She took the book gingerly as if it was a priceless treasure. She scanned the cover and then turned it over to read the blurb. And then she flipped the first couple of pages to where he had inscribed it.

  Per Neve,

  Con ammirazione e gratitudine.

  For Neve, with admiration and gratitude.

  She looked up at him, her eyes a misty azure.

  “Grazie, Davide,” she said, blinking but unable to stop the teardrops from slipping out onto her cheeks.

  He groaned softly and took the book out of her hands and dropped it on the desk. He pulled her close against him, wrapping one arm around her back and raising his other hand to press her head gently against his chest. He breathed in the fresh scent of her hair and held her for timeless moments, letting all his senses experience the intimacy he had dreamed of for years.

  And then his need for her made him tilt her face toward him and hungrily seek her lips. When they opened almost immediately for him, an exquisite current ran through him as he tasted the fruit that had been denied him for almost a decade. Madonna mia, he thought, his breath ragged. He pulled away to trace a path of kisses down her silky neck, and with impatient hands, he tugged at the ties of her robe until it fell away.

  Her sudden gasp at the touch of his hands over the thin nightie beneath her robe sent his heart catapulting against his rib cage. His lips sought hers again while one hand slid under her nightie. And then another gasp. With a muffled groan, Davide swept her up in his arms and carried her to his bedroom.

  “I’ve been waiting a lifetime to make you mine, Neve,” he breathed against her ear before setting her down on his king-size bed. He had so much he wanted to say to her...

  But he let his passion say the rest...


  WHEN NEVE WOKE UP, she was alone in her own bed. A series of images flashed through her mind and made her pulse do hurdles. Had she been dreaming? There was no way that she and Davide had...

  They had.

  And her body was still thrumming from his touch.

  The way he had begun his tender exploration, so slowly and gently, as if she were a delicate flower.

  And the feel of his lips and touch becoming more passionate...and thorough...

  He had sent her to the stars and back. There had been few words...his eyes had relayed everything she had needed to know. And afterward she had nestled against him, cocooned by his strong arms, his breath warm against her neck. This is how she had always imagined lovemaking would be...

  Neve had wished she could have stayed there until morning, but they both knew that Bianca could wake up at any time.

  Davide had helped her with her nightie and dressing gown, and had carried her back to her room. After a final passionate kiss, he had left, and Neve had eventually succumbed to a deep, contented sleep.

  The unexpected ring of her cell phone gave Neve an unpleasant jolt, and she reached for it on her night table, irritated at the interruption of her thoughts. Blinking, she read the text message.

  Neve, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were living in a castle! And that your boss is the celebrated author Davide Cortese! Not that I knew about him before, lol, but my sources in Valdoro texted me to tell me that the two of you had been seen in Michelina’s Bakery, of all places! So, ’fess up, darling. Is something going on that I should know about? Did you meet him online through a dating service? Is that why he hired you as nanny to his niece?

  Neve paused, her stomach in knots. She could not believe that even this far away from home, her mother was still sticking her nose in her private business. And of course her mother’s “sources” were her friends at the Villa Morgana. An employee at the villa had either been at the bakery when she and Davide had been there with Bianca, or else someone at the bakery had told a friend who had then told another friend...

  And how was she supposed to respond to her mother’s query? What had happened between her and Davide was too fresh, too private. And the last person she wanted to know about it was the person who had contrived—and succeeded—in preventing them from ever meeting. Neve still had to confront her mother about that.

  But maybe her mother didn’t know that Davide was the fellow she had responded to so disdainfully years ago... In any case, Neve needed to downplay the situation and convince her mother that there hadn’t been any involvement between her and Davide.

  No, Mom, we didn’t meet through an internet dating site. I was hired because of my credentials and experience with children. And I had no idea he was an author when I accepted the position.

  Her mom was quick to reply.

  Well, I hope he’s paying you well. If he’s living in a castle he must be loaded. And I hear his book has been optioned for a film!

  Neve’s jaw clenched as she wrote back.

You don’t have to worry about what he’s paying me, Mom. And I have to go now. Bye!

  She was about to turn off her phone, but her mother quickly texted again.

  Well, I’ll see you soon, darling, because I’ve booked a flight for Italy! I’ll be in Valdoro before you know it! My flight leaves tonight. But don’t worry. I don’t expect to be put up in the castle of your prince—oops—boss, lol! I’ll be with my friends at the Villa Morgana, of course! Arrivederci, bella! Can’t wait to see you and meet him!

  A moment later Lois texted Neve her flight number.

  Neve stared openmouthed at her cell phone. And then she turned it off, not bothering to reply.

  How could she stop her mother from coming? Stop her from interfering with her life?

  Neve bit her lip, her nerves jangled. Her mother could not be stopped when she put something in her head. And her impulsive decision to return to Valdoro must have something to do with her discovery of Davide’s status.

  For as long as Neve could remember, her mother had taken every opportunity to associate with people of distinction. So why would things be different now? Neve frowned at the thought of her mother’s imminent arrival. Lois would be sure to find a way to show up at the castle and try to ingratiate herself with Davide.

  And how would Davide feel when he found out about her mother’s plans? Lois had humiliated him, and Neve wouldn’t blame him if Davide wanted nothing to do with her. Surely he would see right through Lois...

  Neve’s attraction to Davide had nothing to do with his money or status. Yes, she was thrilled for his success, but the spark that connected them had been created in the past. It hadn’t mattered to her then that he had come from humble beginnings, and it didn’t matter to her now. If Davide had remained a farmer, she would still be attracted to him. What mattered to her was his devotion to his niece, and how he had put aside his work to make Bianca his priority and help her adjust to life without her parents.


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