Citizen X - BP01

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Citizen X - BP01 Page 6

by DePrima, Thomas

  "I fear this problem is beyond even Admiral Carver's imaginative strategizing," Admiral Moore said. "In any event, she's occupied with the situation in Region Two and I wouldn't even consider distracting her from that monumental task."

  * * *

  "Who is this Citizen X that he believes he can declare secession?" Gustallo Plelillo, the premier of the Clidepp government, said vehemently. "What power does he have? Is he a planetary leader, a military man, or simply some nutcase?"

  "We've been unable to learn much about him in the months since he first came to our attention," Weislis Danttan, the minister of Intelligence said. "We know that he's been part of the Freedom movement for some time and that he's methodically climbed through the ranks as they grew and now heads the organization. But the leadership always wear hooded cloaks when meeting with others in the group to keep their identities a secret, even from each other. So far, we've been unable to penetrate beyond the lowest levels. We believe that fully half of the organization is dedicated to watching the other half. I've lost over twenty agents— good agents— agents who have been highly successful at infiltration in the past."

  "These secession declarations began showing up all over the planet yesterday," said Kurrost Mewaffal, the Minister of Public Information and third spoke in the triumvirate. "And I've just received word that they're appearing on many of our other worlds. Whoever this Citizen X is, he has a highly organized team under him. To have kept this so secret while synchronizing a coordinated dissemination proves that. I could use him on my own team."

  "This is no time for foolish statements of admiration for an enemy's organizational skills. This Citizen X represents the greatest challenge to our authority since we came to power. We have to crush him and his followers without delay. I've put the military on alert. Our troops will begin deploying to every planet in the empire to round up the leaders of this so-called 'Freedom' movement."

  "I've just finished saying that we don't know who the leaders are," Danttan said.

  "Then we'll begin at the bottom and work our way up until we find out. Everyone in the organization has to know the name of at least one other. I want every individual associated with this group taken into custody and interrogated until we wring every last drop of information out of him. See to it."

  "This is hardly the best time to be making enemies," Mewaffal said. "We need to win the minds and hearts of people, not torture and kill their friends and relatives."

  "To the devil with winning minds and hearts," Plelillo said. "We've been too soft already. It's what allowed this Citizen X to consolidate his power. We have to crush him and his organization now. And if that means opening up the camps that our predecessors once used, so be it. The system worked well for them for over half a century."

  "The issue of the camps is what allowed us to come to power," Mewaffal said. "If you travel down that road, we may wind up where General Roppalo and his followers are. And a berth in that overcrowded cemetery doesn't appeal to me."

  "We won't make the same mistakes he did," Plelillo said. "I've always maintained a complete list of those most likely to attempt a coup d'état. One word from me will be all it takes for my special police force to move in and eliminate that threat."

  "Isn't that what Roppalo used to say to us?" Danttan asked.

  * * *

  "The die is cast my friends," the hooded figure known only as Citizen X said to the small group of similarly hooded associates in the private sanctuary. Everyone in the room had their hoods pulled low over their faces to completely hide facial features while audio units distorted the voices. Being unknown, even to each other, had kept them safe until now.

  "The triumvirate has received our letter," X continued. "We know because they're marshalling their military forces. Our spies in the capital tell us that the military has canceled all passes and furloughs, and the troops are being deployed as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, our announcement of secession is presently being printed on every planet and moon in the Empire, and distributed before the ink is even dry. The fence-sitting days are over. All planetary governments will be forced to declare their allegiances now. Those who defy the triumvirate will need our full support, and those who support them will have to be removed from power by whatever means necessary. Long live the Society of Aligned Planets."

  * * *

  "Do you really think we'll be able to pull that off?" Welssica asked.

  "Of course," the hooded man said. "It's the perfect operation. They'll never be expecting it, so their guard will be down. We'll make headlines across the entire SAP. When Plelillo's forces try to move in and impose martial law, they'll find the task is far more onerous then they ever imagined."

