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Santa's Perfect Package: A Collection of Holiday Romances

Page 22

by KB Winters

  “That’s an intriguing offer. But I have no choice but to. . .” She paused and finished off her martini. “. . .say yes. But only if it’s okay with the bride. I don’t want you making trouble for her on her big day on account of me.”

  “No worries there. I was supposed to bring my assistant but his husband got tickets to some show and he told me in no uncertain terms he would much rather be with him, since his odds of getting laid increase exponentially.”

  “Ha! Oh my god, that’s great! Did he hurt your feelings?”

  “Not at all, I just wanted a buffer from husband hunters, gold diggers and matchmaking mothers. Weddings are a breeding ground, you know.”

  She flashed a serious look to match my own and when she spoke her words were grave. “That must be terrible for you.”

  “The worst,” I agreed.

  “Then I have no choice but step in and save you.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” We exchanged contact information and made arrangements so I could pick her up tomorrow before the wedding. “You don’t live too far from me.”


  “The way I’m feeling now is anything but convenient.”

  “Maybe not, but think of how hungry you’ll be for me tomorrow.”

  I couldn’t think of anything else and I knew a long cold shower was in my future tonight, after drinking too damn much with my friends. “I’m ravenous right now.”

  “Me too, but tomorrow will be here soon enough. That means I need my beauty rest.”

  “Good, because you won’t get any sleep tomorrow.” She shivered at my words and stood.

  “Damn, you pack a punch, Jasper. I’ll be right back.”

  She sauntered off and I watched until she disappeared, the round curve of her ass in black lace merged with the memory of her bent over, heart-shaped ass on display while she begged me to fuck her from behind.

  I smiled. Of all the tapas bars in the city of Seattle and she had to walk into mine.

  Chapter Three


  By the time I made it to the bathroom, my panties were soaked and quickly becoming uncomfortable. The man oozed sex appeal, and when he put an effort into seduction, even I couldn’t resist him. Not that I wanted to, because I totally did not. He was tall and ripped, the body of a runner—or maybe a swimmer, I didn’t know but I liked the long, leanness of him. Over me. Under me. Pumping into me for all he was worth. And Jasper had a pretty cock. Very pretty and so delicious. Tomorrow would be fun. A big honking slice of blond Adonis pie, all day and hopefully all night as well.

  Yeah, that was just what I needed.

  Suddenly my boring, workaholic life was looking up. And a little more fun. I splashed water on my face, patted it dry and reapplied my lipstick before opening the door and tossing the paper towel. Feeling more energized than I had in a long time, I strutted down the dim hall and ran smack into a big brick wall of cotton and muscle. “Excuse me.” I tried to walk around the guy without getting involved because meeting strange men in dark hallways wasn’t really my thing, and some guys were just plain creepy.

  “No, excuse me.”

  I froze at that deep baritone. That voice that had uttered some truly, fantastically dirty instructions during our one-night stand. Hell, not really one night, more like a thirty-minute stand. Taking a deep breath, I looked up and blinked, unable to believe my eyes. Bryce friggin’ Nolan stood there smiling down at me, his big muscles crowding out all the light. “Bryce, what a nice surprise.”

  “Is it?”

  “Of course, it is. Why wouldn’t it be?”

  He took a step closer, then another until all those delicious muscles were pressed against mine. “Because you looked pretty cozy with Jasper.”

  “You know Jasper?” He was too close to get the full picture, but his loose bowtie and the blindingly white pleats told of his discarded tux as well. “Don’t tell me, you’re the best friend or the groom?” Because it had to be one or the other. What were the odds that I ran into the last two guys to make me come and they both show up at the same place? On the same night?

  “Best friend. How do you know him?”

  “We spent a weekend together about a year ago.” I wouldn’t hide the truth or shield his feelings. We were both grownups. “I’ll see you at the wedding tomorrow.”

  Surprise flashed in his blue eyes but his body pushed into mine and my body responded. Big time. “Can’t wait. It was good to see you again, Ann.” One big hand slid to my waist and he leaned in, pressing those full lips into my shoulder, my neck as the other hand slid up my thigh, stopping before he got to the good parts.

