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Santa's Perfect Package: A Collection of Holiday Romances

Page 26

by KB Winters

  Yet they were still acting shady as fuck.

  I texted Bryce first because I was most worried about how he processed everything. I knew, even though none of us had talked about it, that Bryce had the most reservations about a threesome. I thought I was doing the right thing, the mature thing, by checking in with him. I sent a casual, breezy text.

  Hey Bryce. I had a great time with you and thought I’d just say hi. So…hi.

  It had taken him a full fucking day to respond and when he did it was, underwhelming to say the least.

  It was great seeing you too, Ann. I’d love to get together with you again soon. Keep in touch. ~B

  That was it. Keep in touch, like I was some groupie looking for the star quarterback to sign my fucking yearbook.

  I spent that night finishing season one of my sexy Roman warriors and a bottle of wine, not too much though because the holidays were in full swing, which meant plenty of field segments around the city.

  The next day we were filming at the Mission Center downtown to show our celebrity hosts donating turkeys and side dishes, plus coats and scarves for Seattle’s homeless population, so I refused to be hungover. Besides, it wasn’t worth it. I never would have done it if I’d known it would produce all this weirdness. Okay maybe I would have done it, but I would have preferred two willing partners. Strangers, maybe.

  Still, after spending all day listening to my hosts bitch about their designer duds being touched by the great unwashed and reminding them there were hot mics everywhere, I was in need of something much stronger than wine. I had two martinis with dinner, maybe it was three, but it only felt like two because of the hearty homestyle meatloaf and mashed potatoes I’d picked up at the diner by the studio. Only after the second martini kicked in and my anger faded, was I able to reach out to Jasper. I’d sent a similar message to him and he responded right away.

  I can still smell you on my skin. Can’t wait to see you again. ~Jas

  Yep, that was it. I didn’t know what to think about Bryce or Jasper, but I knew that for some reason their lukewarm responses to me had dampened my memory of that special night. And dammit, it had been special. It was fucking magical: two big strapping men in the prime of their lives, with one single goal in mind. Me.

  Pleasure. Complete and total carnal bliss. We’d achieved that a thousand times over, but now it all felt sordid and sad.

  And wrong.

  I resolved to take a few steps back from both men. Clearly there was something going on to which I wasn’t privy, and honestly, I didn’t want to come between them. It wasn’t my intention to ever come between them, but maybe I hadn’t considered their needs as much as I should have. Like most women, I assumed two guys like Jasper and Bryce would be up for a night of hedonistic pleasure with a willing woman.

  In hindsight, maybe I should have given it a bit more thought.

  Lesson learned.

  Though I was down about it, I decided not to let anyone ruin my holiday. The rest of this week would be hectic at work as we pre-filmed segments to air when the A team—which included me—would be off for most of the rest of the year. Men came and went, it was the story of my life, and I rarely wasted time on any one man, never mind two.

  Men were for pleasure, for fun. Not that I didn’t believe in love and marriage and all, but if past was the prologue, I was looking down the barrel of a whole lot of nothing. So, I focused on work and took my pleasure where I could.

  And that was how I landed in the middle of the world’s most awkward threesome in the first place. With that depressing thought, I turned off the TV, went to my bedroom and decided to seek the only kind of pleasure that wouldn’t lead to trouble.

  The solo vibrating kind.


  Coffee was the fuel that kept any good producer running and today I needed a bucket of it and it was only noon. I’d been up since five and out on the streets since six, looking for an incredible street performer that Pam had heard and insisted she get to interview. Except she didn’t know his name or the corner where she heard him. Which meant I’d gone through four cups of shitty coffee and increased my blood pressure for nothing.


  And now I stood in the longest line in the city because I needed coffee. The good stuff, not the sludge sold at fast food restaurants or donut shops. Apparently at least half the city had the same thought and my impatience was wearing thin.

  “Excuse me, do you mind if I go ahead of you? I’m in a hurry,” the tall broad shouldered man said, stepping in front of me before I even answered.

