Crazy about Tara (Hastings Brothers Book 3)

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Crazy about Tara (Hastings Brothers Book 3) Page 6

by Mallory Funk

  From what we all gathered, there was a lot of shots and mixing different shots trying to come up with our own. It turned into a pretty fun night with my future in-laws.

  After breakfast, we get up to clean the house since it’s trashed. I don’t remember having a house this bad after a party in years. There are so many empty beer and liquor bottles around the house, it was no wonder we all ended up where we did.

  Once everyone had cleaned, we all retreated to our own houses or rooms. I couldn’t wait to go to sleep, after loving my woman for a while of course.

  Tara seems to be just as tired as I am. I’m sure that it had to do with her staying up late with everyone because she didn’t want to miss anything. It’s around supper time when we go upstairs. I ordered us food so neither of us would have to cook and because I was still slightly hung over. I knew that Tara would be too tired to do anything, so we ordered pizza and wings.

  I just finished bringing everything upstairs along with Gatorade and water. When I walk into the room, Tara is sitting on top of the bed looking at the door. Her eyes light up when I walk into the room and I’m not really sure if that’s for me or the pizza, but I don’t want to ask in case it wasn’t for me.

  I set everything on the bed and sit with Tara. She already has a movie paused and ready to go. I’m too tired and exhausted to argue with her about what we are watching.

  When she turns the movie on, I notice that we are watching The Fast and Furious movie. It seems like she wants to do a marathon with these movies. I have a feeling that we will barely make it through the first one since we both keep yawning. It doesn’t matter that it’s almost six o’clock at night. It just means that we are going to be up really early tomorrow or awake in the middle of the night.

  Chapter Eight


  I slowly wake up the next morning when the sun has barely risen. When I glance at the clock, it’s just before five in the morning. I feel a hand stroking my stomach. I look over my shoulder and find Derek looking at me with a small smile on his face.

  He looks so fucking sexy in the mornings, or any time of the day for that matter.

  “Morning, baby,” he says to me before he brushes his lips against mine.

  “Morning love, I can’t believe we fell asleep so early last night,” I say as I move my body so that I can stretch. I arch my back and put my hands above my head, and I don’t miss the hunger in Derek’s eyes. He bites his bottom lip like he can’t wait to take a bite out of me.

  When he brings his eyes to mine, I know he sees how much I want him. We haven’t had sex since I have been home from the hospital because he was afraid something would happen to the baby, but we had a talk about it and I told him I was fine, and if I didn’t feel fine then I would let him know if anything hurts.

  I’m only wearing a tank top and panties. Usually I’m naked and so is Derek because he likes to have his way with me before we fall asleep, but it looks like last night we both fell asleep before anything could happen. We still like to sleep naked even though we haven’t had sex. I like feeling his skin on mine.

  No matter how mad I am, I always want him. He has this look he gives me that makes me weak in the knees. When he brings his mouth down to mine, I don’t hesitate to bring my lips up to his. There is nothing I love more than kissing Derek Hastings.

  It always feels like the first time. There is always so much passion and heat behind his kisses. From the first time we kissed, I have been addicted. There are times when he can be gentle yet commanding with his kisses, and then there are the times when they are rough and intense like he has been waiting years to kiss me. It always feels like he knows which kind of kiss I want in that moment.

  This kiss is intense and hungry. It feels like it has been years since I felt this much heat with him even though I know that it’s only been weeks. All the pent-up energy has been saved for this moment.

  It doesn’t take long for one of his hands to travel down my side and slide down my hip so that he can grip my ass and bring me closer to him. We are both lying on our sides and his lips never leave mine, but the hand that’s on my ass moves down to grip my thigh and bring my leg over his hip.

  I can feel his erection digging into my core. I start slowly grinding onto him and he moves his mouth from mine when I give a low moan. He pulls my tank top down revealing my breasts, and wastes no time sticking one in his mouth. I arch my back and try to bring his mouth closer to me in a silent demand. Derek lets out a throaty chuckle.

  He knows I love him teasing me as much as he loves to do it. He lightly teases my nipple with his tongue while his hand grazes over my underwear. He skims his hands over the lining of my panties. His fingers get closer but not exactly where I want them. I place my hand on his back and let my nails lightly graze his back. He sucks in a breath and brings his eyes to mine. When my eyes meet his, he gives me a small smile and runs his finger over my panties. I know he can tell how wet I am.

  I want him to touch me so badly, but I don’t at the same time. This is the sweet torture that I love, and he knows how much I love it.

  Derek applies a bit of pressure against my clit through my panties. I can’t help the moan that escapes my throat. When he runs his hand under my panties, and I feel the slight pressure of his hand on my skin, I instantly become more wet.

  He brings his hand down to my entrance and lets out a low groan when he finds out just how wet I am. Slowly, he inserts a finger inside of me and rubs his thumb against my clit. My hips press myself harder against his hand.

  “Fuck baby, you’re so wet for me,” Derek says before he claims my mouth with a rough and passionate kiss.

