by Will
Vigny, Alfred de (1797–1863), 889
Viladomat,. Antonio (1678–1755), 298
Villa Albani, 249, 331
Villa Malmarana, 239
Villanueva, Juan de (1739–1811), 289
Villars, Duc Honoré-Armand de (1702–70), 133
Villeneuve, M. de, 952
Villeroi, François de Neufville, Duc de (1644–1730), 161
Villette, Marquis Charles de (1736–93), 874–75
Villette, Reine-Philiberte de Varicourt, Marquise de, 150, 874, 877
Villette, Retaux de (1785), 942–43
Vincennes: Diderot in, 19–20
Mirabeau fils in, 952–53
Vinci, Leonardo (1690–1730), composer, 240, 254
Vindication of the Jews (Manasseh ben Israel), 640
Vindication of Natural Society, or a View of the Miseries and Evils Arising to Mankind from Every Species of Artificial Society, A (Burke), 690–91
Vindication of Some Passages in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Chapters of the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, A (Gibbon), 802
vingtième, 936
violin, popularity of, 332
Viotti, Giovanni Battista (1753–1824), 332–33
Virgil (70–19 B.C.), 519, 793
Virginia Assembly, 872
Vischer, Luise (fl. 1780), 570
Visin, Denis Ivanovich von (1744–92), 464
Vistula River, 472
Vita di Vittorio Alfieri … scritta da esso (Alfieri), 336
Vitruvius, Goethe in, 587
Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus (1st century B.C.), 747
Vivaldi, Antonio (1675?-1741), 232, 233–34
Vocabolario (Accademia della Crusca of Florence), 824
Vogler, Abt Georg Josef (1740–1814), 252
Volga Tartars, 452
Volhynia, 492
Volkschulen, 352
Volkslieder (Herder), 577
Volney, Comte Constantin de (1757–1820), 917–18, 955
Volta, Alessandro (1745–1827), 310
Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet; 1694–1778), 40, 43, 59, 67, 132–51, 156, 207, 220, 246, 269, 280, 286, 295, 336–37, 351, 357, 372, 422, 427, 432, 435, 463, 478, 481, 485, 511, 531, 550, 553, 559–60, 561, 607, 608, 641, 650, 655, 660, 693, 725, 769, 781, 825, 832, 873–81, 889, 894, 895, 915–16, 925, 928, 952, 964
Abarca’s visit to, 281
adulation of, 34
on age of Louis XV, 137–38
d’Alembert and, 123, 125, 138, 876–77
appearance of, 134, 148
attitude toward activitt, 135
attitude toward rivals, 149
bones stolen from Panthéon, 880
Boswell and, 133–34, 204, 782
bourgeois values of, 148
caned by Beauregard, 150
Casanova’s visit to, 138, 143, 324
Catherine II and, 434, 442, 447–48, 451, 457–58, 462, 469, 873
Choiseul and, 88, 132
Clairon and, 102, 104
collected works published, 925
condemnation of Shakespeare, 835
death of Wilhelmine and, 54
deference to royalty, 176
description of Paris, 933
Diderot and, 876, 892
Du Barry and, 87–88
Mme. du Deffand and, 125
energy of, 135
enthusiasm for England, 144
epigrammatic style of, 170
Frederick II and, 47, 49, 56, 59–60, 496–99, 528, 873, 876, 879
French Academy and, 877, 879
friendship with monarchs, 897
generosity of, 150
Gluck’s operatic views and, 368
Goldsmith’s biography of, 814
on Gustavus III, 657
on Histoire du Parlement de Paris, par M. l’abbé Big, 92
historical writings of, 528
on history, 807*;
Houdon’s bust of, 911–12
humanity of, 151
imitation of Maffei’s Merope, 228–29
on Index Expurgatorius, 316
influence of, 230, 346–47, 542, 880–81
Samuel Johnson’s dislike of, 834
Lekain discovered by, 101–102
Lessing and, 509, 512
lies of, 148–49
Lisbon earthquake and, 533
Louis XV and, 88
Louis XVI and, 857, 867, 875, 879
love of luxury, 141
love of money, 148
loyalty to friends, 150
on Marie Theresa, 343
Marie Antoinette and, 873–74, 875
meets Gibbon, 797