  "But attacking a diplomatic yacht in GA space? Space Command won't stand for it."

  "What are they going to do? We've made test runs across the border and never even seen an SC ship. How are they going to stop us if they're never around? They're too busy consolidating the new territory they won after their war with the Milori. They've sent all their patrol ships to the other side of their space. If they started tomorrow, it would take them four or five years to get them back here. By then, our territory will be free from Empire rule and the GA will have to negotiate with us to enter SAP space."

  "But what about the Clidepp warship we'll need? How do you intend to steal it?" Welssica asked.

  "The Glassama and Abissto are in docks at the Olliggin shipyard for minor upgrades to their FTL drive. Although the work has been completed, the work logs show that they're each still waiting for a vital drive component. I have a contact on the inside who will provide the security schedule and the codes to unlock the bridge consoles. We'll only need eighteen freedom fighters to pull it off, plus a few bridge and engineering people. The work barges normally seat fifteen, but we can fit thirty inside the passenger area. They won't be comfortable, but the flight will only last sixteen minutes."

  "You intend to steal two warships?"

  "Might as well. We'll only get one chance to do this. After that, security will be tightened. Right now they can't conceive of anyone doing it, so their security is lax."

  "What about the guard ships?

  "All taken care of. There are only the two old destroyers on security duty, and they never go anywhere. They only use thrusters for minor parking orbit corrections, so our people were able to sabotage their Sub-Light and FTL engines. When the bridge crews try to engage their Sub-Light engines, the systems will report broken hydrogen fuel lines and fire alarms will sound. The fire suppression systems will then fill the combustion areas with suppressant. The FTL generators pass daily system tests, but the sabotage prevents them from actually building an envelope. Those ships won't be going anywhere until the Sub-Light engines are thoroughly cleaned and the FTL generators are repaired. The Glassama and Abissto will be light-annuals away by then."

  "It sounds like you have more than one contact on the inside," the man said with a smile.

  "Everyone is sick of the government on Yolongus stripping the rest of the Empire to feed their excesses. We're going to end those days forever, and the only way to do that is by separating ourselves from the government. Our new government will let all the people live decent lives for a change. Let's see the people on Yolongus take care of themselves for a while. Without access to the food grown on other planets and the ores being mined in space, they'll be begging to join the SAP in a few years."

  Chapter Five

  ~ Jan. 29th, 2285 ~

  "Commander, two work barges are requesting entrance to the yard," the com chief aboard the Clidepp destroyer Darhmassa said to the watch officer.

  "Are they giving the proper recognition code?" Commander Plericce asked tiredly.

  "Yes, sir."

  "Then clear them to enter the yard, chief."

  "Yes, sir.

  * * *

  "I told you everything was set," Welssica said from the co-pilot as they received approval to enter the shipyard. "Now calm down. I got the word fr
om Citizen X himself. He's personally arranged everything."

  "I'm here, aren't I?" Currulla asked testily. "But don't tell me not to be nervous. Being nervous keeps me careful, and being carful has kept me and my people alive."

  "There's our ship, the Abissto. Bring the barge to the forward, starboard airlock. Our man will be waiting."

  Ten minutes later, the rebels aboard the barge had transferred to the Abissto. The other barge had reached the Glassama and rebels were already in control of the ship's engineering section.

  The two commandeered destroyers had been staffed only by a small maintenance group since the records indicated that the engines were off-line and inoperable. The takeover by armed rebels who had practiced the assault for weeks took minutes, and no alarms were sounded.

  * * *

  "Commander, the Glassama is moving," the tactical officer aboard the Darhmassa said.

  "Impossible. The ship is inoperable."

  "Then something unknown is pushing it, sir, because its position is definitely changing and it's picking up speed."

  Commander Plericce's eyes opened wide and he began stabbing furiously at the monitor by his left hand to access the DeTect image that the tac officer was seeing. When he found it, he confirmed the movement.

  "Now the Abissto is moving, sir," the tac officer said.

  "Com, contact those ships and ask them what's going on."

