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Dare Page 6

by Glenna Sinclair

  “You’re going to ruin your clothes,” I remarked, only barely aware that we were going to ruin my hair, grinding the back of my head into the dirt floor.

  “Shut up.”

  I opened my mouth to retort and gasped as Sebastian took that opportunity to enter me fully, my body already slicked and prepared by his fingers, eager for him, accepting. I arched my back completely off the ground at that entrance—a grand entrance—and wrapped my legs around his waist. He was muscular, a lean swimmer’s body, maybe. I ran my hands down those ropy muscles as he waited for me to adjust, his arms shaking with the effort to hold himself off of me, to hold himself back.

  I used my thighs and ass to pull back, then thrust upward almost aggressively. That move took him off guard—that I was more than capable of initiating sex, that I was eager for it, that I wouldn’t break if he was a little rough with me. I liked things a little rough. It was more exciting that way.

  My first time had been with an acquaintance in college, and I couldn’t say that our coupling was incredible probably because we didn’t have particularly deep feelings for each other. It had been comforting, perhaps, and validating when he came, but I hadn’t come, puzzled that I liked him well enough to have sex with him but not well enough to fully enjoy myself. I had been convinced that his failing had been mine, that I hadn’t come because I hadn’t liked him well enough to do so.

  There had been more guys since then, but nothing like the fire made by the man between my thighs right now. His eyes practically smoldered at me—I wouldn’t have been surprised if I’d burst into flames right there and then. My inner muscles clamped down on him automatically, wanting more of him than perhaps he was willing to give.

  He grinned at me, those dimples deepening his cheeks, and thrust forward—hard. I sucked in another gasp of oxygen, caught off guard by his sudden strength, the two of us gauging how the other would react, just what we could get away with on this dirt floor, feeling out an initial encounter.

  It was strange. I usually felt so vulnerable when I was naked with a man, but something about Sebastian made me feel strong, empowered, inquisitive. I clawed one hand and raked it down his back just to see how he’d react, and I was rewarded with him thrusting forward again, even more powerfully than before. On the next thrust, I was ready to meet him, rocking forward and taking his breath away.

  “Don’t look so surprised,” I told him, even though it was hard to speak without moaning. Something in me didn’t want him to know just how turned on I was, how much I was loving this. Maybe it was my secretive nature. Maybe I just wanted to keep surprising him.

  “I don’t know what to be,” he admitted, the sweat beading on his forehead. He wiped it away impatiently with his forearm. “You are full of surprises, Rachel. Or is it still Ms. Dare?”

  I opened my mouth to answer, and he drove a yelp out of me with another hard thrust. He laughed as I glowered at him.

  “Rachel will be sufficient,” I said coolly, biting my lip through another groan. What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I control my reactions to him? Was it really that good?

  When I met his next thrust with my own, I was able to answer my own question. Yes, yes it was that good. The head of his cock was in perfect synch with my G-spot, and when we completed a thrust together, his pelvis made contact with my clit. It was a perfect storm, one I’d never experienced before. Maybe Sebastian was the right size or shape, or maybe our bodies just fit together better than anyone I’d ever been with. Or maybe I just liked him a lot more than anyone else I’d ever had sex with before. There was always that possibility.

  He seized my wrists as I went to claw him again, pushing them above my head, using his weight and his leverage to keep them there. I fought him, pushing back against him, but I couldn’t escape. He took full advantage, licking my neck, nibbling on my nipples, thrusting casually, whenever the mood struck him, thoroughly enjoying his complete exploitation of me. He was learning all of my various weaknesses, witnessing what made me keen and moan and what made me almost buck him off of me. I was powerless to that mouth, to the cock inside of me, and it should’ve pissed me off. Instead, I thrived in that sweet captivity, squeezing his ribcage between my knees, forgetting myself and moaning all I wanted. I only hoped that the noise of the heavy machinery outside would do enough to drown out my noises.

