by Will
Mill, John Stuart (1806–73), 738–39
Milton, John (1608–74), 177, 518, 773, 837, 842
Mina Löjen (Kellgren), 661
Minden: battle of (1758), 54–55
Frederick II reoccupies, 53
mining, 932
Ministry of All the Talents, 726
Minna von Barnhelm (Lessing), 511
Minorca, 714
battle of (1756), 42–43, 57
Spain loses, 273
Spain recaptures, 290
Mirabeau (fils), Honoré-Gabriel-Victor Riqueti, Comte de (1749–91), 641, 951–54
in Club Breton, 939
criticism of Prussian economic controls, 501
domestic problems of, 952–53
early life and education of, 951–52
edits Courier de Provence, 915
as Freemason, 939
French Revolution and, 940
gains support of Third Estate, 953
in Holland, 952
imprisonments of, 952–53
Jews and, 642
literary works of, 952–54
love affairs of, 952–53
marriage to Émilie de Marignac, 952
opposition to slavery, 935
Duc d’ Orléans and, 955
personality of, 951
social policies of, 953–54
in States-General, 957–61
travels abroad, 953
Mirabeau (père ), Victor Riqueti, Marquis de (1715–89), 47, 73–74, 78, 657, 898
appearance of, 951
economic theories of, 72, 73–74
Franklin and, 869
as Freemason, 939
French Revolution and, 940
imprisonment at Vincennes, 951
Jews and, 642
marries Marie de Vessan, 951
personality of, 951
Rousseau’s stay with, 882
Mirandola, Pico della, see Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni
Mirepoix, Duchesse de, nee Beauvau (b. 1717), 118
Mir jafar (1691–1765), plot of, 715
Mir Mahmud, see Mahmud, Mir
Mirovich, Vasili (d. 1764), 443
Mir Vais, see Vais, Mir
Mirra (Alfieri), 340
Misanthrope, Le (Molière), 163
Misenum, 327
Misón, Luis (d. 1766), 292
Miss Sara Sampson (Lessing), 509
Mitridate, re di Ponto (Mozart), 387
M’ Lehose, Agnes, nee Craig (1759–1841), 776
Modena, 217, 244
Moguls, decline of, 58; see also India
Mohammed (570–632), 796, 808
Mohammed II, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1451–81), 804
Mohammedanism: clergy of, 412
mosques of, 416
science and, 412
sects in, 411–12
skepticism toward, 412
Mohammed ibn-Abdal-Wahab (1703?–91), 412
Mohammed Shah, Mogul Emperor of India (r. 1451–81), 419–20
Mohocks gang, 261
Moldavia, 411, 483
Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin; 1622–73), 104, 136, 163, 244, 295, 296, 404, 650, 923
influence on Goldoni, 242
Mollwitz, 529
Molmen Pompeo Gherardo (1852–1928), 243
Moluccas, 648
Momolo cortesan (Goldoni), 242
Monaco, Mme. de, 99
monarchy: Blackstone on, 737
Burke’s defense of, 723
conflict with Jesuits, 226
Diderot’s opposition to, 95, 897
philosophes and, 897–898
Voltaire’s support for, 142–43
monasteries: in Austria, 343, 358–59
in France, 902
in Italy, 225, 250
regulation in Belgium, 361–62
in Russia, 452
in Spain, 275
Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord (1714–99), 764
Monckton, Mrs. Jane, 730
Moñina, José, see Floridablanca, Conde de
Monitor, The, 786
Monnier, Sophie de Ruffey, Marquise de (1756–89), 952–53.