  "The Glassama isn't responding to hails, sir. I tried to contact her as soon as tac said it was moving because she hadn't requested clearance. The Abissto isn't acknowledging hails either."

  "Tac, sound GQ. Helm, pursue the Glassama. Com, tell the Serissa to pursue the Abissto. They are authorized to use whatever force is necessary to stop her."

  As the helmsman engaged the Sub-Light engines, alarms all over the bridge began to sound.

  "What's going on?" Commander Plericce screamed.

  "The system is reporting a broken fuel line in each of the Sub-Light engines, sir," the helmsman said. "The automatic suppression systems has responded. The problem is resolved, sir. But we can't use the Sub-Light engines."

  "Then build temporal envelopes and pursue FTL."

  "Uh, I tried sir. The generator won't build an envelope."

  "What's the problem?"

  "The computer says everything is a go, but the generator isn't activating."

  "This can't be happening!" the commander screamed. "No Sub-Light and no FTL?"

  "Sir," the com chief said, "message from the Serissa. She suffered problems in her Sub-Light engines and can't pursue the Abissto. She reports that her FTL drive appears to be down as well."

  "Damn," Commander Plericce said. "This is too coincidental. It has to be sabotage. Com, get me Military High Command.

  * * *

  "We did it," Currulla said from the command chair on the bridge. Relief seemed to be dripping from every pore in his body.

  "Of course we did," Welssica said. "I told you we would. Citizen X guaranteed it. It went exactly like he planned it."

  "If he was so sure it would be successful, why wasn't he here with us?"

  "We can't take even the slightest risk that he might be caught. He's far too valuable to the movement to risk his being identified, even when the risk is almost non-existent."

  "I always feel better when a leader is leading."

  "If he gets caught or killed, this uprising might die with him. Don't worry— at the appropriate time he'll come forward and we'll have a chance to meet him."

  "You haven't met him?"

  "I've spoken directly with him on several occasions, but he's always cloaked and his voice is distorted. No one knows who he is, really, and only he knows the identities of the supreme council members. It has to be that way or we'd all be in a death camp by now."

  "What do we do now?"

  "Now, we execute Phase Two. You pick up the rest of your crew and then set course for GA Space."

  * * *

  "Marcola," Sydnee said sleepily in response to a call via her CT. When she repeated it and still didn't get an answer, she realized she hadn't established a carrier. She reached over to touch her Space Command ring with her right index finger. "Marcola," she said for the third time.

  "This is Lt. Carstairs. I'm acting watch officer while the Captain is in a meeting with Commander Bryant. We just detected a ship coming across the border and I'm altering course to pursue. Your name came up on the pilot rotation list. When GQ sounds, get suited up and head for the flight deck instead of going to AC&C."

  "Roger, Lieutenant."

  "Carstairs out."

  "Marcola out."

  A second later the GQ alarm sounded, followed by an interdiction operation announcement. All over the ship, crewmembers would be locking down loose equipment and running for their GQ stations. Sydnee rolled out of her bunk and stripped off her pajamas before pulling on the black, padded body suit in preparation for slipping into her battle armor. She'd worn the armor so many times during the past several months that she could have dressed in the dark.

  She was out the door of her quarters within five minutes of the GQ sounding and in the flight bay in three more. She performed a quick walk-around preflight with her mechanic and then entered the craft and stowed her weapons in the pilot's locker on the shuttle's flight deck. She immediately began the checklist procedure and was ready to roll when Lt. Kennedy entered the flight deck cabin and dropped into the co-pilot's seat.

  "We're good to go," was all he said. In the short time they had worked together, he had developed an appreciation for Sydnee's ability as a pilot, her intelligence, and her behavior once they had boarded the vessel to be inspected.

  Sydnee checked the instrument panel to make sure the ship was sealed and then released the magnetic skids. She engaged the oh-gee drive and the shuttle lifted off the deck and began to turn in response to her movement of the controls. When they reached the bay door, Sydnee let the shuttle settle to the deck and then engaged the magnetic skid locks again as the temporary airlock bulkheads folded down around the ship. They remained like that until the Perry had come to a stop and the bay door was opened.

