Teaching Ms. Riggs

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Teaching Ms. Riggs Page 12

by Stephanie Beck

  His fingers spread and she held back a sigh, not at the monotony, because the way he made her feel was nowhere near redundant, but because she knew she’d go to bed unsatisfied.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” He stopped in his ear nuzzling at her sigh. “You forgive me, right?”

  She nosed his cheek until his lips were closer to hers. “Of course I do. That’s not it.” She pressed on until he was fully engaged in the kiss.

  He kissed like the thorough man he was, taking the time to rub lips first to get them tingling before slipping in his tongue. Never with too much force at first, not choking, just enough to ignite her fire like a good boy scout. He fanned the flames, rubbed her lower back.

  Being snuggled to him so intimately made her want to move closer, but that was torture in itself. His semi-constant erection was another tease, a delicious one she wanted and wasn’t getting.

  She pulled back. She never did that, but he let her, looking at her with confusion. “You don’t forgive me, Ben?”

  “I already did,” she snapped a little and stepped out of the embrace to shake herself. “It’s just…this is driving me crazy, Mark. All the kissing and touching and teasing is putting me on edge.”

  “It’s just a little sparkin’ darlin’.” His good ole’ boy drawl didn’t help. “If you don’t like it…”

  “I love it,” she moaned. “But because of my leg I can’t get into the shower to take care of things afterward, and I can’t in bed because Kira sometimes visits me. I’m going a little bit nuts, so just give me a second.”

  The confusion cleared up, and his gaze turned from a little wicked to absolutely naughty. “You’re saying you’re hot and bothered and not able to take the edge off? That’s the problem?”

  “That’s about it. It’s been almost a year since I’ve had sex, and before Don turned out to be an ass we had an active, satisfying sex life. The teasing on top of the abstinence is making me a little edgy.”

  “I see.”

  “I don’t think you do,” she told him bluntly. “I’m talking multiples. Nightly. It was great, and I want it with you, because you are so incredible. We are going to be great together, but I know you, Mark–you’re going to want to wait until we’re married, and when my skin isn’t burning just to be touched, I want that too.”

  “So you want me to back off with the kissing and fun?” He slowly closed the distance she’d put between them as if a “yes” to that question might not mean a whole hell of a lot.

  “Yes and no. I know if I say ‘yes’ and you back off, I’ll just want you all the time and think about what I’m missing. If I say ‘no’ then I’m going to just have to deal with this frustration,” she wailed. “It sucks!”

  “Come here, honey.” Mark drew her back to her semi-prone position over his body. “I think I can help with this problem of yours. I can’t have you uncomfortable, and I honestly didn’t even think about you not being able to blow off steam. I’m probably going to go blind within another week or two at the rate I’ve been going.”

  “Just think of all those poor murdered kittens. That’s something my aunt used to mutter about that sort of thing. ‘Every time one of you kids succumbs to temptation, Satan kills a kitten.’”

  “That’s horrible.” He chuckled and slid his knee between her legs, pulling her tight against him. “I know you’ll worry about the kids in about two minutes but don’t. Kira’s out for the night, and Thomas is too. Just let me do this for you, okay?”

  “Do you really think you can get me off through my clothes in the kitchen?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Oh, ye of little faith,” he all but growled.

  “Okay, I take that back,” Ben said quickly as his mouth latched over her nightshirt and instantly soaked the fabric covering her nipple. “Mark!”

  He attacked her nipples, adoring them with licks and kisses and driving her wild with little nibbles as well. The hard leg that was cuddled to her sex began to move with firm strokes against her clit.

  Her pajama pants offered minimal resistance to his ministration, and Ben didn’t hesitate in grinding back. She moved with his rhythm and bit her lip to keep from yelling out. Every little thing he did made her aches worse instead of better.

  Desperation spiked. The thought she might not be able to finish and all the foreplay would go to waste swept over her. But Mark held her hips firm when she started to rock harder and faster.

