Pretty Dangerous

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Pretty Dangerous Page 24

by Emery, Lynn

  MiMi gave a grunt. “Don’t be so smug, honey. He used you, too. Jack planned to have help moving his money out of reach of the IRS and banking laws. He saw you coming a mile away.”

  “What we had was business and pleasure, a lot of pleasure.” Nairoby’s Dominican accent made the word sound even more erotic.

  “Look, I didn’t come here to talk about your sex life. All I want to hear about is the money.” MiMi crossed her arms.

  “So, you can’t stand the thought of how much Jack craved every inch of me. Believe me, I loved every inch of him.” Nairoby’s full mouth lifted at one corner into a leering expression.

  “In other words you don’t know anything. You’re stalling for time. I’ll just go talk to the FBI and the police. Girl, bye,” MiMi said and flipped a hand at Nairoby.

  MiMi kept Nairoby in sight, careful not to turn her back. Just as she started to leave, a side door connected to another room clicked open. A woman stepped through. Her long hair had reddish blonde highlights. She wore a shiny burnt orange sateen jacket belted over paisley leggings and oversized hoop earrings. Her other fashion accessory was a small black handgun. She wore a nasty smile as she gazed at MiMi with hatred.

  “Nice to see you again, Ms. Landry.”

  Chapter 19

  Nairoby stepped around MiMi. She threw clothes and toiletries into a carryon suitcase. “What the hell took you so long? She could have shot me or something.”

  The woman’s laugh came out like a high pitched fingernail scraping chalk board. MiMi stared at her hard. Her face seemed both real and unreal, the voice familiar. The woman removed the clip-on hair extensions. Next she peeled off the nose like it was a second skin. She gave MiMi a smile that sent a chill through her.

  Yvette Theirry removed the wig cap and fluffed out her natural hair. “Not the prissy sorority sister here. She might sound tough, but all she’s got is big talk. You, sit down.”

  MiMi gazed at the gun. Size didn’t mean anything, especially at such close range. Still MiMi felt more anger than fear. “No, say what you’ve got to say so I can leave.”

  “Leave? You’re not going anywhere until I’m ready. I said sit your ass down,” Yvette hissed.

  “I’m not sitting down.” MiMi crossed her arms. “Shoot and people will come running.”

  “Not with the noise from the neighbors they won’t,” Yvette said with smile of confidence.

  “The music has stopped.” MiMi’s gaze darted around for any kind of escape route.

  “They’re just taking a short break. I had beer and pints of malt liquor sent to them with a note that it’s a tourist promotion gift.” Yvette’s smile widened when the music pumped up again two seconds after she stopped talking.

  “I still won’t sit.” MiMi swallowed hard.

  “Stop the pissing contest. Who cares if she sits, stands or does a back flip. Get on with it so I can get out of here. I’ve been trapped in this dump long enough.” Nairoby crossed to the window and barely twitched the curtain so she could look out. “Her friends will start to wonder why she hasn’t come back down.”

  “There’s no one waiting in the SUV and or the lobby waiting. She bluffed you.” Yvette’s full mouth, twisted with distaste the longer she gazed at MiMi.

  “Did you ask what’s his name, the desk clerk?” Nairoby looked away from the window.

  “The bitch manager came back and started looking me up and down. I couldn’t draw attention to myself. She got busy with a crowd of people checking in, and the desk phone started ringing. I took that chance to slip on the elevator with some of those drunk ass kids.”

  “But she said…”

  “I said I looked around, didn’t I?” Yvette shot an irritated glance at Nairoby.

  “Excuse me for interrupting your performance of who’s the biggest moron, but neither of you seems to have thought this through.” MiMi moved but went still when Yvette leveled the gun at her chest. “Witnesses know I’m in Nairoby’s room, and no doubt security cameras will show you coming in. So if anything happens to me…”

  Yvette grunted a brusque laugh. “Watch her while I clean up.”

  “Okay, but make it quick. I want to get out of this crazy state.” Nairoby hurried to the chair and took another gun from beneath the seat cushion.

  MiMi blinked at her. “You must know this won’t work.”

  “I’ll be long gone. All your police will have is speculation. Even you said they can’t charge me with anything. No evidence,” Nairoby said. The shrill note in her voice implied she needed to convince herself more than MiMi.

