Blood Bound

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Blood Bound Page 3

by Alaska Angelini

  Chapter 3


  The slam of the bedroom door had me peeking out from the blankets I’d been curled in. Although sleep beckoned, I couldn’t ignore the part of me that screamed to run. I knew it was pointless, but shouldn’t I at least try? I couldn’t just lie down and give into this life—especially if that meant being continuously raped by Marko. It was bad enough I had to be his supplier, but to give him my body, too? God, I couldn’t do that. True, I responded to him, but that was only because of the bond. He wasn’t Marko. Not really. I could already feel myself becoming attached to him and I knew it wasn’t what I wanted.

  My heart raced as I threw back the covers and pushed to sit on the edge of the bed. I tried my best to block the thoughts urging me to stay. Not only because my mind was already starting to have second thoughts, but because I couldn’t allow him to hear. The simple fact that Marko hadn’t come bursting through the door yet gave me hope. It led me to stand.

  What do I do? Where do I go?

  I headed over to his closet. It was still nighttime. I could wait for first light, but that only meant I’d have to endure the sexual advances before then. No, I had to leave now. If I stayed, I’d give into him. A part of me wanted to. Wanted to…stay and serve.

  T-shirts and jeans hung on one side while suits rested on the other. I grabbed a black shirt and let the robe drop to the ground as I slid it on. It swallowed me, almost going to my knees. My eyes scanned the rest of the apparel and I let out a groan. Didn’t he own a pair of sweat or jogging pants? I didn’t see anything I could wear.

  I rose to my tiptoes, pushing clothes folded on the top shelf around. My fingers connected with a pair of silk pajama pants and I grabbed them, pulling them on. My heart slammed in my chest as I broke for the door. I didn’t think. I knew I couldn’t go through the heart of the city. It would be too risky and he’d possibly see me leaving. Instead, I turned, running past Marie’s door and heading deeper into the darkness. Where it led, I had no idea.

  Sounds dissipated and I held my hands out in front of me as I ran as fast as I could without risking injury. My breaths grew louder and deepened until they were all I heard. What felt like forever passed as I kept going further into the darkness. The tunnel rounded and broke off, but I stayed straight. Traffic sounded above and began breaking through the silence. I squinted as a small glow rested ahead. It only caused my adrenaline to soar even more. I felt for Marko’s connection, but didn’t pick up anything at all. Whether he was coming for me and didn’t want me to know, or he’d closed himself off to me altogether, was the biggest question I held.

  Fear left me sprinting toward the light and staring up at three glowing dots. I knew it was a manhole, but where would it place me? I felt so disoriented.

  A ladder stood ahead and I climbed up, pushing my hand against the heavy metal, groaning as I hooked my arm around the thin bar and pushed with everything I had. As I managed to slide it over, voices broke through from the distance. It took me a few seconds to gain my bearings from the weight.

  Slowly, I peeked my head out, noticing I was in the center of downtown Austin, right on the corner of the street. A couple slowed to stare and I didn’t wait for their reaction. I climbed out, not bothering to return the circular metal to fit back on the hole. People watched and I kept my head down as I began to run in the direction of my house. I still had no idea where I was going, but if I could get to my car, I’d have a beginning. That was the most important part.

  Laughter poured from one of the clubs I passed and I raced around the crowd waiting to get inside. As I broke around the corner, I slammed into what felt like a brick wall. Air exploded from my lungs and a cry broke from my lips as I began to crumble to the sidewalk.

  “Jesus, are—”

  My mouth dropped open as my gaze connected with Boyd’s. Immediately, his hands tightened on my biceps.

  “Tessa…are you okay?” The vampire was already walking around the corner to see if there was anyone behind me. “Who are you running from?”

  I jerked at my arms impatiently, unable to break the connection. He held on more secure, pulling me more toward him.

  “Let me go, please,” I rushed out. “I—”

  “You’re running from him.” A smile came to Boyd’s face as he brought us deeper into the shadows of the nearby street.

  “Please. I’m begging you.”