  “I can do this all night, sweetheart,” he assured her, moving one hand from her hips to squeeze her nipple between two fingers. “No reason to rush, just relax and let it all come together. I bet you’re soaking my jeans, aren’t you? I’ll never wash them again.”

  His voice, his pinching fingers, the firm grasp on her ass, and his hard leg that just wouldn’t quit had her so close she had no response. He caught her involuntary whimper with a hard kiss.

  Ben was branded by his kiss, so much more potent than their previous ones. It held something more, and that more made Ben’s legs twitch helplessly. Mark didn’t try to slow her, only dug his fingers harder into her ass and kissed her deeper, taking in the strangled cries of her climax.

  He eased back with his leg as she began to come down. She tried to catch her breath, but between the orgasm and the shock of just how good and wicked Mark was she knew it might take a little time.

  * * * *

  Mark should have known making Ben feel good would make him feel like the biggest guy in the world. Her limp, sated body against his had pushed him from his constant semi-hard on to full on attention, but she didn’t seem to mind so he didn’t pull his pelvis from her soft stomach.

  She was so soft and sweet; he couldn’t imagine how she would taste in other areas, because if he did he would embarrass himself. Probably by moaning or crying or coming in his pants like a teenager. He breathed in the sweet scent of her hair instead.

  “How was that, sweetheart?” He tried not to grin like a fool when she only moaned.

  “That worked,” she finally mumbled, not making any motion to move away from him.

  “Not so bad for both fully dressed in the kitchen, huh?”

  “We’re going to catch the house on fire when we’re actually horizontal and naked.” She sounded a little awed, but mostly exhausted.

  “Absolutely,” he agreed. “But you’re right about waiting until after I’ve got my ring on you to invest in bedroom fire extinguishers. That doesn’t mean I’m not always at your service, little lady. We aren’t married yet, but you’re still my woman, and I’m going to take care of you in every way you’ll let me.”

  “What about me taking care of you?” she asked. “Wasn’t the added burden one of the reasons you didn’t like the other women in your life?”

  “You take care of me just fine, Ben, better than fine.” He looked her up and down, the satisfaction on her beautiful face more than enough to inspire him later. “And about reciprocation… Like you mentioned, I’ve got the option to go blind. As long as you don’t mind keeping Kira busy while I’m in the shower, I’ve got that covered. Nothing distracts a man like a little girl yelling in to ask if he’s done yet.”

  “Okay.” She relented for the time being but couldn’t put the issue away. “But for how long?”

  “Well.” He hadn’t been sure on the timing, so he’d been treading water a bit. But since she’d brought it up and seemed willing to talk about the future, there was no time like the present. “I got you a Christmas present yesterday.”

  “You didn’t have to. You better not have spent much on me or I won’t be happy.”

  “Yes, you will,” he promised. “I think you’d better let me give it to you early.”

  * * * *

  “What does my Christmas gift have to do with us screwing?” Her question was naughtier than he expected. The light flush along his cheekbones was usually an indicator of his surprise. She was having a hard time curbing her words, though, the pleasure making her feel loose for the first time in too long. “Er, did
you buy me a vibrator or something?”

  “Good night.” The curse was colored with embarrassment. “Hell, no.”

  “Oh, buck up, big boy,” she teased. “Grownups can have toys too.”

  “Yeah, but that’s a little personal. If you want one of those I’ll let you pick it out.”

  His stilted assurance told her it would take a lot of work to convince him of the value of toys in life. It would be a fun tutorial when the time was right.

  “No, what I got you is right, here–one second, right here.” He reached up onto the top shelf of cabinets and pulled out a red gift-wrapped box.

  The box in his hand was a small cube. She started hyperventilating.

  “Whoa, honey, relax.” He pushed her into a kitchen chair as she tried to catch her breath. “Hell, I knew it was too soon. Forget it for now, okay?”

  “No.” She grabbed the hand that held the little box before he could put it back. “No, Mark, not too soon. Just surprising. There is no way in hell I’d forget a red jeweler’s box. Can I still have it?”

