The Complete Groupie Trilogy

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The Complete Groupie Trilogy Page 4

by Ginger Voight

  “I’m sorry, Iris. I really didn’t feel well last night and went straight to bed.”

  Iris switched into caregiver mode and ran over to me, cupping her hand against my forehead. “You’re not getting sick, are you?”

  I shook my head. “Migraine mostly.” It was a cheap excuse but generally effective given my propensity for crippling headaches. Plus it wasn’t really technically a lie considering I gave myself a headache the night before as I tried to piece together Vanni’s new romance.

  It was especially tough not sharing that with her. As one of my dearest friends she usually heard about anything that happened in my nearly non-existent love life anyway. She was the one who put things in perspective, and now I felt as though I had to hide things from her. With Vanni the rules had suddenly, though subtly, changed.

  “You’re in the fast lane now, sweetie. No one has time for migraines. Take an aspirin and let’s get going.”

  Within about twenty minutes Iris got me showered, dressed, groomed and out the door. It was a good thing I wasn’t one to spend a half an hour in front of a mirror getting my makeup just so, or else we’d have been screwed.

  Instead I applied my eyeliner, powdered my face and obscured myself behind heavy, black-framed glasses and followed Iris as she hailed a cab.

  I wanted to ask her if Vanni had asked about me but I knew that was pointless. Why would he ask her about me? No one knew that he had invited me to come and made exciting innuendo of what would happen if I did. Instead he was publicly dating a South American Amazon. We were so far apart on the female spectrum it was like comparing apples to oboes. How could I compete with that? I’m not the kind of girl who would ever try.

  “So I hear that Vanni is dating,” I mentioned as casually as possible.

  Iris gave me a knowing smile. “You know our Vanni. So many women. So little time.”


  Her noncommittal answer didn’t help my mood much. I was left to fill in the blanks and they were all bad. The closer we got to the studio the more my stomach tied itself into a knot. I wanted to see him as much as I wanted to run away. I had indulged a hot and heavy fantasy or two about those hands… that mouth… that hard body pressed against mine. I shivered just thinking about it. To see it all again in one sexy package and know it was now out of my reach was a KO punch to the old ego.

  The only upside was maybe during rehearsal he’d have a shirt on.

  I trotted to keep up with Iris once the cab dropped us off at our destination. She flashed her badge and had an easy smile for each and every person that stood between us and the band. Though I had credentials clutched in my sweaty palm I didn’t need to identify myself. Apparently being with Iris was good enough.

  Just like high school.

  She led me down a dark hallway and finally we entered a room behind a huge glass window. Engineers sat working a soundboard with all the knobs and buttons and switches that were as alien to me as a space ship dashboard. The band performed on the other side of the window, something heavy, raw and familiar. It was my favorite song from the demo tracks he had sent me.

  He had a shirt on, but he was still just as dangerously sexy with the long, wild hair and snug jeans. He had his eyes closed as he sang, so I allowed myself a moment just to soak him in. It was a painful moment – like looking at the last slice of cheesecake on someone else’s plate.

  When he opened his eyes he caught sight of me where I stood just behind Iris. He smiled wide and if I didn’t know better he looked extremely happy to see me.

  I tried my best not to let it go to my head, but I couldn’t help but give him a big smile in return. It was almost as if I had forgotten, at least momentarily, that he lied to me about having a girlfriend.

  Like he owed me anything.

  The band took a break after the song and Vanni quickly made his way into the sound booth to give me a big hug that lifted me right off my feet. “Hey you,” he whispered in my ear.

  I didn’t say anything as I pulled away, and before I knew it I was whisked into Iain’s arms for a friendly, brotherly hug and big kiss on the cheek. Yael and Felix were a little more reserved, speaking mostly to the engineer.

  Vanni turned to me. “You didn’t answer my calls. I thought maybe you didn’t make it to town.”

  “I made it,” I stated unnecessarily. “I was just busy. I had to meet with Jasper yesterday.”