  Something flickered behind his eyes and I wasn’t sure what he was thinking. All I knew was this vampire had already tried to kill me once. He’d apologized for it, but that didn’t mean I could trust him. Besides, if he was up here, he needed to feed.

  “You know I can’t let you go if you’re running from Marko. He’s a member. One of my leaders. I’d get in a lot of trouble if I set you free and he found out.”

  My head shook a little too quickly. “I’m not running. I was heading back to my house to grab some stuff while he was in a meeting. I wanted to be back before he returned, that’s all.”

  The smile returned as he leaned in, breathing deeply. “You lie. Damn, it smells so sweet.”

  “I’m not. I…”

  He moved in closer, his upturned lips lowering into an expression I wasn’t so sure I liked. “Then I’ll accompany you back to your place while you get what you need. Afterward, I’ll take you back underground.”

  Fear engulfed me, causing me to tremble. Thoughts went a million miles a minute and all I could do was nod. “Okay. I’d like that.” Lie. But if I could at least get inside my home, I could shut him out. He couldn’t walk past my door if I didn’t invite him in. But how did I get rid of him after that? How did I make it to my car without him stopping me?

  Fingers laced with mine and I looked down, only to peer back up at him uneasily.

  “As a precaution. Appearances are everything, you know.”


  He let me lead as we headed toward my street. “You know, if people think things are okay between us, they won’t give us a second thought. Out here, I have a pretty alarming aura. It draws attention. I’m hoping to drown it out a little, being out here with you.”

  “Oh.” Did it really matter how anyone viewed us? I couldn’t quite understand it as he rubbed his finger up mine. All I knew was it left me even more edgy. As we turned and headed toward the church, I licked my lips, letting my mind race. Would Father Moretti be watching? Would Hunter be inside? Hunter could help me escape. Hunter…

  No. I quickly cut off my thoughts. If I dragged my best friend back into this, he’d die this time for sure. I would not be responsible for that. I couldn’t. I…loved him. Sure, as a friend, but breaking things off and having him move out, all the while trying to protect me, stirred something I’d pushed away a long time ago. I missed him and I couldn’t stop the weird tugging in my chest when I thought about the longing I felt to have him back. He represented life. Something I didn’t have anymore.

  We stayed on the opposite side of the sidewalk as we walked past the entrance. The whole cathedral was lit up brightly and Boyd shuddered next to me. I glanced up at him as he rubbed the back of his neck. The moment we got past the grounds, I pulled at his hand and we jogged across the road. Two houses hadn’t gone by before my feet dug into the cement. Two silhouettes were walking through the darkness, right toward us. My heart exploded in rhythm and I felt my breathing hitch. My head shook back and forth and I knew before the taller one even stepped into the light.

  “No,” I groaned.

  But it was too late.

  Illumination from the street lamp lit up Marko’s enraged face and I took a step back at him baring his fangs, angrily. Julius was standing next to him and they both looked downright pissed.

  “I was just helping her retrieve some of her clothes.” Boyd jerked his fingers free and I heard him swallow hard as he stepped away.

  “I’m sure that’s all you were going to do,” Julius said, walking forward. “As for Tessalyn.” His light blue eyes pierced mine and it was enou
gh to almost bring me to my knees. I looked down, noticing the light from the street lamp flicker above. Our shadows blinked repeatedly, until….darkness. The light went out, leaving the night to swallow us up whole. Even the power inside the houses were off. Eeriness settled, almost appearing to push into my skin like a living thing. Dogs were suddenly silent. No one came from their doors to see about the outage. It was like time stopped. Like…life wasn’t existent past the people who stood before me.

  “If you run away again without the intention of coming back, the consequences you will face will fail in comparison to anything Marko will put you through.” Still, he came closer. “You are on very thin ice with me, human. You’re lucky I don’t kill you right now. Instead, I’ll show you what happens when you betray your kind.”