  When I start to feel my stomach tighten and my pussy clench around his finger, he inserts another one and picks up the pace. It doesn’t take long for me to reach my climax.

  Before I know what’s happening, Derek takes my panties and top completely off along with his boxers and lays me on my back so that he can climb between my legs. Slowly, he enters me and curses when he is all the way inside

  He brings his face down so that he can kiss me. I put my hands in his hair and tug the ends a little which makes him thrust harder and faster. His hand finds my clit and he clenches his jaw. I know he’s trying to hold himself back.

  “Come for me, baby,” I whisper into his ear and softly bite it while clenching my walls around him.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he says before he loses all control. I love making Derek lose control. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing this amazing man lose control.

  I feel his release inside of me, and the slowing of his thrusts. He leans back on his knees taking himself out of me. He thrusts two fingers inside of me and starts rubbing my clit with his other hand. I don’t bother trying to tell him to stop because I know he likes to make sure I come last.

  There has only been the odd time that I didn’t come while we were fucking or making love, but whenever I told him that was fine because I already came once, he would shake his head and continue to pleasure me. It’s usually when I make him lose control by clenching around him when I know that he’s trying to hold himself back from coming that I don’t come with him.

  He makes sure I’m taken care of, always. This man had my heart from the get go.

  It doesn’t take long for me to find my release, and I’m clenching around his fingers and shouting his name.

  When my heartbeat starts to slow down along with my breathing, I open my eyes and catch Derek smiling softly and running his hands over my small baby bump. I felt like I was just gaining weight before, but it seems like after I found out that I was pregnant, I started to show instantly.

  He kisses my belly and then slowly moves to lie beside me before kissing me softly on the mouth. I can’t help the silly grin that comes over my face.

  “I love you, baby,” he says softly.

  “I love you too.”


  As I look over at Tara, I can’t help but feel happy and very thankful tha
t I found someone as amazing as her. I didn’t know that one look at her would change my whole world around, and now she’s carrying my baby.

  The last couple days of getting to know her family have been eye opening. I love her even more now that I am getting to know her family. Her mother loves to ramble which is clearly where Tara gets it from. Her father loves his pranks and gets that look in his eye that I always see in Tara’s when pranks are pulled. Her brother plays the part of overprotective brother pretty well and has already threatened that if I harm or hurt his sister in anyway that he isn’t going to watch and stand by like he did with Jeff. I had to stop myself from punching him when he thought to compare me to that asshole in any way.

  If there ever was a guy not worthy of breathing the same air as Tara it would be Jeff. That asshole didn’t deserve her, and I still can’t believe she wasted so much time on him. I was very happy that he had stopped calling after he had seen us together on a date. I made sure he knew what I would do if he kept calling. I was glad that it didn’t turn out to be a situation like Paige had with an ex that wouldn’t let her go. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problems protecting Tara at any cost, but I would hate to see the look of fear and sadness that Paige had when we couldn’t find him. I don’t know how Trevor did it, honestly. If it had been me then I would have torn this whole town down and then some until I got the asshole that put that look on my woman.

  Tara’s sister was shy in the beginning, but the more time she spent around all of us the more she seemed to open up. That’s how Tara seemed in the beginning. She’s quiet until she gets to know you.

  We spend the next two weeks with Tara’s family. Small pranks have been played here and there, but nothing crazy. It was nice that someone in this group still had their parents, and they treated all of us like we were their children in a way. They all had talked about moving closer so that they can be near their grandchild, and I could tell that Tara loved that idea.

  Cole had joked about finding a house on the same block so that one day we could have the whole block to ourselves. Everyone was laughing, but I think that we all might have taken it somewhat seriously.

  I could already picture how crazy this block would be if we ended up buying out everyone who owned the rest of the houses on it. I can’t help but shake my head at the thought.

  I had taken Tara’s dad aside to ask for his blessing to marry his daughter. I know how much they mean to each other, so I wanted to do this the right way and I didn’t want her to think I was proposing because she was pregnant. This just happened to be the first time I met Hank Stone and was able to get time alone with him, even though I might not propose for a couple months. I want to make sure I do it right and in a way that will show Tara that I know her and love her for her.

  Hank had talked with me for several hours over a few beers. First, there was a reminder of what he would do to me if I ever hurt his baby girl or grandchild anyway. I think him saying that while holding a shot gun (that I’m sure he had gotten from Thomas) was the scariest moment in my life. It didn’t help that the man is twice my size either. After his threat, he had proceeded to have beers with me. I woke up in the hallway closet at the Johnson’s house. The guys had nodded their heads at me while grinning like they knew I was in there the whole time.

  When I had gotten home to Tara, she was sitting on her bed smiling at me. Apparently, I had texted her throughout the night that I was drinking with her dad. Eventually her brother came to join, and next thing I knew the men were having beers at the Johnson’s house where Hank started matching me shot for shot. I obviously couldn’t turn him down because I didn’t want to appear weak or seem like I couldn’t handle it. I was trying to marry the guy’s daughter for crying out loud.

  To say the two-week visit with Tara’s family was interesting is underselling how the days went with them here.

