by Will
Potemkin villages, 459–60
Potocki, Antoni (fl. 1744), 475
Potocki, Count Stanislas Felix (1752–1805), 473, 488, 490
Potsdam, 523–24
Potter, John (d. 1747), Archbishop of Canterbury, 703
Potter, Thomas (d. 1759), 703
Pottle, Frederick A., 779*
Poussin, Gaspard (Gaspard Dughet; 1613–75), 248
Poussin, Nicolas (1594–1665), 327, 466, 750
power looms, 673
Pozzuoli, 327
Prado (Madrid), 289, 290
Praga, 490, 492
Prague, 641
culture in, 342
siege of (1757), 47
university at, 360
Praslin, César-Gabriel de Choiseul, Duc de (1712–85), 88, 447
Pratt, Sir Charles (1714–94), 703
Prayers and Meditations (Johnson), 734
Précis du siècle de Louis XV (Voltaire), 137
Précis sur M. Rousseau (La Tour), 214
Preobrazhensky Regiment, 440
Pre-Raphaelites, 888
Presbyterians, 735, 760, 763
press, freedom of: in England, 706–7
French Revolution and, 940
Goethe’s opposition to, 623
Voltaire’s support for, 146
see also censorship
Pressburg, 360
Prete Rosso, Ii, see Vivaldi
Preveza, 229
Prévost, Abbé (Antoine-François Prévost d’Exiles; 1697–1763), 119, 169, 842, 887
Price, Richard (1723–91), 722–23
Priestley, Joseph (1733–1804), 734
ethics of, 739
on Paris, 933
Prince Khlor (Catherine II), 463, 464
Princesse de Babylone, La (Voltaire), 136
Princesse de Clèves, La (La Fayette), 169
Principi di una scienza nuova … (Vico), 251, 254
Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy (Paley), 735
printing press, 266
prisons: in England, 737–38
in France, 867
in Holland, 738
in Rome, 245
Pritchard, Hannah, nee Vaughn (1711–68), 740
Privy Council of Weimar, 581, 589
Procope (café), 99
Profession de foi d’un théiste (Voltaire), 136
Profession de foi en musique française (Arnaud), 372
progressive education, 888
Projet concernant de nouveaux signes pour la notation musicale (Rousseau), 15
Projet de constitution pour la Corse (Rousseau), 204–5
Prokofiev, Sergei (1891–1953), 243*
Prolegomena to Every Future Metaphysic That Will Be Able to Appear as Science (Kant), 539–40
Prolegomena to Homer (Wolf), 253
proletariat: in France, 933–34
in Naples, 249
Rousseau’s opinion of, 173
in Spain, 274
Voltaire’s opinion of, 174; see also workers
Prometheus (Goethe), 620
property: French Revolution and, 937–38
Rousseau’s views on, 29–30, 32–34, 174
Voltaire’s views on, 141; see also communist theories
Propriété, c’est le vol, La (Proudhon), 938
Prospectus d’un tableau historique des progrès de l’esprit humain (Condorcet), 895–97
prostitution: in Austria, 344
in England, 731–32, 744–45
in France, 98, 903
in Italy, 218, 225, 230
Romantic Movement and, 888
in Scotland, 763
Protestant Association, 735
Protestantism: in Austria, 343, 352, 357
in England, 142
in France, 91, 857, 950
in Germany, 64, 142, 502
Goethe’s views on, 620
in Holland, 142, 646
in Ireland, 759–62
in Moravia, 353
in Poland, 472, 475, 480
Rousseau and, 5–6 26–27, 184–85
in Scotland, 763
in Spain, 285
territory held by, 316
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809–65), 174, 938
Provence, 954
Provence, Comte de, see Louis XVIII
Prussia, 356, 364
acquisition of Bayreuth and Ansbach, 354
agriculture in, 500–1
alliance with England (1756), 432
alliance with Turkey (1790), 363
army of, 43, 62, 497, 500, 686
censorship abolished in 547
clergy and religion in, 499
conscription in, 62
despotism in, 530, 848
economy of, 43, 500–1
education in, 500
espionage system of, 43
feudalism in, 43, 500–1
fragmentation of, 43
Jews in, 499
in League of Armed Neutrality (1780), 457
in League of Princes (1785), 362
legal reform in, 500