  He nodded as if he accepted the excuse, but didn’t totally buy it.

  “She had a migraine,” Iris filled in. “She gets monster headaches periodically.”

  “Aw,” he said as he put his arm around me. “If I had known that I would have come over and given you a massage.”

  Iris giggled and then turned back to the other members of the band.

  Vanni bent closer. “You know, I have the perfect cure for a headache.”

  My eyebrow rose. “What’s that? A girlfriend?”

  My words hit him like I had hoped, but he didn’t look half as contrite as I wanted him to. He just grinned at me and pulled me into another hug. “Don’t believe everything you hear,” he whispered near my ear, with hot breath that nearly had me buckle at the knees.

  What was he saying?

  He released me and went back to complete another track. It was his ode to sex, and memories of his first time with an older woman who took him in hand and showed him the ropes. I had only heard the song before, seeing it was an entirely new experience altogether. The way he moved his body, the come hither expression on his face, all of it was designed for the maximum effect: total sexual annihilation. Somewhere Jim Morrison would be so proud.

  I shifted in my seat whenever he stole a glance in my direction. The hooded look in his eyes reminded me all too well of how his mouth felt against my skin or his arms felt circling my body. I kept hearing him say, “Don’t believe everything you hear,” with such sincerity it resurrected my lascivious dreams for the week.

  It suddenly became a top priority to hear his part of the interview, if only our afternoon would allow time for it.

  One more song and we were off, heading toward a radio station in a company car. Vanni poured champagne for Iris and I, who shared the ride. Apparently the band had decided that he would be their representative for media interviews initially, and everyone else opted to stay behind at the studio.

  I almost wished that Iris had felt the same, but this was her baby. She ran his PR campaign like a well-oiled machine, which required micromanaging like only Iris could provide.

  Instead I had to settle for the feeling of his arm along the back of the seat, where I sat wedged between them. I tried not to think about how the line of his body was flush against mine, or the deep look he’d send my way periodically with that smirk that indicated a juicy secret just between the two of us.

  I tried also not to think about the heat of his body or the smell of his skin. Instead I threw back two glasses of champagne just to give my mouth something to do.

  By the time the car pulled to a stop I was already feeling the inebriating effects of the effervescent wine. Vanni helped me out of the car and I had to hang onto his arm to avoid stumbling and embarrassing myself. Iris was either blissfully oblivious or she was mercifully using discretion, but she paid me little to no mind as she led our little parade into the radio station’s lobby.

  As she went to check us in, Vanni pulled me back by the hand and whispered, “I’m glad you’re here.”

  I tipped my head back up to look him in the eye. “Are you?” I said just as softly.

  “Give me a chance and I’ll show you,” he said, as he twirled a fingertip just inside my palm.

  Funny. I never knew that was an erogenous zone before that exact moment. You learn something new every day.

  “Come on, guys,” Iris called from across the room, and we followed behind her like obedient children.

  There was a flurry of activity once we got into the studio. Iris and I sat off to the side while Vanni put on his headphones and got
situated in front of the microphone. I opened up my notepad and took shorthand notes of the interview as it progressed, even though I basically knew the answers to all the fairly pedestrian questions.

  All except for one:

  “So Vanni, will you be spending your holiday birthday with your girlfriend, Lourdes?”

  Vanni noticeably didn’t look my direction as he laughed at the question. “I’m not the kind of guy to kiss and tell, man,” he sidestepped. “But it wouldn’t be a birthday without beautiful women to share it with, would it?”

  “Come on, dude,” the radio host cajoled. “Give us the exclusive. All of New York wants to know if you and Lourdes are as hot and heavy as you appear in the tabloids.”

  For that, Vanni looked over at me. He didn’t wink, but I somehow sensed he wanted to. “New York will have its answer soon enough, Mike. Stay tuned.”

  Always leave them wanting more.

  Iris nudged me with a smile. “That’s your exclusive,” she said, brimming with confidence.

  Yay, me.

