Cast into Doubt

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Cast into Doubt Page 24

by Patricia MacDonald

  Shelby closed her eyes. ‘Oh God.’

  Harris shook his head sadly. ‘I decided to arrange for Chloe’s accident to happen during the cruise. I was thinking of trying to hire someone, but I didn’t have the first idea of how to do that. And then, I was treating Bud Ridley and he was saying how he could never repay me. That’s when I thought of it. I told him that Chloe was blackmailing me. I asked him to accept the cruise tickets and take care of it for me. He knew he had no choice.’

  ‘He could have gone to the police,’ Shelby said bitterly.

  The room was silent for a moment.

  Then Harris said, ‘I knew he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t betray me. He was too honorable.’

  ‘Oh very honorable,’ Shelby groaned. ‘He killed an innocent girl whom he didn’t even know.’

  ‘I told him to meet her. To find an opportunity. Peggy helped with that – without meaning to, of course. She’s just one of those people who makes friends easily. Anyway, that night, after the Ridleys and that other couple helped Chloe back to the state room, he wedged something in the door so that it wouldn’t lock behind him. I just want you to know that I gave him a drug to sedate her. When he went back to the state room, she was out. Completely unconscious from the drug he put in her drink during bingo. Chloe wasn’t aware of anything that was going on. He threw her over the balcony. She never knew what happened. Never even cried out, according to Bud.’

  Tears ran down Shelby’s cheeks. ‘Do you know what Bud’s suicide note said?’ she demanded.

  Harris raised his eyebrows. ‘Do you?’

  ‘It said that he couldn’t live with himself,’ Shelby spat at him. ‘Because of what he’d done for you. How can you live with yourself?’

  ‘Honestly,’ he said grimly, ‘that remains to be seen. I know you don’t believe me, but I am so sorry about Chloe. And about Bud’s death. I used to be . . . good. A good man. I was an idealist.’

  ‘Chloe admired you,’ Shelby said.

  ‘Once you start down this road . . .’ he said, shaking his head. He peered at Shelby. ‘It’s almost a relief to be able to tell someone. How did you find out about me?’

  ‘I uncovered your connection to Bud Ridley,’ she said.


  ‘We know someone in common,’ she said. ‘I kept pushing it. And it was partly luck. If you can call it luck,’ she said.

  ‘I admire you for that, Shelby. For being so determined.’

  Shelby was somewhat amazed at the quiet tone he was taking, but the air in the room was electric with danger. He had told her his secrets. Keeping her alive meant jeopardizing his own life. She knew she had to try to save herself. Despite her deep desire to make him suffer, she also tried to maintain the most reasonable of tones.

  ‘You know, there’s no reason,’ Shelby said, ‘to make this worse than it already is.’

  Harris, who was sitting with his arms crossed over his chest, his head lowered, looked up at her skeptically.

  ‘Look,’ said Shelby. ‘Anybody could understand what happened with Norman Cook. That was probably self-defense.’

  ‘I never thought for a minute that I would kill him,’ Harris admitted. ‘It was his own gun. I didn’t even have a gun.’ He glanced over at the gun which was lying on a metal cart beside his stethoscope. ‘Now I have his gun, of course.’

  ‘But you understand what I’m saying,’ Shelby persisted, trying not to look at the deadly firearm on the rolling tray beside him. ‘You might not even have to go to prison for that. Anyone in your position might have done the same thing.’

  ‘And Chloe?’ he said.

  Shelby was silent for a few moments, and then she replied in a voice that shook despite her best efforts. ‘I’ll admit I was desperate to know what happened to her. But nothing we say or do will ever bring her back.’

  ‘Sadly, no,’ said Harris.

  ‘As for Bud. He killed himself. Believe me, his family does not want to know the reason why,’ said Shelby.

  ‘You’re right about that,’ said Harris. ‘But it doesn’t change the facts.’

  ‘You can’t get away with this,’ Shelby cried. ‘People already know that I suspected you. That I was trying to trap you. At Markson’s. They know. My sister knows. I was supposed to meet a friend this afternoon. Pretty soon she is going to sound the alarm and they are going to come looking for me. If you let me go now I will not make it worse for you.’ Shelby was bluffing. Her lunch arrangement with Jen had been vague, and she had not told anyone but Talia whom she suspected. Talia never paid a bit of attention to what she said. But Harris didn’t know that.