  “Actually, I do mind. We’re all in a fucking rush, buddy.” I knew the type, hell I worked with a few just like him. Blond and handsome, future master of the fucking universe. Too bad for him I was in a bad mood and not easily swayed by a pretty face.

  “Bitch,” he mumbled, causing an older woman a few spots behind him to gasp.

  “Don’t mind him ma’am, obviously his mother never spanked him because she clearly didn’t love him. Would you like to go ahead of me?” I wore a sugary sweet smile as she came, hesitation swimming in her kind eyes. “It’s fine.”

  “But my friend, Edna is back there.”

  I looked up at the asshole and grinned even bigger. “Come on, Edna. Best friends and coffee should wait for no one.” He wanted to say something, but I saw the fear in his eyes that I would let every person behind him cut in front of me. I totally fucking thought about it.

  “Sorry, okay? Fuck. It was worth a shot.”

  “It was. My problem was you stepping in front of me before I’d given my answer.” Without another word I turned back toward the counter and checked off all the places I searched for the performer who might not even exist. I had three more places to look before I officially gave up and told Pam she’d have to find him herself.

  The line moved slowly but I used the time to clear some emails and add a few items to the production calendar after confirmations came through. I kind of wished I could work from a coffee shop every day. Something about the scent of fresh coffee beans toned my bitch down by a factor of ten. At least. Someone bumped into me and I turned, ready to spill hellfire at the blond guy behind me. “Watch it!” But it was another blond. “Jasper.”

  “So you do remember my name.” He smiled, looking so good I wanted to climb him and kiss him senseless.

  “It seems I do. What are you doing here?” This place was nowhere near his office so it was hard to believe it was just coincidence.

  “I was just coming from a meeting with a client but there’s a big accident over there and my driver couldn’t get through. Good thing for me since I spotted you and decided to come say hello. Hello.”

  The words sounded right, his mouth even had that flirtatious lilt to it but his eyes only half sparkled. “Hey.”

  “That’s it?”

  I looked up, the perfect picture of innocence. “Oh, we’re not doing that anymore? I thought that was our thing, being short with one another.”

  He frowned but quickly he understood. “Things at work—”

  “Have been crazy,” I finished for him because I knew the spiel. I’d given it a few times and heard it plenty. “That’s fine. I’m a big girl, Jasper. I’ll see you around.” I could have kissed the twenty-year-old behind the counter when he said that beautiful, sweet word that coffee addicts the world over eagerly listen for. “Next.” I placed my order and ignored the man now beside me.

  “I was trying to give you space.” He stood tall and proud, refusing to show any sign of his guilt.

  “You were trying to give yourself space, Jasper.”

  It hurt to say it, but I had no right to be upset about him and Bryce pulling back, so I kept my feelings to myself. I grabbed my coffee and took a fortifying sip before I turned back to him.

  “Merry Christmas, Jasper.”

  I walked toward the door, feeling bad for giving him such a hard time after I heard him placing nearly a dozen coffee orders. Karma’s a bitch, or maybe it’s just me.
  A few inches of snow had already fallen this week and the wind was a real killer, forcing me inside an alcove to check where I was headed next. “Ann.”

  I didn’t bother looking up. “Didn’t we just say goodbye?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  “It doesn’t seem to matter what I want, Jasper. I reached out and you, well you were busy. Giving me space. Thanks, but I have to run.”

  Why was I walking away when all I wanted was for Jasper and Bryce to send me a message, a call even, to say they wanted to do it again? Call it women’s intuition or plain old cowardice, but I couldn’t stand there and pretend to be breezy when I was feeling less than cool.

  “I want to see you again,” he called after me and it took everything I had not to stop and run back to him, wrap my legs around his waist and get down to business.

  “Then call me up and ask me properly.” His laughter sounded behind me but, thankfully, he didn’t follow me. And I wore a smile for the rest of the day.

  Even though I didn’t find that imaginary performer, which meant I needed to fill another segment.