monopolies: in Austria, 344
in Prussia, 501
in Russia, 423
Monrepos, Palace of, 525
Mons, 361
Monsieur Nicolas (Restif de La Bretonne), 918, 919
Montagnana, Domenico (1700–40), 221
Montagu, Edward (d. 1775), 730
Montagu, Edward Wortley, see Wortley Montagu, Edward
Montagu, Elizabeth, nee Robinson (1720–1800), 730, 787, 841
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689–1762), 228, 730, 793
on appearance of Holland, 646
on Jews in Turkey, 632
on Mohammedanism, 412
Montaigne, Michel Eyquern de (1533–92), 23, 125, l79
Montaigu, Comte Pierre-Auguste de (fl. 1743), 16–17
Mont Blanc, 645
Montcalm, Marquis Louis-Joseph de (1712–59), 58
Montenegro, 411, 414
Montenegro, Benito Jerónimo Feijóo y (1676–1764), 294
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de (1689–1755), 104, 119, 172, 220, 254, 280, 295, 337, 427, 451, 478, 485, 487, 725, 797, 801, 845, 884, 891, 899
Catherine II and, 435
at Mme. Geoffrin’s salon, 120
importance of L’ Esprit des Lois, 808
influence on Beccaria, 320
predicts American Revolution, 708
on Turin, 226
Montessori, Maria (1870–1952), 888
Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643), 232
Montgolfier, Étienne (1745–99), 793, 932
Montgolfier, Joseph (1740–1810), 793, 932
Montgomerie, Margaret, see Boswell, Margaret
Montlhéry, riots in, 954
Montmorency, Duchesse de (fl. 1758), 161
Montmorin, Comte Armand-Marc de (1745?-92), 953
Montsauge, Jeanne de (fl. 1772), 128–29
Monumenti antichi inediti (Winckelmann), 330
Moors, 283, 287
Mora, Marquês de, see Mora y Gonzaga, Marquês José de
Moral Tales (Marmontel), 102, 105
morals: in Austria, 344
of Christians, Gibbon’s interpretation, 801
in England, 682, 730–34
in France, 19, 97–100, 902–5
Goethe’s views on, 619–22
Industrial Revolution and, 682
Islamic, 416
in Italy, 225
of popes;
Rousseau’s views on, 21, 180
in Scotland, 763
in Spain, 290–91
Morand, Dr. (fl. 1765), 200
Moratín, Leandro Fernández de (1760–1828), 296–97
Moratín, Nicolás Fernández de (1737–80), 295
Moravia: Protestants in, 353
Seven Years’ War in, 53
Moravian Brethren, 558, 636, 646–47
Mora y Gonzaga, Marquês José de (1744–74), 127–28, 129, 892
More, Hannah (1745–1833), 730, 743, 787, 795, 835
Morellet, André (1727–1819), 80–81, 108, 121, 221, 321, 869, 901, 908
French Revolution and, 940
at Mme. Geoffrin’s salon, 120
in Lespinasse salon, 126
opposition to revolution, 898
Morelly (socialist, fl. 1755), 80–82, 83–84
French Revolution and, 938, 940
influence of, 94
Morgan, Thomas (d. 1743), deist, 734
Morgenstunde. (Mendelssohn), 640
Moriscos, expulsion from Spain, 287
Morley, John, Viscount Morley of Blackburn (1838–1923), 725
Morning Chronicle, The, 377, 786
Morning Herald, The, 786
“Morning Song” (Karpiński), 486
Morocco, 411
Mort de César (Voltaire), 607
Morte d’ Arthur, Le (Mal
ory), 768
Morzin, Count Maximilian von (fl. 1759), 374–75
Mosaic Code, 629, 636
Moscow: plague in, 458
size and population, 423
Moscow, University of, 453
Moslems, 312
in Corsica, 312
in Spain, 285; see also Afghanistan;
mosques, 414
Môtiers-Travers, Rousseau at, 161–65, 170
Moultou, Paul (fl. 1760), 164
Mounier, Jean-Joseph (1758–1806), 948, 957
mountain-climbing, 645, 889
Mountstuart, John Stuart, Lord (fl. 1765), 782
Mount Edgcumbe, Emma Gilbert, Countess of,
Mousiad (Krasicki), 415
Mozart, Anna Maria, nee Pertl (d. 1778), 382–86, 387, 389–92, 393
Mozart, Constanze, nee Weber (1763–1842), 391, 394–95, 403, 405–8
Mozart, Franz Zaver Wolfgang (1791–1844), 407
Mozart, Johann Georg Leopold (1719–87), 397, 403