  Harris seemed to ponder her suggestion. Then he shook his head. ‘If you aren’t alive to tell them what happened to you, I might be able to finesse this. People respect me. I’m a doctor. That will count for something. If I go to prison I’ll lose everything. My life with Lianna. The baby . . .

  ‘You know, everyone thinks Lianna married me because I was a doctor, and because I was well off, but that’s not actually true. It was a love story, pure and simple. I never thought something like that would happen to me. But it did.

  ‘And now, we have a baby on the way. A son. That changes a person,’ he said. ‘I don’t even recognize myself. I’ve done things I never could have imagined. As you can tell, I would do anything to keep this life I have with them. Have you ever loved someone that much? Loved someone so much that you’ll kill in order to protect them?’

  Shelby hesitated. ‘Only my daughter,’ she said.

  ‘That’s what I thought,’ he said. ‘That’s why I felt I had to tell you. You were pretty dogged about this whole thing. It seems only right that you should know the truth about what happened. But there’s no way you would just let it drop. No way you would let them go easy on me. After all, I am responsible for Chloe’s death.’

  ‘You have to believe me,’ she said, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

  ‘I’m afraid not. But I promise you,’ he said picking up a hypodermic needle from the metal tray table beside him, and holding that needle aloft, flicking the tip with one finger. ‘This will just be like going to sleep.’


  Alex Ortega looked down at the awkward-looking teenager who had answered the door. ‘Molly?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ said Molly frowning.

  ‘Is your mother at home?’

  ‘Yes. She’s at home,’ said Molly.

  ‘Can you get her for me?’

  Molly nodded and disappeared. A minute later she was back. ‘She’ll be here in a minute.’

  ‘Molly, you might want to go out to the squad car out there. There’s somebody in that car who wants to see you.’

  ‘Who?’ asked Molly suspiciously.

  ‘Your dad. He’s kind of banged up, but he came along for the ride.’

  ‘Really?’ Molly took off down the walk through the gardens of the bewitching front lawn. When she was almost to the car, she stopped, and looked back suspiciously at the detective.

  The rear window of the car rolled down, and Rob looked out. ‘Molly,’ he called out anxiously.

  ‘Dad!’ Molly rushed over to the car, just as Lianna arrived at the front door. She saw her daughter leaning into a strange car.

  ‘Hey,’ she demanded. ‘What the hell . . . Molly!’

  Molly straightened up and waved at her mother. ‘It’s Dad,’ she said.

  Rob gazed at her, unsmiling, out the car window, and lifted a hand in greeting.

  ‘What’s my ex doing here?’ Lianna asked nervously.

  ‘May I come in?’ asked Detective Ortega. ‘I have a few questions I’d like to ask you.’

  Lianna frowned, but stepped out of the way. Detective Ortega came inside, and waited for her. Lianna led the way down the hall to the sunroom. She flopped into a wicker chair and pointed to another one. ‘What’s this all about?’ she asked.

  Detective Ortega took a moment to absorb the sight of her. She was curvaceous and lissome at the same time. Her face had a symmet
rical perfection that was rare to see, although she seemed unconscious of her beauty, and did almost nothing to enhance it. Her clothes were faded, and she had no visible make-up, although one didn’t ordinarily see such a flawless complexion, even with make-up.

  ‘Mrs Janssen,’ he said. ‘Are you acquainted with a man named Norman Cook?’

  Lianna blanched. ‘Why are you asking me about Norman Cook?’

  ‘Mrs Janssen?’ said Ortega politely but firmly.

  Lianna sighed. ‘Yes. I mean, I was, years ago. I knew him. A lifetime ago.’

  ‘When’s the last time you saw him?’

  ‘Not for years,’ she said. ‘What is going on?’

  ‘Do you know where he is?’

  Lianna glowered. ‘Why?’

  ‘Just answer the question,’ said Ortega.

  ‘He’s in prison,’ Lianna said. ‘Serving a life sentence. Why are you asking me about Norman?’

  ‘Have you heard from him lately?’

  ‘No,’ said Lianna. ‘Why would I?’