  Chapter Ten


  “I didn’t think you’d say yes.” I smiled and I knew I looked relaxed to the untrained eye as I leaned back in the plush high backed chairs in my dining area, wearing a smile as I flirted with Ann.

  “I wasn’t sure either.” She held the wine glass in a relaxed grip, but she didn’t smile the way she had before. Not before that night, but before the morning after that night. Bryce and I both woke up feeling . . . uhm . . . awkward as fuck. Neither of us had said a word. Just a quick look across Ann’s body before we looked away and dressed quickly. We left without a word to Ann or to each other. “But I was curious.”


  She shrugged as she picked at her salad. “Why you wanted this date.”

  She said it so matter of fact, as though she really didn’t know and that’s when I knew how big of a mistake I’d made. We’d both made. “I wanted to see you. I’ve missed you.” More than I thought I would. I didn’t let women affect me. Ever.

  “So why the cold shoulder act from both of you?”

  She couldn’t hide the hurt in her blue eyes, no matter how hard she tried and I hated myself for hurting her. “I don’t know. At first it was just weird as fuck and then, I just didn’t know what to say. If you wanted me to say anything.”

  She sighed and pushed her plate away. I stiffened, hoping like hell she didn’t plan to leave before the meal got started and suddenly grateful I’d asked her to come to my place for dinner. “What made you think that? The first text message when you were short, or was it the next two you didn’t bother to answer?”

  She was mad. No, Ann was beyond mad. “Ann.”

  “No, Jasper. I liked you and I thought you liked me too, but I was wrong. It’s no big deal. I’ve been wrong before and I’m sure I will be again.” This time she did stand and I took a long moment to appreciate the sight she made in that purple dress that did wild things to her curves. Curves that got smaller and smaller as she walked away.

  “Ann, wait!” I jumped up and in three steps I caught her before she made it to the door. “What the hell?”

  “Jasper, I thought I could do this. I thought you’d charm me and I’d forget how upset I am with how you and Bryce are acting, but I can’t. I didn’t force either of you to do this. You agreed and now you’re both acting like butt hurt kids!”

  She was right but dammit, I didn’t ask her here to fight. I missed her, everything about her from her sexy laugh and sharp tongue, to the way she cried my name as she came. “You’re right, Ann. I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry isn’t going to cut it, buddy. Thank you, but I’m leaving.”

  “No, you’re not.” I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her close, crashing my mouth over hers because I needed to taste her again. Her sweet mouth that always tasted like cherries. Sweet, ripe cherries. She held herself apart at first, stiff and unyielding. But I licked at her lips until she opened and the moment our tongues touched it was explosive. Her hands flew to my head, spearing through my hair to hold me closer while I devoured her mouth.

  I wanted to press her up against the door and bury my cock deep, to feel her pulsing around me as I fucked her the way I wanted to. But I couldn’t. Not yet. I let my hands explore her body, sliding over her narrow waist and down to her sweet, round ass, pulling her closer so she could feel how hard I was for her. I swallowed her moan and she scrambled to get closer, practically climbing up my body.

  She pulled back, panting. “I want you, Jasper.”

  “Good, because I want you, too. So bad I can taste it.”

  She flashed that saucy smile of hers. “Later. Right now, I just need to feel your cock.”

  “Music to my ears,” I growled and pushed her against the wall the way I wanted to, using my weight to hold her at my mercy. She squirmed as I slid my hand up her thigh, higher and higher until the heat of her pussy pulled me closer. “Are you already wet for me, Ann?”

  She nodded, big blue eyes smiling at me. “Soaked, ah! Yes,” she hissed as one long finger invaded her cunt. She was fucking soaked all the way through her panties. Because of me.

  “I hope these aren’t your favorites,” I told her, two seconds before I ripped red satin off to reveal a freshly waxed pussy. “Fuck, babe. I need just one taste.” I didn’t wait for her to answer, because I couldn’t. Instead, I dropped to my knees, lifted a leg over my shoulder and licked her sweet pussy until she began to pulse around my fingers. Now she was ready.

