by Will
Johnson, Elizabeth, nee Porter (1688–1752), 818, 822
Johnson, Michael (1656–1731), 818, 819
Johnson, Samuel (1709–84), 701, 728–30, 740–41, 745, 747, 750, 762, 791, 810, 818–42
on adultery, 731–32, 745
aid from government, 826–27
appearance of, 753, 818–19, 828–29
biographical writings of, 819–20, 836–37, 840–41
boarding school of, 819
Boswell and, see Boswell, James, JOHNSON AND;
Burke and, 692, 827, 839–41
Cave and, 819–20, 822
on Chatterton, 810
Chesterfield and, 821, 823
on consumption of alcohol, 729
conversational ability of, 819, 830–31
death of, 839
Dictionary of, 786
dramatic works of, 819, 822
early years and education of, 818–19
fear of hell, 818, 838
first marriage of, 818, 822
on flying, 825
founds Ivy Lane Club, 822
friendships of, 827, 839–40
Garrick and, 741–42, 818, 822, 830
George III and, 826, 830, 835
on Gibbon, 805
goes to London, 819
Goldsmith and, 814–77 , 830
household of, 822–23
invents Parliamentary debates, 820
issues edition of Shakespeare, 835
journalistic writings of, 819, 822, 825
on London, 743
on newspaper advertisements, 786
opposes American Revolution, 711, 833
opposes French Enlightenment, 834–35
opposes slavery, 733, 832
in Ossian controversy 768
personality of, 818, 839–40
poems of, 819, 821
public honors for, 835
relations with Anna Williams, 822
religious views of, 834
Reynolds and, 827
rudeness of, 771
Savage and, 820
Sheridan’s aid to, 694–95
social and political conservatism of, 692
Mrs. Thrale and, 828, 837–38
views on poets, 836–37
wisdom of, 839
writes Dictionary, 820, 823–25
writes Rasselas, 825–26
Johnson, Sarah, nee Ford (1669–1759), 818
“Jolly Beggars, The” (Burns), 776
Joly de Fleury, Omer (1715–1810), 189
Jommelli, Niccolò (1714–74), 100, 223, 254, 255, 333, 335, 368
Jones, John Paul (1747–92), 911
Jones, Sir William (1746–94), 412
Jonson, Ben (1573?–1637), 744
Joseph I (José Manoel), King of Portugal (r. 1750–77): ascends throne, 261
assassination attempt against, 264, 283
confirms appointment of Pombal to cabinet, 261
illness and death of, 270–71
Jesuits and, 264, 266
mistress of, 263
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1765–90), 334, 342, 346–66, 387, 453, 457–58, 499, 504, 556, 581, 802, 846, 880, 885
abilities of, 355
absolutist views of, 355
administrative competence of, 849
attitude toward Jesuits, 351–52
capitulation to Hungarian nobles, 364
Catherine II and, 363, 462, 483
Church and, 358–62
conflict with papacy, 318, 359–60
crowned King of the Romans, 347
death of, 365, 461
early life and education of, 346–47, 367
educational policies of, 352
as enlightened despot, 354–60
failure of, 364–66
foreign policy of, 353
Frederick II and, 62, 349, 353–54, 361–63
historical importance of, 365–66
influence of Enlightenment on, 346–47, 351–52, 354–60
Jews and, 631–32
journey to Russia, 459–60
jurisdiction during coregency, 348
Kaunitz and, 348–52, 355, 359
League of Princes against (1785), 362–63
Louis XVI and, 353–54
makes Grimm a baron, 893
Maria Theresa and, 343, 346, 348–54
Marie Antoinette and, 352–54, 362, 853–54
marriage to Isabella of Parma, 347
marriage to Josepha of Bavaria, 347–48
memorandum on policies, 348–49
moral probity of, 355
Moravian Protestants and, 353
Mozart and, 404–5
musical interests of, 334
partition of Poland and, 483
personality and appearance of, 347
philosophes and, 353
popular hatred of, 364
Protestant alliance against, 363
reforms of, 348–53, 355–61, 364–66
regulation of serfdom by, 350
religious toleration of, 348, 351–52, 357, 361–62
rescinds all reforms, 364