  “That’s more like it,” Sebastian coached. “Just let yourself go.”

  “I’ll do whatever I want, thank you very much,” I told him, eager to fight until the delicious end.

  He laughed at me and kissed me as he thrust, swallowing my noises of pleasure with his own mouth. He had a moment of weakness, and I was able to free my hands. Soon, we were rolling around on the dusty ground, both of us struggling for control, until I came out on top.

  “Just let yourself go,” I simpered at him, throwing my head back and laughing.

  “You’re lucky I like the view from down here well enough to leave you to your devices,” Sebastian said, dragging one palm down my torso from my neck to my tangle of pubic hair. His cock was still buried within me, and it gave a twitch as I rocked back and forth slowly on him.

  “I like the view from up here very much,” I said. It reminded me of the dream I’d had. I snorted with laughter. Was this what my mother was talking about when she told me to chase my dreams? This one had come true, apparently. We were in the same position we’d been in when I’d orgasmed massively in my sleep. Only then, we’d been in the bed of my truck. The barn, at least, gave us more space and perhaps a little bit more privacy.

  “What are you laughing at?” Sebastian demanded, pouting at me. His face was enough to make me laugh again, loud and free. I was having a good time, and I wasn’t ashamed to show it.

  “Nothing that concerns you,” I said. “An old memory. A dream, even.”

  “You quit your dreaming and come back down to reality,” he said, tweaking my nipples for good measure. “You have commitments.”

  “And what commitments would those be?” I asked, trailing a finger across his chest. He tried to follow its path with his brown eyes and failed.

  “You’re the one on top,” he said. “You’re the one in charge. Make it good, Ms. Dare, or I’ll switch positions.”

  “Oh, we’re back to Ms. Dare,” I observed with a smirk. That was fine. I could be his Ms. Dare.

  I lifted my body off of him and brought it down, slow and sweet, drinking in the different expressions that crossed his face when I did so. He was fascinating to look at, handsome and so sure of himself—except when I controlled his pleasure. It made something inside of my stomach clench pleasantly to see how much he was enjoying himself.

  Just like the dream, his hands settled on my hips, at first, just resting there, then gripping as I amped up my rocking. It was a strange thing, to see something in a dream and then have it come true in real life. It was hard to believe—even if I was right there, breathing in Sebastian’s breath, our sweat mingling on our skin, one person in two bodies, moving together instinctually.

  Then, one of those hands left my hip and came to rest between us, the pad of his thumb seeking out and then swiftly finding my clit. He was relentless—even as it made me miss several thrusts, making up for it by adding his own pumping to the mix. One of his hands kept me in place, and the other sent me soaring until my entire body was on fire, consumed completely in an orgasm so powerful that I was sincerely afraid I’d go blind. Sebastian grabbed me and held me to his chest, his cock slipping out of me, and I writhed against him, still riding that high as he pumped himself with his fist—once, twice, then coming onto the dust of the floor. I had to be grateful to him for that. There was nothing worse than the wetness of someone inside you when you had things to do. This would be easy to conceal, easy to forget.

  Even though resting there in his arms, breathing hard, unable to comprehend what had just happened, I knew I’d never forget this encounter. I even found myself wishing that it wouldn’t be the only time we’d come
together like this. How did I go about propositioning a regular meet-up? We could rotate between Los Angeles and the farm, or perhaps find some hamlet in between, a secret hotel that no one ever had to know about, a place of our own.

  “What are you thinking about?” Sebastian asked, stroking my hair, neither of us in any hurry to get on with our lives.

  “Nothing,” I said smiling against his chest. “Just dreaming again.” Because that was all it was—one big dream. I could no more keep Sebastian as some sort of sexual pet than he could do the same to me.

  “Was it a good dream?”

  “A very good dream.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with a very good dream, then. I have some very good dreams of my own.”

  We were silent for a time, both of us lost in our own thoughts or dreams or fears or perhaps dashes of all of them, all put together.