  As we were leaving Vanni tried to steal me away by saying we could share a cab up to the hotel, for that all-important interview that needed to be done. Iris wasn’t having it. She insisted that we needed to go shopping for something to wear at Jasper’s big party that night, and that he’d just have to be patient.

  As a wingman, Iris Kimble totally sucked.

  I tried to muster enthusiasm as we bid Vanni adieu and headed off to get glamorized before the big event that night. Free clothes and a free makeover just didn’t do much to excite me while I had all these unanswered questions swirling around in my head.

  I tried to pry it out of Iris as we sprinted in and out of different boutiques and salons, but she wasn’t forthcoming. She either didn’t know or she didn’t feel it was her place to share. Vanni was her friend, after all, and she had to protect his confidence.

  So I remained aggravatingly clueless as I was plucked, primped, and pampered for a major event thrown by one of the most important entertainment moguls in the country.

  By the end of it all I could hardly begrudge the miraculous efforts put forth by what I affectionately dubbed my “pit crew.” I wore a long plum colored satin dress with black lace overlay. It had an empire waistline enhanced by a jeweled band with black rhinestones just under the bodice, to catch the light around my rather prominently exposed cleavage. My skin was pale but dusted with a shimmering powder to give it a rosy glow. My hair, still in its two-toned bob, was trimmed and teased till it lifted off my head like a Technicolor halo. Everyone vetoed the glasses, so the only real mask I got to wear was a darker periwinkle gray eye shadow they used for a smoky effect.

  They provided a lace shawl for my creamy exposed shoulders, which helped detract away from any perceived “flaws.” When I stepped out of the car in front of the luxury apartment building where Jasper Carrington lived with his famous wife Athena, I felt almost as if I belonged to Manhattan high society.

  The minute I entered the posh penthouse apartment I took another glass of champagne from a uniformed waiter to fill my tank of confidence. The music thundered around the elegant living room where several familiar faces lingered.

  Was that…? Could that be…? I didn’t know he was dating her… and where is her husband?

  Iris would bend toward me every now and then to fill me in on all the hottest gossip. But the only real story I wanted to hear was about Lourdes. Would she make it to this glamorous affair?

  And would I be demoted from Cinderella back down to the Ugly Stepsister the minute she walked through the door?

  Alana and Iain arrived, arm in arm, looking like normal people in love amidst all the Celebots that were milling around trying to network. I got a quick peck on the cheek from both Alana and Iain before they made their way further into the fray.

  Jasper came by with Athena draped on his arm. She was an exotic creature with long, black hair and big brown eyes. Her lips were full and her curves were luscious as they undulated under her silk mermaid dress that dipped low in the front. She murmured her hello graciously, but it was fairly evident she didn’t bother to even learn my name before she went on to the next guest.

  All the players were in place except for one. Okay, two. And the longer I had to wait for their appearance the more anxious I got. I snagged another glass of champagne as the waiter went by, but avoided the hors d'oeuvre tray. My stomach felt as though it was literally in a knot and I didn’t feel that vomit would make a very good addition to my otherwise stylish ensemble.

  About a half hour after the party had started, and nearly an hour after Iris and I had arrived, Vanni entered with Lourdes on his arm.

  His hair was styled and fairly controlled for the mane that it was. He wore close-fitting pants, no leather, and a long silky shirt. All his “bling” was in place, rings on every finger, black and jade bracelets on either wrist, with two necklaces visible above the unbuttoned top of his shirt.

  As hot as he looked – like any rock star would – my eyes were riveted to Lourdes. She was at least five-foot-ten, and her stiletto heels put her at almost eye level with Vanni, who I already knew stood six-foot-three. Her hair was teased even more than mine, flowing all around her bare shoulders exposed from her halter dress.

  The red number cut across each breast, revealing substantial side-boob from either angle, and then criss-crossed across her tanned and toned abdomen. The hemline was short, which made her long legs seem even longer.

  She looked ready to lounge across a luxury car in a 1980s music video, the quintessential asset on the arm of any rock star.