mocks legend of noble savage, 31
moral courage of, 150–51
Mozart’s dislike of, 392, 402
nature and, 169
on opera, 101
in Panthéon, 101
on Paris, 71
partition of Poland and, 484
personality of, 135, 141, 147–51
physical cowardice of, 149
Pigalle’s statue of, 107–8, 280
on Mme. de Pompadour, 69
praise for Goldoni, 242
predicts French Revolution, 143
preface to Beccaria’s book, 321
rancor of, 149
Rousseau and, see Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, VOLTAIRE AND;
scholarship of, 148
sees need for popular religion, 903
Seven Years’ War and, 56–57
on Tristram Shandy, 788
tributes to, 108
Turgot and, 78–79, 859, 865
use of cosmetics, 134
vanity of, 149
views on drama, 136
wealth of, 140–41
Wilkes’s visit to, 703
AT LES DÉLICES (1755–58), 27, 132
AT FERNEY (1758–78): agricultural activities, 135
daily routine, 134–35
ill health, 134–35
last years, 873–74
management of estate, 132–33
moves to, 164
personal habits, 134
relations with employees, 135–36
theater, 134
visitors to, 133–34
workshops at, 135
FINAL YEARS OF (1774–78): adopts Reine Philiberte de Varicourt, 874
appearance of, 878
burial and aftermath, 879–80
fame and adulation, 873
final illness and death, 879
goes to Paris, 774–75
he suggests reforms to Louis XVI, 873
he writes Irène, 274
illnesses, 876
last writings, 873–74
performance of Irène, 877
reception in Paris, 875–79
seeks to be confessed, 876
Turgot and, 874, 875
visits of clergy to, 875–76
anticlerical views, 145
attends religious services, 452
Catholic Church and, 138, 890, 893
defense of Calas, 90, 146, 151, 881
skeptical outlook, 148
POLITICAL VIEWS AND ACTIVITIES (1758–78): aid to Swiss natifs, 634–44
on Alberoni’s reforms, 277
anti-Semitism of, 149–50
attack on Paris Parlement, 92–95
Beccaria’s influence on, 145
belief in monarchism, 142–43
contempt for masses, 147
French Revolution and, 84, 880, 890–91, 899, 940
opposition to equalitarianism, 141–42
opposition to revolutions, 144–45
opposition to serfdom, 135
predicts French Revolution, 143
reforms advocated by, 145–47
support for property, 141
sychophancy toward royalty, 140, 148
views on democracy, 142–45
WRITINGS OF (1758–78), 75–76
anti-clerical, 138
correspondence, 138–40
denies authorship of controversial writings, 149
histories, 137–38
Italian translation of Voltaire’s works, 219
philosophical works, 138
plays, 101–3, 136–37
poem on Lisbon earthquake, 154
variety of, 136–37
Volumina legum (Konarski), 475
Volunteers, Irish Protestant, 760–61
Vorontsov, Mikhail Ilarionovich (1714–67), 432
Vorontsova, Elizaveta (fl. 1760), 436–37, 439–40
Voss, Johann Heinrich (1751–1826), 519, 601, 605
Vossische Zeitung, 506
Voyage à l’Île de France (Bernardin de Saint-Pierre), 916
Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce (Barthélemy), 917
Voyer, Marc-René d’Argenson, Marquis de (1722–82), 135
Vulpius, Christiane, see Goethe, Christiane
wages: of English workers, 677, 679
of French workers, 933
Wagner, Richard (1813–83), 26, 335
Wagnière, Jean-Louis (1739–after 1787), 133
on Voltaire and clergy, 876
on Voltaire’s appearance and habits, 134–35
on Voltaire’s trip to Paris, 875
Wahabite sect, 412
Wahlverwandtschaften, Die (Goethe), 612
Wäldchen (Herder), 568
Waldegrave, James, 2d Earl Waldegrave (1715–63), 687, 795
Wales, 670
Wales, George Augustus Frederick, Prince of, see George IV “Walk, The” (Schiller), 599
Wallace, Robert (fl. 1750), Scottish clergyman, 763
Wallachia, 411, 483
ceded by Turks to Austria (1718), 415