  “Was it, um, did you enjoy yourself?” Sebastian asked. “Right now, I mean, earlier? Was the sex good?”

  “Of course it was good,” I said, raising my head off his chest to stare at him, dumbfounded. “Didn’t you hear me?”

  “I think the whole farm heard you,” he said, grinning.

  “God, I hope not.” I hoped we didn’t leave the building after putting ourselves back together and find an audience of people waiting outside, Dad included. I wouldn’t be able to cope with that spectacle.

  “Relax,” Sebastian said. “We’re fine. Everyone is too busy outside working to take notice of a couple of people enjoying themselves inside here.”

  “Still, we should get dressed,” I said, even as I didn’t feel like doing it myself. “This is a busy place. Someone’s going to see us.” I couldn’t even fathom how I was going to put myself back together again to keep Dad from suspecting anything. He was an understanding man, but I was his only daughter. He could be a mite protective, and I didn’t want him thinking I’d have a roll in the hay, so to speak, with any city slicker who wandered onto the farm.

  Sebastian gently extricated himself from me, stood and offered me a hand up. My limbs were loose and pleasantly tired. I fully believed I’d sleep for the entire night if I went inside and put myself to bed.

  “You’ve got a little dust in your hair,” Sebastian remarked, ruffling the strands at the back of my head. I coughed, as a cloud rose around my face, and pulled my hair out of its elastic band to shake it out fully.


  “You should wear your hair down more often,” he said, looking at me with a weird face. “Your hair is beautiful.”

  “When it’s down it just gets in the way,” I said tiredly, pulling it back up and out of my face. “It’s not a very glamorous life on the farm, but it’ll do.”

  We stood in silence for a long moment, suspended in the golden sun finding its way through the outer barn doors. A tractor labored by, the roar of its engine filling the space between us, and as it faded into the distance, Sebastian cleared his throat. “I really, really like you, Rachel.” His bare chest glistened with sweat, light between the wooden slats slanting over the muscles there.

  I snorted at him, hitching my panties and jeans back up over my hips. “Here comes the ‘but.’”

  “No ‘but,’” he protested. “No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I just really, really like you. Can’t I say that without you second guessing me?”

  I crossed my arms over my breasts, suddenly shy. “I guess…I guess that’s good and all. People should like who they screw.”

  Sebastian threw his head back and howled with laughter. “Oh my God! Where do you come up with these things?”

  I shoved his shoulder—hard. “I will not be a source of entertainment for you,” I informed him. “If you’re going to make fun of me…”

  “I’m not making fun of you!”

  “Then how is it you make me feel like a million bucks one second and then lower than low in the next?” I demanded. “Why are you a gentleman at first and then a jerk in the same breath? Isn’t it exhausting for you to switch back and forth, back and forth? I don’t know how you do it. It’s exhausting just for me to be a witness to.”

  I yanked on my bra, eager to take my leave of the man.

  “Rachel, stop,” he said, taking my scrambling hands away from the clasp and doing it for me himself. “I don’t mean to be a jerk. I just…that’s just the way I am. I don’t even know I’m doing it, most of the time. I’m sorry if I make you feel bad. Call me out. Let me know I’m doing it.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” I said, glaring daggers at him. “I’ll let you know right away.”

  Sebastian made an odd sound in his throat and put his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. “And even when you try to be sour, you’re sweet. Look at me.”

  “No.” I kept my head down, making a move to get my shirt back on over my head, still feeling vulnerable and defensive and something else I couldn’t quite put a finger on. Maybe it was the shock of having sex out in the barn. I’d practically grown up out here. It was no different from having sex in my childhood bedroom. More than likely, it was the shock of actually consummating something with Sebastian, who I’d fantasized about, hemmed and hawed about, and finally come to the snap decision of taking him inside of my body. Yes, that was probably what it was—that, in spite of my misgivings about him, I’d still decided to bang him.

  Sebastian laughed at me. “Why won’t you look at me?”