  Detective Ortega stared at her. ‘What was your relationship with Norman Cook?’

  Lianna sighed. ‘All right, look. I was involved with him. It was a lifetime ago. He was a guy with a wild streak, and I was young and very naive, when we met. I did whatever he told me to do. I shouldn’t have, but I did. It was a terrible mistake to ever get mixed up with him in the first place. I’m not the same person now. I have moved on.’

  ‘Are you aware of the fact that he escaped from a prison work detail a few weeks ago and stole a car?’

  ‘Norman escaped?’ she cried.


  Lianna shuddered.

  ‘You seem uncomfortable with that idea.’

  ‘I am uncomfortable,’ she said. ‘I don’t want Norman Cook to be trying to find me. Or anyone else.’

  ‘Do you think it’s likely that he would try to find you?’

  ‘I don’t know. It’s possible. I stopped answering his letters years ago.’

  ‘Mrs Janssen, we have reason to believe that Norman Cook did just that. He came here looking for you a few weeks ago.’

  ‘Came here?’ Lianna yelped. ‘No.’

  ‘Apparently, he went first to the home of your ex-husband in Manayunk. Then he was directed here, to your present address.’

  ‘Directed by whom?’ Lianna asked suspiciously.

  ‘By Chloe Kendricks,’ he said.

  Lianna’s eyes widened. ‘Oh my God. Wait a minute. She talked to Norman? Oh my God. Was he the one who told her? Of course, he did. Jesus . . .’

  ‘Excuse me?’ said Detective Ortega.

  Lianna sighed. She got up and walked over to the door of the sunroom and glanced into the house. Then she closed the sunroom door firmly. ‘Look, I was just a teenager myself when I got involved with Norman Cook. OK? I was young and I got pregnant. Before long I found out that he was still married to somebody else. But, by then, I was afraid of him. He was a very violent man. He killed two men. Two perfectly innocent men who just happened to be in his path. That’s what he was like. I mean, I was relieved when he went to jail. He begged me to wait for him. Of course I said I would but . . . well, I didn’t mean it, as you can imagine. I got away as soon as I could.’

  ‘What happened to your child?’

  ‘You met her,’ said Lianna flatly. ‘At the door.’

  ‘The young girl with the glasses?’

  Lianna exhaled a noisy sigh. ‘Yes. My daughter, Molly. But she doesn’t know about the terrible things her father did, and I don’t want her to know.’

  ‘Did you see Mr Cook when he came looking for you?’

  ‘No,’ said Lianna. ‘God, no. I had no idea he had escaped from prison, let alone was in the area. And, of course, Chloe did not see fit to tell me.’

  ‘So, you’re telling me that you did not see Norman Cook, or speak to him.’

  ‘No. Why are you asking me this? What difference does it make if I saw Norman Cook or not?’

  ‘Mr Cook was shot to death. His body was found floating in the Schuylkill.’

  ‘WHAT?’ Lianna jumped to her feet. She put a protective hand over her belly as if to hide her pregnancy from view.

  If her surprise was not genuine, Alex thought, she ought to be in movies.

  ‘Do you know anything about his death?’

  ‘Do I . . .’ Lianna was gasping for breath, shaking her head. ‘No. No, I don’t know anything. I never even . . . Who shot him?’

  ‘Well,’ said Detective Ortega. ‘I was wondering if you did.’

  All the color drained from Lianna’s face, and her eyes became unfocused. Then, her irises rolled back and her knees gave way. Ortega jumped to his feet and reached out to try to catch her but he was too late. Lianna fell, with a thud, to the floor.


  Faith Latimer sat cross-legged on a canvas tarp, putty knife in hand, staring glumly at a bucket of sheetrock mud. Her husband, Brian, humming to himself, came into the room wearing paint-stained clothing and a painter’s hat. He looked down at his wife’s slumped shoulders sympathetically.

  ‘Hey babe,’ he said, leaning down and placing a hand on her shoulder. ‘Don’t try to do that today. Go on up and lay down. You’re exhausted. When this is all over with your dad, there’ll be time to get this done.’

  ‘When this is all over my mother is gonna have to move in with us. Where will we put her? We haven’t got one room done in this house.’