  Once the small ship was away from the Perry, Sydnee engaged the Sub-Light engines. The other shuttle was likewise out-ship and doing the same. Sydnee established communication with the other shuttle, and within seconds of engaging their Sub-Light engines, they were approaching their destination side by side. Until now, Sydnee had only participated in inspections of freighters, and the routine had gotten a little boring. This would be her first passenger liner, and she felt a little of the excitement she'd felt the first time out.

  Sydnee remained in the shuttle until the Marines checked out the situation. When it was determined that the ship was just an ordinary passenger ship and not some kind of disguised smuggling operation, she was told to disembark and join the inspection team. Before leaving the shuttle, she strapped on her pistol belt with the handgun and two knives, and clipped her short rifle to the quick-release attachment ring on her armor's chest plate. She headed for the shuttle ramp as soon as her helmet sealed.

  While part of the inspection team went with the Marines to check the cargo holds, Sydnee remained with the main group. They would check the passenger rolls, looking for travelers with missing or forged documents.

  All passengers and crew had already been rounded up and herded into the Grand Ballroom. No one would be allowed to leave the area until the Marines had verified that there was no one else aboard except for the few people who couldn't leave their duty posts. Their credentials would be checked without requiring them to go to the ballroom.

  Sydnee was immediately delighted when she entered the Grand Ballroom. This was her first real opportunity to personally observe several species of which, until now, she'd only seen pictures in Alien Anatomy classes. The species she'd observed aboard inspected freighters in recent months—Nordakians, Cheblooks, Arrosians, Alyysians, and Wolkerrons— were all inhabitants of GA space, and although she had never s
een any personally until she became a member of the Perry crew, were seen fairly often aboard space stations and in transit locations. The species she identified aboard the passenger ship were very uncommon visitors to GA space.

  * * *

  Home to three sentient species sufficiently advanced to have interstellar travel and half a dozen lesser sentient species that only enjoyed off-world travel through journeys with one of the three, the Clidepp Empire had been ruled by the Yolongi since its inception. It was the Yolongi who first introduced FTL travel in their region of space after acquiring it from an enterprising traveler from the GA, and as their travel expanded, Yolongi explorers laid claim to new territory unclaimed by other species. It wasn't long before their claimed territory included the planets of the two other species able to grasp the intricacies of DATFA, or Dis-Associative Temporal Field Anomalies, and who later developed their own interstellar cargo and passenger fleets.

  Using DATFA technology, a spaceship coalesced a temporal envelope around itself that disassociated it from normal space and time. Once enclosed, the ship was no longer subject to the mechanics of Einstein's Theory of Special Relatively that stated no object could travel faster than light.

  The general appearance of the Yolongi was similar to that of the urban legend 'greys' of twentieth century Earth, but since FTL development on their planet apparently followed that of Earth's, it was obviously mere coincidence. And while the 'greys' were reputed to be considerably shorter, the Yolongi were about the same average height and build as Terrans. Still, there were those on Earth who continued to insist that the Yolongi and greys were one and the same species, and had merely hidden all information about their space program's existence until they were forced to show their hand.

  The other FTL shipbuilding species of the Clidepp Empire were the Mydwuard and the Olimpood. The Mydwuard had an exoskeleton, such as that of crustaceans and insects on Earth. They walked upright on two legs but had four arms with three fingers on each hand. The Olimpood were equally at home on land or in the sea and had flabby bodies which greatly facilitated their buoyancy when in the water, but which made them a bit clumsy on land. Like many species in the GA, they had two arms and two legs. While the Yolongi breathed an earth-normal atmosphere, the other two species required special breathing apparatus to provide certain gaseous elements found in their planet's atmosphere. When wearing the full, floor-length cloaks common in the Clidepp Empire, it was impossible to tell which species was present when the full hood was drawn over the head.


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