revolt of Hungary against, 360–61, 363–64
revolt of Netherlands against, 361–62, 364
supports Leopold’s policies in Tuscany, 313–14
turns throne over to Leopold, 365
visit to Paris, 353
visit to Rousseau, 883, 897
war with Turkey (1788), 363
Josepha of Bavaria (d. 1767), 2d wife of Emperor Joseph II, 347–48
Josephine, Empress, see Beauharnais, Joséphine de
Josephson, Matthew, 5*
Joshagan, 421
Jouffroy d’ Abbans, Marquis Claude-François de (1751–1832), 932
Journal de Paris, 875, 915
Journal des savants, 280
Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides (Boswell), 836, 840
Journals of the House of Commons, 707
Journée des Tuiles (1787), 947–48
Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow (Radishchev), 465
Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, A (Johnson), 768, 836
Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de (1744–1811), 286–87, 293, 302
comedies of, 296
Meléndez and, 295–96
poetry of, 295
on Spanish sales taxes, 288
Joyeuse Entrée, 361
Judaism, 629
see also Jews
Juden, Die (Lessing), 509
Juigné, Marquis de (fl. 1771), 883
Julian the Apostate (Flavius Claudius Julianus), Roman Emperor (r. 361–63), 803
Julie, ou La Nouvelle Héloïse (Rousseau), 27, 113, 128, 149, 165–70, 177–79, 197, 521, 563, 887, 889
Clarissa compared with, 169–70
defects of, 168
educational ideas in, 168
letter form of, 166
models for, 157, 168
philosophes and, 170
plot of, 166–67
popularity of, 168–69
publication of, 178
Romantic movement and, 169
writing of, 155, 158, 165
Julli, M. de, 36
Jung, Heinrich (1740–1817), 503
Jungfrau von Orleans, Die (Schiller), 602
“Junius” (fl. 1768–72), 669, 701, 705–6
Junker, 497
Justine (Sade), 904
Juvenal (59–c.140), 295
Kabale und Liebe (Schiller), 572
Kabul, 417, 419
Kagul, battle of (1770), 458
Kalb, Charlotte von (1761–1843), 573, 575, 591–592, 594
Kames, Henry Home, Lord (1696–1782), 768
Kandahar, 417–19
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 183, 531–51; 557, 594, 618, 628, 639, 641, 643, 808
aesthetic philosophy of, 543, 595
appearance of, 549
attitude toward Frederick II, 540
Critique of Judgment, 543–44, 551
Critique of Practical Reason, 540–43
Critique of Pure Reason, 517, 535–40, 542–43
early career as teacher, 505, 532
early life and education of, 531–32
Goethe’s attitude toward, 580
Herder and, 567, 580
on human nature, 545–46
Hume’s influence on, 536; 543
influence of Enlightenment on, 521, 531, 550–51
liberal political views of, 547–49
moral philosophy of, 540–43
personality of, 532, 549
physical decline and death of, 550
posthumous writings of, 550
professorship in University of Königsberg, 534
regularity of daily life, 531
Romantic influences on, 531
Rousseau’s influence on, 3, 179, 181, 518, 542–43, 889–90
scientific writings of, 532–33
threatened by Frederick William II, 546–47
views on education, 548–49
Voltaire’s influence on, 542
Kantemir, see Cantemir
Karelia, 460, 653, 663
Karim Khan, Persian ruler (r. 1750–79), 420
Karl Alexander, Duke of Württemberg (r. 1733–37), 634
Karl August, Duke (later Grand Duke) of Saxe-Weimar (r. 1775–1828), 34, 373, 503, 507, 521, 523, 552–53
death of, 626
French Revolution and, 590
Goethe and, 545, 552, 566–67, 580, 581, 584–85, 586, 589, 590–91, 606, 615, 626
Herder and, 567, 577, 579, 580
Schiller and, 573, 575, 594, 602, 604, 605
in wars against French, 580, 591, 606, 607
Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg (r. 1737–1793), 133, 255, 502–3
Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp (fl. 1725), 429, 432