peasant revolt in, 361
Wallensteins Lager (Schiller), 601–2
Wallensteins Tod (Schiller), 601–2
wallpaper, 910, 956
Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford (1676–1745), 118, 120, 201, 228, 436, 447, 723, 729–30, 736, 740, 742, 746, 748, 785, 786, 191–95, 809, 824
on Boswell’s Life of Johnson, 841
Chatterton and, 809–10
death of, 795
Mme. du Deffand and, 125, 794–95, 906–7
early life and education of, 792
elected to Parliament, 792–93
family background of, 791
on French authors, 104
on George III, 698
Gibbon and, 800, 803–4
on historians, 795
hoax on Rousseau, 208, 212–14
on individuality of England, 733–34
influence of Burke on, 691
on Johnson, 830, 831
Julie de Lespinasse and, 906–7
literary tastes of, 793–94
memoirs and letters of, 795
opposes slave trade, 733
personality of, 793
on philosophes, 95
policies in Parliament, 793
policy toward India, 716
as publisher, 793
on Robertson, 766
support for American colonies, 711, 713
tour of Italy, 792
visit to France, 794–95
wealth of, 795
writings of, 794
Walpole, Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Orford (1676–1745), 466, 792, 819
Warburton, William (1698–1779), 690, 703, 737
Warens, Françoise-Marie de La Tour, Baronne de (1699–1762), 27, 167
early life of, 7
Rousseau and, 7, 9–15
“War of the Buffoons,” 101
Warsaw, 474–75, 490
acquired by Prussia, 492
last stand against partition, 491–92
Warton, Thomas (1728–90), 824
Washington, George (1732–99), 701, 714, 856
attack on Fort Duquesne, 57
French Enlightenment and, 867
Houdon’s bust of, 912
influence of philosophes on, 899
retreat before Howe, 869
victory at Yorktown (1781), 871
Was ist Aufklärung? (Kant), 540
Watelet, Claude-Henri (1718–86), 126
water frame, 673
Waterloo, battle of (1815), 627
water power and factories, 673
waterways, trade on, 672
Watson, Charles, Admiral (fl. 1757), 58
Watt, James (1736–1819), 674–76, 734, 763–64
Watteau, Antoine (1684–1721), 116, 235
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 746, 786, 808
anticipates Marx’s theories, 771
basic concepts of, 769–71
influence of, 772
Weber, Aloysia (1761?-1839), 390–91, 393, 399
Weber, Constanze, see Mozart, Constanze Weber, Fridolin (fl. 1778), 390
Weber, Josepha (1758–1819), 300
Weber, Karl Maria von (1786–18 26), 243*, 380, 525, 576
Webster, Noah, 824
Wedgwood, Josiah (1739–95), 733–34, 749–50
Weigel, Eva Maria, see Garrick, Eva Maria Weimar, 581
court life in, 552–53
cultural life in, 552
Napoleon in, 606–7
population of, 552
Weishaupt, Adam (1748–1830), 507
Weisweiler, Adam (d. 1809), 523
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of (1769–1852), Madrid liberated by, 307
Werner (Byron), 627
Werner, Abraham (1750–1817), 615
Werner, Gregor (d. 1766), 375
Werther (Goethe), see Sorrows of Young Werther, The (Goethe)
Wesel, Prussia retains, 62
Wesley, John (1703–91), 658, 711, 731–32, 749
West Indies, 58, 732
Westminster, Treaty of (1756), 39–40
Westminster, voting population in, 685
Westminster Convention (1689), 683
Westöstlicher Diwan (Goethe), 641
Westphalia, Frederick II occupies, 53
Westphalia, Treaty of (1648), 38, 46
West Prussia, 484
“What Is, and to What End Does One Study, Universal History?” (Schiller), 593
“Whether the Metaphysical Sciences Are Susceptible of Such Evidence as the Mathematical” (Mendelssohn), 638
Whigs, 692, 711
Hanoverian dynasty and, 699
Hastings’ trial and, 719
opposition to George III, 699
Tories compared with, 685
Whiston, William (1667–1752), 507