  “You too, Bryce. Maybe we’ll catch up soon.” I’d definitely have to sample that again because he’d been blessed with a long, thick cock that hit all the right places deep inside of me. Our night had been abbreviated, but oh so satisfying. My legs wobbled the whole way back home after that interlude.

  He pulled away and strode back down the hall, leaving me to catch my breath for a second. Something stirred inside me, something hot and maybe a little dark. It was a whole lot hungry and eager, and excited but I couldn’t quite grasp it yet.

  All I knew was, it had to do with Jasper and Bryce. Night and Day. Yin and Yang.


  The wedding ceremony was beautiful, or at least that was what everyone around me proclaimed as the newly minted bride and groom smiled their way back up the aisle. It was nice, in a wedding kind of way, though. The dress was beautiful, off-white princess gown with a sweetheart neckline and little crystals on the veil. The men wore traditional black tuxes, with sapphire cummerbunds, unlike the tartan ones they wore last night.

  The ceremony was short, which I appreciated, though I also appreciated staring at Jasper and Bryce for twenty minutes straight. They were a handsome pair. No, they were beyond handsome. They took my breath away with all that intense masculinity, different yet indescribably similar. Even now, they laughed together as they waited to meet their partners and reverse the processional. Best friends, huh? What are the fucking odds?

  Apparently the gods and goddesses were having a good old laugh at my expense as I sat waiting for the reception to begin. Complaining about your boring life? Here are two sex gods from your past; figure it out. Hah. If only life were so simple.

  It never was, and this time that was doubly true. Literally. I wanted Jasper and Bryce. They had both taken me to new heights sexually. Jasper was dirty and raw, a master of the oral arts, and he devoted every minute to pleasing me. It was intoxicating. Addictive. But Bryce . . . he was, a work of art. Dark and handsome, built all to hell until his body exploded with muscles, and his big cock made me come twice in half the time it usually took to come once. If I could combine both men into one, I might actually think about settling down. Becoming respectable.

  That would be some feat, Jasper and Bryce. Together.

  A heated tingle began at my toes and slowly warming me up, until I felt beads of sweat popping up all over my body. My pussy clenched tight and pulsed with awareness. Desire. For both of them.

  Together? But I couldn’t do that, could I? Is that what up and coming producers got up to in their spare time?

  Probably not, so I decided to shelve those thoughts. At least for now, because Jasper walked up with more swagger than one man should have, grinning like he’d already thought up ten different ways to sin tonight. I hoped it was at least that many. “Hey hot stuff, you here alone?”

  I nodded slowly, crossing and uncrossing my legs. “Alone and looking.”

  “What are you looking for?”

  “Some hot, dirty fun. Know where I can get some?”

  He reached out to me and I accepted his big, warm hand in mine. He pulled me to my feet. “I have a few ideas.”

  “Let’s hear one of them.” He leaned down until his lips brushed my ear and whispered softly.

  “Let’s just say I might have gotten my hands on a totally seventies moustache.”

ck. Me. “Sounds good,” I told him, my voice thick with desire.

  It took another hour, but we finally made it to the reception hall and through all the wedding reception formalities. Now it was time to dance, and though it was bad form, Bryce had taken the first dance. “I couldn’t resist getting my hands on you in this dress. You look like something I should drink.”

  “I could be.”

  “You could.”

  “But not tonight.” Jasper had taken it in stride that Bryce and I had shared a night together, brushing it off the way I expected him too.

  “Because of Jasper.” It wasn’t a question, so I didn’t answer. “He’s a player.”

  “How do you know that I’m not?” In some circles I might, charitably, be considered a player. A slut, hoochie mama, or whatever other way people talk about women who love sex. But I never made any promises or gave false hope.

  “I don’t, but I guess I’m hoping that means I still have a shot.”