  “Because, idiot, I think I’m in love with you.”

  I hadn’t really wanted to say that. That much I was sure of. And I was also sure that Sebastian hadn’t wanted to hear it. He stiffened before his arms loosened around me, and I was able to duck away from him and finish pulling my shirt on, down over the rest of my torso.


  “Stop,” I sighed. “You don’t have to say anything. I—I don’t know why I said that.” I didn’t understand why I was trying to let him off the hook. Maybe I was just trying to cover for myself, for my own insecurities. I’d seriously just told a guy I barely knew—a guy I’d just had sex with for the first time—that I loved him. There wasn’t much that was more embarrassing than that.

  “No, Rachel, it’s that…I think we’re on the same page here,” Sebastian said, taking me by my shoulder and turning me around to face him.

  “That’s the worst ‘I love you, too’ that I’ve ever heard in my entire life,” I scoffed. “We’re ‘on the same page?’ Really?”

  “We obviously have feelings for each other,” he said. “I’m here with you, aren’t I?”

  I shook my head. “You’re just making it worse, Sebastian. Digging yourself in deeper.”

  “Rachel, I’m being serious. We’re on the same page. We’re both passionate about your farm. About its mission. And we have passion for each other.”

  “And what?” I raised my chin, defiant, even as I shrank inside with nerves. “What does that mean? Want to be my boyfriend, or what?” The idea was ludicrous. We didn’t know each other. We only knew the basic facts about each other. He was the president and CEO of an organic agriculture company, and I was the daughter of a farmer. I cussed too much; he liked to drink; and somehow we both liked each other. Was that a basis for a relationship? I didn’t have anyone to ask, and I didn’t know what to think.

  “That and more,” he said, that easy grin spreading across his face.

  I narrowed my eyes, confused by him, by my own feelings raging inside of me. “You’d better not get down on one knee.”

  “Rachel, you have to help me convince your father to let me buy the farm from him,” Sebastian said, his eyes glowing with excitement.

  My stomach dropped out from underneath me. This had all been a sad ploy—all of it—the making out in his office, his showing up here at the farm, the sex right now, the confession of feelings for each other. None of it was genuine. It was all to steal my family’s farm. And I had walked right into it.

  Chapter 7

  Sebastian looked at me, breathless wi
th excitement and expectation at his business proposition—and probably still at the fact that we’d just hooked up on the dirt floor of my family farm’s barn. But all feelings I’d had or thought I had for him previously dried right up. He was only using me to get to Dad, to buy Dad’s farm right from underneath him. Didn’t he understand that this farm was the only thing that brought joy to Dad? Hadn’t Dad had enough disappointments in his life with my mother leaving? Couldn’t the old man be left to his own devices on the farm without uppity billionaires trying to buy the damn thing out from underneath him?

  “Explain to me, exactly, how you think this is going to work,” I said, fighting to keep my voice calm.

  If possible, Sebastian lit up even further. “Well, that’s easy. I’ve seen everything I needed to see in my visit today. You and your father take farming very seriously. This isn’t the biggest operation in the area, but I think it’s the most well-thought-out operation. You all know what you’re doing, and you’re right. You produce quality produce, though not necessarily quantity. That works in the organics market. With the idea that your harvests are limited, you create a perception of exclusivity. Most people won’t get a chance to taste your sweet corn because it has limited availability, but those who do get to taste it can attest to its flavor and quality. You can charge whatever you want, don’t you see? I can help make this farm more profitable.”

  The man knew what he was talking about, but that didn’t make me any less angry.

  “Do you think I’m an idiot?” I demanded.

  The question took Sebastian by surprise. “What…what do you mean? Are you angry?”

  “Hell, yes, I’m angry. You think you can just sweep in here and buy the farm? Dad’s farm? This would kill him.”

  “Not if we frame it together,” Sebastian said eagerly.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “He’d listen to you. You’re his only daughter. He’d listen to reason.”


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