  “They’ll connect you to her. How…”

  MiMi stopped when Yvette appeared. She looked totally different, or at least different enough not to be recognized. She nodded slowly as she gazed back at MiMi.

  “They might have this girl on camera, but not me.” Yvette shook the fake hair and giggled.

  “I have to repeat myself. Why am I here?” MiMi hoped Willa and Jazz had called the police. She just had to avoid getting killed before they arrived.

  Yvette pointed her gun at MiMi again. She sat on the arm of the large chair. Though she seemed relaxed, she held the gun like a pro. “Well, I’ll tell you. Roderick, the no-good shit turd, stole from me and his Dominican business partners. The law firm I work for represents several corporations looking for the mineral products Roderick would sell. He got the whole idea from me.”

  “You invested, and disclosed client information,” MiMi said with a frown.

  “Roderick talked as if he’d confided in you, his trophy fiancé. So you’re going to tell us where to find the money. It’s not in the US.” Yvette raised an eyebrow at MiMi.

  “Roderick didn’t tell me anything.”

  MiMi stopped. She knew which banks in the DR Roderick had visited. Then she remembered Roderick’s belongings still at the house, and in her home safe; items she’d never bother to look at because she was busy. Roderick locked up his grandfather’s antique white gold cuff links and watch, at least that’s what he’d told her. MiMi tried to remember if he’d taken them out before they broke up.

  Yvette studied MiMi. “I’m a lawyer, trained to know when a witness isn’t telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

  “You knew more about his business dealings than I did. All he did was romance me and give me gifts.” MiMi kept her voice steady. Or at lease she prayed she did.

  Yvette’s eyes narrowed until her gaze seemed like a gun laser. “Bullshit. You know something.”

  “Like you said, Roderick thought of me as his empty-headed trophy. I was for show,” MiMi replied. “He didn’t tell me anything he thought was important. Maybe his father knows, but not me.”

  “Yeah, for show, like the jewelry he bought for you worth a few thousand dollars,” Yvette said, her mouth twisted until her features seemed distorted. “He used me and then bragged about how clever he was to outsmart the Dominicans. I wasn’t good enough to marry, just hook up with every now and then for a quick freak.”

  “He… he lied to me, too. Roderick only cared about my family connections.” MiMi’s heart pounded at the wide look in Yvette’s eyes.

  “I don’t give a damn who this guy wanted to marry or screw, find out where the money is so I can go home. I’ll pay off my partners with it,” Nairoby said, her voice squeaking. “You two are still competing for a dead man who obviously cared only about himself.”

  “Shut up. What do you know about it?” Yvette snarled. Then she looked daggers at MiMi “Roderick wouldn’t have turned on me if she hadn’t come between us. Maybe you suggested he stab me in the back.”

  MiMi took a step back when Yvette stood suddenly. The irrational turn of the woman’s conclusions ratcheted up the danger level. “You’re wrong, Yvette. I didn’t know about any of it…”

  “Look, just tell Yvette what she wants to know,” Nairoby blurted out as she wrung her hands. She darted a look at her conspirator.

  MiMi needed to play for more time.
She sent a mental message to her pals and the cops to speed it up. “If you want money, then talk to Narioby. She already knows where close to half a million is stashed. You can get back your investment. I’m telling you, Roderick kept a lot of stuff from me. I don’t know anything.”

  “He treated you like a queen; his queen. You had a lot of fun rubbing my nose in it, remember? He wanted to build a life with you, not me.” Yvette’s breathing grew heavy as she spoke. “I saw you two together. That huge diamond ring he gave you. He took you to the Dominican Republic with him. Is that where you two hatched up a plan to cut me out? Yeah, Roderick told you about all his big plans.”

  “Keep cool, girl,” Nairoby said. Her eyes were wide with fear as she looked at Yvette. “As scared as she is, she would have told you everything by now. Let’s just get far away from here before we have more trouble. You can sue Jefferson’s father to get your investment back, and at least I’ll recover enough to satisfy my partners.”

  Yvette continued to stare at MiMi for a few moments in silence. “Don’t be stupid. I can’t sue his old man. If what I’ve done comes out, I’ll be disbarred or go to prison. Probably both. Besides, you forget our little witness here.”