Karl Friedrich Ulrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, see Peter III, Czar
Karl Theodor, Elector Palatine (r. 1733–99), Elector of Bavaria (r. 1778–99), 48, 133, 245, 353–54, 362, 390, 393, 507
Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand (1735–1806), Prince and later Duke of Brunswick (r. 1780–1806), 512, 517
Karnal, battle of (1739), 419
Károlyi, Count (fl. 1788), 363
Karpiński, Franciszek (1741?–1825), 486
Katt, de (fl. 1758), 54
Kauffmann, Angelica (1741–1807), 580, 587, 644–45
Kaufmann, Christoph, 520
Kaunitz, Count Wenzel Anton von (1711–94), 40–42, 61, 120, 330
Joseph II and, 347–52, 355, 359
Seven Years’ War and, 40–42, 44–46
Kay, John (fl. 1733–64), 673
Kazan, 455
Kazvin, 418–19
Keats, John (1795–1820, 810
Keene, Sir Benjamin (1697–1757), 279
Keith, George, 10th Earl Marischal (1693?–1778), 191–92, 214
Keith, James Francis Edward, Marshal (1696–1758), 43
Kellgren, Johan Henrik (1751–95), 659, 661
Voltaire’s influence on, 880
Kemal Atatürk Pasha (1881–1938), 415
Kemble, John Philip (1757–1823), 740
Kemble, Sarah, see Siddons, Sarah
kemengeh, 416
Kepler, Johann (1571–1630), 532
Keppel, Augustus, Viscount (1725–86), 751
Kerch, 458
Kerman, 421
Kermanshah, battle of (1726), 418
Kéroualle, Louise-Renée de, Duchess of Portsmouth (1649–1734), 693
Kestner, Charlotte (“Lotte”), nee Buff (1753–1828), 524, 559, 561–63, 613
Kestner, Georg Christian (1741–1800), 561–64
Kew Gardens, 748
Keyserling, Count (fl. 1763), 457
Kherson, Jews in, 633
Khurasan, 418
Khiva, Khan of (fl. 1740), 420
Kiellström, Maria (1744–98), 660
Kiev, anti-Semitic massacres in, 634
Kilburun, 415, 458
Kimbolton Castle, 235
kindergartens, establishment of, 888
“King Christian Stood by the Lofty Mast” (Ewald), 652
King Lear (Shakespeare), 511
Kirghiz tribes, 455
Klauer, Ludwig (b. 1782), 523
Klauer, Martin (1742–1801), 523
Kleist, Ewald von (1715–59), 55
Kleist, Heinrich von (1777–1811), 507
Klettenberg, Susanne von (1723–74), 558
Klinger, Friedrich Maximilian von (1752–1831), 521–22, 581
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb (1724–1803), 327, 373, 517, 520, 553, 581, 652, 661
criticism of Goethe, 267
as Freemason, 507
writes The Messiah, 517–18
Klopstock, Margareta, nee Moller (d. 1758), 517
Kloster-Zeven, Convention of (1757), 48, 50
Knebel, Karl Ludwig von (1744–1834), 619
KniańAin, Franciszek Dyonizy (1750–1807), 486
Knox, John (1505–72), 773
Knutzen, Martin (1713–51), 532
Köchel, Ludwig Alois Friedrich (1800–77), 385, 396
Kolin, battle of (1757), 47
Kollontaj, Hugo (1750–1812), 486
Komarczewski, Pan, 474
Komische Erzählungen (Wieland), 553
Konarski, Stanislas (1700–73), 475
König, Eva (d. 1778), 503, 512–13
Königliche Bibliothek, Berlin, 524–25
Königsberg, University of, 505, 532
Konstantin, Duke of Saxe-Weimar (d. 1758), 552
Koran, 412
Korff, Ivan (1696–1766), 429
Korff, Nikolai, 439
Körner, Christian Gottfried (1756–1831), 572–575, 592
Kosciusko, Thaddeus (1746–1817), 488–89, 491–492
Koslov, 430
Kozlovsky, M. I. (1753–1802), 467
Krasicki, Ignacy (1735–1801), 485–86
Krasiński, Adam, bishop of Kamieniec (fl. 1768), 481
Krefeld, battle of (1758), 53
Kremlin, 469
Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (Kant), see Critique of Practical Reason
Kritik der reinen Vernunft (Kant), see Critique of Pure Reason
Kritik der Urteilskraft (Kant), see Critique of Judgment
Krithche Wälder (Herder), 568
Kronborg, Castle of, 653
Kropotkin, Peter (1842–1921), 819
Kuban River, 430
Kuchuk Kainarji, Treaty of (1774), 415, 458
kulaki, 422
Kunersdorf, battle of (1759), 55
Künstler, Die (Schiller), 595