  “I, ah, I guess.” He sat in the adjacent chair as she carefully tore the thick paper. “It’s not exactly what I wanted to give you. My parents’ rings have been in the family for years, but I can’t ask Mom to part with hers.”

  “Of course not.” She pried the little box open to find a modest white diamond on a thick gold band. The simple beauty wasn’t lost on her, and it reminded her of the man who had chosen it. “Oh, Mark.”

  “I know it’s not big or all that great, but it comes with a big promise.” He knelt in front of her, and her heart hammered against her chest. “A life with you is something I’ve thought and prayed about, and I’ve known for a while you’re the only woman for me. I’ll always be a farmer, God willing. Crap will always be on my shoes, and my job won’t end at five o’clock. That said, I’ll also work every day I’m able to make sure you have the things you need and maybe even a few you want. I’ll take off my shoes before coming into the kitchen and during those long hours away, I’ll be wishing I was back with you. Will you marry me, Ben?”

  Ben laughed through her tears during his proposal. She’d made too many mistakes to deserve a man like Mark. She was still paying for too many of them to ask him to share her burdens, but it didn’t matter. Those missteps didn’t even touch the amount of love she had for him. She would pay her debts with or without Mark. She’d rather persevere and work through them all with him than any other way.

  “I– Mark, that was beautiful.” She wiped away an errant tear before kissing his upturned mouth.

  “Answer me, woman.” His tone was gruff, though she could tell he tried to make it playful. She saw he really didn’t know her answer and considering how hot and cold she’d blown in the past months she could understand.

  She took the ring out of the box and pushed it onto her finger, the sizing just right, and she held it to her chest above her heart. “I would be the happiest woman in the world to marry you, Mark. I–after everything I’ve said–thank you for asking. I don’t deserve it, but thank you.”

  He shot to his feet, taking her in his arms with him. “You’re welcome. I was ready to ask you a hundred times if I needed to.”

  She laughed. “A hundred times? Really?”

  “Oh hell yeah, and it would have been worth wrecking my knees getting down and begging each time. Don’t you worry about deserving, baby. We deserve each other. I promise, Ben, I’m going to make you so happy you’ll never want to leave the farm except for a few months a year for school.”

  “I believe you.” She held on tight as he spun her around the kitchen. “And I’m going to change your world. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be so happy the cows’ mooing will be the only thing to get your happily exhausted self out of our bed in the morning.”

  “I can hardly wait.” There was laughter in his eyes, anticipation and pleasure there as well. “I love you, Ben.”

  “I know it! I feel it, I see it, I hear it, I taste it, I smell it.” She pressed kisses to his neck and cheeks between her words. “I love you too. I’m going to take such good care of you, Mark. You don’t even know.”

  “I do, that’s why this is going to be a short engagement. I want to marry you before the New Year.” His lips mimicked hers, finding her freckles and feasting.

  “How’s Christmas sound?”

  “Like eight days too long,” he admitted. “But it’ll do, and if later on you want the big wedding we’ll do that.”

  “Just you, I just want you.” Ben pressed her mouth to his, the laughter ebbing for an incredible, tenderness-filled moment. “For the rest of my life, Mark Dougstat, I want you.”

  Chapter 14

  Ben waited for her flat iron to heat up. Since she’d decided to do her own hair for the wedding, she’d had to carve out plenty of bathroom time to practice. Unfortunately, between getting finals ready and graded, she hadn’t had much time to play with her options. With only a few days until the big ‘W’ she knew if she was going to do a decent job, it was time to pick a style.

  At least she’d gotten the dress situation settled after a single shopping trip to Kansas City with Kira. That part had been easier than she’d expected, and she smiled when she looked at the dress bag hanging on the shower rod. Kira had tried to talk her into a prom dress, but in the end, they’d both been pleased with the more age and weather appropriate dress. Ben had asked for a clear bag just so she could look at it. It was the happiest gray she’d ever seen with an ice blue band around the waist, and it would be perfect for a Christmas wedding.