  Nairoby blinked hard. “She won’t talk. I can prove she helped Jack Crown hide money offshore. The FBI would take everything she owns, and arrest her.”

  “She’s right. I can’t afford to say anything. The FBI will take everything I own. Just leave and get the money.” MiMi talked fast as if that would help convince Yvette. Her heart dropped when Yvette shook her head slowly.

  “Not until you tell me where Roderick hid my money. I’m sure you wouldn’t want anything unpleasant to happen to sweet baby Sage, now would you?” Yvette said as she took a step toward MiMi.

  Nairoby walked between them and spoke low to Yvette. “Hey, don’t overdo the threats or she’ll freeze up. Talk about hurting her child is a bit much.”

  “Who says I’m just talking? The bitch took everything from me. I don’t care if she and her little bastard get dumped in a deep hole.” Yvette spoke matter-of-factly.

  “Listen, I can understand how you feel with the guy dumping you and all, but… I didn’t sign up for doing no murders,” Nairoby said.

  She lapsed into rapid fire Spanish. MiMi blinked in shock when Yvette answered her fluently. The women went back and forth for a time. Nairoby’s tone went from pleading to desperate and terrified. Though MiMi couldn’t follow every word, Yvette made her intention clear.

  “I’m calling this whole thing off. Now put away the gun,” Nairoby said in heavily accented English. “I came to get paid, not to end up rotting in a US prison because of a mujer loca.”

  “Why are you worried, my sister? American prisons are paradise compared to lock up in the DR. I’ve visited both enough to know.” Yvette gave MiMi a brief smile. “Ah, you didn’t know my father is Dominican.”

  “I’m not kidding with you, Yvette. Put down your gun,” Nairoby raised her pistol.

  “Or you’ll shoot me? Ha. I unloaded the gun two days ago. But I can assure you mine has lots of nice bullets. Now get over there with the princess.” Yvette gestured with her pistol. She frowned at Nairoby. “Move.”

  Nairoby backed up so fast she almost knocked MiMi over. Instead MiMi grabbed onto the dresser. Once steady, she snatched the revolver from Nairoby and popped out the cylinder. The little Colt special had no bullets.

  “First you talk, and then I’ll take care of you both,” Yvette said.

  “If I’m dead I definitely won’t be talking,” MiMi replied. Her heart hammered so, she thought it might drown out the pounding music still coming from the party people.

  “No, no, no. Stop this talk of killing people. Chica, listen to me, I can get you all kinds of money,” Nairoby gasped. Then she spun around to face MiMi. “Don’t be a little fool. Tell her everything.”

  At that moment the music stopped. MiMi breathed hard. “No. She won’t risk people hearing the shots.”

  Yvette’s expression didn’t change. When the music pumped up again, she smiled and shot Nairoby in the right thigh. The pounding hip-hop music down the hall drowned out the loud pop. Nairoby screamed once then crumbled to the floor.

  “Silencer. I came prepared. Now tell me where I can find the money and little Sage will grow up healthy,” Yvette said quietly.

  MiMi felt all feeling drain from her legs. “You’re totally insane.”

  “No, just pissed off and determined to get back what’s mine,” Yvette replied with a sideways smirk.

  “You killed Roderick,” MiMi said, horror moving through her like an electric shock.

  Nairoby stopped rocking abruptly and gaped at Yvette. “What? What did she say?”

  “No, the police will have evidence enough to get a nice neat conviction against you. At least they will by the time I’m through.” Yvette smiled for a few seconds. Then her features twisted into a mask of fury. “Roderick played with my emotions, then stole from me.”

  “How could you kill the man you claimed to love so much?” MiMi managed to say though her throat had gone dry with fear.

  Yvette blinked hard, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. “I poured my heart out to Roderick, told him things I’d never confided in anyone. Did things for him I wouldn’t have done for anyone else. I even tolerated him screwing you. Roderick swore he had no intention of marrying you. Once he had access to your father’s deep pocket connections, he’d dump you. That was a lie, and he enjoyed telling me so. The bastard laughed at me. At me, after I set him up to make millions. I risked my career and criminal charges for him, and he laughed.”

  “Oh my God. I thought…” Nairoby clamped a hand over her mouth.

  “That your buddies back home had Roderick taken out? Exactly what I wanted you and everyone else to believe.” Yvette’s grin looked like a death mask.