  ‘Yes, we do,’ he said. ‘I just finished painting that little room off the kitchen, so your mom can have that. She can’t really make the stairs.’

  ‘My parents’ bedroom was upstairs,’ said Faith sadly.

  ‘I know but this will be easier for her,’ said Brian.

  ‘I’m sorry about all this, honey,’ Faith said.

  ‘Hey, it’s your mom,’ said Brian kindly. ‘And as moms go, she’s not bad.’

  Faith managed a crooked smile and her eyes glistened. ‘You’re the best. I’m so lucky.’

  ‘I’m the lucky one,’ he said.

  The doorbell sounded. Brian frowned at his wife. ‘You expecting anyone?’

  ‘No, and I don’t want to talk to anyone either,’ she said.

  ‘I’ll get rid of them,’ said Brian. He started to pick his way past the mud buckets to the front door.

  Faith sighed, and stood up. At least there was no viewing tonight. Her mother was staying with her friend, Judy, and Faith and Brian would be there early tomorrow. The service began at ten. She still could not believe that her father was gone. And a suicide. She hadn’t been the one to find him. That dreadful sight had greeted her mother when she walked in the door from one of her meetings. Her partner in life, dangling from the light fixture in the kitchen. The chair tipped over beside him. Faith squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the thought of it. She couldn’t bear to imagine it. Tears began to splash on her mud-covered hands.

  Brian leaned into the room. ‘It’s . . . um . . . your boss’s brother?’

  ‘Dr Winter’s brother?’

  ‘Yeah,’ said Brian.’

  ‘Why is he here?’

  ‘I don’t know. Do you want me to send him away?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Faith. And then she shook her head. ‘No, wait. I probably should see what he wants.’

  ‘I’m going to tell him that you’re tired, and not to stay too long.’

  Faith nodded. Brian was right – she didn’t have the heart to do anything today but grieve for her father. She cleaned off the putty knife, and pressed the lid back on the bucket of joint compound. All of this could wait.


  Faith looked up and saw a shabbily dressed man in his thirties, with thick, graying hair and strong features. She could see the resemblance to Dr Winter, although the facial features looked better on a man than they did on her boss. Faith nodded. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘I’m Glen Winter. My sister is your . . . I understand you are my sister’s assistant.’

  ‘That’s right.’

  ‘Sorry about your father,’ he said.


  ‘Listen um, I don’t want to bother you at this time. But I’m trying to find some doctor that took care of your parents.’

  ‘Why?’ said Faith.

  ‘For my sister,’ said Glen evasively.

  ‘Dr Winter?’

  ‘No. No. Actually for my other sister. It’s kind of complicated.’

  ‘Why didn’t Dr Winter just call me?’ Faith asked.

  Glen shrugged. ‘She told me to do it. Kid brothers. We do all the errands.’

  Faith was looking skeptical. ‘You know, if you need a doctor and you don’t have insurance, those urgent care clinics don’t require it. You could try them,’ Faith said.

  Glen looked perplexed. ‘What?’

  ‘Well, pardon me for being suspicious, but Dr Winter and her sister came to my father’s viewing and I heard my mother telling them about this particular doctor. It’s true that he is a very wonderful doctor who never charged them. He’s been treating my mother on and off for years, since she had a stroke. And more recently, my dad had to go to him also. He’s just a rare person who wants to help others. I mean there are not many doctors like that. He really did it out of the kindness of his heart. But if that’s what you’re looking for – a doctor who won’t charge you – you should really look elsewhere.’

  ‘Hey, I didn’t even know about that,’ said Glen. ‘But, now that you mention it, that’s pretty radical. A doctor who treats patients for free!’

  Faith frowned. ‘Obviously he can’t do that for everyone. I think he just felt sorry for my parents. My dad was hard working, but he could never afford the insurance once he lost his job. Anyway I really wouldn’t want this doctor to think that you heard about this from us. That would be no way to pay him back for his kindness.’

  ‘Of course not,’ said Glen solemnly. ‘But I assure you, this is not for me. I know I look a little bit . . . down at the heel. But my sister, Shelby, has money and insurance and all that good stuff. I think she just wanted to see this particular doctor – maybe it’s because of his specialty or something like that.’


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