  Long, thin fingers reached toward my face and no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t move away. They pushed against my temples and images exploded in my mind. I could see my mother and father. They were laughing, leaving what looked to be some cozy little restaurant in what I assumed was Italy, the last place I knew them to be. A neon light stood above the entrance of the door they exited and within a few steps, I saw a man step from the shadows at the end of the building. The pale skin and black eyes told me immediately what he was. Neither my mother nor father’s steps faltered. They were too busy communicating over what looked to be an enjoyable conversation.

  Subconsciously, my hand reached out and my lips separated in a silent warning. They had to run. To look up! I knew why the vampire was there. He was going to hurt them. Kill them.

  “Mom. Dad!”

  Their pace never changed and my fingers closed into a fist as I screamed louder. They were so close. So oblivious to the evil before them.

  “Shall I have him end their lives?”

  The scene disappeared as I gasped for air. Aching took over my lungs and I wasn’t sure how long I’d been holding my breath.

  “No. Please.” Tears rolled down my face and felt myself fall to my knees. Defeat left me weaker than ever. “I’ll go back. I won’t run away again. Just…please, don’t hurt them.”

  “Let’s hope for their sake you’re telling the truth. Next time, I will make you watch as I have them killed.” One minute, Julius was there, the next…gone. My eyes searched the surroundings wildly and I squinted as the overhead light flickered back on. Boyd was gone, too. Marko was the only one before me and I was terrified at what I saw. His black eyes narrowed as he came forward, pulling me to my feet by my hair. A scream wanted to come, but I held in sound the best I could as he transferred his grip to my arm, leading me back to the entrance of the underground city.

  Silence settled around us and as we passed my house. The living room light was on. Everything within me wanted to break away and rush for my door. Was Hunter still there? Had he accidently left it on after he went looking for me? Stinging burned my eyes and grief over my previous life consumed me. It broke my heart with every step that took me further away from my yard. I didn’t fight Marko as he nudged me toward the opened entrance to the grate, or even when he led me back to his room. The moment his bedroom door shut, the cold that seeped into my skin was enough warning that a storm was about to hit. I tried not to shiver at the frigid temperature, but failed.

  “You…embarrassed me. You…humiliated me!” he roared. “I leave you alone for the briefest amount of time and what do you do? What do I hear? Julius, asking me if I was aware my slave was a traitor. My slave! Me, the future leader.”

  Marko pushed me roughly toward his bed as he glared. Fear had me continuing on, but not easily. I didn’t want to get on there. Didn’t want to be anywhere near it or him while he was this angry.

  “You are going to learn to behave tonight or else I’ll beat you every night until you do.”

  As he went to the restroom, I pulled back the covers, jumping underneath despite not wanting to. I didn’t like what he’d said and to pretend I wasn’t scared was absurd. I was terrified beyond belief. I didn’t want to get beaten. Not the way he’d made it sound.

  Marko emerged with the belt and I slid closer into the middle, trying to get away from him. He dove forward, ripping me off the bed and pushing me to lean over the side before I could barely process what was happening. The first crack of the leather against my ass had me jumping and screaming against the fire lighting a path across me. Even with the pajama bottoms on, I’d felt its force. But it didn’t buffer for the second. Marko yanked the material to my ankles and reared the belt back again. And again. I cried out, clutching to the comforter as he connected for the fourth time.

  “You will get this every night until you learn to behave. I will not be embarrassed and I will not be disobeyed. Answer if you understand.”


  “Yes,” I sobbed, jumping again at the contact. “I understand.” Fingers traced over the tender skin and even though it hurt, I couldn’t deny that it also stirred some twisted sort of arousal deep within. With him touching me now, it only ignited it even more.

  “Please.” I shifted under his touch, well aware I wasn’t wearing any panties. I didn’t want him to discover what he was evoking even now as he grew closer to my pussy. Shame had the tears rolling free, but I made sure to hide the fact by holding in the sob that wanted to escape.

  “No. You’re going to feel and be quiet while you do so.”