  Nairoby groaned. “Oh Dios, I need a doctor. Please help me.”

  “Oh shut the hell up. It’s the blood that’s scaring you more than anything. The pain will come later,” Yvette retorted.

  “The safe, in my house. Roderick put something in there, but I haven’t looked,” MiMi blurted out when Yvette aimed the gun at Nairoby again.

  “Good. Now you’ll tell me the security code so your alarm system won’t go off.” Yvette nodded at MiMi to speak up.

  “It’s 669327.” MiMi squatted next to Nairoby and placed a hand on her forehead. “She’s going into shock I think. You’ve got what you need, so go. Nairoby can’t walk, and I sure can’t carry her. I swear we won’t follow you.”

  “But she can still talk, and so can you,” Yvette said.

  “You can’t explain two dead women.” MiMi frantically scanned the room for even a slight hope of escape.

  “I won’t have to. You came there to meet up with your dead lover’s shady business partner. You two planned to split stolen money, but got into an argument and shot each other. Before Nairoby could get treatment, she bled out. Wow, you nicked an artery. Nice aim.” Yvette smiled down at them both. She shrugged when the music stopped. “I can wait.”

  “New Orleans PD. Open the door. We’ve had a complaint about a disturbance,” a female voice ordered, and pounding on the door followed a few seconds later.

  Yvette jumped but held the gun steady. “Get away from the window,” she hissed.

  “What are you going to do, jump? We’re up three floors and there’s no balcony.” MiMi stood. “You need better put down that gun. If they see you holding it–”

  “Nobody’s going to see anything. Shut your mouth. If you cooperate maybe I won’t kill your kid once I take care of you.” Yvette moved to the door.

  She pointed at MiMi to cover Nairoby’s mouth to muffle her soft whimpers. Then she went to the closet and grabbed a robe. Yvette covered her clothes and tousled her hair. Then she opened the door a crack.

  “Sorry, I’m just out of the shower and not dressed. I called about those rowdy thugs and…”

  Yvette gr
unted as the door slammed open. The force caused her to fly back and MiMi swung out without hesitation. Before Yvette could aim, MiMi kneed her in the back hard. Then she grabbed her wrist and twisted. Yvette held onto the gun as she tried to twist around. Jazz barreled into the room and slapped Nairoby as she tried to make a run for it. Willa scooped up the gun Nairoby had dropped.

  Dazed, yet still enraged, Yvette tried to defend herself. MiMi jammed her against the sharp edge of the dresser. Music thumped louder as the gun popped twice when Yvette struggled to regain her footing and aim at the newcomers. MiMi ducked, landed a kick on Yvette’s left knee and shouted “She’s got a gun” in blur of action. MiMi shoved Yvettte to the floor. The woman screamed a gutteral sound when MiMi stomped on her back and then wrist using her full weight.

  A tall young blonde guy stumbled through the open door holding a beer bottle. “Hell, there’s a better party in here.”

  The loopy grin froze on his face when he took in the scene. Nairoby lay slumped on the floor on the blood soaked carpet and two women holding her down. MiMi and Yvette still fought for control of the gun. He bounced from one foot to the other, no help at all.

  “Oh, shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Somebody call the cops.”

  MiMi got her hands on the cheap hotel flower vase and broke it over Yvette’s head. The blow stunned the crazed woman. Willa took the chance to stomp on Yvette’s wrist, and the blow got Jazz’s arm in the process. Both women screeched in pain. The gun went off a fourth time. Willa kicked hard and it flew across the shabby carpet. The blonde drunk peed his jean shorts, and the police finally showed up.


  Three weeks later MiMi, Jazz, and Willa lounged around their private resort patio. Two days of soaking up the St. Lucia sun proved to be excellent therapy. Cedric swam his third short lap, blue-green water splashing with each stroke. Willa and Cedric were booked in a cottage with their own private pool. MiMi and Jazz had adjoining cottages on the other side of the resort with ocean views. The women had spent the first day sleeping. The events of the post Yvette and her gun had been bad enough. Meeting with various law enforcement agencies had left even Jazz with frazzled nerves. Willa’s parents and aunts had taken the children on an island tour. The entire family enjoyed much needed holiday, and what a spectacular setting the Ti Kaye Resort and Spa offered.


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