advice to son, 390–92, 396, 400–1
affection for son, 382
death of, 404
exploits son, 383, 390
Kapellmeister for Colloredo, 393
opposes son’s marriage, 394–95
on Parisian cosmetics, 99
tours with family, 383–85
on Viennese public, 346
Mozart, Karl Thomas (1784–1858), Wolfgang’s 2d son, 403
Mozart, Maria Anna (“Nannerl”; 1751–1829), 382–87, 389, 390, 391
Mozart, Maria Anna Thekla (1758–1841), 389, 401
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91), 100, 220, 222, 227, 255, 332–34, 342, 358, 367, 373, 376, 380, 382–409, 525, 527, 744, 920, 964
appearance of, 400
arrogance toward nobility, 393, 401
on K. P. E. Bach, 526
children of, 406–7
Colloredo and, 389, 393–94
concerts in London, 384
concerts in Paris, 384, 392–93
concerts in Vienna, 385
on crime in Italy, 319
death of mother, 392
dislike of philosophes, 392, 402
in England, 746
foresees his death, 408
on French music, 909
Grimm and, 384–85, 390, 392
Haydn and, 376–78, 397–98
illness of, 385–86
Joseph II and, 404–5
lack of formal education, 402
love affairs of, 390–91, 401
personality of, 400–2
polyphony subordinated to melody, 335
on Wieland, 576
CHILDHOOD PRODIGY (1756–66): concert tours, 383–85
exploitation by father, 383
musical training, 382–83, 385
parents, 382
precosity of, 384
ADOLESCENCE (1766–77): admitted to Accademia Filarmonica, 385–87
commissions, 388
concert tours, 385–89
first opera seria performed, 387
rivalry with Hasse, 387
YOUTH (1777–78): love for Maria Anna Thekla Mozart, 389
in Mannheim, 390
in Munich, 389
relations with Weber family, 390–92
tours with mother, 389–92
IN SALZBURG AND VIENNA (1779–82): home in Vienna, 402
marries Constanze Weber, 395
quits Colloredo’s service, 394
stagnation in Salzburg, 393
SUCCESS (1782–87): appointed court Kammermusikus, 404
birth of children, 403
increasing income, 402, 404
spendthrift, 403, 405
MISFORTUNES (1788–90): death, 408
grave unknown, 408
illnesses, 406, 408
lack of work, 406
loans, 405–6
poverty, 405, 407
COMPOSITIONS: abilities to play and compose, 396–97
aristocratic context of music, 400
Barber of Seville, 923
cantatas, 387
childhood works, 384
concertos, 389, 392, 399
Don Giovanni, 396–97, 404–5
Eine kleine Nachtmusik, 398
inspiration from Italy, 395
influences, 395–97
Jupiter symphony, 398
Köchel’s catalogue of, 396
Magic Flute, 407
Marriage of Figaro, 403–4
methods of composing, 396–97
operas, 387–89, 393, 395, 404, 407
orchestral music, 389, 398–99
quintets, 397–98
religious music, 400
Requiem, 407
songs, 399–400
symphonies, 384, 392, 398, 405
Muette, La (villa), 853
Mulai Ismail, Sultan of Morocco (r. 1672–1727), 417
Müller, Friedrich “Maler” (1749–1825), 522
Müller, Friedrich von (fl. 1808), 606
Müller, Johannes von (1752–1809), 642, 645
Munich, poverty in, 503
Münnich, Count Christoff von (1683–1767), 429, 430, 438, 442, 459
Münster, 503
Münster, Treaty of (1648), 361
Murano, glass industry of, 230
Murat, Joachim (1767–1815), 306, 334
Muratori, Lodovico Antonio (1672–1750), 223, 244
Murcia, 273, 298
Murdock, William (1754–1839), 676
Murray-Pulteney, Sir James (fl. 1797), 772
Musenalmanach, Der, 598
Muses galantes, Les (Rousseau), 18
music: in Austria, 367–408
church, see church music;
in England, 368, 746–47
in France, 100–1, 368, 370–73, 909–10, 915
Frederick IPs love of, 496, in Germany, 503, 517–18, 525–28, 552
growth of instrumental, 527
Islamic, 416–17
in Italy, 220–24, 226–27, 232–235, 254–58, 332–35, 373
melody and polyphony in, 335
Romantic movement in, 399