  She wouldn’t wear white, but she’d done that before and didn’t need the big to-do again. Mark’s mom wasn’t making the trip north in December when she’d be up at Easter, so Mark wasn’t pushing for a big wedding either.

  It was all going to be sweet, she decided, tucking a piece of wallpaper back in place against the bathroom mirror. And the money they saved by not going crazy could be used to remodel.

  Retro was in, but the antique bouquet pattern on the bathroom walls and floor had seen much better days. She looked forward to doing the little things around the house. It would be challenging to get Mark’s house up to par, but it was a challenge she was up for.

  She ran her hand over the flat iron and since it nearly burned her she picked it up and started taming her curls. She’d do it flat with a ribbon for the wedding. It would be simple, elegant and pretty.

  “So you aren’t coming?”

  Ben winced when she heard Thomas’s hard voice through the thin wall between the kitchen and bathroom. He couldn’t see her behind the partially closed door. She didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but he was loud and she couldn’t help but overhear.

  “You know, why the hell did I even think you guys would come? It’s freaking Mark’s wedding, Christmas and Kira’s birthday is in a few weeks. Why not come and do it all at once, then you won’t have to take us this summer.”

  There was silence, and Ben realized he was talking with one of his parents. From their history with the kids, she hadn’t expected them to make the trip, but Mark had confirmed it when they’d been planning the reception. Her soon-to-be sister and brother-in-law didn’t take time off for anything. For some reason she’d at least pictured them spending time with the kids when they were in France, but Mark had corrected that misconception with stories of random nannies. It was a wonder that Thomas and Kira weren’t more bitter about their parents.

  “So it’s just not important enough. We’re not important enough.”

  His words broke her heart. She hated how angry Thomas sounded, yet what was worse was the resigned tone he used. He hadn’t expected to be surprised. It was a hard day when a kid had to give up on anything, be it Santa or in the worse case, their parents.

  “Yeah, well, it’s bullshit,” he said and paused a moment. “Oh, do you really think you’re going to tell me what to do? Ever? I mean, come on, I can swear all fucking day if I want to, and there isn’t a damn thing you sh

  “Thomas.” She kept her tone gentle, but couldn’t let him talk that way to anyone. Not even if she agreed with his assessment and theory about his parents.

  “Whatever. Don’t forget to send Kira a card.”

  He hung up hard, but not so much she had to get after him about it. She opened the bathroom door the rest of the way so she could see him. He looked defeated and defiant. Really, he looked like he was bracing for another emotional hit. Any kind of serious reprimand could be the piece to completely ruin Thomas’s day, and even though Ben knew his attitude with his parents needed to change, she didn’t have the heart to pursue it at the moment.

  “I’m sorry for eavesdropping, but I was actually just going to yell for you. Do you, um, you don’t happen to have any hairspray in your room, do you?”

  The anger left his face slowly, shame and embarrassment replacing it. Ben’s heart sank. She’d hoped to give him an out if he wanted it, not to make things worse.

  “I don’t, sorry, Ben,” he said. “I’m sorry about the way I was talking. I shouldn’t have said that stuff.”

  “No,” she agreed, “you probably shouldn’t have spoken like that to anyone. But sometimes when we’re really frustrated and angry, things like that happen.”

  “I’m not sorry I said it to him.” He was stubborn, something she rarely saw in Mark, but time had blunted some of the more volatile emotions in the older Dougstat. “I’m sorry you heard me saying it. Ladies aren’t supposed to have to listen to that stuff.”

  “Honey.” She had to stop a moment and think of what she needed to say. How many times when she was Thomas’s age had she thought of saying something similar to her aunt? Something horrible and mean just to get the ugliness out of her system? Hell, she still wanted to do it at times. “We can’t control other people. In fact, there is next to nothing in this world we have control over. Sometimes it makes us feel better to say the things that are on our mind. At least in the short term. But remember, Thomas, you are so much better than those ugly words and anger.”


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