Kurakin, Princess Elena, 437
Kurland, 492
La Barre, Chevalier Jean-François Lefebre de (1747–66), 90
Labat, Père Jean-Baptiste (1663–1738), 217
La Blache, Comte de, 921
labor unions: in England, 679–80
in France, 933
La Bruyère, Jean de (1645–96), 859
Lacat, M., 23
La Chalotais, Louis-René de (1701–85), 92
Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de (1741–1803), 903–4, 914, 955–56
Lacy, James (d. 1774), 742
Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de (1757–1834), 898
in American Revolution, 869, 871–72
as Freemason, 939
idealism of, 929
liberalism of, 957
oppositior to slavery, 935
Duc d’Orléans and, 955
La Fayette, Marie-Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, Comtesse de (1634–93), 169
La Ferté-Imbault, Marquise de, nee Geoffrin (b.1715), 121
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621–95), 486
La Force, prison of, 962
Lagos, battle of (1759), 57
La Guépière, Philippe de (1715–73), 525
Laguerre, Marie-Joséphine (d. 1783), 373
Laharpe, Frédéric-César de (1754–1838), Swiss politician, 127, 470, 6
Laharpe, Jean-François de (1739–1803), French poet, 127, 133, 149–50, 372, 874, 879
laissez faire policy, defined, 72; see also free trade
Lalande, Joseph-Jérôme Le François de (1732–1807), 254
Laleli-Jamissi, mosque of, 414
La Live de Jully, Ange-Laurent de (1725–75), 112
Lally, Comte Thomas-Arthur de, Baron de Toilendal, (1702–66), 59, 957
La Luzerne, César-Guillaume de (1738–1821), bishop of Langres, 902
La Marck, Mme. de, 929
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste de Monet, Chevalier de (1744–1829), 617
Lamartine, Alphonse de (1790–1869), 889–90
Lamballe, Prince de (d. 1767), 852
Lamballe, Marie-Thérèse de Savoie-Carignan, Princesse de (1749–92), 95, 848, 852
Lamennais, Félicité de (1782–1854), 890
La Mettrie, Julien Offroy de (1709–51), 220, 246–47, 316
La Mothe, Jean-Baptiste Vallin de (1729–1800), 468
La Motte, “Comte” Marc-Antoine-Nicolas de (1754–1830, 942
La Motte, Jeanne de St.-Rémy de Valois, Comtesse de (1756–91), 942–43
Lampe (servant of Heine), 543
land enclosures in England, 816
Landeshut, battle of (1760), 60
land reform, 287–88
Lane, Edward William (1801–81), 416
Lange, Joseph (fl. 1781), 394
Langhans, Karl Gotthard (1732–1808), 525
Langton, Bennet (1737–1801), 827, 839
Lannes, Jean, Marshal of France (1769–1809), 606
Lanskoi, Alexis (d. 1784), 444, 446
Lanson, Gustave (1857–1934), 5
Laokoon (Lessing), 510, 557, 691
La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup, Comte de (1741–1788?), 856
Laplace, Pierre-Simon (1749–1827), 533
La Popelinière, Alexandre-Joseph de (1692–1762), 70–71, 102
Larive, Jean Maudit de (1747–1827), 878
La Roche, Georg von, 562
La Roche, Maximiliane von (fl. 1772), 562
La Roche, Sophie von, nee Gutermann (1731–1807), 562, 611
La Rochefoucauld, Dominique de, Cardinal (1713–1800), 91
La Rochefoucauld, Duc François de (1613–80), 915, 939
La Rochefoucauld d’Enville, Duc Louis-Alexandre de (1743–92), 869
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Duc François-Alexandre de (1747–1827), 898, 957, 963
Last Testament (Frederick II), 529–30
La Tour, Mme. de, 191, 214
La Tour, Père de, 148
La Tour, Maurice-Quentin de (1704–88), 23, 26, 120, 135, 235
La Tour d’ Auvergne, Comte Nicolas de, 323
La Trémoille, Marie-Anne de, Princesse des Ursins (1042?–1722), 276
Laudon, Baron Gideon Ernst von (1717–90), 55, 59–60, 363, 365
Launay, Marquis Bernard-René de (1740–89), 919, 962–63
La Vallière, Mme. de, salonnière, 118
Lavater, Johann Kaspar (1741–1801), 562–63, 565–67, 613, 639, 645, 888