in Napoleonic wars, 530, 606
Poland and, 474, 479–84, 487–88, 490–92
population of, 43, 63
reign of Frederick the Great, see Frederick II the Great;
religious tolerance in, 499, 540
Revolutionary France and, 488
Russia and, 460–61, 484
in Seven Years’ War, see Frederick II the Great, IN SEVEN YEARS’ WAR;
state monopolies in, 501
social classes in, 497, 500–1
Sweden and, 653–54, 663
taxation in, 500–1
territorial acquisitions of, 653
torture abolished in, 321
West, 484
Prynne, William (1600–69), 163
Public Advertiser, The, 705–6, 786
Public Ledger, The, 786, 814
public libraries, 914; see also libraries
public sanitation, 728
Puccini, Giacomo (1858–1924), 243*
Puchberg, Michael (fl. 1788), 405–6
Pufendorf, Samuel von (1632–94), 171, 177
Pugachev, Emelyan Ivanovich (1726–75), 455, 464, 469
Pugnani, Gaetano (1731–98), 332–33
Pulaski, Casimir (1748?–79), 481
Pulaski, Józef (fl. 1750), 481
Pulcinello (comic figure), 241
Pulteney, William, Earl of Bath (1684–1764), 698
Punch, 241
Puritans (Independents), 735, 760
Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich (1799–1837), 427, 464
Pyrrhonisme de l’histoire, Le (Voltaire), 136
Pythagoras, 254
quadrille, 292
Quadruple Alliance (1718), 278
Quakers, 684, 733, 834
Qualtenburg, Franz Kressel von (1720–1801), 355
Quantz, Johann Joachim (1697–1773), 234
Quarenghi, Giacomo (1744–1817), 468
quartet, 528
Quebec, English conquest of, 58
Quesnay, François (1694–1774), 72, 78, 769, aid to Mirabeau père, 74
death of, 77
devotion of disciples to, 74
Genovesi and, 251
influence on Adam Smith, 769
personality of, 76
practical program of, 76
theories of, 73–74, 250
Qu’est-ce que le Tiers-état? (Sieyès), 915, 954–55
Quiberon Bay, battle of (1759), 57
Quinault, Philippe (1635–88), 371
Rabelais, François (1495–1553), 788
Rachmaninov (Russian translator of Voltaire), 463
Racine, Jean-Baptiste (1639–99), 103–4, 136, 169, 427, 511, 528, 588, 661, 889
Råd, Swedish, 654
Radcliffe, Ann, nee Ward (1764–1823), 691
Radishchev, Alexander Nikolaevich (1749–1802), 465-66, 469
Radziwill, Helen, 479
Radziwill, Prince Karol (1734–90), 473
Raeburn, Sir Henry (1756–1823), 762, 765
Raison par alphabet, La (Voltaire), 138
Rambler, The (Johnson), 786, 822, 825
Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683–1764), 18, 368, 372, 909
Ramírez, Juan (fl. 1760), 300
Ramsay, Allan (1686–1758), poet, 765
Ramsay, Allan (1713–84), painter, 699, 729, 765
Ranc, Jean 298
Rançon, M. (fl. 1757), 86
Ranelagh, 744
Ranke, Leopold von (1795–1886), on Pope Innocent III, 245–46
Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio; 1483–1520), 248, 327, 466, 751
Raskolniki, religious dissenters, 452
Rasmus Montanus (Holberg), 650
Raspe, Rudolph Erich (1737–94), 534, 568
Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, History of (Johnson), 819, 825–26, 829
Rastrelli, Bartolomeo (1700–71), 426
Rastrelli, Carlo Bartolomeo (d. 1744), 426
Räuber, Die (Schiller), 521, 570–71, 589
Rauch, Father (fl. 1755), 327
Rautenstrauch, Franz, 343
Ravenna, 244
Ravensburg, 48
Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas-François (1713–96), 34, 108, 220, 280, 361, 798, 901, 908
American Revolution and, 867
clerical attacks on, 902
death of 893
later life of, 893
at Mme. Geoffrin’s salon, 120
Razumovsky, Alexis (fl. 1742), 431
Razumovsky, Kirill, 439
Real Academia Española, 280
Réaumur, René-Antoine Ferchault de (1683–1757), 501
Récamier, Jeanne-Françoise, nee Bernard (1777–1849), 118
Recherches philosophiques sur le droit de propriété (Brissot de Warville), 938