  “Who said you didn’t? Jasper is my date tonight and I wouldn’t disrespect him the same way I wouldn’t do it to you. Call me up, ask me out. See what happens.” I patted his chest. “But my date is headed this way and I owe him a dance.” I didn’t miss the disappointed look Bryce shot my way as Jasper approached but I also refused to indulge his behavior. Neither man had any claim on me and I wouldn’t let either of them pretend otherwise.

  Jasper, the sexy commanding man he was, simply grabbed me up into his arms and twirled me around the floor beautifully. I felt like I was floating under his competent leadership, gliding me all around the dance floor wearing a silly grin of a girl on a first date. I could only imagine how we looked to the rest of the wedding guests, but Jasper was a good dancer and a great date.

  “You’re a good dance partner,” he whispered into my ear, sending an electric current down along my neck and shoulder.

  I blinked up at him. “It’s all about the leader. You dance like a man who’s had lessons.”

  He rolled his eyes. “When I was fifteen, my parents renewed their wedding vows which, for some reason, meant I had to take dance lessons. Turns out a very sexy college student taught the class.” He grinned lasciviously. “I learned a lot.”

  “So I see. Did you make a move on the college girl?” Because I totally see a gangly fifteen-year-old Jasper, putting the moves on an older girl way out of his league.

  His grin at the memory answered the question for me. “Oh, yeah. I got all dressed up in a suit and tie, brought her a bouquet of daisies and tulips and asked her out. She shot me down because I was way too young, but I did get my first kiss that day.”

  “The flowers?”

  He grinned in surprise and nodded. “Yeah, she was really impressed I didn’t bring her roses. But she had this small tattoo on the back of her shoulder. I’d seen it one day when she had on a strapless dress. Daisies and tulips.”

  “Damn, so you were a player from the very beginning?” It explained that easy confidence he wore as impressively as his expensive suits. Unlike most women, I wasn’t turned off by the idea of being with a player. They knew the game and played it well, which I appreciated. Along with the fact they don’t expect more.

  “Not a player, just very good at what I do.”

  “I’m sure you are.”

  We talked more in the hours we spent on the dance floor than we did the entire weekend we had together. Talking hadn’t been all that necessary because he’d been as insatiable for me as I was for him, and our bodies did all the talking back then. But I found that what I knew of Jasper, I liked. When it was time for all the wedding reception traditions, like cake cutting, and bouquet and garter toss, we sat and drank champagne, laughing at all the eager men and women pretending not to believe in the superstition.

  “Is it vital that they all pretend to hate it? I mean, you could just not do it.” He nodded toward the tuxedoed men lining up to catch the garter.

  “I suppose it is if they want to hang on to their man-card. You are a judgmental lot when it comes to feelings and commitment.”

  “Really?” He leaned in close enough I could see the flecks of gold and dark green swimming in his gaze. “Because right now I’m feeling very ready to slide deep inside you, and commit to staying there until your legs can’t hold you up and your voice is hoarse from screaming my name.”

  I swallowed and knocked back the rest of my champagne, letting the sweet bubbles tickle my insides the whole way down. “Oh look, the bride and groom are preparing to leave.”

  His grin widened and he pulled me along, kissing Bryce’s sister and giving a side hug, back pat type hug to the groom. Then he clasped my hand in his and pulled me through the ballroom, across the green and gold marble floors of the lobby and right into a waiting elevator. Hands on my waist, he held me close, but not indecent, so I could feel his need for me. And I felt all of it. Long and hard, throbbing for me.

  The next few minutes passed quickly as we exited the elevator and made our way to his room. “Penthouse? Shouldn’t this be the bride and groom’s?”

  “Oh, they have a much better penthouse suite at the Four Seasons. My gift to the new couple.”

  I smiled as I spun in the center of the room, taking in the luxurious accommodations and high-end amenities. The place was elegant and gorgeous, and honestly, I didn’t give two shits about any of it because my body ached for Jasper. I kicked off my shoes first and tugged the zipper all the way down until the dress fell off my shoulders and on to the floor in a silky puddle. “What a nice guy.”