  “What? Why!”

  I laughed and kissed her, lifting her in the air the moment she freed my cock. “I just wanted to make sure you really want it.”

  “If I wanted anymore I’d be breaking laws.”

  Damn that was good to hear. “Then let’s not make you wait any longer, sweetheart.”

  “Yeah, let’s . . . ah!” That right there, that tiny fucking sigh she let out when my cock slammed into her was the sound I heard every night before I fell asleep. “Jasper, yes!”

  Her little cries and ragged breaths kept me hard and moving. Pounding into her wet, hungry body, hard and fast. My hips took over, thrusting wild and hard as her fingers dug into me, scratching me through my shirt which was hot as fuck. “Annie,” I whispered against her neck, loving the way her pussy clenched around me as she neared ecstasy.

  “Jas, yes! Please! More!”

  She held on tighter and I gave her exactly what she wanted, giving her everything she wanted while she begged for more. And only when we were slick with sweat and our voices hoarse from screaming our pleasure, did I take us both over the edge. Screaming and grunting as orgasms swamped us and we both froze, sliding to the floor in a sweaty heap. “Damn, you’re trying to kill me, woman.”

  That husky laugh echoed in the spacious hall, rocking through my chest and clamping around my cock. “Right back atcha, Jas.”

  Did I mention how much I loved it when she shortened my name? Because I did. A lot. “Come here.”

  “You mean here,” she asked as she sat up and drew me deeper into her body. “Or here?” She laid her chest on mine until we were connected from our hips to our lips.

  “I’ll take you anyway I can get you, babe.” I meant that more than she knew, but she smiled down at me and kissed me until we were hot and breathless, greedy for each other and totally insatiable.

  Eventually we ate dinner, cold and naked in bed. We laughed together, ate ourselves full and then we feasted on each other until the sun came up.

  “When can I see you again?” I sounded like a teenager, but I didn’t want another two weeks to pass without seeing her.

  “I guess that depends if we’re done with the whole ‘giving me space’ thing.”

  I laughed and we kissed some more but after she left, I realized she never answered my question.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Happy holidays to yo
u too, Pamela. Enjoy Ibiza.”

  I honestly didn’t give two shits how Pamela spent her time, but she’d only mentioned about ten million times that her new boy toy was a DJ and had a gig in Ibiza, complete with a pretentious accent. I turned on my killer black stilettos and moved as fast as my feet would allow toward the door. As of seven minutes ago I was officially on vacation, unless some major newsworthy shit went down, until New Year’s Eve.

  It wasn’t until I was behind the wheel of my car, the studio shrinking in my rearview mirror, that I began to relax. It was Christmas and this was the saddest, sorriest holiday of my life. I should be out with my girls—if they weren’t all crying ass babies—getting drunk and kissing strangers. I shouldn’t be pouting over two incredible lovers who can’t seem to make up their minds. I should be decorating a tree and drinking eggnog, finding someone to kiss under the mistletoe or have a quick holiday hookup. I should not be contemplating ways to get Jasper and Bryce to my place.

  At the same time. Of course.

  Because they thought they were slick, that I wouldn’t see through their tricks. I asked Jasper about Bryce at dinner and all he would say was, “He’s fine.” Same thing when I spoke to Bryce a few days later. They were going out of their way to avoid mentioning the other, but they were friends, best friends by their own words, so they had to know I’d been seeing them both. Maybe they didn’t engage in the typical post-sex locker room talk—that would be weird, right? But they knew.

  I had to ask myself if I was willing to come between best friends? The answer, sadly, was no. But this wasn’t just about getting off. I liked them both. Jasper and I had a great time together, laughing and flirting outrageously and talking about world events. But Bryce was sweet and loved to read, plus the jock in him indulged my love of sporadic regular runs.

  Shit, I liked them both. I wanted them both.


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