Recueil d’antiquités égyptiennes, étrusques, grecques, romaines, et gauloises (Caylus), 110, 749
Redemptionists, 225
Reflections (Pinto), 630
Reflections on the Revolution in France (Burke), 690, 722–23, 806
Réflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses (Turgot), 79
Reform Bill (1832; England), 739
Reformation, 504, 620
regaliste faction, 317
Regulated Company, 732
Reichstag of Holy Roman Empire, 502
Reid, Thomas (1710–96), 763, 764–65
Reimarus, Elise (fl. 1768), 512
Reimarus, Hermann Samuel (1694–1768), 512–514, 578
Reims: factories in, 932
poverty in, 933
riots in, 934
statues in, 107
stores in, 936
Reinhold, Karl Leonhard (1758–1823), 539, 551, 594
Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone (Kant), 531, 545
religious toleration: in Austria, 348, 351–52, 357, 641–42
in Austrian Netherlands, 361
in Holland, 646–47
in France, 863, 902
French Revolution and, 642
Jews and, see Jews;
in Poland, 481, 487
in Prussia, 499, 540
Rousseau demands, 175–76
in Russia, 438, 451–52
in Sweden, 657
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (Percy), 518, 568, 676, 809
Remarks upon the Architecture of the Ancients (Winckelmann), 328
Rembrandt Harmensj von Rijn (1606–69), 466
Remigius Franyó (fl. 1788), 363
Renan, Joseph-Ernest (1823–92), 880
Rennes, 107
Parlement of, 92–93, 849, 947
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (1841–1919), 235
Re pastore (Mozart), 389
Repnin, Nikolai Vasilievich (1734–1801), 480, 481–82
Reprimand to the Queen, A, 853
Requiem, Mozart’s, 370, 380, 408
Rerum italicarum scriptores (Muratori), 244
Restif de La Bretonne, Nicolas-Edme (1734–1806), 918–19
descriptions of Paris, 908
on reading by workers, 914
Re Teodoro (Paisiello), 334
Re Turandote (Weber, Busoni, and Puccini), 243*
Reutter, Georg (1656–1738), 374
Réveillon factory riot, 956
Rêveries d’un promeneur solitaire, Les (Rousseau), 23–24, 26, 171, 206, 886, 887
Rey, Marc-Michel (fl. 1770), 178
Reynolds, Frances (1729–1807), 745, 751
Reynolds, Richard (fl. 1763), 671
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723–92), 238, 645, 699, 720, 728–29, 740, 750, 751 -54, 772, 789, 812, 828, 839
description of Boswell by, 842
in “the Club,” 827
on development of artist, 754
early life of, 751
earnings of, 753
esthetic theories of, 754
fame of, 753–54, 756
Gainsborough and, 756–57
Goldsmith and, 816–17
illness and death of, 754–55
Samuel Johnson and, 840–41
paean to Michelangelo, 754
paintings of women and children of, 752–53
president of Royal Academy of Arts, 754
scope of portraiture of, 751–53
studies in Italy, 751
Ricardo, David (1772–1823), 739
Ricci, Father, 283
Ricci, Lorenzo (1703–75), 267, 317–18
arrest and death of, 318
Ricci, Marco (1676–1729), 235
Ricci, Scipione de (1741–1810), bishop of Pistoia, 313–14
Ricci, Sebastiano (1660–1734), 235
Ricci, Teodora, 243
Richard III (Shakespeare), 741–42
Richardson, Jonathan (1665–1745), 751
Richardson, Samuel (1689–1761), 136, 167, 169, 509, 518, 563, 661, 790, 793, 814, 825, 842, 887
Richelieu, Armand-Jean du Plessis de, Cardinal (1585–1642), 268, 344
Richelieu, Louis-François-Armand de Vignerot de Plessis, Maréchal Duc de (1696–1788), 42–43, 53, 87, 89, 133, 879
Richelieu, Marie-Élizabeth-Sophie de Guise, Duchesse de (d. 1740), 98
Richmond, Charles Lennox, 3d Duke of (1735–1806), 713
Richmond, Mary Bruce, Duchess of, 752
Richter, Jean Paul (1763–1825), 611
Riddarhus, Swedish, 654
Riddell, Maria (fl. 1793), 778
Ridolfo, Palazzo, 228
Riesener, Jean-Henri (1734–1806), 107, 523, 910–11