“Whiteboys,” rebellion of (Irish Catholic bands), 760
White Russia, 484
“Wiegenlied bei Mondenschein zu singen” (Claudius), 519
Wieland, Christoph Martin (1733–1813), 503, 506, 562, 567, 611, 628, 641, 766
appearance of, 576
contribution to literature, 555
death of, 576–77, 580
early life of, 553
as Freemason, 507
on Goethe, 580–81
on Herder, 577
literary activities of, 576
philosophy of life of, 553–55
Sturm und Drang and, 576
Voltaire’s influence on, 880
in Weimar, 552
welcomes French Revolution, 590
Wiener Zeitung, 346
wigs, 231
Wilberforce, William (1759–1833), 726, 733
Wilhelm of Hanau, ruler of Hesse-Cassel (r. 1785–1803) as landgrave, (r. 1803–21) as elector, 634
Wilhelm Meister (Goethe), 585, 620–21
Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Goethe), 558, 599–601
Wilhelmine, Margravine of Bayreuth (1709–1758), sister of Frederick II, 47–48, 54, 529
Wilkes, John (1727–97), 699, 700, 701–4, 722, 734, 833
Boswell and, 782
conflict with Bute ministry, 702
death of, 708
duel with Martin, 703
early life and education of, 701–2
enters House of Common
s, 702
expelled from House of Commons (1764), 701, 703
flight to Europe of, 703
Goldsmith and, 817
in Gordon Riots, 736
imprisonment of, 702, 704
as leader of parliamentary “radicals,” 708
in Medmenham Abbey, 809
in Naples, 330
personality of, 701, 703
popular support for, 703–4, 707
release from jail, 707
retains parliament seat, 706–7
riots in support of, 704
second expulsion from House of Commons (1769), 704
support for American colonies, 711
third expulsion from House of Commons (1769), 704
Wilkinson, John (1728–1808), 672, 675
Willander, Johan (fl. 1782), 659
Wille, Johann Georg (1715–1807), 113
Willemer, Johann Jakob von (1760–1838), 613–14
Willemer, Marianne von, nee Jung (1784–1860), 613–14
William I, King of the Netherlands (r. 1815- 40), 649
William III, Stadholder of Holland (r. 1672- 1702), King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (r. 1689–1702), 648, 683
William IV, Stadholder of Holland (r. 1747–51), 648
William V, Stadholder of Holland (r. 1751–95), 648–49
William Frederick, Prince (1776–1834), Duke of
Gloucester, 753
William Henry, Fort, 58
William of Ockham (1300?-40), 177
William Tell (Schiller), 604–5
Williams, Anna (1706–83), 780, 822
Williams (London printer; fl. 1763), 702
Wilna, Elijah, see Elijah ben Solomon Wilno, 489, 491
Wilson, Richard (1714–82), 750–51
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim (1717–68), 325-31, 337, 467, 523, 557, 588, 595, 703, 747, 782, 910, 912
early life and education of, 325–26
enters Catholic Church, 326
esthetic theories of, 328–29
Gluck’s operatic views and, 368
hatred of Prussia, 530
honors given to, 330
influence of, 110, 118, 329–30, 524
Lessing and, 510
limitations of, 330–31
Mengs and, 248–49, 327, 329, 331–32
murder of, 330
on Oeser’s paintings, 523
paganism of, 326*; revives classical style, 315
in Rome, 314, 327–28
views on Laocoön statue, 510
Winter Palace, Russia, 426
witchcraft, 276, 316, 356
Woffington, Peg (1714–60), 689, 740, 742
Wolf, Friedrich August (1759–1824), classical philologist, 253
Wolfe, James (1727–59), 58
Wolfenbüttel: library at, 512
Seven Years’ War in, 60
Wolfenbüttel Fragments (Reimarus), 578
Wolff, Caspar Friedrich (1733–94), biologist, 616*
Wolff, Christian von (1679–1754), as philosopher-mathematician, 294, 507, 532, 536, 538, 567, 637
influence of, 531–32, 889
philosophy of, 508
Wöllner, Johann Christian von (1730?–1800), 547