  I tried not to feel frumpy in comparison, but I became acutely aware of each bulge over my ample frame. I tightened the shawl around my shoulders and stopped just short of covering up my cleavage.

  It wasn’t the arsenal of sex appeal that Lourdes may have possessed, but I knew how to work what I had.

  And I already knew that he was a big fan.

  He smiled our direction when he caught sight of Iris and me, and herded his arm candy our direction. He kissed Iris on the cheek and me very dangerously near the corner of my mouth in greeting. He then turned to introduce me to his date.

  “Andy, this is Lourdes. Lourdes, this is my friend Andy I told you about.”

  The word “friend” hit me like a punch in the gut. I also had a hard time overlooking the fact he had talked to her about me, but not vice versa. I plastered a smile on my face and stuck out my hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  She smiled as she limply put her hand in mine. “You’re the writer I’ve heard so much about. I can’t wait for us to sit down for an interview.”

  “Me either,” I said, and that was the God’s honest truth.

  “No business tonight,” Vanni decided as he plucked a couple of glasses off of the waiter’s tray. He handed the extra one to Lourdes. “Tonight we enjoy the fruits of our labor.” He smiled at Lourdes before he took a swig from his glass.

  Something unspoken and intimate passed between them, and it was very hard to read. Objectively, at least. If they were announcing an engagement I was taking my ball and going home.

  Mercifully they glided over to where Jasper and Athena stood, where the four of them laughed gaily and engaged in an animated conversation I couldn’t hear. I turned to Iris but she had already flitted away to work the room.

  Iris never stopped working, even when she was having fun.

  I stood rather conspicuously in the middle of the room whereupon I plotted my escape. The heels I was wearing weren’t especially high, I could probably get away with shimmying down the fire escape if I could just inch my way over to the window. I turned around and right into Yael, who looked as uncomfortable to be there as I was. It probably had a lot to do with his carefully cultivated Goth image, but at that moment I was relieved to know I wasn’t the only one who didn’t quite fit in.

  Yael was a music nerd. He didn’t care much about success and all the trappings. I had to respect that. More import
antly he was also a great backup strategy to my epic fire escape plan. After an uncomfortable moment I blurted, “You want to go somewhere and get our interview out of the way?” I offered, even though I hadn’t packed my interviewing material anywhere in my gown.

  “Shit, yes,” he sighed in relief. Like me he didn’t feel comfortable unless he was doing something aside from just holding down the floor. He followed me as we wound our way through the crowded room out onto the balcony.

  He took a deep breath as he closed the door behind him. “I hate parties,” he stated unnecessarily. “I’d much rather have stayed at the studio.”

  “Command performance?” I asked with a slight grin.

  “You know it,” he said as he leaned onto the concrete balcony wall overlooking the view of Manhattan. It was on fire with a million little lights, and the breeze gently lifted our hair from our shoulders as it drifted by.

  “You hit the fast lane pretty quick,” I stated as I looked out over the city. “Is it everything you thought it would be?”

  He smirked. “Unfortunately.”

  “Vanni seems to enjoy it,” I mentioned offhand.

  “That’s because he’s meant to be the star. He gets off on the fame and the adoration. That’s why we don’t get in his way much.”

  I glanced at Yael, to see if there was any underlying bitterness. But the comment was issued more matter-of-fact. Resigned, even.

  “I just want to play. As long as nothing gets in the way of that, we’re cool.”

  “You’ll pardon me for saying so but I think that the band is big enough for more than one star. You bring a polished edge to the music.”

  He looked away, clearly uncomfortable by the praise. “I could be better. I want to be better. That’s what it’s about, you know? Music is evolution.”

  I nodded. I totally got what he was saying.

  “As long as I learn, as long as I grow, that’s all that really matters to me. Success just means we have the money to keep doing it.” He glanced back at me then, looked me straight in the eye. “That’s what I want my interview to say.”

  I smiled. “And it shall.”


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