Riga, 423
Righini, Vincente (1756–1812), 404
Rights of Man, The (Paine), 340, 725
Riksdag, Swedish, 654–57, 662, 664
Rimnik, battle of (1789), 460
Rimsky-Korsakov, Ivan (fl. 1778), 444, 446
Rinaldi, Antonio (1709–90), 468
Rinaldo di Capua (c.1710–c.1780), 254
riots: in England, 735–36
in France, 98, 934, 946, 956, 961
Risorgimento and Alfieri, 340
Rivals, The (Sheridan), 695
Riza Kuli (fl. 1740), son of Nadir, 419–20
Robbers, The (Schiller), see Räuber, Die
Robert, Hubert (1733–1808), 111, 117, 120, 248
Robertson, William (1721–93), 594, 762–64, 766, 767, 733, 800, 835
Robespierre, Maximilien de (1758–94), 915
in Club Breton, 939
rejects philosophes, 880, 890
Rousseau’s influence on, 890
in States General, 957
Robinson, Mary (Perdita), nee Darby (1758–1800), 740
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 182
Robison, Sir James (fl. 1758), 674
Rochambeau, J.-B.-Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de (1725–1807), 871, 872
Rochelle, La, 944
Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, Marquis of (1730–82), 691, 700, 789
ministries of, 700, 703, 710, 714, 761
Rodney, George Brydges, Admiral (1719–92), 669
íguez, Ventura (1754), 297
Roebuck, John (1718–94), 675
Roentgen, David (1743–1807), 523, 911
Roguin, Daniel (fl. 1760), 190, 882
Rohan, Cardinal Prince Louis-René-Édouard de (1734–1803), 322, 942–43
Rohikhand war, 717, 719
Roland, Jeanne-Manon, nee Phlipon (1754–93), 937
Roland (Gluck), 371
Roland (Piccini), 371
Roland (Quinault), 371
Rolf Krage (Ewald), 651
Rollin, Charles (1661–1741), 179
Roman Elegies (Goethe), 598
Romania, see Wallachia
Romanina, La, see Bulgaretti, Marianna
Romans, Mlle, de (fl. 1761), 68
romantic love, 888
Romantic movement, 768
Alfieri and, 340
definition of, 887
in England, 809, 813
in France, 3, 128, 157, 887
in Germany, 508, 517–20
Goethe on, 588
influence of Middle Ages on, 809
Kant and, 531, 551
letters of Julie de Lespinasse and, 128
in music, 399
Rousseau and, 3, 157, 887
spread of, 170, 888–89
Rome, ancient, 21, 690
influence of, 118, 315
philosophes and, 898
Rome, modern, 244–49, 256 , 310
architecture in, 247
cosmopolitanism of, 314–15
cultural stagnation of, 247
Freemasons in, 220
Goethe in, 587–88
Jews in, 631, 642
population of, 245
prison reforms in, 245
prostitution in, 218
ratio of priests to lay population, 224
theaters in, 220
university in, 219
Winckelmann in, 327–28
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 740
Romero, bullfighter, 291
Romische Elegien (Goethe), 590
Romney, George (1734–1802), 740, 757–58
Rosciad, The (Churchill), 808
Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of (1847–1929), 772
Rosicrucians, 324, 465
Rossbach, battle of (1757), 50, 67
Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio (1792–1868), 245, 920
Barber of Seville libretto and, 334
on Mozart’s Don Giovani, 404
Rothschild, Meyer Amschel (1743–1812), 634
Rotrou, Jean de (1609–50), 109
rotten boroughs, 685
Rotterdam, 361
Rouelle, Guillaume-François (1695–1762), 813
Rouen: bread riots in, 934
unemployment in, 935
Parlement in, 849, 947
Rousseau, Mme. (foster mother of d’Alembert), 126
Rousseau, Isaac (father of Jean-Jacques), 5
Rousseau, Jacques (1733–1801), 910
Rousseau, Jeanette (fl. 1748), 918
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–78), 3–37, 99, 104, 113, 128, 136, 152–70, 280, 286, 336–37, 353, 465, 478, 485, 496, 532, 545, 559, 563, 636, 641, 643, 656, 661, 690, 725, 790, 808, 845, 852, 857, 881–92, 895, 910, 916, 919, 952, 964