  He turned at the sound of my voice and his gaze darkened, his hands reaching out for me. “Annie.”

  “Jasper.” I quirked a brow and motioned him to come closer with just one finger.

  “Fuuuuuck.” He scanned my body, my face and then went back to my body. It was the lingerie, I’d chosen it special for tonight. It was soft, silky white lace with just the barest hint of pink. “You look good enough to eat.”

  “Here’s to hoping.” I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down hard, to yank him closer until our mouths crashed together, kissing hard and fast in a frenzy of lips and teeth and tongues. He tasted delicious, like champagne and chocolate cake. It was an intoxicating blend that I couldn’t get enough of, tasting his tongue, sucking on it because the taste of him was better than just about anything.

  He pulled back, sucking in air as he lifted me, and my legs automatically circled his waist. “You don’t waste time, do you?”

  “What would be the point, when we both know what we want?”

  His response was to toss me on the bed, a dark hungry look taking up all of his handsome face. I enjoyed the bounce, but not nearly as much as I enjoyed looking at every inch of the smooth, honey skin he revealed. For a man who wore a suit, Jasper had muscles in all the right places. Abs, pecs, quads, whatever, he had them all in spades. And right now, I just wanted to lick and fuck every inch of him.

  “Tell me Ann, what is it that you want?”

  That was simple. “You.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t catch that?” He grinned and I felt my own mouth tug up into a smile.

  “You, Jasper. I want you.”


  Then neither of us used our words for a long, long time. Jasper stalked to the bed, climbing from the bottom like a predatory cat on the hunt and I was the prey. “Because I haven’t stopped thinking about getting you naked since I spotted you last night.”

  Before I could say another word, he was ripping the lingerie off me, grunting and caressing all the places he uncovered. Then I felt it, a long finger invading my pussy in slow dragging moves. I clenched around him and begged for more, with both my body and my mouth. Then he was right where I wanted him, where I had dreamed of him being again and again since that weekend more than a year ago.

  My entire body was electrified and when his tongue touched my pussy, applying just enough pressure to part my lips, my hips shot off the bed like a rocket. I couldn’t hold still, even wh
en Jasper’s big hands spread my thighs open and held me down. My hips jerked and bucked wildly, desperate to get closer to him, and that sweet hot fucking mouth that was making me have an out of body experience. It was too much. It wasn’t enough.

  Fuck me, it was everything.

  I came and came as he licked and sucked, fucked my pussy with his mouth. His face. “Fuck, Jasper. Yes. Oh yes!” He pulled my clit into his mouth and sucked for all he was worth, sending me spiraling into a never ending abyss of pleasure and darkness that shook my body for several long moments, during which he never released me. “You’re so good at that.”

  His deep chuckle sounded as he kissed his way up my body, licking across my mouth that left a trail of heat that—surprisingly—had me teetering on the edge of orgasm once again. “Your pussy is so sweet. So responsive.”

  I licked my lips at the picture he made, so close and naked. His beautiful cock throbbing, pulsing for me. “You make it easy. Now how about you bring that closer so we can really get this party started?”

  He laughed but slowly that long thick cock drew closer, gently nudging between my lips. “You want this cock?”

  “So bad,” I nodded, using the tip of my tongue to lick across the slit that oozed with unreleased desire. He slid in deeper and I opened my mouth to him, eager to taste him as thoroughly as he’d done me.

  “Open,” he commanded and I obeyed. More cock invaded my mouth but I couldn’t find it in myself to mind. Jasper had a great cock, a perfect eight inches, long and thick, and able to hit every spot every single time. I took all of him, to the back of my throat and swallowed. “Ah, fuck,” he groaned, sliding deeper before pulling out in deference to me.

  “More,” I demanded, my gaze locked with his.

  “Dirty girl, you want me to fuck your pretty little mouth?”

  I nodded and tightened my grip on him to increase the friction as his hips pulled back and thrust into my mouth, steady deep strokes made my pussy flood as he fucked my mouth. His cock stiffened and I knew he was close. “Hey!”


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