  I buried my face deeply into the blanket, trying to disappear from the moment. How could I like this? How, after everything he’d done to me, did I want him to continue? I knew why. I was still praying the nicer Marko was somewhere deep within. The longer he was away, the more I feared what was to come. And still, even as I mourned for the life I had before Marko, my resolve against the entire situation was fading. I thought when he bit me the effects had been immediate. Now, I knew that wasn’t the case.

  Chapter 4


  Heat warmed my skin and I suppressed the moan at what was before me. Spanking Tessa with the belt may have been to punish her, but I couldn’t deny how much I enjoyed it. Seeing her pussy glisten from the wetness of what I’d done was only making it harder for me to stay angry.

  Why the fuck had I tuned her out? If I had just dealt with what I was trying to escape, I would have known. I could have stopped her before Julius had to inform me of Tessa’s betrayal in front of all the members. They laughed. They…thought it a hilarious that I couldn’t even control a mere slave…and here I wanted to rule a city. Jesus, I could truly beat her for all the rage I felt in that moment. But here, now, I was finding it hard to keep that mindset when I was faced with something I’d yearned for from the moment I saw her in her bedroom. I wanted her. I wanted her so fucking much, I couldn’t think about anything else.

  “Please…don’t.” A sniffle followed the weak words and her emotions became mine. She didn’t want me to stop. Well, she wanted me to, yet she didn’t. She wanted the old me back and felt if we continued, he’d show himself. God, how wrong she was. Didn’t she know he didn’t exist anymore? Wouldn’t, probably ever again.

  “Spread your legs. Let me see what I’ve acquired by making you mine.”

  Her head shook even as she obeyed. I knew it was in part because of the order. She had to do it, whether she wanted to or not, but at this point, deep down, she was beginning to want to.

  My hands lowered and I used the pads of my thumbs to rub over and spread her swollen folds. She was so hot and wet. So unbelievably soaked. I gritted my teeth to stop from rushing. I wanted to taste her, wanted to fuck her so fast and hard to punish her even more. Yet…I forced myself to go slow. To explore her pussy and take my time.

  “You want me. Admit it right now. If you lie, I’ll know, and I’ll spank you again.”

  Her hesitation had my hand coming down over the welts and bruising already marring her skin.

  “Ahh…I.” Her hips arched and I spread her folds wider, moving my thumbs down past her opening, toward her clit. The small circles of pressure I added just outsi
de of the sensitive bud made her pleasure quickly become my own. The more I evoked, the more I continued with my actions.


  “I’m…not sure.”

  “Wrong.” I spanked her again. “Tell me you’re going to behave. That you’re going to be an obedient slave and give me what I want.”

  Tessa’s head lifted. She’d pushed the lust away to think over my question and I didn’t like it.

  “I don’t know.”

  I dove forward, placing my palm against the side of her face so her head was back down and immobile. “You don’t know whether you’re going to behave and obey?”

  Whack! Whack!

  Her hips jerked underneath my hovering frame and she let out a sob, even as her head applied pressure against my hand.

  “I don’t want you to keep touching me. I’ve changed my mind.”

  “Your mind now belongs to me. And I say you’re going to lie here and let me play with my pussy. Mine, Tessa. All mine. Even that doesn’t belong to you anymore.”


  My palm connected again and I moved to stand, forcing her legs wide to give me a better view. A groan poured through her mind and French filled my head as she turned her face more to where she could see me.

  “Someday, I hope our roles are reversed. You will feel what it is to be powerless to me. No matter what it is concerning, your pleas of mercy will go unheard. I’m going to make you suffer and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.”

  A small laugh left my lips while I circled her entrance. I knew she was referencing Julius’ statement on her taking my place, but that was over now. She was a slave and always would be. My slave. “If it’s like this right here, I do believe I might enjoy it. Just as you are.”


  “Yes, I am that. Now, be quiet and let me revel in this.”

  Her face turned away and I felt the tension throughout her ease. The more I touched her pussy, the more she gave in. She did want this, regardless of her threats or words. I felt it. Knew where she was inside of her mind.


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