  Chapter Nine


  Three months later

  The next three months have been full of ups and downs; not to mention those dreaded hormones that you hear so much about. I have become a victim of them. I really wish I was exaggerating but I’m not. My woman scares the living shit out of me.

  There are days when I have my sweet, crazy Tara and I remember why I fell in love with her all over again.

  Then, there are the days that the hormones take a turn for the worse and we all want to run away scared and hide.

  I have to keep reminding myself that there are only eight weeks left of this pregnancy, give or take a day or two.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love the way Tara looks swollen with my baby, and the odd time she will let me feel the baby kick and talk to it. We decided not to find out what we were having because we didn’t care either way what it was. We are just enjoying the idea of having a piece of her and me together.

  She has that glow about her and, at the risk of sounding like a complete guy, her tits look fucking fantastic.

  We were having sex until last week when she had told me that it hurt too much, and that it’s hard to feel sexy when you have a huge stomach. I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable around me, or not feel sexy at all, but then I didn’t understand how she felt even though I tried hard to. I recently joined an online group for expecting parents so that I could better understand what Tara is going through.

  I love her with all my heart, but when you have to run outside from your car to the house on a weekly basis because she is shooting paintballs at you and all of your friends and family with an evil smile on her face, it can be frustrating.

  She had to stop working when the doctor suggested it. She was having back pain and the smells at the salon had started to make her nauseous once she hit her third trimester.

  Every few days she seems to get bored. At first, she would try and find things around the house to do, or books to read. Then she started bugging Claire about not releasing books fast enough, and when Claire had enough of her bugging her and started ignoring her texts and calls, Tara took it upon herself to start shooting at us as soon as we got home from work. It seems that every week her smile gets bigger because she gets to see her friends run from their cars into the house, and she actually fucking cackles when she hits someone. It’s like we are her own moving targets.

  The first night was scary entering my bedroom. I thought for sure that I I would get mauled by paintballs, but Tara simply rolled her eyes and said she wasn’t stupid enough to shoot them in the house because she would have to be the one to clean them.

  Tara’s boredom has become a real problem and, with her family moving here in a couple weeks, I really hope that they can help her or, at the very least, entertain her.

  She has taken it upon herself to dig up the age- old pranks. That’s right, salt instead of sugar and then whoopy cushions under seats and couch cushions. Ringing the doorbells and running into the bush to hide. Prank calling our work. When we stopped answering the number that we knew was hers, she figured out how to block her number and we had no choice but to answer it.

  We can’t exactly tell the only pregnant woman in our group that she’s driving us crazy. That would be a suicide mission.

  My thoughts are interrupted when the sound of my phone rings.

  “Hello?” I answer without looking at the caller id.

  “Hey Derek, son, everything is set, and we will be moving to the house at the end of the block in two weeks,” Tara’s dad Hank says on the other end of the phone.

  They had bought the house at the end of the block taking Cole’s suggestion seriously. The couple that lived there couldn’t take much more of our pranks and, as soon as it was put up on the market, we let the Stone family know. Tara’s brother and sister were looking for apartments in town and away from their parents, but they had said that if a house opened up on the block, they would not hesitate to buy it.

  “Sounds good that everything is in order. Do you need anything from us?” I ask looking over the backyard through the kitchen window.

  “Just need you
boys to help unload the truck when we get up there. I didn’t realize how much shit we had until the wife packed it up,” he says. I can’t help but chuckle.

  “Alright, I will tell the others. Let us know what time you will be in and we will make sure we have the time off to help.”

  “Alright son, how’s my daughter? She tells me she’s fine, but I don’t really believe her right now.”

  I sigh and I know he heard it. I hesitate. Do I tell him the truth that his daughter is driving me crazy? Here goes nothing. “Well, to be completely honest, sir, Tara is driving me fucking crazy.”

  The line goes quiet and I have to pull the phone away from my ear to make sure that he didn’t hang up on me. When I’m sure he didn’t, I place the phone back to my ear in time to hear the burst of laughter from him. It takes him several minutes before he calms down. I actually look down at my watch because he’s taking so long.

  “Oh well son, I’m sorry to hear that,” Hank says on a chuckle.

  My lips twitch. “I can tell,” I mutter dryly.

  “Alright, I will have to tell you that it’s a relief to have someone who knows what I went through with Tara’s mom. She drove me up the fucking wall. When the doctor put her on bedrest with Richard, it was fucking terrible. These Stone women do not handle boredom very well, and the extra hormones that are added with pregnancy are icing on the cake. I have a feeling that she’s not only driving you crazy but everyone else as well, am I right?” he asks.

  “Oh yeah, you hit the nail on the head,” I tell him, and he chuckles.

  “Just watch what you say and do not say anything about her hormones or refer to them as a separate being. That will give you a straight kick to the balls,” he tells me, and I can’t help but wonder if he had done the very same thing to Delores.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I tell him.

  “Alright, son. I’ll call you in a few days with the details. Just feed her whatever she’s craving when she gets hormonal on you. It’s soothes them,” he says on a whisper, so I think Delores must have walked in the room.


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