in Russia, 425–26, 466
in Spain, 292
violin, 221
musical instruments, 221
Musset, Alfred de (1810–57), 889
Mustafa III, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1757–74), 415, 458
Mutozilite sect, 411
Mylius, Christlob (1722–54), 508
Myron (5th cent, B.C.), 329
Myslivecek, Josef (1737–81), 227
Mysteries of Udolpho (Radcliffe), 691
nabobs, 686
Nadir Kuli, Shah of Persia (r. 1736–47), 417–20
Namur, 342, 361
Nancy, 107, 245
Nanine (Voltaire), 136
Nantes: commercial decay of, 58
shipbuilding in, 932
Naples, 249–51, 256, 290, 310, 315
Austria and, 249
churches in, 224
conflict with papacy, 317–18
cultural life of, 250–51
Enlightenment in, 250–51
expulsion of Jesuits from, 317
Freemasons in, 220
Goethe in, 588–89
Inquisition in, 252
Jesuit colleges in, 219
Jesuits expelled from, 315
liveliness of, 315
music in, 232, 254–57
papal concordat with, 246
priesthood in, 224
prostitution in, 218
social classes in, 249–50
Spain and, 217, 228, 250, 273, 277–78, 315
theaters in, 220
war against papacy (1768), 317
Naples, University of, 219, 250
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (r. 1804–14, 1815), 63, 89, 103, 107, 128, 336, 627, 791, 794, 910
on battle of Leuthen, 52
birth of,
bombardment of Vienna (1809) by, 380
Condorcet’s influence on, 895
David and, 913
defeats Prussians at Jena (1806), 502, 530, 606
on Diamond Necklace Affair, 943
education of, 914
educational reforms of, 895
France’s power and, 872
Goethe and, 606–7, 623
Haydn and, 380
Italy and, 311
Jewish emancipation and, 631
musical interests of, 334, 380
papacy and, 319
plot to assassinate, 726
religious policy of, 890
Rousseau’s influence on, 880, 891
on royal palace in Madrid, 297–98
Spanish policies of, 306–7
on The Marriage of Figaro, 925
Tuscany and, 314
victory at Austerlitz (1802), 726
Voltaire’s influence on, 880
Wieland and”, 576
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French (r. 1852–71), 89, 107
Narciso (Scarlatti), 257
Narcisse (Rousseau), 15, 27, 164
Nardini, Pietro (1722–93), 332
Naruszewicz, Adam (1733–96), 485–86
Narva, 423
Nascimento, Francisco Manoel do (1734–1819), 269
Nasrulla (fl. 1739), son of Nadir Kuli, 420
Nathan der Weise (Lessing), 514–15, 640
natifs, Swiss, 643–44
National Assembly, French, 313, 642, 895, 960
Condorcet in, 895
feudalism abolished by, 937
formation of (1789), 958
honors to Voltaire, 879–80
liberal leaders in, 939
middleclass control of, 930
National Convention, French, 244, 313, 890, 913
Louis XVI’s trial before, 895
nationalism and Catholic Church, 316
National Theater at Hamburg, 511
Nattier, Jean-Marc (1685–1766), 120
Natur, Die (Goethe), 565–66, 584
nature, 889
Goethe’s love of, 584, 619
Rousseau’s love of, 11, 14, 180–81
Natürliche Tochter, Die (Goethe), 580, 604
Naufrage des îles flottantes (Morelly), 81
navy, English and French compared, 57
Necker, Jacques (1732–1804), 98, 865–67, 944, 948–51, 962
Catherine II and, 870–71
critique of free trade in grains, 860
early banking career of, 865
literary works of, 860, 865–66
marriage to Suzanne Curchod, 265
on power of press, 915
FIRST MINISTRY OF (1777–81), 865–67
American Revolution and, 869–70
attempts to eliminate serfdom, 866–67
Compte rendu au Roi (1781), 870
financial reforms, 866
Louis XVI and, 867
opponents of, 870–71
penal reforms, 867
resignation (1781), 871
SECOND MINISTRY OF (1788–89), 948–51
controls over grain export, 949
dismissal of second ministry, 961
early enthusiasm for, 948–49
economic policies of, 949, 955